Soft materials are an important class of materials. They play critical roles both in nature, in the form of soft tissues, and in industrial applications. Quantifying their mechanical properties is an important part of understanding and predicting their behavior, thus optimizing their use. However, there are often no agreed-upon standards for how to do so. This also holds true for quantifying their fracture toughness; that is, their resistance to crack propagation. The goal of our work is to fill this knowledge gap using blood clot as a model material. In total, we compared three general approaches, some with multiple different implementations. The first approach is based on Griffith's definition of the critical energy release rate. The second approach makes use of the J-Integral. The last approach uses cohesive zones. We applied these approaches to 12 pure shear experiments with notched samples (some approaches were supplemented with unnotched samples). Finally, we compared these approaches by their intra- and inter-approach variability, the complexity of their implementation, and their computational cost. Overall, we found that the simplest method was also the most consistent and the least costly one: the Griffith-based approach, as proposed by Rivlin and Thomas in 1953.
2000 MSC: 0000, 1111