Study sites
This study was conducted in Kedenge Ratuoro village (0.0242° N, 34.1749° E), near Lake Kanyaboli, Siaya County. The residents are of the Luo ethnic group, subsist on farming, fishing and trade, and live in small houses, clustered into family social units of relatives, called compounds [23]. Malaria transmission in the lake endemic region is stable throughout the year, with a prevalence of 18.9 % in children between 6 months and 14 years of age [16], with Siaya County having a prevalence of 37%. Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus and Anopheles arabiensis are the main malaria vector species. The region has a bi-modal rainfall pattern, with long rains between March and May and short rains between October and December. Annual rainfall ranges from 670 to 2200 mm around Lake Victoria. A temperature suitability index (TSI) for malaria transmission shows that the western Kenya region has ambient temperature and adequate rainfall suitable for endemic malaria transmission [16, 24]. The temperatures are usually between 17°C to 28°C with an average temperature of 24°C in Siaya.
Housing design in western Kenya has been reviewed [23, 25]. Briefly, the houses are typically rectangular, and constructed of stick frames (wattle), compacted soil or cement foundation, and dirt or cement floor. Walls are either mud or cemented while roofs are mostly of corrugated iron sheets. A few houses have clay tile roofs. Doors and windows are unframed or framed with wood to create a jam and sash, but some houses may not have windows. For context, 67.5% (N=40) of the houses in this study did not have windows at the start of the study. The eaves are usually open. The open eaves, in addition to doors and windows, provide ventilation into the houses, allowing entry of light and fresh air. Unfortunately, eaves are also the main route for unlimited entry of mosquitoes into the houses.
Study design. A pilot assessment of the impact of housing modification on indoor mosquito numbers and temperature reduction involving random allocation of selected houses to four different study arms. Forty houses were randomly allocated to either cross ventilation, cool roof, mat ceiling or control, ten houses per arm. Quantitative and qualitative data collections were conducted before and after house modification.
Mobilization and recruitment of study households. Home visits were conducted to enumerate and characterize houses within a section of the study village. A total of 47 compounds with 83 houses where people slept were enumerated. For every active structure in each compound, structural features including wall type, roof type, presence or absence of ceiling, eave type and number of windows and doors were recorded. From the 47 compounds with a pool of 83 houses, 40 houses with mud walls, open eaves, iron roofs and not more than two rooms were selected for the study. A single house was selected per compound.
Structural modification. Structural modification of houses was conducted by a building professional identified based on previous experience with similar modifications. After the randomization of houses into the various study arms, the specific house characteristics including floor area, numbers and sizes of doors and windows, and the presence and sizes of open eaves were collected to guide modification. The building expert established a workshop within the study area where all materials including doors, windows and pieces of timber for eaves and ceiling modifications were prepared before installation in the various houses. Modifications were conducted based on the randomization for the three passive cooling options as follows.
Cross ventilation- Cross ventilation was achieved by installing screened windows on the opposite walls of each room. This involved a complete overhaul of the existing windows and/or the creation of new ones if no windows existed in a house. The windows were made of timber frame with two wooden panels each hanging on two hinges and closing at the centre (Figure 1A and B). A Fibreglass Insect Mesh (FIM) (Streme Limited 12, The Velley Centre, Gordon Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, HP13 6EQ) laid between two sheets of Coffee Tray Mesh (CTM) (ALS Limited, Trading Division, Nairobi Kenya) was attached to the window frame for insect screening. The insect screen was installed outwards while the window panels opened inwards. To install the windows, a section of the wall was cut to create space for the window if none existed before or adjusted if the original window was smaller. After the installation of the modified window, the remaining gaps in the wall were filled with mud to achieve the same finish as the original wall.
Cool roof system and insect-proof housing - Iron roofed houses were painted with a reflective white coat to reduce the amount of heat conducted into the house, hence lowering internal temperatures. Two coats of paint were applied on the roofs. Crown Roofmaster® (Crown Paint Industries, Nairobi, Kenya), an extremely durable weather-resistant, self-priming acrylic resin-based paint with a waterborne topcoat, and matt finish was used (Figure 1C).
False ceiling and insect-proof housing – Locally made papyrus mat ceilings were installed horizontally covering the roof space just above the eaves. Locally sourced round poles were used as bearings and binders for brandering to hold the mat. Wood biddings were nailed below the mats to hold them to the round poles used for brandering (Figure 1D).
Mosquito proofing. All houses that received passive cooling options were screened for mosquito control. The doors were modified by introducing wooden frames and panels in addition to the originally existing door. The existing doors opened inwards while the newly introduced screened doors opened outwards. The screened door panels were made of wooden frames and Fibreglass Insect Mesh laid between two sheets of CTM (Figure 1F). The doors hung on two self-closing hinges to keep them always closed. The windows were also screened as already described above. The eaves were screened by introducing a piece of timber at the edge of the wall just before the eave space and another piece of timber on the roof directly above the wall. Fiberglass Insect Mesh was then attached to the two pieces of timber, hence covering the eave space (Figure 1E).
Temperature and humidity. Daily temperature and humidity were collected every 15 minutes in both modified and control houses from March to July 2023 using Onset HOBO® UX100-003 data loggers, The data loggers were placed indoors hanging as centrally as possible, but away from walkways and other areas that could potentially interfere with the activities of the household members. Data download was conducted twice during the study period.
Mosquito collection. Mosquito collection was performed indoors using the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Miniature light trap, model 512. Collections were conducted twice before (baseline) and three times post-modification in each house. The Light traps were set in the sleeping area, next to an occupied bed net, at approximately 1.5m from the floor. The traps were run from 18:00 h to 07:00 h the following morning. During the mosquito collection period, the collector administered a brief questionnaire to collect information on household characteristics, including roof type, wall type, presence of eaves, presence and use of malaria control products such as bed nets, presence of cattle, and number of people that slept in the house the previous night. The location of each house was recorded using the Global Positioning System (GPS). The collected mosquitoes were identified to genus levels as either Anopheles or Culex. The anophelines were further identified morphologically to species level as either An. gambiae s.l. or An. funestus s.l. Data on household characteristics and mosquito information were collected on a CommCare® (Dimagi Inc., South Africa) application run on an Android tablet and transmitted to a project cloud server.
Collection of social science data. A structured questionnaire assessing community perception, knowledge and attitude towards house modification for vector control and temperature reduction was administered to intervention households before and after house modification. Data was collected on the community’s building practices including reasons for the inclusion or exclusion of certain building elements such as windows, eaves spaces, ceiling, wall and roof types. The questionnaire further assessed the community’s understanding of the relationship between the various building elements and the entry of mosquitoes into houses and indoor heat levels. Additional questions were administered to gauge the community’s perception of changes made to their houses, their potential contribution to house cooling and reduction of mosquito entry as well as their willingness to use their resources to modify their houses. In the post-modification survey, the perceived benefits and risks of house modification and the community’s willingness to continue using the modifications beyond the lifetime of the study was assessed.
Thermal imaging. Thermal images of the houses were taken using the FLIR T450sc® camera (Teledyne Corporate, 1049 Camino Dos Rios Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, USA). The images were taken early in the morning before sunrise, at mid-day and in the evening after sunset to assess the source of heating in the houses at different times of the day. Images were taken centred on a specific reference point, identified by using a built-in laser pointer, to ensure reproducibility and to compare different times of the day. A set of n= 4 houses was selected, as easily accessible for photographs at all times of the day, and representing the different structural modifications, cool roof, cross ventilation and mat ceiling as well as control.
Data management and analysis
Fielddata were collected using CommCare® software run on Android tablets. Every participating house was identified by a unique code and a collection code was generated by the tablet for every mosquito sampling effort. These codes were used to track data generated from the different study components for ease of management. Individual mosquitoes from each collection were placed in microcentrifuge tubes labelled with pre-printed barcodes and linked to the field data using a house code and a collection code. Results of species identification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were linked to individual mosquitoes by the unique barcode label.
Data analysis was performed using R statistical software version 4.2.1. The risk ratio (RR) was used to assess statistical significance differences in mosquito densities between screened and unscreened houses and indoor temperature levels between houses with passive cooling options and controls. Data were fitted using Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Statistical Models (GLMMs). Since the data were over-dispersed, we used the package Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model Builder (glmmTMB) to fit negative binomial distribution models for the analysis of mosquito numbers. The numbers of female Anopheles and Culex species were assessed as a function of intervention status (screened or unscreened) as fixed effect, while the sampling period was treated as random effect. To obtain the risk ratios (RR) and confidence intervals, we exponentiated the model coefficients. Similarly, glmmTMB was used to fit gaussian distribution models for the analysis of temperature data. Temperature was assessed as a function of passive cooling options (cool roof, cross ventilation, mat ceiling) as fixed effect, while collection period was treated as a random effect.