3.1 Optimization of chemical composition for R. mucilaginosa to upsurge growth, lipid, carotenoid, and β-carotene production
In the preliminary enquiry, yeast medium (YM) enriched with mineral salt medium (MSM) was used to conduct batch shake cultures. These studies on R. mucilaginosa's metabolic capacities have focused on its performance on yeast-based medium. R. mucilaginosa produced lipids, carotenoids, and β-carotene when grown under these conditions (Prabhu et al., 2019; Gedela et al., 2023). Lipids are vital macromolecules with a wide range of applications, including biofuels and nutritional supplements. In yeast medium, R. mucilaginosa has been found to efficiently synthesis and accumulate lipids. This feature makes it a good option for biotechnological applications targeted at the long-term production of biofuels and other lipid-derived products.
Carotenoids are coloured chemicals with antioxidant capabilities that are commonly employed in the food and cosmetic sectors due to their health advantages and brilliant hues. R. mucilaginosa is known for its ability to produce carotenoids (Gedela et al., 2023). These chemicals serve an important function in shielding cells from oxidative stress and can be used in a variety of industrial applications. β-Carotene, a carotenoid precursor of vitamin A, plays a crucial role in human health, especially for eyesight and immunity. R. mucilaginosa produces β-carotene in yeast medium, indicating its potential as a natural supply of this essential nutrient. This brings up the possibility of its usage in dietary supplements and food fortification to fight vitamin A deficiency.
Growing R. mucilaginosa in yeast medium results in the production of lipids, carotenoids, and β-carotene, which has major significances (Gedela et al., 2023). This yeast species could be a versatile and sustainable source of these valuable compounds, meeting the needs of a variety of industries such as biofuel production, nutrition, and cosmetics. Future research and development could optimize culture conditions and increase production processes to fully realize R. mucilaginosa's biotechnological potential. The yeast, R. mucilaginosa will undoubtedly play an important part in producing eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions to fulfil comprehensive requirements as our understanding and capabilities in microbial biotechnology increase.
By examining the substrate utilization of yeast medium supplemented with Carbon sources, Nitrogen sources, Phosphate sources and Sodium acetate, more optimization studies were conducted.
R. mucilaginosa is the subject of study on optimizing culture conditions to boost lipid production, carotenoids, and β-carotene. Experiments were carried out to determine the ideal conditions that would lead to higher yields of these valuable chemicals. The goal of the study was to ascertain the ideal development conditions for R. mucilaginosa and the highest possible accumulation of β-carotene, carotenoids, and lipids (Gedela et al., 2023). In the observed growth profile of R. mucilaginosa, glucose as a carbon source resulted in increased optical density (OD) biomass, carotenoid (57.50 ± 1.54 µgg-1), and β-carotene (25.50 ± 0.77 µgg-1) production, but lower lipid production (55.22 ± 2.14 % w/w) than other carbon sources and, while the maximal yield of cell dry weight (CDW) was 3.35 ± 0.07 gL-1 (Table 1, Fig. 2 A, B, C). When sucrose, maltose, lactose, and galactose were employed, OD, biomass, carotenoid, and carotene production decreased, while lipid production (56 % w/w) increased slightly. Specifically, galactose produced somewhat less OD, biomass, carotenoid, and β-carotene than glucose, but more than sucrose, maltose, and lactose (Table 1, Fig.2 A).
When studying the growth profile of R. mucilaginosa using multiple carbon sources, it is critical to understand the microbe's varied metabolic routes for each substrate. The different growth rates and efficiency in utilizing various sugars can be ascribed to their structural complexity and metabolic accessibility. Glucose, as a simple sugar and monosaccharide, is quickly absorbed by microbial cells and enters the glycolytic pathway. This immediate entrance into central metabolism causes rapid energy production and biomass formation. The rapid growth rate reported using glucose as a carbon source could be due to its ease of transport across the cell membrane and the lack of enzymatic degradation before consumption (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018). Sucrose, maltose, and lactose are disaccharides that must be hydrolyzed to form monosaccharides before being digested. Enzymes like sucrase, maltase, and lactase hydrolyze these disaccharides, converting them into glucose and fructose (sucrose), glucose and glucose (maltose), and glucose and galactose (lactose). Because of the need for this enzymatic breakdown, it enters metabolic pathways later than glucose, resulting in slower initial growth rates (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018).
Although galactose is a monosaccharide, it is not as easily processed as glucose. Galactose must be transformed into glucose-1-phosphate via the Leloir route before entering glycolysis. This conversion needs several biochemical steps, slightly postponing the commencement of energy production when compared to straight glucose utilization (Timson, 2007). The desire for glucose can be traced back to evolutionary adaptation, in which microorganisms refined their metabolic machinery for the fastest possible energy production to outcompete other organisms in nutrient-rich settings. This mechanism, known as catabolite repression, guarantees that when glucose is present, enzymes required for the metabolism of alternative carbon sources are suppressed. This regulatory mechanism selects the most efficient energy source to maximize growth and survival (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018).
The examination of the growth profile of R. mucilaginosa with various carbon sources confirms that glucose is the most efficient substrate due to its simple structure and direct utilization pathway (Fig. 2 A). Disaccharides such as sucrose, maltose, and lactose require additional enzymatic processes to digest, resulting in reduced initial growth rates. Galactose, despite being a monosaccharide, requires a conversion mechanism that slows its use. These findings demonstrate R. mucilaginosa's metabolic flexibility while also emphasizing the evolutionary predisposition to prefer glucose due to its quick absorption and immediate metabolic usefulness. The growth profile as determined by optical density (OD) is shown in Image (A), which sheds light on how cell density changes over time. Image (B) shows the percentage of lipids (w/w) collected during the growth phase as well as the dynamic variations in cell dry weight (DCW) in grams per liter (gL-1). This data demonstrates R. mucilaginosa's capacity to produce lipids under the specified circumstances. Moreover, the production levels of carotenoids (µgg-1) and β-carotene (µgg-1), two important chemicals of relevance, are displayed in image (C). The figure helps to give a thorough grasp of R. mucilaginosa's growth dynamics and production capacity when using media with various nitrogen supplies.
Ammonium sulphate, ammonium acetate, urea, ammonium chloride, and ammonia were among the nitrogen sources that were examined to optimize the chemical composition for the growth of R. mucilaginosa. The findings showed that the growth parameters, such as optical density (OD), biomass, carotenoids (15.6 ± 1.40 µgg-1), β-carotene (3.23 ± 0.71 µgg-1), and lipid production (44.44 ± 1.43 % w/w), were marginally increased by ammonium acetate (Table 2, Fig.3 A, B, C). Ammonia can be directly integrated into amino acids and other nitrogen-containing molecules, providing an easily assimilable supply of nitrogen. Its energetically advantageous absorption into cellular metabolism enables effective biosynthesis processes that promote growth and metabolite production. Ammonium acetate offers a supply of carbon (acetate) as well as nitrogen (ammonium) (Prescott et al., 2005). Because of its dual function, absorption into central metabolic pathways can be facilitated more quickly, increasing biomass accumulation and energy output. Acetate can also contribute to the TCA cycle, which will improve the production of lipids and carotenoids, two examples of secondary metabolites (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017).
Prior to being consumed, urea must be hydrolysed by the enzyme urease into ammonia and carbon dioxide. In comparison to ammonia and ammonium acetate, this extra enzymatic step may be less effective, leading to slower growth and decreased metabolite production (Kargi and DeLisa, 2017). Ammonium ions, which are helpful for assimilating nitrogen, are produced by ammonium chloride (Nelson and Cox, 2017). It is less effective than ammonium acetate, which supplies both nitrogen and carbon, because the chloride ions do not offer any extra metabolic advantages (Prescott et al., 2005; Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017). Although ammonium sulphate is an excellent source of nitrogen, the medium may become acidic due to the sulphate ions, necessitating the need of extra buffering. When compared to more balanced sources like ammonium acetate, this can somewhat impair growth and metabolite production and complicate the growth environment (Prescott et al., 2005; Berg, 2015; Nelson & Cox, 2017).
According to the study, ammonia and ammonium acetate are better nitrogen sources for maximizing R. mucilaginosa growth and metabolite production. The direct absorption of ammonia into metabolic pathways combined with ammonium acetate's dual function as a nitrogen and carbon source results in increased production of lipids, carotenoids, β-carotene, and OD. Other nitrogen sources, on the other hand, like urea, ammonium chloride, and ammonium sulphate, are less effective because they need extra metabolic processes or have less evenly distributed nutritional contributions (Table 2, Fig.3 A, B, C).
The growth profile is assessed based on various parameters, which are visualized in the figure. R. mucilaginosa growth profile in terms of optical density (OD), which shows the evolution of cell density over time, as shown in image (A). Both the proportion of lipids (w/w) accumulated during the growth phase and the dynamic changes in cell dry weight (DCW) in grams per liter (gL-1) are displayed in image (B). These measures provide important insights on R. mucilaginosa's capacity for lipid synthesis under the given circumstances. Additionally, picture (C) shows how much β-carotene (µgg-1) and carotenoids (µgg-1) were created during the cultivation (Table 2, Fig.4 A, B, C).
The chemical content of the growing medium can influence R. mucilaginosa's growth and metabolism. Key components such as sodium acetate, sodium nitrate, potassium hydrogen phosphate, di-potassium hydrogen phosphate, and di-sodium hydrogen phosphate are essential for optimal development and metabolite production.
According to study, utilizing sodium acetate as a carbon source improves R. mucilaginosa's growth profile. This boost leads to higher optical density (OD), increased biomass, and enhanced synthesis of carotenoids, β-carotene, and lipids. Sodium acetate, as a readily metabolizable carbon source, enters the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle efficiently, increasing cellular energy levels and metabolic capacity (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018). An improved output of OD and biomass when using sodium acetate indicates more effective cell division and growth (Table 2, Fig.4 A). This might be because acetate is directly assimilated into the core metabolic pathways, which lessens the metabolic load from other carbon sources that need more intricate catabolic procedures.
Carotenoids, such as β-carotene, are produced via the energy-demanding mevalonate route. The requisite energy and precursors for the improved synthesis of these pigments can be obtained through the effective use of sodium acetate. Examine has indicated that easily assimilated carbon sources into central metabolism frequently result in higher production of secondary metabolites (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017, Madigan et al., 2018). It is possible to explain the enhanced lipid production seen with sodium acetate by the overflow metabolism, which directs extra carbon toward lipid biosynthesis.
In terms of OD, biomass, carotenoids, β-carotene, and lipid production, sodium acetate is superior than other chemical compositions like potassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium nitrate, di-potassium hydrogen phosphate, and di-sodium hydrogen phosphate (Table 2, Fig.4 A, B, C). While these additional sources are necessary for cellular processes and mainly act as donors of phosphate and nitrogen, they do not offer the same rapid energy benefits as sodium acetate. Despite being a great supply of nitrogen, sodium nitrate must be reduced to ammonium in order to be assimilated. This process uses energy, which could be taken away from the synthesis of metabolites and biomass. Although they play a more supporting function than the primary carbon source, phosphates like potassium, dipotassium, and sodium hydrogen phosphate are essential for nucleotide synthesis and energy transmission (ATP). Despite being essential to growth, they only indirectly contribute to the generation of biomass and secondary metabolites (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018).
To study the impact of various nitrogen sources, phosphate concentrations, and sodium acetate, more screening was done in batch shake flasks. Notably, significant advances in the generation of important chemicals were seen when sodium acetate was added as an extra carbon source together with improved medium. Using sodium acetate in the media to optimize the culture conditions led to noticeable improvements in several metrics. Lipid concentration was 2.48 ± 1.03 gL-1, while the maximal yield of cell dry weight (CDW) was 1.65 ± 0.94 gL-1, with a lipid output of 66.53 % (w/w), there was a significant amount of lipid buildup in comparison to the biomass. Furthermore, 37.66 ± 2.13 µgg-1 of carotenoids and 5.84 ± 0.05 µgg-1 of β-carotene were produced (Table 2, Fig.4 A, B, C).
It is noteworthy that using sodium acetate as a carbon source led to higher lipid content (w/w), improved growth, improved chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal %, and increased carotenoids and β-carotene synthesis. The image illustrates how sodium acetate and phosphate resources affect R. mucilaginosa growth and output capacities. The outcome showed that increasing the amount of sodium acetate in the yeast medium increased biomass, growth, lipid, carotenoids, and β-carotene synthesis (Table 2, Fig.4 A, B, C). This result showed how important sodium acetate is as a good source of nutrients for R. mucilaginosa cultures to reach maximum production. Silva et al., 2016 reported that the combining glucose and sodium acetate during the mixotrophic cultivation of Neochloris oleoabundans achieved a greater yield for the amounts of biomass, proteins, and lipids for biofuel production. The biomass, lipids, Carotenoids, and β-Carotene contents were considerably enhanced with Sodium acetate. Sodium acetate plays a crucial function in the optimization of R. mucilaginosa growth through chemical composition alteration. Higher OD, biomass, carotenoid, β-carotene, and lipid production are among the superior growth metrics that arise from its effective integration into metabolic pathways. These results highlight how crucial it is to choose the right carbon.
3.2 Effect of Sodium acetate on the composition profile of growth, biomass, lipid, carotenoid, and β-carotene in R. mucilaginosa.
In batch shake flask investigations, preliminary screens were carried out to optimize the content of sodium acetate (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 3.5% w/v). The experimental findings showed that the highest yields were obtained at a concentration of 1.5% w/v sodium acetate. To be more precise, the lipid concentration was 1.99 ± 0.01 gL-1 and the maximal cell dry weight (CDW) was 3.01 ± 0.04 gL-1. With a w/w lipid yield of 66.11 ± 1.75%, there was a significant amount of lipid buildup in comparison to the biomass. Furthermore, 42.16 ± 0.14 µgg-1 of carotenoids and 6.03 ± 0.07 µgg-1 of β-carotene were produced (Table 3, Fig.5 A, B, C).
The growth profile as determined by optical density (OD), which shows how cell density changes over time, is shown in Image (A). It offers insight into R. mucilaginosa's growth kinetics. The dynamic variations in cell dry weight (DCW), expressed in grams per liter (gL-1), are depicted in image (B). This parameter provides information on the accumulation of biomass during the growing phase. Furthermore, provided is the proportion of lipids (w/w) that was accumulated during the growth, which provides insight into the capacity for lipid production.
The amounts of carotenoids (µgg-1) and β-carotene (µgg-1) production are shown in Image (C). R. mucilaginosa synthesizes important chemicals known as carotenoids and β-carotene. Keeping an eye on their production gives information about the yeast's productivity and metabolic processes.
R. mucilaginosa's growth dynamics, biomass accumulation, lipid, carotenoids, and β-carotene's synthesis under the impact of sodium acetate and other resources. In their study, Silva et al., 2016 investigated the mixotrophic culture of Neochloris oleoabundans and found that the combination of glucose and sodium acetate increased biomass, protein, and lipid yields all of which are important to produce biofuel. Garcia et al., 2005 conducted a study on Phaeodactylum tricornutum and discovered that a maximum biomass production of 2.01 gL-1 was achieved at a glucose content of 5.0 gL-1. By contrast, 1.15 gL-1 of biomass was produced at a concentration of 4.1 gL-1 of sodium acetate. Khot and Ghosh, 2017 reported increased biomass yields of 15.3 gL-1 for R. mucilaginosa under nitrogen-limited growth conditions, while consuming 0.17 gg-1 of xylose. A medium containing glycerol produced a greater biomass yield of 30.70 gL-1 and a lipid content of 10.2% (w/w), as shown by Gientka et al., 2017. Additionally, Sitepu et al., 2014 discovered that 15.5 gL-1 of lipids, or 40% of the cell dry weight, were collected by Cryptococcus humicola. Growing in authentic hydrolysate of ammonia, the yeast attained 36 gL-1 of total cellular biomass.
The purpose of these studies is to learn more about the effects of sodium acetate on yeast lipid synthesis and regulation. Numerous research has investigated the regulation of lipid production in yeast in response to sodium acetate. The effect of sodium acetate on lipid production in several yeast species has been studied by several researchers. These investigations look at the impact of sodium acetate on lipid yield, and associated regulatory processes. Sodium acetate can affect R. mucilaginosa and other microbes in several ways, including growth, biomass, and biochemical composition. Specifically, it is critical to comprehend the metabolic pathways involved while analyzing its impacts on lipids and carotenoids. Microorganisms can use sodium acetate as a source of carbon. The use of it can affect R. mucilaginosa's growth rate and biomass production. The availability of acetate can impact energy generation and cellular metabolism, which in turn can impact total growth and biomass buildup. One of the main steps in the synthesis of lipids is the synthesis of fatty acids, which is facilitated by acetate. Acetate is a resource that microorganisms like R. mucilaginosa can use to produce lipids, such as phospholipids and triglycerides. Acetate's increased availability may encourage cells to store lipids. In microorganisms such as R. mucilaginosa, the process of lipid generation is dependent on multiple metabolic pathways.
Acetyl-CoA is produced from acetate and is a precursor to fatty acid production. The fatty acid synthase (FAS) route uses malonyl-CoA, which is produced when acetyl-CoA is carboxylated. This process is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Many lipid compounds are synthesized through the FAS pathway, which is a sequence of enzyme processes that lengthen fatty acid chains (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018). R. mucilaginosa cells absorb sodium acetate, which is then transformed into acetyl-CoA by the enzyme acetyl-CoA synthase. This acetyl-CoA is a key molecule that acts as a precursor in a variety of metabolic pathways, including lipid production. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase converts acetyl-CoA into malonyl-CoA. This process is necessary for the elongation of fatty acid chains. The fatty acid synthase complex adds malonyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA units progressively to increasing fatty acid chains, producing long-chain fatty acids. Fatty acids are esterified to glycerol-3-phosphate, creating phosphatidic acid, which is then dephosphorylated to diacylglycerol. Diacylglycerol can be further acylated to produce triacylglycerol (TAG), an important storage lipid. Transcription factors regulate enzyme expression in lipid biosynthesis based on acetyl-CoA levels and other metabolic signals.
Sodium acetate can increase gene expression of critical enzymes in the lipid manufacturing pathway, resulting in increased flux. Acetyl-CoA, a metabolite produced from sodium acetate, can affect enzyme activity in fatty acid synthesis through allosteric regulation. Sodium acetate activates signalling pathways that alter transcription factor activity, resulting in enhanced lipid synthesis (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018). Studies on the action of sodium acetate on R. mucilaginosa have revealed that treatment with sodium acetate considerably increases lipid accumulation. This is most likely owing to the increased availability of acetyl-CoA, a necessary precursor for fatty acid synthesis. Studies have shown that R. mucilaginosa cultures grown in sodium acetate-supplemented medium express greater amounts of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase, both of which are required for lipid biosynthesis (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018).
Sodium acetate has a complicated regulatory influence on lipid biosynthesis in R. mucilaginosa, increasing the production of key metabolites necessary for lipid synthesis. Acetyl-CoA availability is raised, and lipid biosynthesis genes are upregulated, both of which lead to increased lipid buildup. This understanding lays the groundwork for optimizing culture conditions to maximize lipid production, which has important implications for biotechnological applications like as biofuel generation and the synthesis of valuable lipid-based chemicals. The role of sodium acetate in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway and its modulation of enzymes in yeast. R. mucilaginosa provides insight into the metabolic pathways that underpin carotenoid biosynthesis and the factors that influence its synthesis.
Carotenoid biosynthesis, sodium acetate has been shown to stimulate carotenoid production in R. mucilaginosa. Studies have demonstrated that adding sodium acetate to the growth medium promotes the expression of critical enzymes in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway, resulting in enhanced carotenoids production. Sodium acetate regulates the activity of numerous enzymes in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. One of the important enzymes involved is phytoene synthase, which catalyzes the condensation of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) molecules to produce phytoene, a precursor to carotenoids. Sodium acetate is hypothesized to increase the activity of phytoene synthase, boosting the transit of GGPP toward carotenoid formation (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018). Metabolic Shifts, adding sodium acetate to the growth medium causes metabolic shifts in R. mucilaginosa, resulting in enhanced carbon flux toward carotenoid production. This metabolic reprogramming involves the activation of genes encoding enzymes involved in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway while downregulating genes associated with other metabolic pathways (Berg, 2015; Nelson and Cox, 2017; Madigan et al., 2018).
Optimization of Culture variables, according to research, the concentration of sodium acetate in the growth medium, as well as other culture variables such as pH and temperature, might influence carotenoid production in R. mucilaginosa. Optimization of these parameters is critical for maximizing carotenoid synthesis in industrial-scale fermentation systems.
Finally, studying the involvement of sodium acetate in R. mucilaginosa's carotenoid biosynthesis pathway sheds light on how carotenoid production is regulated in this yeast species. Understanding the methods by which sodium acetate affects enzyme activity and metabolic fluxes can help create techniques for increasing carotenoid production in biotechnological applications. Further research into R. mucilaginosa's molecular and physiological responses to sodium acetate supplementation will help to optimize culture conditions for large-scale carotenoid synthesis. Carotenoids are currently used in feed, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries and have high commercial value with a global market accounted for 766 million dollars expected to increase by 155 million dollars in the current year (Vílchez et al., 2011). Biological properties of carotenoids allow for a wide range of commercial applications. Indeed, recent interest in the carotenoids has been mainly for their nutraceutical properties. Many scientific studies have confirmed the benefits of carotenoids to health and their use for this purpose is growing rapidly. In addition, carotenoids have traditionally been used in food and animal feed for their color properties. Carotenoids are also known to improve consumer perception of quality; an example is the addition of carotenoids to fish feed to impart color to farmed salmon (Vílchez et al., 2011).
The results of this investigation indicate that, in comparison to using yeast medium alone, employing yeast media supplemented with sodium acetate results in increased growth, biomass, lipid, carotenoid, and β-carotene synthesis. Sodium acetate is added as an extra carbon source, which promotes better microbial growth and the synthesis of important chemicals (Gong et al., 2015). The analysis's findings would display the sodium acetate concentration in the culture media at various intervals. It is possible to determine the sodium acetate consumption profile of R. mucilaginosa by charting these concentrations against time. These findings shed important light on R. mucilaginosa's metabolic activities and growth dynamics. The sodium acetate consumption profile shows how well the organism uses this chemical as a carbon source, demonstrating both its metabolic efficiency and potential for use in commercial processes like bioremediation and biofuel production. A thorough comprehension of R. mucilaginosa's metabolic dynamics can be obtained by establishing a correlation between the rate of sodium acetate consumption and the various growth stages of the organism (lag, exponential, stationary, and death phases). It is possible to evaluate the organism's sodium acetate utilization efficiency, which provides information about its potential for use in biotechnology. The HPLC study of R. mucilaginosa's intake of sodium acetate provides important insights about the organism's metabolic activities and ability to use sodium acetate as a carbon source. Understanding the ecological function of R. mucilaginosa in natural habitats and improving yields in bioprocesses, as well as optimizing culture conditions for industrial uses, depend on this investigation. The amount of sodium acetate absorbed by R. mucilaginosa was measured using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) using a solvent delivery system (210), a refractive index (RI) detector (355), and a Meta Carb-87H carbohydrate column (300 x 6.5, particle size 8 µm). The column was filled with the eluent, 9 mM sulfuric acid, at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min while maintaining a temperature of 60°C. Using authentic standards, HPLC peaks were identified based on the distinct retention duration of each chemical (Fig. 1) (Deshavath et al., 2017). The potent analytical method known as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is used to separate, identify, and quantify the constituents of a mixture. HPLC offers precise and reliable measurements of sodium acetate concentrations throughout time, enabling researchers to track the organism's uptake and use in the context of calculating sodium acetate intake by R. mucilaginosa. HPLC would have been used in the study analysis to measure R. mucilaginosa's sodium acetate consumption while it was growing. The main carbon source in the experimental setup would be sodium acetate, which would be cultivated in a medium with a specified concentration. Periodically, samples from the growing media would be removed and subjected to HPLC analysis (Deshavath et al., 2017) (Fig.1).
3.3 R. mucilaginosa: Production of Lipids, Carotenoids, and β-Carotene by Batch and Fed batch Fermentation Process
This specific bioreactor model was selected for the experiment conducted at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG). The Sartorius B-LITE bioreactor is a commonly used stirred-tank bioreactor with a working volume of 2L. The experimental schematic involved setting the desired culture pH at 6.0, which was achieved by adding either 1 M NaOH or 0.5 M H2SO4 as necessary. The temperature of the bioreactor was set at 30 °C to promote the growth of the microbial culture. Agitation was maintained at a speed between 300 and 400 rpm, while aeration was controlled at a rate of 0.8 vvm (volume of air per volume of medium per minute) to ensure sufficient oxygen supply for the microbial cells. The dissolved oxygen concentration was monitored throughout the experiment. To inoculate the culture, a 10% (v/v) volume of the microbial inoculum was added to the bioreactor. This inoculum served as the starting point for the growth of the microbial culture. Throughout the experiment, an antifoaming agent was occasionally added to control foaming, which could disrupt the culture and hinder proper measurements. Samples were collected at regular intervals of 24 hours for analysis. These samples were used to measure various parameters such as optical density (OD), biomass concentration, lipid content, carotenoids, and β-carotene.
In batch reactor, R. mucilaginosa fed sodium acetate the found result were as follows, 5.02 ± 0.83 gL-1 for cell dry weight (DCW); 3.30 ± 0.27 gL-1 for lipid concentration; 65.73 ± 0.81% (w/w) for lipid content; 40.33 ± 1.84 µgg-1 for carotenoids; and 17.63 ± 0.32 µgg-1 for β-carotene (Table 5). In this analyze, yeast media supplemented with sodium acetate as an additional carbon source were used to track the growth profile of R. mucilaginosa. The optical density (OD), cell dry weight (CDW) in gL-1, lipid concentration in gL-1, carotenoids content in µgg-1, β-carotene content in µgg-1, and the use of sodium acetate (gL-1) as a carbon source are all shown in the graphs in the image.
Furthermore, growth, biomass, lipid, carotenoid, and β-carotene production kinetic characteristics on yeast cultures supplemented with sodium acetate were measured. The productivity of biomass was calculated to be 45.06 mgL-1 Day-1, lipid productivity to be 33.17 mgL-1 day-1, and specific growth rate (µmax) to be 1.14 day-1 (Table 4).
R. mucilaginosa grown in a fed-batch bioreactor with sodium acetate produced considerable amounts of biomass, lipids, and carotenoids, including β-carotene. R. mucilaginosa produces carotenoids at 48.36 ± 1.14 µgg-1, β-carotene 21.38 ± 1.14 µgg-1 and has a 4.06 ± 0.17 gL-1 lipid concentration, 68.58 ± 1.95% lipid content and demonstrating its metabolic plasticity in using sodium acetate as a carbon source for lipid and secondary metabolite synthesis. The fed-batch mode bioreactor culture of R. mucilaginosa supplemented with sodium acetate demonstrates its promise as a viable microbial platform for producing β-carotene, carotenoids, and lipids. R. mucilaginosa is well-suited for large-scale bioprocessing applications due to its high biomass and lipid productivity, as well as its quick growth kinetics. The findings provide important insights into R. mucilaginosa's metabolic capabilities, paving the door for further optimization of culture conditions and strain engineering tactics to improve product yields and process efficiency.
A comparing fed-batch and batch culture bioreactor systems in terms of optical density (OD), biomass, carotenoids, β-carotene, and lipid synthesis sheds light on the efficiency and productivity of various cultivation methods for R. mucilaginosa. Fed-batch culture systems often produce greater OD values and biomass concentrations than batch culture systems. Continuous nutrient input in fed-batch systems promotes microbial growth and greater cell densities during longer cultivation periods. When compared to batch cultures, fed-batch cultures accumulate more biomass due to improved nutrient availability, fewer nutritional constraints, and longer cultivation times. Fed-batch culture bioreactors classically produce more carotenoids, β-carotene, and lipids than batch cultures. The constant feed supply in fed-batch systems stimulates metabolic activity and the buildup of secondary metabolites like carotenoids and lipids.
Higher biomass concentrations in fed-batch cultures create a bigger cellular pool for carotenoid and lipid production, leading to higher total yields. Fed-batch systems have longer cultivation durations, allowing for increased accumulation of carotenoids, β-carotene, and lipids, leading to higher product concentrations than batch cultures.