We discovered that PUAs reduced zebrafish embryo heart rates, overall larval size, and pre-feeding larval survival. Findings presented here suggest that diatom-derived PUAs are likely to impair the development of other early life history stages of fishes that are sympatric with PUA-producing diatoms. In the following sections we discuss the implications of these findings on zebrafish, and assuming that observations are transferable to other fishes, we discuss the implications for the fitness of marine fishes exposed to PUAs during development.
Zebrafish Embryo Physiology
Zebrafish embryos exposed to higher PUA concentrations had lower heart rates than those in control treatments. Embryonic fish hearts are particularly vulnerable to environmental toxins, such as PUAs, due to their highly permeable epithelia and the absence of organs responsible for blood filtration (e.g., liver and kidneys) that have yet to develop (Incardona and Scholz 2017). Vertebrates exposed to oxylipins, such as PUAs, are known to develop atherosclerosis, experience problems with platelet aggregation and vascular constriction, and be prone to cardiac injury (Caligiuri et al. 2017; Nayeem 2018). Embryonic zebrafish hearts should be especially susceptible to the effects of PUA toxicity due to the ease with which these toxins can reach heart tissues and the lack of compensatory mechanisms that will arise in later development. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that PUAs will have similar effects on other embryonic fishes and their cardiac health when exposed to PUAs in nature.
The consequences of early cardiac injury in fishes can be catastrophic. For example, the lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, (Walbaum in Artedi 1972) population of the Great Lakes collapsed because of heart-related issues caused by the exposure of trout embryos to the industrial pollutant dioxin (Cook et al. 2003). Chemical exposure to dioxin in lake trout caused symptoms similar to those that were seen in zebrafish exposed to PUAs in this study. For lake trout, stress from dioxin presents first as pre-hatch heart abnormalities before progressing into problems with circulatory dysregulation, anemia, and hypoxia, eventually resulting in premature death from attendant lesions in the brain, retina, liver, and other organs (Spitsbergen et al. 1991). This circulatory dysregulation was also shown to cause yolk sac edema and impair swim bladder development (Guiney et al. 1997; Lanham et al. 2014; Spitsbergen et al. 1991). While not quantified in this study, we observed that zebrafish treated with PUAs frequently exhibited cardiac edema and underdeveloped swim bladders, which suggests that these fish may have experienced circulatory dysregulation symptoms beyond decreased heart rate. If embryonic and larval stages of marine fishes are exposed to PUA concentrations used in this study, they would plausibly experience similar, life-threatening disruptions to circulatory development.
PUA exposure affected the morphological development of zebrafish by reducing body length, body depth, and overall size. If the mechanisms which retarded zebrafish growth after PUA exposure are similar in marine fishes, then PUA exposure may affect fish fitness through multiple pathways. For example, larval fish survival is coupled with larval body size, with smaller larvae experiencing higher rates of predation (Cowan et al. 1996; Paradis 1996). For any planktonic organism, the risk of predation is significant, and this is also true for ichthyoplankton, where predation is one of the most important causes of mortality (Miller et al. 1988; Bailey and Houde 1989; Paradis 1996; Peterson and Wroblewski 1984). As such, high selective pressure exists on planktonic organisms to grow bigger rapidly. If PUA exposure causes larval fishes to grow slower, then this increases their exposure to predation which can eventually affect recruitment success (Houde 2008).
Smaller fishes also tend to have slower swimming speeds and lower feeding efficiencies in comparison to larger conspecifics (Houde 2008; Gleason and Bangston 1996; Houde and Schekter 1980; Hare and Cowen 1997). In bay anchovies (Anchoa mitchilli; Valenciennes 1848) feeding efficiency increased with size (Gleason and Bengston 1996; Houde and Schekter 1980). In bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix; Linnaeus 1766) larger size was correlated with higher survival rates from yolk-sac-stage embryos to first-feeding larvae (Hare and Cowen 1997). Raventos and MacPherson (2005) found that larval size was an accurate predictor of post-settlement survival for two species of reef fishes, the five-spotted wrasse (Symphodus roissali; Risso 1810) and the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus;Linnaeus 1758).
Fish larvae experience slower swimming speeds and reduced feeding efficiencies relative to later life stages, likely a result of the relationship between larval size and fluid dynamics (Van Leeuwen et al. 2015; Voesenek et al. 2018). After hatching most larval fishes continue to develop using maternally-provided yolk and lipid reserves (Kamler 2008). They quickly develop functional mouth parts, allowing them to feed and acquire energy exogenously (Yúfera and Darias 2007). Larval stages of fishes encompass a size range that places them in an intermediate hydrodynamic regime between laminar (viscous) and turbulent (inertial) flow (Voesenek et al. 2018). The relative dominance of viscous and inertial forces is estimated by calculating the Reynolds number (Van Leeuwen et al. 2015). Larval sizes < 5mm, representative of zebrafish measured here, exist in a low Reynolds number environment where viscous forces dominate (Van Leeuwen et al. 2015). Because movement through more viscous fluids requires a higher cost of transport (Schmidt-Nielson 1972), and because higher viscosities lower maximum swimming speeds and reduce a larvae’s ability to avoid predators, prolonging the time that young fishes spend in a low Reynolds number environment can greatly reduce survival (Voesenek et al. 2018). Further, it is a taxation on endogenous energy reserves. If these reserves are exhausted before transitioning to exogenous feeding, starvation will likely result (Yin & Blaxter 1987).
Existing in a high-viscosity environment also requires small larval fishes to employ higher forces (relative to body size) when suction feeding, which is usually the only feeding strategy available (China and Holzman 2014; Cooper et al. 2020). The ratio of energy expended to energy acquired during feeding will therefore be higher for smaller fishes. Additionally, the movement required by small fish larvae in viscous environments requires the beating of their tails at a high frequency, which in turn is dependent on the use of fast-twitch muscles. These muscles are fueled by mitochondria-dense fibers with a high ATP demand and energy reserves (Huriaux et al. 1996; Van Leeuwen et al. 2015). Prolonged residence in a high-viscosity environment increases the likelihood of starvation for larval fishes, which is already the largest source of mortality for most larval fishes (Hjort 1914; Houde 2002).
Pre-feeding survival
In our experiments where pre-feeding larvae were exposed to PUAs and reared until starvation mortality, PUA exposure at all concentrations accelerated rates of larval mortality in comparison to control treatments. Most specimens exposed to high PUA concentrations did not survive until they would otherwise have begun to feed exogenously, suggesting that PUAs impart stress to developing zebrafish larvae. Energetic taxation to larvae from stress during pre-feeding stages in fishes can negatively affect the population demographics of fishes. The transition from lecithotrophic to planktotrophic feeding is a critical phase in marine fishes and has been described as a governing factor determining year class strength (Hjort 1914). For this transition to occur with high fidelity, all anatomical features necessary for food capture, assimilation, and digestion need to develop from maternally provided yolk and other energy reserves, and be in place and functional prior to the point where irreversible starvation prevents feeding even when presented with adequate food (Osse 1990; Osse et al. 1997). If exposure to dissolved PUAs imparts stress necessitating utilization of endogenous energy to compensate, likely, the sensory, predatory, and digestive machinery needed for exogenous feeding and larval growth will not be present and ready when endogenous reserves are exhausted. This can lead to high larval mortality and, possibly, compromised adult recruitment.