The phylogenetic analysis and genome structure investigation of A. oryzae/flavus strains from fermentation and wild environment in Korea, compared with globally reported strains, provided significant insights into the genetic diversity and evolutionary pathways of these fungi. The phylogenetic tree, PCA and ADMIXTURE analysis offer a vivid illustration of the genetic distances and relationships among the strains, revealing a broad spectrum of evolutionary divergence within five distinct groups (A to E). In particular, Groups A and B demonstrate closer genetic affiliations, suggesting a shared evolutionary pathway that may be rooted in their non-aflatoxigenic nature and potential adaptations to industrial or natural environments. Conversely, Group E, characterized by its distinct genetic makeup, stands out as the most genetically divergent cluster. This may indicate unique evolutionary pressures or historical genetic isolation that have shaped their current genomic constitution. Group D exhibits an interesting feature since it has a greater genetic distance from Groups A and B than from Group C, yet PCA analysis showed that it aligns more closely with Groups A and B.
Considering distribution of Korean strains, industrial strains (KRI), excluding KRI2, clustered within Group A, specifically aligning with JPI Clade C strains. The narrow genetic distances among these industrial strains suggest recent differentiation driven by fermentation functionalities, resulting in their separation as individual strains.
Korean Meju-originated strains (KRM) exhibited broader distribution across Groups A, B, and E. Some strains were closely matched to industrial strains, likely due to spore dispersal from industrial environments to traditional fermentation settings. Other Meju strains in Group A, B and E showed distinct genetic positions with industrial strains. Notably, two Meju strains in Group E showed genetic similarity with the biocontrol agent, Afla-guard but differed in aflatoxin and CPA gene clusters, suggesting potential genetic recombination events with wild strains. The distribution of Meju strains(KRM) was similar with that of non-aflatoxigenic strain from wild conditions (KRWO). This supports the nothion that Meju fermentation involves environmental strains without artificial starter inoculation, resulting in weak selective pressure.
Non-aflatoxigenic strains from Korean wild environments (KRWO) were found in Groups A and B. Group A wild strains exhibited genetic distinctions from JPI strains, suggesting different evolutionary pressures. The lower genetic diversity among these wild strains, compared to industrial strains, may indicate fewer evolutionary changes in natural settings. In contrast, industrial environments likely experienced more frequent selective evolution events.
All aflatoxigenic Korean strains (KRWF) were categorized in Group C. Especially strains AR028, SD016, and SL015 had notable genetic characteristics highlighted in previous studies [35]. PCR analysis patterns of the norB/cypA cluster in these strains were similar to that of A. parasiticus. Genome-wide clustering confirmed their placement within Group C, yet their aflatoxin cluster mutation patterns were notably distinct from NRRL 3357 and other Group C strains. Despite these genomic differences, MALDI-TOF MS results closely matched NRRL 3357 and other Group C strains.
Following Aflatoxin mutation patterns, this study reveals that there are points of concordance with previous research as well as advancements in understanding these patterns. Comparing the strains, Afla-guard (NRRL 21882), which had a complete deletion of the aflatoxin gene cluster, and strain 14160, which exhibited deletion starting from the OmtA gene showed the same results. Strains BP2-1, TK-10, TK24, WRRL1519, and NRRL35739 showed deletions beginning from the norA gene. These results are also consistent with previous findings.
Additionally, strains 3.042, TK-5, TK-59, and SU-16 were described as having mostly intact gene clusters with partial deletions starting from the AflT gene. Group C strains (A9, CA14, NRRL 3357, VCG1, Washington T5, E1404, E1445) were reported to have partial deletions starting from the CypA gene [10]. In this study, non-aflatoxigenic strains, including those in Group C, frequently exhibited additional deletions of the cypA gene compared to NRRL 3357. This suggests that the additional deletion in cypA may significantly impact aflatoxin production. This finding also aligns with previous research that classified norB-cypA PCR patterns into type 1 (short read type) and type 2 (long read type), with aflatoxigenic strains being type 2 and non-aflatoxigenic strains being type 1 [35].
Across Groups A and B, strains with high mutation rates or high deletion rates are mixed and each of them shares a similar mutation pattern. But they don’t share similar mutation patterns with Group C strains. This suggests significant genetic exchange through interbreeding between Groups A and B during domestication, while the two groups appear to be reproductively isolated from the aflatoxigenic group, indicating speciation. Therefore, these strains with high mutation rates or high deletion rates are considered safe since they have less potential for producing mycotoxins and are unlikely to form hybrids with aflatoxigenic strains.
Group C mostly consists of aflatoxigenic strains (KRWF and NF), but there are some exceptional non-aflatoxigenic strains (2017 Washington-T2, A1, AF36 and K54A). Among them, AF36 is even known as biocontrol agent to reduce aflatoxin contamination [36]. This may indicate a complex genetic landscape that does not strictly correlate with aflatoxin production. However, the presence of intact aflatoxin and cyclopiazonic acid gene clusters in these non-aflatoxigenic strains suggests a latent potential for mycotoxin production under certain conditions, raising important considerations for food safety and strain utilization in industrial applications..
The evolutionary direction of Group A, characterized by unique mutations in the ditryptophenaline gene cluster, indicates a potential adaptive response to industrial fermentation processes, possibly due to selective pressures to mitigate negative impacts on food products. Although the toxicity or side effects of ditryptophenaline have not been thoroughly studied, the uniform occurrence of mutations in this cluster among Group A strains implies that such mutations may confer a selective advantage in the context of fermented food production, possibly due to reduced detrimental effects on product quality [7].
By incorporating MALDI-TOF MS data, we observe significant differentiation, particularly between Group C and the non-C groups (A, B, and E), with unique proteomic features corresponding to their genomic distinctions. Group C exhibited the unique features in the ranges of 3100–3200 m/z, 6200–6500 m/z, and 12700–12900 m/z. A database of various proteins specific for A. flavus and A. oryzae in UniProtKB ( suggests that these peaks may correspond to significant fungal proteins. For instance, peaks within the 6200 to 6500 m/z range correspond to metabolic enzyme proteins like 3-Hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-Dioxygenase (3HAO) and Short-chain dehydrogenase. Peaks within the 12700 to 12900 m/z range may correspond to proteins such as AflF, also known as norB (primary accession number: A0A7U2MNK6, Mass: 12855 Da). This protein is one of the enzymes included in the aflatoxin gene cluster. No characterized proteins within the 3100 to 3200 m/z range were identified in the database. These specific proteins play crucial roles in cellular metabolism, suggesting their potential as reliable biomarkers for differentiating between groups.
Previous attempts to differentiate A. oryzae from A. flavus have been numerous. A previous study showed that targeting the Cyp51A gene could provide differentiation, but the limited strain diversity hindered its broad applicability [37]. There were also attempts to analyze aflatoxin and cyclopiazonic acid gene clusters to see the difference between two species, and although some differentiation was achieved, it was not definitive [3, 38]. There have also been attempts to distinguish the two species through profiling of CAZyme genes and secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters, but the ambiguous similarities between the two species disturbed clear differentiation [10].
In this study, a comprehensive approach was employed, combining whole-genome SNP-based population structure analysis, detailed secondary metabolite gene cluster variation analysis, and MALDI-TOF MS profiling.
Group C formed a distinct cluster in genomic analysis, separating it from other groups. Similarly, MALDI-TOF MS analysis distinguished Group C from other groups, displaying unique peaks. Furthermore, group C strains have comparatively intact gene clusters of aflatoxin and cyclopiazonic acid and produced aflatoxin B. Given these characteristics, Group C aligns with traits traditionally associated with A. flavus. Therefore, this study proposes classifying Group C as A. flavus and the non-C groups as A. oryzae.