Urban estuaries have high nutrient inputs and are greatly modified physical environments. This makes it hard to use standard nature-based solutions, like constructed oyster reefs and tidal wetlands, to remove nutrients from the estuary. There is therefore a need for innovative ways to remove nitrogen and mitigate the resulting algae blooms in these often deep and structure-poor urban waterways. Our research shows that M. leucophaeata shows promise to contribute to a solution. We established a reproducible method for collecting and acclimating naturally-recruited M. leucophaeata into a laboratory setup. This process allowed the animals to re-attach to new substrates that can be oriented similar to how they would be positioned in the environment. The mussels were resilient to the manipulations in the laboratory, just as they appear to be hardy in the stressful environment of Baltimore Harbor.
This investigation showed that M. leucophaeata was able to remove phytoplankton at all temperatures tested, as indicated by decreasing IVCH and extracted chlorophyll readings. We observed a significant effect of temperature on the clearance rate, with the clearance rate at 10˚C being significantly lower than the clearance rates at 30˚C but not 22˚C. The clearance rates at 22˚C and 30˚C were not significantly different from each other, though the data suggests that clearance rates increased slightly between 22˚C and 30˚C. In the Netherlands, Rajagopal et al. (2005), found that M. leucophaeata particle filtration rate increased until about 27˚C and decreased at higher temperatures. However, our chlorophyll clearance rates showed no decline between 22˚C and 30˚C and appeared to be increasing with temperature. When we tested different salinities typical of Baltimore Harbor, from 5 to 15 ppt, we found that salinity did not affect clearance rates and that mussels showed a significant effect on algae levels at all salinities. In Baltimore Harbor, M. leucophaeata occasionally experiences salinities lower than 5ppt (Fig. S2), so in the future, it may be important to assess the impact of extreme low salinity on the clearance rates of the mussels.
We observed that M. Leucophaeata significantly changed phytoplankton levels at different salinities, from 5 to 15 ppt. However, there was no significant effect of salinity on clearance rates. Unlike the temperature experiment, the salinity trial took place at two different times of the year (July and October) with mussels collected from those respective periods. This difference in collection times may have affected the clearance rates, but the mussel condition was not tested nor evaluated in this study. Additionally, the concentrations of phytoplankton varied with the October trial having a higher starting concentration of phytoplankton than the July trial (Fig. S4). The salinity in Baltimore Harbor tends to be between 5 and 15 ppt, although there are occasionally salinities outside the range tested (Fig. S2), and those extremes may impact the clearance rates of the mussels.
Our calculated clearance rates for M. leucophaeata differed from those previously published. We measured clearance rates from approximately 0.2–0.9 L hr− 1 per individual mussel across salinity and temperature experiments. This study used monocultures of phytoplankton in the 4–8 micron range. Rajagopal et al. (2005) using a neutral red dye to calculate the clearance rate of M. leucophaeata found the individual rate to be 0.055 L hr− 1 per individual. Rodrigues (2023) calculated clearance rates using concentrated seston from a hypereutrophic lagoon and found clearance rates to vary from 0.00123–0.0056 L hr− 1 depending on the concentration of the seston. Out clearance rates ranged from approximately 0.275 to 1.06 L hr− 1 per individual mussel across the salinity and temperature experiments. Part of this variation in clearance rates could be attributed to the different materials used in the clearance experiment. Rajagopal et al. (2015) used a filtrate of less than 0.45 micron, whereas Rodrigues et al. (2023) used concentrated seston with both organic and inorganic material of 180 micron or smaller. The relatively low Rodrigues clearance rates could be due to the higher initial concentration of filtered material or to the nonspecific nature of the particles. In experiments where bivalves are provided with a high concentration of particles, clearance rates decrease(Wong and Cheung 1999; Lei et al. 1996; Tuttle-Raycraft and Ackerman 2019). Kreeger et al. (2018), in a literature review, compared clearance rates of alternative suspension-feeding bivalves and reported that M. leucophaeata has clearance rates comparable to the related mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. Further, the extracted chlorophyll values match with what is typically seen in Baltimore Harbor during an algae bloom (50 µg chlorophyll a L− 1). M. leucophaeata is yet to be tested with a natural community of phytoplankton and inorganic matter.
These results show that M. leucophaeata can significantly reduce cultured algae levels. Our study did not examine the ability of M. leucophaeata to reduce algae levels of natural blooms and in varying natural settings, which may alter feeding behavior. Natural algae blooms are comprised of different species of varying sizes. In Baltimore Harbor, one of the most common small organisms (~ 6 microns) is the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum; one of the larger (~ 50 microns) is Akashiwo sanguinea (personal communication, Taylor Armstrong, UMCES). M. leucophaeata is a small mussel and while there has not been any literature on this species to date, studies conducted on other bivalve species suggest that there might be some physiological constraints to the size particles that they can ingest (Rosa et al. 2018; Shumway et al. 1985). Other species of bivalves are also known to alter their filter feeding in response to phytoplankton species (Binzer et al. 2018; Galimany et al. 2017). Future work should examine the feeding behavior of natural blooms and varying species and sizes of phytoplankton.
Additional work should focus on the ability of M. leucophaeata to reduce algae bloom species in Baltimore Harbor and examine the effects of additional environmental factors. Dissolved oxygen in Baltimore Harbor can be depressed even near the surface due to microbial activity and stratification (Wicks et al. 2011). There is ample literature on the changes in feeding behavior of bivalves experiencing the stress of low oxygen (Kamermans and Saurel 2022; Tang and Riisgård 2018; Widdows et al. 1989). Future work should examine the effect of dissolved oxygen on mussel feeding behavior as it does fall below 2 mg/L in the summer months. Additionally, the experiments we conducted did not use algae blooms collected from the wild. The variety of phytoplankton found within natural algae blooms may affect feeding behavior of the mussels and thus their ability to clear the water.
Bivalve nature-based solutions to algae blooms and provisioning of other ecosystem services are being explored in urban estuaries across the globe. The Bronx River Estuary, located in New York harbor, is closed to shellfish harvest due to high bacteria contamination. Galimany et al. (2017) looked at using the non-commercial ribbed mussel, Guekensia demissa, for nutrient removal as an alternative to the eastern oyster. They found that G. demissa could remove nutrients from the water, but G. demissa does not naturally recruit in that area, which makes implementation of this practice difficult. In the Pacific Northwest, the Budd Inlet in Puget Sound is another area that is also under a harvest advisory for shellfish due to pollution and poor water quality. However, the native bay mussel, Mytilus trossulus, does naturally recruit in that area and has been studied for nutrient removal via biomass harvest (Pacific Shellfish Institute 2014). Additionally, the harvested biomass was turned into compost. In Brazil, M. leucophaeata, while invasive, has been studied as for its ability to remove seston and other suspended particles from the water (Neves et al. 2020; Rodrigues et al. 2023). Dark False Mussels, which are native to Baltimore Harbor, naturally recruit to substrates and exist with a diverse biofouling community of bryozoans, barnacles, and other particulate feeders (Rome et al. 2023). Preliminary studies show that this community carries out denitrification similar to those measured in intact oyster reef communities (Schott and Cornwell, unpublished; Kellogg et al. 2013). While Baltimore has initiatives to remove nutrients in the waterways, none of the solutions look toward in-water removal strategies as demonstrated in the Bronx River Estuary or Puget Sound. Our results show that there is the potential for in-water nutrient removal through the filter-feeding of the Dark False Mussel, and there is the option of further nutrient removal through a biomass harvest.
Overall, these results show M. leucophaeata can consume laboratory-grown algae levels across salinities and temperatures that are relevant to temperate estuaries. These results show that M. leucophaeata can reduce phytoplankton levels and may have potential for the bioextraction of nutrients for a nutrient trading system like the system for oysters in the Chesapeake (Kellogg et al. 2013; Cornwell et al. 2016). To develop such a system, future work should focus on M. leucophaeata feeding ability with natural algae blooms and quantification of nitrogen removal through filter feeding.