3.1. UV- Vis absorption and FT-IR analysis of the extract
Spectroscopic techniques such as UV-Vis absorption and FT-IR spectroscopy can be used to identify the chemical compounds in plant extracts (Mohani et al 2014, Kumar et al 2020). FT-IR is a high-resolution analytical technique used to identify chemical constituents and elucidate structural compounds (Mamta et al 2012). These techniques offer rapid and nondestructive investigation to fingerprint plant extracts. The absorption and FT-IR spectra of the methanolic extract of M. sylvestris are illustrated in Fig. 2.
A broad and intense absorption band is visible around 300–400 nm, along with a sharp peak at 670 nm. These results can be used to characterize some compounds such as flavonoids and their derivatives in the methanolic extract. However, it's important to supplement the UV-Vis results with other techniques like GC/MS for proper characterization and constituent identification of the prepared extract (Mohani et al 2014). Similar observations have been reported for other plants such as Acorus calamus (Kumar et al 2020) and Micrococca mercurialis, Dillenia pentagyna (Mamta et al 2012).
The FT-IR peak values and corresponding functional groups are listed in Table S1. The FT-IR shows a broad peak at 3756.65 cm− 1, indicating the presence of free O-H stretching, and another peak at 3370.96 cm− 1 representing strong H-bonding. Additionally, strong peaks at 2858 and 2927 cm− 1 indicate the presence of C-H stretching. The observed peaks at 1334, 1395, and 1620 cm− 1 can be related to the presence of aromatic C = C stretch. Furthermore, sharp peaks at 998 and 1056.8 cm− 1 are assigned to the presence of = C-H vinyl, while the peak at 829 cm− 1 indicates the presence of C-C stretching. Based on the observed functional groups in the FT-IR spectrum, it can be confirmed that there are various secondary metabolites such as phenols, alkanes, alcohols, alkynes, and aromatic compounds in the methanol extract.
(Fig. 2)
3.2. UV-vis absorption and FT-IR analysis of the Ag/AgO NSs
The UV-visible spectroscopy results of the M. sylvestris aqueous extract before and after the synthesis of Ag/AgO NSs are presented in Fig. 3B. In the figure, it is evident that no significant absorption peak is observed in the plant extract, while Ag/AgO NSs shows an absorption peak at λmax at 320 nm Figre 3B. The presence of the maximum absorption peak in the curve obtained from the extract with Ag NPs at λmax of 320 nm is one of the simplest methods to demonstrate the synthesis of Ag NPs. The shifting changes or wavelength in peak intensity explain the types of functional groups involved in the binding mechanisms.
The FT-IR spectrum for M. sylestries extract exhibited absorption bands at 3005, 3679, 1576, 1388, 1080, 615, and 532 cm− 1, as illustrated in Fig. 3A. According to Yallappa et al 2015, the peaks ranging from 3365 cm− 1 to 2915 cm− 1 are related to the OH (hydroxyl) in the J. Sambac leaves extract. The peak at 1080 cm− 1 can be assigned to CO bending from the phenols and flavonoid compounds in M. sylestries extract. The strong, broad peaks observed at 1576 and 1388 cm− 1 correspond to the aromatic ring (C = C) of the phenols and flavonoids structure. The peak at 615 cm− 1 corresponds to the CH bending of aromatic bending outside the plane groups from the structure in M. sylestries extract.
The peak at 1385.37 cm− 1 corresponds to the C = C stretching (Khosravi et al 2023). The M. sylestries@Ag/AgO NSs synthesized showed stronger absorption intensity, and the FT-IR spectrum showed some shifting of the highest peaks (Fig. 3A). The peak shifted, indicating that the responsible functional groups were involved in the binding mechanism on the Ag/AgO NSs. After the synthesis process, the peaks at 3005, 3679, 1576, 1388, 1080, 615, and 532 cm− 1 shifted to 3000 to 3600, 1575, 1375, 1116, and 615 cm− 1 corresponding to C-O and O-H stretching, C-H stretching, the aromatic ring of the phenol and flavonoids structure, respectively (Shameli et al 2012). The peaks increased in the case of Ag/AgO NSs, suggesting that functional groups might also be bonded with the Ag/AgO NSs. Additionally, the FT-IR spectrum of the extract before and after the synthesis of Ag/AgO NSs is similar; however, the spectrum of the extract showed less intensity, indicating the activity of different types of phenolic and flavonoid compounds present in the extract (Slathia et al 2021, Atri et al 2023).
(Fig. 3)
3.3. XRD, EDS and BET elemental analysis
The XRD pattern reveals the determination of physicochemical properties of the Ag/AgO NSs by M. sylvestris plant extract. The XRD pattern of silver nanoparticles synthesized with M. sylvestris plant extract are depicted in Fig. 4, showing peaks (111), (200), (211), (220), (221), (013), and (311). The peaks at 2θ = 38.07°, 44.26°, 64.43°, and 77.16° are related to the face-centered cubic (fcc) structure of Ag NPs, which is in complete agreement with the standard X-ray diffraction pattern of silver (JCPDS, File No. 89-3722) (Alharthi et al 2020). The peaks at 2θ = 32.5°, 36°, 46°, 55°, 57°, 64° and 77.16° are related to the face-centered cubic (fcc) structure of AgO NPs, which is in complete agreement with the standard X-ray diffraction pattern of silver oxide (Abdalameer et al 2021).
The parameters of the unit cell are based on the information in the standard card No. 96-150-9147 Fig. 4 (B) (Alharthi et al 2020, Williams). The average crystallite size of the Ag NPs is calculated using Debye Scherrer’s formula.
In the equation, D represents the grain size, where k = 0.9 is the crystal shape factor, λ is the wavelength of 1.5406 Å, β is the full width of the X-ray and is equivalent to the half maximum of the diffraction peak, and θ is the angle corresponding to the diffraction peak. The results of particle size calculation obtained from Scherrer's equation are 44.33 nm.
Williamson-Hall method: One of the drawbacks of Scherrer's method was that it related peak broadening only to grain size, while studies showed that peak width is related to network strains in addition to grain size. Williamson and Hall introduced the grain size and intra-lattice strains as the reason for the broadening of the peaks resulting from X-ray diffraction. Based on the presentation theory by Williamson-Hall, the width of the peak at half maximum intensity is a function of the particle size and also the intra-lattice strains.
\(\:\beta\:s\) And \(\:\beta\:d\) respectively, the broadening of the peak is due to the grain size and network strains. Stokes and Wilson defined the upper limit of network strain as follows:
\(\:{\epsilon\:}=\frac{\varDelta\:\text{d}}{\text{d}}\) The relative change of the distance between the crystal plates is the lattice strain. With paying attention to relations 1 and 3, the size of grains \(\:\frac{1}{\text{cos}\theta\:}\) and strain with \(\:\frac{1}{\text{tan}\theta\:}\) which θ, Bragg's angle is proportional. By putting relations 1 and 3 in 2, we have:
Equation 5 is obtained by multiplying the sides of Eq. 4 in \(\:\text{cos}\theta\:\) for layer nanoparticles (\(\:\beta\:\text{cos}\theta\:-\beta\:\text{sin}\theta\:)\) Williamson. The graph of unbaked AgNps is shown in Fig. 5. By fitting the line to the graph data, the particle size and mesh strain can be calculated from the value of the width from the origin and D and the slope of the fitted line, respectively. Calculations of the particle size of the samples from the fitting line of Fig. 5 are given 64.16 nm.
The composition of the Ag/AgO NSs was analyzed using scanning SEM-EDX mapping as shown in Fig. 6A to investigate the element distribution of the NPs. The colored elemental mapping images in Fig. 6A show that Ag atoms (green) were evenly distributed throughout the entire NP structure, indicating that the Ag structure was alloyed in nature. Additionally, EDX elemental line scanning on a single particle Fig. 6B confirmed that the NP was composed of alloyed metal elements. The EDX data also indicated that the mole fraction of Ag was 2.31.
The presence of the Ag element in the mapping analysis demonstrated that the Ag NPs were synthesized, successfully. However, other elements such as C, O, K, Al, and N may be related to the extract of M. sylestries plant (Khosravi et al 2023).
Figure 7 (A) indicates the nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of Ag NPs, which suggests the presence of mesoporous structures. Based on the BET analysis, surface area, the total pore volume, and mean pore diameter of the AgNPs were obtained at, 0.005 cm3 g− 1 0.738 m2 g− 1, and 27.04 nm, respectively. Besides, the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method is employed to study the pore size of a wide range of biogenic NPs, the pore size of Ag NPs produced by M. sylestries leaf extract was found to be 1.8 nm. Figure 7 (B)
(Fig. 4), (Fig. 5), (Fig. 6) and (Fig. 7)
3.4. Chemical composition of the essential oil
The essential oil extracted from the dried aerial parts of M. sylvestris was a light yellow oil obtained using SDE apparatus. The relative abundance and chemical composition of the essential oil are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 8. The GC/MS analysis identified 34 components, constituting 93.34% of the total oil composition. The main compounds in M. sylestris essential oil were oleic acid (18.5%), palmitic acid (11.08%), phytone (6.64%), p-pinylguaiacol (6.4%), and phytol (4.23%) as illustrated in Table 1. Additionally, the essential oil of the herbal M. sylestris contains phenolic and hydrocarbon compounds such as fatty acids. The results show that the essential oil of the flower, leaf, and fruits of M. sylestris contains main compounds including palmitic acid (18.8%), 4-vinyl guaiacol (14.0%), and α-linolenic acid (35.5%) (Table 2). These results are consistent with previous studies on M. sylestris essential oil composition obtained by the clevenger technique (Delfine et al 2017). They showed that the flowers had linoleic acid and palmitic acid, while the leaves were rich in α-linoleic acid. The chemical composition of the essential oil of the flowers of M. sylvestris collected in Japan has also been analyzed (Hasimi et al 2017). The findings show high percentages of hexadecanoic acid (10.5%) and hydrocarbons (25.4%) in the obtained essential oil.
The analysis of M. sylvestris shows that the essential oil composition in the Malva genus differs in terms of chemical profile compared to other species. M. sherardiana (Jain et al 2016) and Malva neglecta essential oils (Li et al 2022) contain high concentrations of Hinokione spathulenol, palmitic acid, α-linoleic acid, and linolenic acid. On the other hand, M. aegyptiaca L. essential oil is characterized by the abundance of dillapiole (Zouari et al 2011). Another study reported that linolic acid was one of the main compounds found in M. aegyptica L. extract, consistent with our findings (Shreshtha et al 2017). Fatty acids and hydrocarbons seem to constitute the main compounds of M. sylestries essential oil. Other species from the same genus were characterized by the abundance of oxygenated fatty acids, notably M. sherardiana, M. neglecta, and M. aegyptiaca L. (Adams et al 2007, Fadli et al 2012). The chemical compositions of the essential oils extracted from the Malva species displayed a large intra and interspecies variability, depending on the conditions under which the plants are grown. Essential oil chemical profiles might vary with seasons, soil composition, plant age, and geographical location (Delfine et al 2017, Hajdari et al 2016). Additionally, the plants' essence compounds depend on genetics and geographical location (Rajabi et al 2019).
(Table 1, 2) and (Fig. 8)
Table 1
Composition of the essential oil from the plant of M. sylestris from Iran. The essential oil is mainly composed of carbohydrates (37.46%) and its major constituents are Oleic acid (18.5%), Palmitic acid (11.08%), phytone (6.64%), p-Vinylguaiacol (6.4%), and phytol (4.23%).
NO | RT | Compounds | MW | Chemical formula | Content% |
1 | 16.667 | 5-Methyl-2-furaldehyde | 110.11 | C6H6O2 | 1.78 |
2 | 16.827 | Benzaldehyde | 106.12 | C7H6O | 1.85 |
3 | 17.209 | Trisulfide, dimethyl | 126.26 | C2H6S3 | 0.78 |
4 | 20.999 | Phenylacetaldehyde | 120.15 | C8H8O | 3.16 |
5 | 22.593 | Acetophenone, 2-hydroxy | 136.15 | C8H8O2 | 0.97 |
6 | 23.971 | Nonanal | 142.24 | C9H18O | 1.01 |
7 | 28.863 | Safranal | 150.21 | C10H14O | 1.15 |
8 | 29.177 | Cyclohexane, propadienyl | 122.21 | C9H14 | 1.36 |
9 | 30.418 | Coumaran | 120.06 | C8H8O | 2.08 |
10 | 31.023 | D-Carvone | 150.22 | C10H14O | 0.70 |
11 | 32.161 | α-Ethylidenbenzeneacetaldehyde | 146.18 | C10H10O | 1.78 |
12 | 33.310 | Limonen-10-ol | 152.23 | C10H16O | 1.00 |
13 | 34.201 | p-Vinylguaiacol | 150.17 | C9H10O2 | 6.40 |
14 | 36.562 | Benzeneacetaldehyde,α-(2 methylpropylidene) | 174.24 | C12H14O | 0.78 |
15 | 37.156 | β-Damascenone | 190.28 | C13H18O | 0.52 |
16 | 37.505 | 5-Amino-1-phenylpyrazole | 159.19 | C9H9N3 | 2.61 |
17 | 38.568 | Isodurene | 134.22 | C10H14 | 0.94 |
18 | 39.985 | cis-Geranylacetone | 194.31 | C13H22O | 0.80 |
19 | 40.505 | Tetradecamethylcycloheptasiloxane | 519.08 | C14H42O7Si7 | 1.01 |
20 | 41.334 | dehydroionone | 110.11 | C6H6O2 | 1.31 |
21 | 41.442 | β-E-Ionone | 192.29 | C13H20O | 3.32 |
22 | 41.593 | 6-Methyl-6-(5-methylfuran-2-yl) hept-2-one | 208.29 | C13H20O2 | 2.93 |
23 | 43.751 | Dihydroactinolide | 180.24 | C11H16O2 | 1.29 |
24 | 45.506 | Megastigmatrienone A | 190.14 | C13H18O | 2.00 |
25 | 52.290 | Myristic acid | 228.37 | C14H28O | 0.68 |
26 | 54.811 | Neophytadiene | 278.51 | C20H38 | 2.02 |
27 | 55.011 | Phytone | 448.6 | C24H48O7 | 6.64 |
28 | 55.662 | Hexacosane | 366.7 | C26H54 | 1.80 |
29 | 57.377 | 5-9-13-Pentadecatriene-2-one,6-10-14-trimethyl | 262.43 | C18H30O | 2.11 |
30 | 58.548 | Isophytol | 296.53 | C20H40O | 0.97 |
31 | 59.154 | Palmitic acid | 256.3 | C16H32O2 | 11.08 |
32 | 63.355 | Linolenic acid, methyl ester | 292.45 | C19H34O2 | 1.05 |
33 | 63.721 | phytol | 296.53 | C20H40O | 4.23 |
34 | 64.681 | Oleic acid | 282.47 | C18H34O2 | 18.05 |
| Carbohydrates Monoterpene Diterpene Fatty acids Others Non found Total (%) | | | 37.46 5.57 7.22 30.18 15.04 8.66 100 |
Table 2. The chemical structures of the most representative phytochemicals in essential oil Mallow, a. p-Vinylguaiacol, b. phytone, c. Palmitic acid, d. phytol and e. Oleic acid.
In a supplementary study, the presence of PDB3 in the extract was examined using the HPLC technique, by comparing the retention time (tR) of the PDB3 standard chromatogram (Fig.S4) and the peak corresponding to the extract sample chromatogram. For the separation of the substances of the extract, the parameters of the column and the mobile phase were tested, as described above. In the isocratic elution mode, the elution time of PDB3 was around 10 minutes. As can be seen, the applied methodology is characterized by complete chromatographic separation of PDB3 from other components of the extract, which is a requirement for the effectiveness of the technique. The tR of PDB3 of M. sylvestris extract coincides with tR of the standard sample of PDB3 (Fig. S4). Given the chromatographic settings, the symmetry factor for the standard peaks of PDB3 was close to 1 with a tR of 10 minutes. Prodelphinidin is identified in cereals (Hordeum vulgare, Humulus lupulus), legumes (Pisum sativum L), fruits (Ribes rubrum, Sambucus nigra), Beverages and spices (Cinnamomum zeylanica L.) (Teixeira 2016). A study on Anacardium occidentale L. skin and flesh with a acetone/water ratio of 60/40 through the HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS method found prodelphinidin compounds (Michodjehoun et al 2009) The previous reports indicated the contents of vitamins, anthocyanin, saponin, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds (Hasimi et al 2017), which is consistent with our finding of PDB3 (tannin) composition.
3.5. Total flavonoids and total phenols assay
The total flavonoid and total phenol content were determined using the aluminum chloride colorimetric and Folin-Ciocalteu methods, respectively. To do this, the absorption spectra of the standard solution (10–50 ppm) of gallic acid and quercetin were recorded, and then the methanolic extract was analyzed (Fig. S5). The absorbance intensity of the solutions at their maximum wavelength was used for quantitative assays. A significant correlation was observed between absorbance and the concentration of gallic acid and quercetin for the analysis of flavonoids and total phenols in the extract, as shown by the excellent regression coefficients (R2 = 0.9684 and 0.9973). The ratio of flavonoids to phenols in the M. sylestries extract is presented in Table S2. The total phenol and flavonoid contents were found to be 97.267 mg gallic acid equivalent/g and 217.28 mg quercetin equivalent/g, respectively. These results indicate an acceptable content of flavonoids and phenols in the plant. The presence of these secondary metabolites suggests potential beneficial uses (Razavi et al 2011).
3.6. Antimicrobial activity
The disc-diffusion method was used to evaluate the qualitative antibacterial activities of M. sylvestris extracts. The methanol extract showed more pronounced effects against B. subtilis and E. coli with inhibition zones of 20 and 23 mm, respectively, while P. aeruginosa remained the most resistant bacteria with a diameter of 15 mm. In comparison, the aqueous extract of the plant exhibited more sensitivity toward B. subtilis than the other two strains (E. coli and P. aeruginosa) with inhibition zones of 21, 20, and 17 mm, respectively. Common antibiotics such as amoxicillin, erythromycin, cephalexin, and fluvoxamine contributed to the inhibition of all tested strains. Fluconazole showed the most sensitivity with an inhibition diameter of 38 mm, while cephalexin and amoxicillin were more resistant. Additionally, the methanolic extract of the M. sylvestris plant flowers provided high antibacterial effects against some human pathogens. Other studies also showed the potent activity of the flower extract of M. sylvestris against various bacteria strains. These results are consistent with our findings.
(Table 3)
Table 3
Diameter of zone of inhibition (mm) (with 1.5, 0.75 and 0.375 mg of extracts aqueous and methanol M. sylvestris l per disk).
Bacteria | Zone of inhibition (mm) |
Methanolic extract (mg/disc) | Aqueous extract (mg/disc) |
0.375 | 0.75 | 1.5 | 0.375 | 0.75 | 1.5 |
E. coli | 9.87 | 15.77 | 23.93 | 10.00 | 17.00 | 20.00 |
P. aeruginosa | 9.00 | 11.30 | 15.47 | 14.00 | 18.00 | 21.00 |
B. subtilis | 12.30 | 15.23 | 20.72 | 10.433 | 16.33 | 20.72 |
a All tests were performed for three times and the data are the mean of three measurements. |