Overexpression of OCT4 Causes Changes in Morphology and Adhesion in hHFMSCs
EGFP-positive signals indicated that OCT4 had been transduced into hHFMSCs. Immunofluorescence staining showed that both floating hHFMSCsOCT4 and adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 expressed OCT4, while the expression of OCT4 was not detected in hHFMSCs (Figure 1a). And the protein OCT4 was located in the nuclei of the cells. Cellular morphologic changes were monitored using an optical microscope. The spindle-shaped cells became polygonal after transduction, and a population of small floating round or quasi-round cells emerged from the adherent polygonal cells (Figure 1a, 1b). We then determined the relative size of these cells by flow cytometry. The data showed that the size of adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 was notably smaller than that of hHFMSCs, while floating hHFMSCsOCT4 were smaller than adherent cells (Figure 1c), which was consistent with what we observed under an optical microscope. At the same time, cell adhesion changed as a portion of the cells gradually became suspended in the medium, so dissociation and adhesion assays were carried out to detect cell adhesion. The percentage of single cells was higher in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 (47.5%) than in hHFMSCs (9.4%), and the percentage was higher in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 (85%) than in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 (Figure 1d). In the adhesion assay, the percentage of remaining cells was lower in adherent cells (18.4%) than in hHFMSCs (70.9%), while it was lower in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 (2.3%) than in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 (Figure 1e). The above results validated that the morphology of OCT4-reprogrammed hHFMSCs changed and adhesion decreased. It is worth noting that it was the population of floating hHFMSCsOCT4 with low-adhesion prone to transdifferentiate towards erythroid lineage after stepwise stimulation by cocktails of hematopoietic cytokines. Accordingly, stretched cell morphology and strong adhesion might be the negative factors affecting erythropoiesis.
Transcripts in Cells with Diverse Morphology and Adhesion are Quite Different
To investigate the role of cell morphology and adhesion during erythrocyte differentiation from hHFMSCsOCT4, RNA-seq was performed and the DEGs were sorted. First, to compare the similarity of samples within a group and the diversity of each group, the principle components were analyzed. As shown in the three-dimensional distribution (Figure 2a), the closer distances of cells within each group implied better repetitiveness, and the distances between every two groups were significantly greater, especially when adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and floating hHFMSCsOCT4 were compared with hHFMSCs, respectively. Based on these data combined with the correlation coefficient and clustering of correlation provided in Additional file 1, OCT4 induced hHFMSCs to derive novo cell populations, remarkably, cells with different morphology and adhesion might possess distinct gene transcripts.
Next, DEGs were sorted among the three groups. When we compared adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 with hHFMSCs, 2401 upregulated genes and 1882 downregulated genes were identified (Figure 2b), and 3107 upregulated genes and 2999 downregulated genes were determined in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 compared to hHFMSCs (Figure 2c), indicating that OCT4 conferred considerable changes of transcriptome in the whole genome to hHFMSCs. Importantly, 833 upregulated genes and 1107 downregulated genes were also identified when floating hHFMSCsOCT4 were compared with adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 (Figure 2d). Although the number is smaller, it would definitely play a considerable role in floating cells. Venn diagram analysis revealed a total of 612 and 388 group-specific DEGs for adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 vs. hHFMSCs and floating hHFMSCsOCT4 vs. adherent hHFMSCsOCT4, respectively (Figure 2e). In particular, 1785 group-specific DEGs were identified in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 vs. hHFMSCs, which was a much larger number than that in the other two comparison groups. This considerable number of DEGs probably bring about significant changes in biological function to OCT4-reprogrammed hHFMSCs. Especially, the group-specific DEGs may yield tremendous changes to floating hHFMSCsOCT4 when compared with hHFMSCs. In the DEGs analysis, it is likely that the common and group-specific DEGs collectively affected the morphological characteristics and subsequent transdifferentiation.
Floating hHFMSCsOCT4 and Adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 Acquire Different Pluripotency and Differentiation Tendency
Cells with different transcripts might possess different pluripotency after transduction of the key pluripotent transcription factor OCT4. Consequently, we focused our analysis on the expression of related genes in cells with different morphology and adhesion. hHFMSCs expressed negligible levels of OCT4, LEFTY2, SOX18, POU3F2 and SEMA4D (Additional file 2: Table S1), and both adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and floating hHFMSCsOCT4 expressed higher levels of pluripotent genes, including LEFTY2, KLF4, MYC, POUs, SEMAs and SOXs, than hHFMSCs (Figure 3a). Some of the pluripotent genes, such as LEFTY2, SOX4, and SEMA6C, however, were downregulated in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 compared with adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 (Figure 3a), which was validated by KEGG enrichment analysis as downregulated genes were enriched in the term signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 vs. adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 (Figure 3b). These results suggested that OCT4-reprogramed hHFMSCs acquired pluripotency, but lost some of it after adherent cells transformed into the floating subset. The DEGs were then clustered according to their GO terms using DAVID, and the top 10 GO terms related to differentiation and development enriched with upregulated genes and downregulated genes were separately analyzed. Upregulated DEGs were involved in three germ layers differentiation terms (retinal rod cell development, trachea gland development, negative development of endothelial cell differentiation morphogenesis, cartilage development involved in endothelia development, and etc.) in hHFMSCsOCT4 compared with hHFMSCs (Table 3 and Additional file 2: Table S2, S3). This enrichment result verified again the pluripotency of hHFMSCsOCT4, and the upregulated genes in floating cells were specially enriched in the terms T-helper 1 cell differentiation and regulation of erythrocyte differentiation (Table 3), implying a potential for erythropoietic differentiation.
Table 3. Differentiation- and development-related GO terms enriched of upregulated DEGs in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 versus hHFMSCs.
Enrichment score
retinal rod cell development
T-helper 1 cell differentiation
cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
negative regulation of endodermal cell differentiation
skeletal muscle organ development
trachea gland development
positive regulation of amacrine cell differentiation
regulation of erythrocyte differentiation
growth plate cartilage chondrocyte development
negative regulation of epidermal cell differentiation
Gradual Downregulation of the Tight Junction Pathway in Adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and Floating hHFMSCsOCT4
It’s worth noting that the TJ pathway was found to be downregulated by KEGG analysis in these three comparison groups (Figure 3b). The TJ pathway was annotated through the KEGG database and the DEGs were annotated (Figure 4a), there were 12 upregulated genes and 20 downregulated genes in the TJ pathway. The results clearly showed that TJ genes were dynamically expressed, and several programs, such as cell proliferation, adhesion, cytoskeleton, cell polarity, paracellular permeability and most importantly cell differentiation, were involved.
Tight junctions, generally known for their fence function controlling cellular matter diffusion, can also modulate cell adhesion and the cytoskeleton (17, 30). KEGG analysis also revealed that downregulated genes were enriched in cell signaling pathways including regulation of actin cytoskeleton, cell adhesion molecules and focal adhesion in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 vs. hHFMSCs, as well as pathways of regulation of actin cytoskeleton, gap junction, adherens junction and focal adhesion in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 vs. adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 (Figure 3b).
To further explore the role of cell morphology and adhesion during erythropoiesis in hHFMSCsOCT4, the top 10 GO terms, covering biological process, molecule function and cellular component, are displayed in Figure 4b. Downregulated genes were obviously enriched in relevant terms,such as cell adhesion, focal adhesion, cytoskeleton and cell-cell junction in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 compared to hHFMSCs. In addition, downregulated genes were significantly enriched in the term cell adhesion in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 relative to adherent hHFMSCsOCT4, suggesting the sharp decrease in adhesion of floating hHFMSCsOCT4. These results verified the changes in cell morphology and adhesion of hHFMSCsOCT4, which were consistent with our observations. Therefore, the morphology- and adhesion-related genes aroused corresponding alterations in OCT4-reprogrammed hHFMSCs and facilitated the switch between adherent and floating subpopulations.
The Expression Validation of the TJ Pathway and Cytoskeleton Genes as well as Adhesion Molecules
Cell junction molecules, including TJ members are involved in cell adhesion and could directly affect cell adhesion (16). Therefore, we performed qPCR to detect the mRNA expression levels of selected genes associated with TJs (CLDNs, JAMs and TJPs), adhesion or cytoskeleton (Figure 5a). Compared with hHFMSCs, the expression of TJ member CLDN11 was significantly decreased in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 and adherent hHFMSCsOCT4, while both CLDN6 and CLDN7 were downregulated. Especially, CLDN5 was downregulated in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and then upregulated in floating hHFMSCsOCT4. The expression levels of JAM1 and JAM3, which play an important role in the commitment of lineage specification and cellular signaling transduction in HSCs, were respectively decreased and increased in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 relative to hHFMSCs. Moreover, the expression levels of TJP1, TJP2 and TJP3, core members associated with the cytoskeleton and intracellular signaling transduction, were remarkably upregulated 5.4-fold, 59.4-fold and 7.6-fold in floating hHFMSCsOCT4.
Next, Western Blotting was carried out to further validate the expression of the selected proteins in hHFMSCs after OCT4 transduction. As shown in Figure 5b, both TJP1 and CLDN5 were upregulated in hHFMSCOCT4. The TJP1 protein was upregulated 1.75-fold and 2.6-fold in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and floating hHFMSCsOCT4, respectively, and the CLDN5 protein was upregulated 1.38-fold and 1.9-fold. However, CLDN11 and JAM1 were downregulated in hHFMSCsOCT4. The CLDN11 protein was downregulated 2.76-fold and 2.1-fold in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and floating hHFMSCsOCT4, respectively, and the JAM1 protein was downregulated 1.4-fold and 1.7-fold. When floating hHFMSCsOCT4 were compared with adherent hHFMSCsOCT4, there were also some differences in expressions of TJ members. The expressions of TJP1 and CLDN5 continued to increase and CLDN11 showed subtle increase, while JAM1 were downregulated. These results indicated disrupted molecular homeostasis of the TJ pathway upon OCT4 transduction.
We also found that the cytoskeleton gene ACTN2 increased more than 20-fold in floating cells, and the expression of E-cadherin increased in adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and then decreased in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 (Figure 5a), implying that the changes in adhesion and cytoskeleton of these cells.
Hematopoietic Factors Expression in Floating hHFMSCsOCT4 and Adherent hHFMSCsOCT4
To reveal the influence of the TJ pathway on hematopoietic differentiation, we detected the expression levels of the terminal erythroid differentiation-related gene ROCK1 and the essential hematopoietic development gene RUNX1, both of which are in the downstream of the TJ pathway (Figure 4a). Expression of these two genes were found decreased in floating cells (Figure 5c), indicating that the state of hematopoietic program was not yet triggered, although OCT4 conferred pluripotency in this group of cells to some degree as other pluripotency genes MYC, KLF4, etc. were upregulated as shown in previous sequencing data. We also detected the expression of RUNX1 protein (Figure 5c), and the expression tendency was consistent with the mRNA level.
A Putative Regulatory Network in Floating hHFMSCsOCT4
Although pluripotency-, cell morphology- and cell adhesion-related genes have been identified, the internal correlations between these factors are still unknown. Therefore, we visualized the significant DEGs in floating hHFMSCsOCT4 vs. hHFMSCs and constructed a network (Figure 6a). Firstly, there are interactions within the TJ pathway (CLDNs/TJPs/JAMs). Secondly, the TJ pathway members can interact with adhesion-, cytoskeleton-related molecules, such as PTK2, CDH1, CTNNB1, ACTB and ACTG1. Thirdly, tight junction proteins (TJP1 and TJP2), cell adhesion genes (CDH1 and FN1) as well as cytoskeleton genes (CTNNB1, ACTB and ACTG1) could interact with pluripotency genes and regulate pluripotency-related transcription factors OCT4, SOX2, MYC and KLF4. Finally, cell junction and adhesion molecules can bind to or interact with hematopoietic-related factors (such as CD44, CD117, RUNX1 and ROCK1). It shows that OCT4 may indirectly regulate the expression of TJP1 through the target gene KLF4, and the TJ pathway with TJP1 as the core can interact with cell junction-, adhesion- and cytoskeleton-related molecules, thereby affecting cell morphology and adhesion. And TJP1 and CLDN5 could interact with KLF4 and STAT3, respectively, and then influence the expression of other pluripotent genes, indicating a bridge role of TJ pathway between cell morphology, adhesion and pluripotency. On the other hand, TJP1 and CLDN5 could regulate the expression of hematopoietic factors RUNX1 and ROCK1, respectively, thus linking cell morphology and adhesion to hematopoietic differentiation. This regulatory network elucidates the molecular mechanisms of mutual conversion between adherent hHFMSCsOCT4 and floating hHFMSCsOCT4 and the balance maintenance between pluripotency and hematopoietic differentiation centered to OCT4/TJP1.
In summary, transduction of OCT4 brought about great differences in morphology and adhesion to hHFMSCs, whereby two subsets of cells appeared and gained pluripotency, with floating cells losing some of pluripotency and acquiring hematopoietic tendency to some extent. The dynamically expressed TJ pathway before erythropoietic inducement might act as a pivotal point of changes in cell morphology and adhesion, resulting in damaged pluripotency in floating cells and probable constructed hematopoietic capacity in a TJP1-dependent way.