To our knowledge, this is the first interval-based training mode that applied with repeated series of high loads of resistance training separated by recovery period with BR, as to maximize magnitude of training in abdominal muscle. This randomized control study was aimed at evaluating the impacts of this new training mode on respiratory function, circulation function, cardiovascular risk factors and aerobic capacity in overweight female. The main findings supported our hypothesis and showed that RT and RT combined with BR improved respiratory function, lowered peripheral and central blood pressure, regulated cardiovascular risk biomarkers. More importantly, the RT combined with BR program achieved better effects in improving aerobic capacity than RT alone.
Obesity is a chronic inflammation characterized by insulin and leptin resistance caused by fat accumulation in a positive energy balance, which can lead to metabolic complications or related disease [26]. Cardiovascular disease risks are positively correlated with increased BMI and influenced by blood glucose and lipid profile levels [27]. The results of our trail showed that female with higher fat percentage with higher levels of TC, TG, LDL-c, and lower level of HDL-c compared with lower fat percentage participants. Because of the beneficial effect of exercise on health parameters, American association of clinical endocrinologists and American college of endocrinology guidelines recommended physical exercise a non-pharmacological strategy for decreasing cardiovascular risk factors [28]. In our study, after eight weeks of RT or RT combined with BR significantly reduced fat percentage and improved serum lipid profiles in young female. These outcomes were supported by Costa’s study, they also found that exercise is sufficient and effective to beneficially lowered the lipid profiles of women with dyslipidaemia, regardless of their training status [29]. Besides, Moro et al revealed that RT was able to exert positive effect on parameters associated with cardiovascular as LDL-c and TC in older adults [14]. However, Moro’s other study pointed out that six weeks of RT and high intensity interval RT significantly regulated body composition, but they did not observe any change in lipid profiles in healthy participants because of their excellent state [12].
Obesity is independently associated with low pulmonary function, according to the CARDIA (The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults) study, lung function is negatively associated with BMI [30]. The normal breathing mode includes synchronous movement of the chest and abdominal cavity, to fully expand the lungs and allow maximum gas exchange, and the type of breathing depends on the percentage of work done by the ribs or diaphragm, which is called thoracic breathing and abdominal breathing [31]. The abdominal muscle help accelerate the expiratory flow rate and enhance the inspiratory phase of ventilation. Ma’s study explored the correlation between FEV1/FVC and peak expiratory rate with abdominal strength, and showed that good abdominal strength is positively correlation with respiratory function [32]. Bishop also illustrated that lung inflation evoked an increase in abdominal expiratory muscle activity and the relationship between core strength and pulmonary function [33]. Several studies also pointed out that, with weight loss, the tethering forces between the airway and parenchyma was restore and the long decompression, the respiratory function is improved [34, 35]. This is consistent to our study that overweight female has impaired pulmonary function compared with control group, and after exercise training, both modes significantly increase VC, FVC, MVV, FEV1, and PEF compared to pre-training. During our core strength RT, the intra-abdominal pressure was increased and push the diaphragm upward into the thoracic cage, so that increased the speed of the exhalation as seen elevated PEF and FEV1, and elevated volume of exhalation as seen higher VC, FVC and MVV. This is consistence with Kim’s study, they found there were positive correlation between abdominal muscle strength and peak expiratory flow rate, and help to fix the trunk and reduce the pressure to the spine [36]. Another study showed that a 12-week core strength training improved the effectiveness of pulmonary function [37]. In our study, RT combined with BR significantly improved MVV than control group, this maybe RT combined with BR can modify breathing patterns and activate the diaphragm to a greater extent, thereby enhancing the ability of the ventilator, the RT plus BR program produces better results than that of the RT alone.
Extensive literature revealed elevated blood pressure and hypertension is associated with target organ damage, and is one of the risk factors of cardiovascular disease [38]. Non-invasive central arterial pressure (CAP) monitoring was widespread in the diagnosis and evaluation of clinical hypertension. Aparicio Lucas et al found that compared to brachial artery blood pressure, CAP is more direct and accurate in reflecting blood pressure in heart, brain, and renal target organs, and is an important influencing factor for the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases and related complications [39]. Hypertension and obese leads to increase of the CAP because of the increased stiffness, which is reflected by elevated AI [40]. In our study, overweight female with higher percentage of fat had higher peripheral and central blood pressure, as well as higher rAI, than the control group. We used rAI to judge arterial is based on a study by Kohara et al that they proved rAI is a useful and easily obtainable parameter, as it is highly associated with AI (r = 0.822) [41]. Exercise is the first-line strategy for regulating hypertension and results of our study showed eight weeks of RT and RT combined with BR lowered peripheral and central blood pressure and reduced rAI in overweight young female. Izawa’s study also showed better cardiovascular physiological outcomes and health-related quality of life in coronary artery disease women after RT [42]. Even though there were no significant difference between these two-training mode in reducing blood pressure, RT combined with BR have greater magnitude in reducing SBP, DBP, SBP2, cSBP, and AI after training. Our results were consistent to Caminiti’s study that 12 weeks of aerobic plus resistance exercise is more effective in reducing blood pressure and blood pressure variability in hypertension patients than aerobic exercise alone [43].
Vo2max is used to assess cardiac function and peripheral adaptations during graded exercise test [44] Several studies revealed that obesity negatively affects exercise capacity through limited cardiopulmonary fitness [45] In our study, participants in Group RT and Group RT + B had higher level of body fat compared with control group, even they are in similar BMI level, so they had low values of VO2max, AT and oxygen pulse at baseline. Skrpnik’s study pointed out that three months of endurance strength training have positive effect on anthropometric parameters, body composition and aerobic capacity in abdominal obesity women [46]. RT may increase the citrate synthase enzyme and lactate dehydrogenase, so it improves both aerobic and anaerobic performance [47]. Feiereisen et al. observed 16% improvements in VO2max after RT [48] and Volaklis et al. showed 14.5% elevation of VO2max in heart failure patients [49], which is accordance with our study, a 12.22% increase in VO2max after RT. Although confounded by utilization of two exercise modes, comparative studies illustrated that combined RT and aerobic exercise have better effect in improving VO2max than single training alone [50]. Selig et al. showed a 21% of increment of VO2max after 3-month of RT combined with aerobic exercise [51], which is accordance with our study that 26.61% improvement after RT combined with BR. Peak oxygen pulse reflecting the product of stroke volume and arteriovenous oxygen difference; however, only a few studies have focused on the change in oxygen pulse following exercise training. Abernethy et al. compared oxygen pulse in exercise-to-muscle movements and found that circuit (13.07 ml/beat) and supine (8.41 ml/beat) had the highest and lowest oxygen pulse in professional dancer [52]. In our study, even though both modes of exercise beneficially increased VO2max, but only RT combined with BR increased AT and oxygen pulse. This might be related to improved pulmonary function. Choi et al. explored the relationship between VO2peak and respiratory muscle performance and found that FEV1 and other functional markers were significantly correlated with VO2peak [53]. Moawd’s study revealed that respiratory muscle training increased inspiratory and expiratory pressure as well as exercise capacity in obstructive sleep apnea patients [54]. Their results were consistent to our study that eight weeks of RT combined with BR significantly improved MVV in overweight female, as well as improved AT and peak oxygen pulse.
To explore why RT combined with BR have better effect on cardiopulmonary fitness, we monitored the heart rate of participants during exercise intervention. It was found that combination therapy has lower average heart rate than single RT intervention, especially in interval times. The recovery of heart rate after exercise is jointly influenced by the sympathetic and vague nerves (VN) of the heart, and post-exercise heart rate recovery slowly means a decrease in vague nerve activity [55]. Our study found that the rapid recovery of heart rate after exercise caused by BR may also be related to VN activation. Hollstien’s study found that afferent vagal modulate abdominal expiratory muscle activity through regulating pulmonary stretch receptors in airway smooth muscle [56]. When airway wall tensions the receptors discharge and formed a rhythmic discharge pattern which may regulate airway smooth muscle tone, systemic vascular tone, and heart rate. High intensity RT increased the sympathetic function and decreased VN efficiency, causing parasympathetic nerve withdrawal [57]. Moderate aerobic exercise increases the area of myelin sheath, unmyelinated exons, and myelinated fibres of somatic nerve, thereby increasing the tension of the VN [58]. As combined RT with BR might increase the activity of VN, therefore reduce the total intensity of exercise training.
Some limitations of the present study should be considered. The first limitation regards the way to quantify exercise intensity in resistance training and breath retraining period. We only use heart rate to monitor exercise intensity and ignore the exercise energy expenditure as it is thought to be a significant predictor of exercise-induced reduction of fat mass and lipid profiles. And we also not clear how adding breath retraining will affect the exercise and resting energy expenditure. The second limitation is that we did not control the dietary intake of our participants and only asked them to maintain their habitual intake. As diet during exercise intervention plays an important role in weight control. Thus, future research should quantify exercise intensity and energy expenditure in order to assess more precisely of the effects of different exercise modes, as well as make reliable control of participants diet to reduce the impact of diet on heath parameters.
In conclusion, the combined resistance exercise and breathing retraining appears to be more effective than resistance exercise alone in improving pulmonary function and aerobic capacity, and both exercise modalities reduce peripheral and central BP, regulated cardiovascular risk factors and weight losing to a same extent. Better effect might be related increased VN efficiency during breathing retraining in overweight young women.