The single-axis solar tracker has the ability to monitor the light intensity of the sun. The result of the movement of the solar PV for the light intensity is generated experimentally using the prototype that has been designed.
The results have proven that the angle of incidence can be reduced through the use of a solar tracker while power output can be maximized. Unlike a dual-axis solar tracker, a single-axis solar tracker has a minimum power requirement to only control a single stepper motor for rotational purposes and has 7 direct positions to align the PV panel.
4.1 Flow Chart
The flow chart in Fig. 7 summarizes the operations of the solar tracker concerning the intensity and position of the panel. It portrays the design of programmable instruction sets and the result during the mode of operation.
4.2 Operation
The sensing mechanism of the sunlight is through the use of LDRs, which is a sensor that has a resistance decrease ability when the sun hits the surface of it. On the other hand, the resistance increases when there is no sunlight detection. The sensor output is amplified to become the input to any MCU digital pins, and from there, further computational approaches are done. Upon the light intensity of any of the LDRs, the MCU sends a command signal to enable the rotation of the stepper motor to the direction of the sensors with the highest intensity. Stepper motor is termed due to its accuracy known as step angle and is used mostly in robotics and industries where accuracy is highly recommended.
The command line in the controller executes the following operation as described by the flow chart. Initially, the controller will monitor the 7 stationary position LDRs (SP_LDR) {ID value 1 to 7 for stationary positions 1 to 7 respectively} which are mounted at a certain position and 30-degree angle apart from each other with initial position i = 0. If SP_LDR on position 1 has a higher intensity, then 1 > 0, so stepper motor will rotate the PV module in the right direction until the rotation LDR (R_LDR) on the PV module is equal to the SP_LDR at position 1 and the rotation will be stopped, thus and a new initial position is set (in that case is 1). If the solar PV panel is at rest at position 7, and there is a higher light intensity at position 1, then the computation (if 1 > 7) is false, the controller will send the signal to the stepper motor to rotate in the left direction until the R_LDR is equal to SP_LDR at position 1.
All in all, through monitoring the initial position of the PV module, the operation, and the direction of the rotation depending on the light that triggers the SP_LDR. If the SP_LDR is greater than the initial position of the PV module, the rotation will be in the right direction. On the other hand, if the SP_LDR is less than the initial position of the PV module, the rotation is toward the left direction. The rotation will stop or is at rest when the LDR specified as the SP_LDR equals the R_LDR (specifically the bits). Variables such as the angle, intensity, and position are synchronized in the LCD for on-site monitoring.
4.3 Display
The display circuit consists of a liquid crystal display (LCD) – which shows the angle, position, and mode of rotation of the solar panel, the indicator of the position of the light intensity corresponding to the 7 stationary LDRs, the position of the solar panel corresponding to the rotational LDR.
Figure 8 shows the display panel of the single-axis solar tracker and its operation.
The printed circuit board (PCB) was designed using the schematic in section 3.3. The performance of the PCB along with the status update for the positioning of the solar panel was greatly achieved. The prototype model in Fig. 6 works such that by shining a light (torch) along each of the stationary LDRs, the steeper motor turns to align the plastic board (solar PV model) and the rotational LDR. The information on the rotation and the direction, as well as the intensity, are well presented and displayed on the display panel as seen in Fig. 8.