Fly stock maintenance and stocks
Flies were reared on yeast-based solid food in polystyrene vials at room temperature (22–23°C) unless otherwise indicated. For a list of all fly stocks used, see Supplementary Table 1.
Larval collections
To collect larvae for FRAP and qPCR experiments, flies were placed in collection chambers comprised of a 100 mL plastic chamber, inverted over a 60mm plate of 10 ml standard fly medium. Houses were set up to contain roughly 50–70 flies, using a 2:1 female to male ratio, and placed in a 25°C incubator. After 48h acclimatisation, newly hatched first instar larvae (24h after egg fertilization) were hand-picked and moved to another food plate. Larvae were then collected at three different timepoints: late second instar (24-26h after hatching), early third instar (48-50h after hatching), and mid-third instar (76-78h after hatching). Developmental stages were confirmed with larval mouth hooks. Slight differences in developmental time were noted between genotypes and were accounted for. The genetic background of both Vkg-GFP and yw flies is wildtype Canton S.
The control genotype used for mmp2 and timp overexpression experiments was Hand-GAL4, Vkg-GFP/Cyo-YFP, which, like the experimental crosses, is heterozygous for Vkg-GFP. In Figs. 2–4, homozygous Vkg-GFP was used as the wildtype. We observed that fluorescence recovery in homozygous individuals (Vkgcc00791) was lower in the cardiac and body wall muscle ECM compared to individuals heterozygous for Vkg-GFP.
Larval freezing for qPCR
For qPCR experiments larvae of the Vkg-GFP and yellow white (yw) genotypes were collected and frozen. Late second instar, early third and mid-third instar larvae were collected for qPCR as described. Nuclease-free snap tubes containing RNAse-free PBS (100 µl) were prepped. For both the early third and mid-third instar collections, five larvae were collected per tube. Ten larvae per tube were collected for late second instars owing to their smaller size. Snap tubes were immediately flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C.
Larval dissections
Dissections were performed in early third instars according to the protocol adapted from (67). All steps were performed at room temperature unless stated otherwise. Live larvae were immobilized ventral side up using tungsten dissection pins magnetically adhered to a dissection plate. Larvae were bathed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), then fine iridectomy scissors were used to deflate the larva by making the first incision at the anterior end to avoid disrupting the fat bodies and cardiac muscle attachments. The first incision was extended along the ventral midline to the posterior extremity. The cut cuticle was then pinned on either side of the larva to expose the contents of the body cavity. Intestines and posterior fat bodies were removed. Tracheal branches were left intact to limit damage to the alary muscles suspending the heart in the body cavity. Dissected larvae were fixed using 4% formaldehyde in PBS in the dissection plate for five minutes at room temperature, then placed on ice in a 48-well plate containing the same fixative solution. Once all dissections were complete, they were allowed to fix at room temperature in the 48-well plate for 15 minutes prior to immunolabeling.
The immunolabeling protocol used was adapted from Alayari et al. (2009). All steps were performed at room temperature unless otherwise specified. After removing the fixative solution, dissections were washed three times for ten minutes in 1X PBT (1X PBS + 0.3% Triton). Dissections were then blocked with 10 µL normal goat serum (NGS) in 150µL PBT for 30 minutes prior to the addition of 5 µL primary antibody (1:30) in 150 µL PBT and left to incubate at 4°C overnight with constant shaking. The following day the dissections were again washed three times in PBT, then blocked with NGS as described. Samples were then incubated with 1 µL of the secondary antibody (1:15) and 2 µL of Alexa 647 Phalloidin (1:75) in 150 µL PBT for one hour at room temperature with continuous shaking. A final round of three PBT washes was performed, followed by a ten-minute wash in 1X PBS to remove the Triton. Upon removal of PBS, dissections were placed in 50% glycerol in PBS at 4°C for three hours or overnight, the transferred to 70% glycerol before imaging. See Supplementary table 3 for a complete list of antibodies used.
Confocal imaging
Frontal stacks Z-stacks were taken at 200 Hz with a step size of 1 µm at a resolution of 1024 x 512 pixels on a Leica SP5 confocal microscope. Settings were kept constant across all experiments. A 20X objective was used in FRAP experiments and to image dissected and immunolabeled samples. A 63X objective was used to image immunolabeled Pericardin to assess fiber orientation. Pinhole sizes of 60 and 95 µm were used with the 20X and 63X objectives, respectively. Sequential scanning was used to avoid crosstalk between channels (488, 647, and 543 nm) when imaging immunolabeled dissections. Only healthy, feeding and motile larvae were re-imaged at the 24h recovery timepoint. All sampling was made over a 4 hr midday window to eliminate potential circadian effects (69).
Projections of stacks were generated using the Leica LAS AF software. Only the Argon laser was used for FRAP experiments. Argon laser power was set to 15%, unless otherwise specified. Unaltered images were used for quantification but were adjusted for brightness for publication.
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) for live, intact larvae
The FRAP protocol used below was also previously described in (MacDuff, 2019). See Supplementary Information for the complete protocol. First, larvae were anesthetized with chloroform in order to immobilize them, as described by Cevik et al. (2019). Prior to mounting larvae for imaging, a thin layer of halocarbon 27 oil (polymer of chlorotrifuoroethylene (PCTFWE)) was painted between two 1.5mm coverslips, 5mm apart on a microscope slide. This ensured that the larva does not stick to the slide or overlying coverslip. Anesthetized larvae were then laid dorsal side up on the slide, and a third cover slip secured over them with tape. A small drop of immersion oil was dispensed onto the overlying coverslip, and body segment A7 centred in the field of view.
To obtain 3D projection of the pre-bleach stack of images, laser power was set to 15%. Number of images within a stack was between 80–100 for the heart and 50–70 for the muscle to encompass the region of interest, excluding the cuticle or other structures. The ROI (66x33 µm) was then placed over the region of interest at 12X zoom. Laser intensity in the photobleached zone was set to 3% (1.95 mW). Following the photobleaching period, Argon laser power was set to 15%, as before. A post-bleach stack and 3D projection were then generated. After 24h, larvae were re-imaged as described.
To quantify FRAP, fluorescence intensity from original files was measured in grey values, each pixel from 0 to 255. Using the Leica LAS AF software, the average grey value in the sampled 33x33 µm ROI within the photobleached zone (66x33 µm) in segment A7 and in an ROI of the same dimensions in the adjacent, unbleached segment (A6) were obtained at the pre-bleach, post-bleach and 24h post-bleach timepoints. At the 24h timepoint, the ROI was re-identified based on segment and original placement. The bleached zone was often still discernible in some or all Z-steps within the stack. Calculations of change in ROI fluorescence were not corrected for animal growth. Estimates of growth of the bleached area over 24h were variable, averaging to a 6.1% increase (data not shown).
To calculate normalised fluorescent recovery, the 24h post-bleach value was divided by the pre-bleach value. No adjustment was made for the half-life of GFP fluorescence in vivo. In intact Dictytostelium, the half-life of GFP is 70 hours (65). The following tests were performed on the heterozygous vkg-GFP controls and homozygous vkg-GFP datasets using 2023 GraphPad Prism© v10 to demonstrate that fluorescence recovery data is normally distributed: D’Agostino-Pearson, Shapiro-Wilk, and Anderson-Darling. F-tests for equality of variances between developmental stages or genotypes were performed in Microsoft© Excel (2023). ANOVA (GraphPad Prism 10© Version 10.0.0) was performed on normal data. Tests for significance and corrections for multiple comparisons are identified in figure captions 4–8. Outliers were identified using GraphPad’s ROUT method. Fluorescence loss and gain were calculated as described using the Desmos online Graphing Calculator (© 2023 Desmos Studio, PBC). Normality could not be established for calculated loss and gain data between developmental stages or genotypes. The Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test (GraphPad Prism 10© Version 10.0.0) was then used to determine statistical difference.
Quantification of Pericardin fibre orientation
Early third instar Drosophila larvae underwent dissection immediately after photobleaching (Fig. 3). A method for quantifying ECM patterns, developed by Wershof et al. (2021) was used to determine differences in fibre alignment, branching, endpoints, or curvature between immunolabeled Prc in the photobleached and sham control ROI. The TWOMBLI parameters in the ImageJ plug-in used were: contrast saturation (0.35), minimum line width (7), maximum line width (11), minimum curvature window (40) maximum curvature window (40), minimum branch length (10), maximum display HDM (200), and minimum gap diameter (0). Unpaired t-tests were performed using 2023 GraphPad© Software to test for statistical significance between FRAP and control ROIs. Results were consistent across a range of TWOMBLI parameters.
RNA extraction
Whole-body RNA was extracted using the a magnetic bead protocol, based on the method outlined in Yost et al. (2020) (see Supplementary Information). Larvae were pooled as follows: ten larvae per LL2 sample and five larvae per EL3 or ML3 sample. Expression levels were tested three times per genotype for n = 3.
cDNA synthesis
Following extraction, RNA was reverse transcribed to cDNA using the Applied Biosystems® (Thermo Fisher Scientific) High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription kit, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
qPCR analysis
cDNA primers were selected using the DRSC FlyPrimerBank and the NCBI Primer design tool. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was selected as the reference gene. qPCR was performed using the Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR instrument. Interaction plots of expression data (Δ CT) presented here were generated in R Statistical Software (v4.0.2) using the following libraries: emmeans (1.7.2) (73), lme4 (1.1–30) (74), ggbeeswarm (0.6.0) (75), and ggplot2 (3.3.6) (76). DCT comparisons employed the Holm-Bonferroni correction for multiple testing.
Data were compared with Flybase (23).