Figure 1 displays the comparison between the powdered XRD patterns of Au@PtCo/C and Pt/C. The role of Au can be vividly observed in the formation of the catalyst. All the peaks are observed at a 2θ values higher than those of Au/C as seen in literature[62] and lower than those of Pt/C indicating successful alloy formation. The atomic radii of Au are higher than that of Pt while Co is smaller sized than Pt. Thus, the shifting of all the peak positions in comparison to commercial Pt/C can be explained. [63] The most intense peak of the electrocatalyst is that of the (111) plane which lies at a 2θ value of 39.6°, an intermediate between that of the Au (111) plane and Pt (111) plane of a face centred cubic lattice structure (fcc).[64, 65] A similar trend is also observed for the (002), (220) and (311) planes. Lastly, the broad peak observed at 2θ = 25° is due to the presence of the carbon support in the catalyst.
The morphology of the Au@PtCo/C catalyst was analysed using HRSEM and HRTEM. Figure 2 illustrates the uniform distribution of the Au@PtCo/C nanoparticles on the porous carbonaceous support. As observed in Fig. 2 (a), the nanoparticles obtained were mainly spherical, in shape. This morphology was further confirmed using the HRTEM images as depicted in Fig. 2 (b-d). The uniformly distributed spherical nanoparticles had an average size ranging between 2–4 nm. In Fig. 2d, the HRTEM image of one single such nanoparticle shows the interplanar distance to be equal to 0.22 nm that well correlates with the Pt (111) plane observed from XRD results. However, this d-spacing so obtained was lower than that observed in pure Pt/C which is 0.23 nm. This alteration in the value of d-spacing can be well justified by the formation of the alloy of Pt with smaller sized Co atom in Au@PtCo/C.
The composition of elements and the consequent chemical environment present on the surface of the electrocatalyst was studied using XPS. Thus, the deconvoluted spectra corresponding to Au 4f, Pt 4f, C 1s and Co 2p have been depicted in Fig. 3 (a-d). Explicitly, Fig. 3 (a) elucidates a doublet of spin orbit coupled peaks appearing at 84.0 eV and 87.9 eV corresponding to Au 4f7/2 and Au 4f5/2 of Au (0) state respectively. In Fig. 3 (b), two different spin orbit coupled doublets are visible which correspond to two different oxidation states of Pt. The peaks visible at 71.3 eV and 74.7 eV correspond to the Pt4f7/2 and Pt4f5/2 of ground state Pt (0). The other doublet reappearing at 72.1 eV and 75.4 eV are due to the presence of any residual unreduced Pt (II). The higher intense Pt (0) peak when compared to Pt (II) is essential in realising the higher electrocatalytic performance as it is these metallic Pt sites that act as the catalytically active ORR sites. Moreover, the slight drift in the XPS peak can be equated to the changes in the energy of the fermi level, work function and position of d-band centre. The presence of an atom of a different electronegativity around Pt can be attributed to a partial transfer of charge that reshuffles and alters the normal distribution of electrons in Pt. Figure 3(c) illustrates the C1s spectrum, attributed to the support present in the Au@PtCo/C. The peaks observed at 284.6 eV can be well assigned to the presence of the C-C bond corresponding to the sp2 carbon.[30, 31, 61, 66] Finally, the Co 2p spectrum after deconvolution has been depicted in Fig. 3(d), where, at 783.2 eV and 797.1 eV the 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 peaks of Co can be observed. The signal to noise ratio in this case was observed to be higher, may be due to the lower content of metallic Co in the finally prepared electrocatalyst.
The electrochemical performance of Au@PtCo/C has been depicted in Fig. 5. Explicitly, Fig. 5(a) shows the CV of Au@PtCo/C recorded at a sweeping speed of 100 mV/s in an N2 saturated HClO4 solution (0.1M), while the CV of Pt/C, recorded under identical conditions has been depicted in the inset. Primarily there are two main factors guiding the electrochemical behaviour of the Au@PtCo/C nanoparticles. To begin with, from several previously reported literature it can be well concluded that the embedding of Co particles into the lattice of Pt brings in electronic changes in the latter. This in turn decreases the binding energy of the oxygenated intermediates residing on the surface of the catalyst and consequently their coverage on the surface decreases sharply. This helps to generate more active Pt sites that remain available for the further incoming O2 or H2O molecules.[67] Next, from several studies conducted and reported previously, it has been established that the catalytic performance of the electrocatalysts per unit surface area tends to decrease proportionately with the decrease in the size of the nanocrystals. This is due to the growth and increase of the catalytically inactive planes of Pt around the edges and corners of the nanoparticles at the expense of the most active (111) plane.[68] In every CV, there was a forward positive potential sweep from 0.1V to 1.2 V Vs RHE followed by a reverse sweep backwards from 1.2 V to 0.1V Vs RHE. In the process, two distinctive potential windows were observed that correspond to the under potential adsorption and desorption of hydrogen (H+ + e− = Hupd), as expected in case of any polycrystalline nanoparticle of Pt. The other potential window lies beyond 0.6 V and it is indicative of the coverage of the electrocatalytic surface by a layer of hydroxide formed on it (2H2O = OHad +H3O+ +e−). As observed, the voltammogram shows a response similar to that observed in case of Pt/C, although the hydrogen adsorption/desorption region is relatively lower. This is due to the presence of the alloyed Co also on the surface of the catalyst. The electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) per unit weight was found to be 51.5 m2/gPt and 83.4 m2/gPt for Au@PtCo/C and Pt/C respectively. These values were calculated from the area of the Hupd zone, after making the necessary corrections pertaining to the formation of double layer and then normalizing it to a value of 0.21 mC/cm2, which corresponds to the charge required by a monolayer of hydrogen to get adsorbed on the surface of any clean polycrystalline Pt.[47] Fig. 5(b) depicts the LSV curve of Au@PtCo/C recorded at 1600 rpm at a scanning velocity of 10 mV/s in an HClO4 solution (0.1M, O2 saturated) while the inset depicts the LSV of Pt/C recorded under similar conditions. [42] The ORR activities of the catalysts were quantified at a potential of 0.9V vs RHE to avoid any interference incurred from the mass-transport loss occurring at high current densities. The limiting current obtained was also well within a margin of 10% from the theoretically derived value using the Levich Eq. (5.7 mA/cm2) which indicates a negligibly low Nafion or carbon support contribution. As anticipated, Au@PtCo/C catalyst exhibited a single reduction curve of a mixed kinetic-diffusion guided region between the potential window of 0.75V to 1.0V Vs RHE. This was succeeded by a flatter wave of diffusion limited current ranging in the window between 0.2V to 0.7V. Au@PtCo/C depicts marginally better behaviour initially as compared to Pt/C. The presence of Au as a dopant result in the generation of an electronic coupling effect that tends to significantly weaken the π- bonds present in the adsorbed O2.[37] The intrinsic properties of Au@PtCo/C such as the Im (A/mgPt), and Is (mA/ cm2Pt) were calculated from the Koutecky-Levich equation after normalisation of the kinetic current (ik) value obtained to Pt loading and to the actual geometric area possessed by the electrode in use respectively. The Im of Au@PtCo/C obtained is 0.57 A/mgPt (Im of Pt = 0.14 A/mgPt ) and the Is value obtained is 1.1 mA/cm2Pt (Is for Pt/C = 0.18 mA/cm2Pt)
In order to test the withstanding power of Au@PtCo/C, the catalyst was exposed to potential cycling and the electrochemical performance of the catalyst was recorded after 10k cycles. As observed in Fig. 4(c), the stability test carried out on Au@PtCo/C revealed an improvement in the electrocatalytic performance after 10k cycles. It was interesting to notice that 27% increment in the value of ECSA was observed at the completion of 10k cycles. This increment in the value of ECSA can be well explained through the temporary rise in the dispersion of Pt atoms on the surface or also by the rearrangement of atoms or by the removal of other Co atoms from the catalyst’s surface that exposes a higher number of active sites. Under prolonged exposure to the harsh acidic medium, the Co atoms leach out, so the lower layers of atoms are exposed, thereby opening up fresh active sites for the adsorption of oxygen. The exposure of newer active sites upon potential cycling can be further reinstated by the improved ORR performance of Au@PtCo/C as observed in the linear sweep voltammogram depicted in Fig. 4(d). The E1/2 shifts positively by 30 mV indicating that the modification in the geometry of the alloy nanoparticles coupled with the electronic rearrangement is responsible for this improved ORR performance. The Im and Is of Au@PtCo/C evaluated at the end of 10k cycles at 0.9 V were 0.87 A/mgPt and 1.6 mA/cm2Pt respectively. This better ORR activity of Au@PtCo/C is attributed to the ameliorated synergistic effect occurring between Pt, Co and Au.
Morphological analysis of the coin shaped Au@PtCo/C nanoparticles was taken after 10k cycles. As observed in Fig. 5(a-b), the HRTEM images were observed to show minimal change in morphology after 10k cycles, although coalescence of the particles is visible which, again, is a commonly observed phenomenon in the acidic medium. The HRTEM image of a single Au@PtCo/C nanoparticle as seen in Fig. 5(b), shows a d-spacing of 0.229 nm, which indicates the retention of the (111) plane of Pt even after 10k potential cycles. This minor difference in d-spacing suggests the occurrence of changes intrinsically in the nanoparticle on account of potential cycling.
The performance of Au@PtCo/C was further tested under the actual conditions of fuel cell both under a H2/O2 and H2/Air environment. A lower overpotential was observed in the activation region with the open circuit voltage recorded to be 0.93V. The polarisation was studied for a higher current density of 4.5A/cm2 to check the mass transfer losses of the catalyst. There was minimal fall in the voltage even at higher current, indicating the superiority of the catalyst in fuel cell conditions. In an H2/O2 environment, the peak power density was observed to be 1.33 W/cm2 at a current density of 3.43 A/cm2. On the other hand, when the polarisation was measured under a H2/Air environment, the peak power density obtained was observed to be 0.78 W/cm2 at a current density of 2.26 A/cm2 as observed in Fig. 6. These results indicate that Au@PtCo/C can be potentially used as an efficient catalyst for ORR in the fuel cells for further studies.