2.1 Community metabolic modeling strategy design.
To model the metabolism of a cell community, we developed a strategy that involved creating GEMs based on the scRNA-seq data from a spheroid culture of MCF-7. This approach enabled us to generate three reconstructions representing distinct cell subpopulations: Invasive, Reservoir, and Proliferating (refer to Fig 1a). Next, to address the challenge of constructing a community model from these metabolic reconstructions, we proposed the implementation of tools capable of integrating the reconstructions by specifying a growth medium and the relative proportions of each subpopulation. This setup was designed to simulate two temporal stages of cell spheroid growth (days 6 and 19) to elucidate the impact of cell distribution, subpopulation proportions on community growth, and the exchange fluxes with the microenvironment, as illustrated in Fig 1b.
2.2 Specific Sub-population genome-scale metabolic reconstruction from scRNAseq
To survey the metabolic cross-feeding among the cancer subpopulation in MCF7, we accomplished a genome-scale metabolic reconstruction starting from the scRNA-Seq data associated with the three identifiable subpopulations at two times of the growth process: 6 and 19 days of cultured 9. As originally discovered by the authors, these subpopulations carry out different biological functionalities (proliferative, invasive, and reservoir), and their interactive crosstalk among them presumably is an essential factor that stabilizes the spheroid. We preserved the original annotation made by the authors. Before proceeding with the metabolic reconstructions, an imputation method for scRNA-seq data was applied to the count matrix to denoise the data and correct the 'dropout events.' This minimizes the noise characteristic of scRNA-seq technology 19.
Overall, the imputation contributed to improving the subsequent metabolic reconstruction procedure. After imputing the count matrix, we proceeded with the reconstruction by applying the Cost Optimization Reaction Dependency Assessment (CORDA) method to the gene expression profiles of each subpopulation. Despite the variety of techniques to accomplish the reconstruction, we selected CORDA due to its ability to create non-minimalistic metabolic models with greater fidelity in representing biological characteristics 9,13,20. As a result, we created three metabolic reconstructions, one for each cell subpopulation described inside the spheroid. As expected, each reconstruction has distinctive metabolic capabilities reflecting the feasible space of functionalities in each subpopulation; see Supplementary Table 2. To ensure the quality of these reconstructions and their nearness to represent actual metabolic processes, we evaluated each network through the Metabolic Modeling Test (MEMOTE) (see methods), a computational platform to assess the quality of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions through a variety of parameters such as the consistency of the stoichiometric matrix, the evaluation of biomass production, the Gene-Protein-Reaction association, among others criteria. The quality report obtained with MEMOTE indicated that the reconstructions have a subtotal consistency score of 95%, suggesting that they present a proper stoichiometry matrix, mass balance, charge balance, and adequate connectivity between metabolites in the reconstructions, see supplementary information section 4.
2.3 Optimization and Community Modeling
Once we obtained and proved the quality of each reconstruction, we proceeded to simulate the metabolic capacities when coexisting as a system computationally. We tested the community for each time, at 6 and 19 days of MCF-7 culture (days that were analyzed in the experimental design of Muciño et al. 2020) and constrained by medium (see Fig 1b). This model allowed us to tackle two fundamental questions: postulate the shared metabolites between the subpopulations (cross-feeding metabolic activity) and evaluate how their communication affects metabolic stability and biomass production in the entire community. All reconstructions were integrated and modeled in MICOM 18.
MICOM considers the relative abundance of each subpopulation and the metabolites in the extracellular medium to maximize a community biomass function. Computationally, MICOM combines Flux Balance Analysis by integrating linear optimization with an L2 regularization constraint to estimate the biomass required to keep the biomass for each population (see methods - Community modeling - MICOM). To reproduce the experimental conditions, we defined the extracellular medium in terms of the metabolic composition of culture media used to grow the MCF7 spheroids in the original experiment experimentally, see supplementary Table 1. To simplify our analysis and avoid diffusion processes, we considered that all the media resources are available for each subpopulation at both simulation times (6 and 19 days of progression of the spheroid). Under these assumptions, our metabolic simulation indicated that the community growth rate is 0.026 mmol/cell/h, corresponding to a doubling time of approximately ~ 26 hr on both days; details on duplication time calculations see Supplementary Information section 8. Consistently with our in silico estimations, this double time is nearly associated with the experimental measurements reported for the MCF-7 cell line between 20 and 24 hr doubling time 21. At this point, our model was a computational platform to create testable hypotheses around the exchanged metabolites with the medium and the metabolic cross-feeding between the subpopulations. This interaction can be represented graphically as groups corresponding to the subpopulations with their respective exchange interactions between them and with the extracellular medium, see Fig 2a. This computational platform can guide design experiments, prove or generate biological hypotheses, and explore strategies for searching metabolic targets for potential therapeutic interventions.
2.4 Effect of pseudo-spatial distribution of subpopulations in MCF-7 spheroid
In the previous section, we simulated the metabolic interaction among the three subpopulations by neglecting the diffusion process inside the tumor spheroids. However, as revealed by spatial RNAseq, the cellular distribution and arrangement of metabolites in different tumor strata (such as oxygen and carbon sources) significantly influence the intratumoral profiles of metabolic heterogeneity 22. To emulate this process and quantitatively assess the effect of metabolic gradients on tumor malignancy and stability, we extend our computational genome-scale metabolic modeling by including layers of gradients over oxygen, a metabolite whose concentrations inside the tumor depend exclusively on the size of the spheroid. In the rest of this work, we will assume that oxygen is a metabolite consumed solely by the environment, a key metabolite in establishing intratumoral cellular heterogeneity.
We selected three spatial layers of oxygen concentration in the inner microenvironment to emulate the oxygen gradient. The simulation starts from the outside to the center of the spheroid; the first level emulates cell normoxia, the second level represents an intermediary level of oxygen abundance, and the last level indicates a hypoxia condition. Given the uncertainty around the precise location of the cell subpopulations in the spheroid, we modeled the metabolic interaction over six different spatial configurations, each defined by different spatial arrays of subpopulation and oxygen availability (see Fig 2b). In principle, all these configurations are feasible, at least in an in silico model; however, we focused on those configurations that maximize the growth rate of all the communities to survey the possible metabolic communication between the subpopulations. Hence, we calculated the community growth rate for each spatial distribution, considering the abundance of the subpopulations previously reported at 6 or 19 days. In Fig. 2c and 2d, we can observe the community's growth rate; the results show the cellular organization that the spheroid could have in both days of study when taking into account the best growth rate of the community.
Consequently, the spatial configuration denoted by condition E in Fig 2c is the ideal combination to optimize the doubling time of the spheroid at day 6. According to intuition, this configuration suggests that the invasive subpopulation is located in the center of the spheroid, the reservoir at a medium level, and the proliferative subpopulation on the outside layers. This optimized distribution suggests that the invasive cells are better adapted in the center of the spheroids, a place with relatively low uptake of oxygen. In contrast, when changing the corresponding population abundances for day 19 of growth, the spatial configuration E (see Fig 2d) proved the least optimal. Our simulations suggested that placing the invasive cells on the outside enhances community growth (see Fig 2d condition A). In summary, we conclude that configurations E6 and A19 supply metabolic advantages to optimize the community growth rate at a systemic level.
To analyze the metabolic phenotypes that emerged from these configurations, the following sections will: 1) evaluate the metabolic exchange between the environment and the tumor, as well as the metabolic cross-feeding among populations, and 2) identify the metabolic pathways involved in each subpopulation, based on enzymatic reactions classified through the Virtual Metabolic Human (VMH) database23.
2.5 Metabolic mapping of cancer spheroids: secretion, consumption, and cooperativity among sub-populations.
Having simulated the growth rate at both times of the spheroid, we explored how the metabolic exchange between the tumor and the extracellular milieu is influenced by the cellular organization of the spheroid at both times of spheroid progression (see methods section)
To simplify data presentation, we have generated a Boolean representation of metabolic excretion or consumption between the subpopulations and the environment. The metabolites can be classified into three categories: those secreted and produced simultaneously and alternate between production and excretion as time goes on. For example, we noted that most of the amino acids and carbon sources, such as galactose and glutamine, are consumed by each subpopulation from the media at both times (see Fig 3a). Meanwhile, our modeling suggests that metabolites such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, and succinate are excreted from the community to the media. Furthermore, we identified a third class of metabolites whose production consumption changed as time varied. This last category includes 2-oxoglutarate (AKG), acetoacetate, fumarate, L-lactate, and amino acids such as glycine and L-alanine.
In terms of the metabolic cross-feeding among subpopulations, results showed that all three subpopulations have the metabolites present in the medium; however, some metabolites were not initially found in the culture medium and whose origin is a metabolic by-product of one of the subpopulations. Figure 3a indicates all the metabolites produced by one subpopulation and consumed by another. Among these metabolites, we identified primarily essential amino acids like L-isoleucine, L-leucine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, L-threonine, L-tryptophan, L-valine, non-essential like L-asparagine, L-histidine, L-serine, conditional non-essential like L-arginine, L-cysteine, L-glutamine, L-tyrosine and carbohydrates such as galactose. Our model postulated that these metabolites maintain constant consumption regardless of the growth day or subpopulation type. On the other hand, some amino acids do not follow this behavior. For example, glycine, a metabolite consumed by the invasive population, can be taken from the medium and reservoir cells (see Fig 3a). However, proliferative subpopulations can also contribute to this amino acid on day 6. On the other side, we observed that specific metabolites are produced exclusively by one type of subpopulation. For instance, the addition of alanine to the medium is regulated by the invasive cells on both days of the study, similar to proline by the proliferative cells.
As Fig 3b shows, our analysis postulates an intricate metabolic mapping underlying an interdependence between the cancer subpopulations in MCF7 spheroids. The production and consumption of metabolites are crosslinking to meet the metabolic requirements of the growing community. Fig 3b shows the origin of the metabolite from its respective subpopulation and where it is required. Such is the case of alpha-ketoglutarate, fumarate, and lactate, whose consumption and secretion profile changes at both times of the spheroid. The panels of Figure 3b and 3c show the cross-feeding metabolic profile of the community on days 6 and 19. On day six, the proliferative cells secrete alpha-ketoglutarate and lactate, a characteristic marker of the Warburg effect.
In contrast, the invasive cells dispose of this metabolite by incorporating it into their pathways. This effect is also represented on day 19 and can be seen as a hallmark between proliferative and invasive subpopulations. Altogether, the cooperative metabolic profile between the three subpopulations creates a complex scenario of metabolic inner/outer communication at different stages of growth. Among these possibilities, some metabolites behave depending on the day of growth. For instance, AKG is secreted to the medium on day six by proliferating cells. On day 19, the invasive cells show this behavior, exchanging roles between excretion and consumption only between these two subpopulations. By analyzing a portion of the top 20 of the approximately ~350 exchange reactions and ~2000 community reactions, we may be ruling out the possibility that AKG-like switches are also present with metabolites whose exchange fluxes are minimal. These scenarios could add a touch of complexity to the design of metabolic targets due to the metabolic adaptation and reconfiguration of a spheroid over time.
We estimated the metabolic pathways with the highest activity in each subpopulation to assess metabolic adaptations. Then, based on the reconstruction of metabolic pathways, reactions with non-zero flux units (in any directionality) were isolated to determine each pathway's importance in each subpopulation. A common feature is that all three subpopulations have activity in their main pathways of central metabolism, such as glycolysis, the TCA, and the pentose phosphate pathway (see supplementary Fig 1). However, there were cases, such as lipid metabolism (Fatty acid oxidation and Fatty acid synthesis), where a higher count of positive-flux reactions was observed in proliferative and reservoir cells than in invasive cells. On day 19, the invasive cells had more active reactions due to changes in spheroid abundance and size (see supplementary Fig 1).
Despite this analysis supplying a proxy of the metabolic activity associated with each subpopulation, the reactions present within each pathway usually could not be the same, or if so, the behavior of the directionality of the metabolic fluxes may vary in those reactions with reversible capacities. The description of directionality changes in reactions provided a more comprehensive approach to tracking how each subpopulation uptakes, transforms, and utilizes the metabolites in the medium for energy generation and biomass production.
2.6 Metabolic activity inside the populations
Once the central metabolic pathways were identified, they were used to analyze individual behavior and determine the existence of metabolic cross-feeding between subpopulations. Among these, we identified energy pathways such as glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, the pentose phosphate pathway, and some other metabolic pathways that might be of interest (see Fig. 4 and Supplementary Fig 2). The simulation is not only limited to providing fluxes of exchange within the medium but also fluxes of intracellular reactions of each subpopulation. This information allowed us to generate a descriptive picture of the behavior of each cell type—for example, the glycolytic activity of the community. By having galactose as the main carbohydrate according to the original experimental design, we consequently obtained a high activity of the enzyme galactosidase in most of the subpopulations on both days of study except for the invasive cells that show lower fluxes of activity in this enzyme on day 6 of growth (see Fig 4b)—suggesting that this metabolite is not as essential for the subpopulation in early periods of growth.
The information obtained by simulation suggests that the invasive subpopulation does have glycolytic activity, as seen in Fig 4a, as metabolic fluxes are seen in most of the enzymes involved in glycolysis. However, particular details such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activity do not reflect a directionality similar to the proliferative cells that initially convert pyruvate to lactate but instead that the invasive cells are in a reversal process of this action and not by carrying out the oxidation of galactose to pyruvate by a classical pathway. Reaction directionality reversal behaviors further solidify the association theory between subpopulations by incorporating metabolites secreted into the medium by neighboring cells.
The origin of metabolites by alternative pathways, such as anaplerotic pathways, often converges to the TCA for generating reducing power and oxidative phosphorylation. Given the results shown in Fig 4c, we have concluded that full participation of TCA is not necessary to satisfy the energy demand of the cells. Although all reconstructions have full TCA, the optimization suggests a preference for certain enzymes that compensate for the objective function of the simulation. For example, given the directionality of the reaction, the model suggests that succinate coenzyme A ligase, one of the critical enzymes of the TCA, consumes succinate to produce succinate and GTP from succinyl-CoA. These reactions could be preceded by the activity shown by alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, which provides the Succinyl-CoA originating from the presence of alpha-ketoglutarate (see Fig 4c). Both enzymes are shared among the three subpopulations. However, particular cases, such as invasive cells on day 19 and proliferating cells on day 6, activate another section of TCA, such as succinate dehydrogenase, whose reversibility converts fumarate that might be taken up from the extracellular medium when secreted by reservoir cells to succinate (see Fig 4c).
The partial recovery of pathways, such as TCA, suggests that the availability of metabolites such as pyruvate for energy may have different origins. From galactose oxidation or incorporation of lactate from the microenvironment to the involvement of anaplerotic pathways such as alanine incorporation, of which L-alanine transaminase activity was recorded in the invasive and reservoir subpopulations (see Fig 4d). The simulation gave us a broader picture of what alternative energy pathways the cells might use. The simulation also facilitates the analysis of alternative anaplerotic pathways. To identify alternative pathways, we separated already described features of tumor cell metabolism, such as the incorporation and activity of enzymes like mitochondrial glutaminase and glutamate dehydrogenase enzymes, which coordinate for generating alpha-ketoglutarate in TCA, see Fig 4d.
This set of results allowed us to characterize each subpopulation and assign specific metabolic characteristics. According to Muciño et al., 2024, the cells have a glycolytic activity. However, our results complement this assertion by providing the variations of each subpopulation to obtain energy. These differences could be explained by the capacity of each cell to adapt its metabolism to the conditions of its microenvironment and the cooperativity between individuals in the community. Under this criteria, we explored the adaptive capacities of the community in response to stress in its microenvironment. Directly, oxygen was taken as an essential element in the community that could quickly stimulate a change in the subpopulations. As we argued in the next section, the action of different oxygen zones makes evident the importance of some amino acids for the survival of the whole community.
2.7 Metabolic response of cancerous subpopulations under gradients of oxygen.
The stress induced in the community through the oxygen supply of each subpopulation could be an essential factor for the appearance of heterogeneous profiles in the spheroid; this is because one of the variables that allowed us to establish cooperativity among the subpopulations was the presence of a simulated gradient in the community model. To determine the response and capabilities of the community to an adverse scenario, he designed a modeling approach that could represent the decrease in oxygen availability from normoxia to anoxia. Each simulation point reflects the behavior of the subpopulations in the face of oxygen deprivation (see Fig 5). The response was reflected in a greater or lesser preference for selected metabolites as possible energy sources, such as galactose, pyruvate, L-lactate, and AKG, as well as amino acids such as glycine, L-alanine, L-glutamine and L-serine.
An example is glutamine consumption, an amino acid associated with the fundamentals of tumor metabolism whose role has been essential as an alternative carbon source for tumor cells to ensure survival under unfavorable conditions 3. This metabolite proved crucial for the three subpopulations on both study days. The simulation showed that the proliferating subpopulation had the most glutamine in the medium on day six. As oxygen availability decreases, the invading cells begin to increase their consumption. The opposite is the case on day 19, where the invading cells now have most of the glutamine, and this behavior does not appear to be affected in response to the oxygen gradient (see Fig 5a and 5b).
The cells can incorporate metabolites in the medium, such as pyruvate, to obtain energy under normoxic conditions or in response to gradients. Proliferating cells dispose of pyruvate on day 6 (see supplementary Fig 3a), and as oxygen decreases, this behavior is maintained, as well as in the reservoirs, but in a lower proportion. By day 19, under normoxic conditions, the entire community had a low amount of this metabolite, which could be interpreted as a low preference or essentiality. However, as disposition decreases, the invasive subpopulation begins to mobilize pyruvate into its interior (see supplementary Fig 3b). The effects differed significantly from those observed when consuming the primary carbon source, galactose. An almost linear gradient accompanied the decrease in oxygen on both days (see Supplementary Fig 3c and 3d) as a response to oxygen availability and possibly by incorporating alternative sources.
Another type of response observed in the simulation was the cooperativity between subpopulations; in normoxic conditions, there was already an association between proliferating and invasive cells with lactate mobility. However, on day six, the decrease in oxygen increased the transport of lactate into the invasive cells from the proliferating cells and the reservoir. Stages close to zero activated lactate production in the reservoir contribute to the lactate demand in the community (see Fig 5c). This behavior is the first finding to resemble the reverse Warburg effect as an adaptive response to gradients. The simulation showed how the three subpopulations may respond to changes in their microenvironment. This feature was maintained on day 19 (see Fig 5d); however, the exchange interactions diminished as oxygenate approached zero.
A further metabolite that showed a peculiar behavior in response to gradients was AKG, which had already been observed to interact between spheroid subpopulations under normoxic conditions, originating in proliferating cells towards invasive cells. However, when hypoxia is approached, the community adapts in such a way that the directionality of this metabolite is inverted, generating the hypothesis that invasive cells have a better capacity to adapt to gradients and provide AKG to proliferating cells to compensate for tumor survival (see Fig 5e).
In the same way as with lactate, by day 19, the spheroid organization established an exchange of lactate from invasive to proliferative from normoxia, and oxygen deprivation creates a decay in the interactions, see Fig 5f. This behavior suggests that metabolic cross-feeding between proliferative and invasive cells is established in the first days of growth; day 6 shows a cellular organization that responds better to oxygen deprivation stress than day 19 since more invasive cells do not have cellular allies to help their survival.
2.8 Knock-Out in silico of Metabolic Enzymes
To identify those reactions that could be essential for community growth, a Knock-Out (K.O.) essentiality analysis of metabolic reactions was implemented, including exchange reactions with the medium and individual intracellular reactions (see methods section), using growth rate values to determine the impact of K.O., a list of reactions whose absence directly affected the entire community was isolated. This suggested that there is a dependence on metabolites from the medium, especially amino acids, as the most important for survival (see Fig 4b). The relationship was maintained on both days of growth, with the only difference being that Serine might be essential for the day 19 spheroid.
To evaluate if the metabolic dependence of the amino acids on the spheroid is robust in space, we repeated the simulations by mimicking the inner zone of the spheroids through the gradient of oxygen described in the previous section. Hence, we separately accomplished the KO analysis by considering three feasible scenarios of oxygen: normoxia, mid-level, and hypoxia. The essentially analysis obtained from each oxygen environment did not show significant changes between days 6 and 19. These results postulated that in this time scale, the metabolic phenotype of the entire community mainly depends on the amino acids and galactose as a carbohydrate present in the medium located in the external environment (see Fig 5).
Despite the diversity of components in the extracellular medium, such as pyruvate and some vitamins, the presence or absence of these components did not show importance in sustaining growth. Furthermore, no intracellular reactions appeared as essential in any of the three sub-populations, suggesting that the environment is the most probable metabolic mechanism to alter its metabolic tumor phenotype.
Our in silico analysis highlights the importance of external amino acids for tumor growth. Despite some metabolites being essential to growth at any time and oxygen concentration (such as D-galactose, L-glutamine, and L-histidine), others have an interment relevance in the community growth rate, see Figure 5g. For instance, this is the case for L-valine, L-serine, and L-choline, whose relevance to growth rate depends on time and oxygen availability. Overall, these results open an avenue toward an in silico platform to construct testable experimental hypotheses in the design of therapeutic strategies, mainly focused on controlling the growth rate for 3D tumor spheroids.