2.1 Experimental animal
16 SPF grade male ApoE − / − mice (body weight, 18–20 g) and 8 male C57BL/6 mice were provided by Beijing Vital River Laboratory Animal Technology Co.Ltd. The Committee on the Ethics of Animal Experiments at Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine approved this study(permitted number SCXK(Jing) 2012-0001).All mice were raised in the Animal Experimental Center of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and allowed free movement with food and water ad libitum.
2.2 Establishment of AS model mice and treatments
After 1 week of adaptive feeding in SPF grade mice,8 C57BL/6 mice were considered as a normal group(NG),and 16 ApoE−/−mice were randomly assigned to the model group(MG) and SJZ Decoction group(SJZD).The normal group was fed with basal diet daily,while the other groups were fed with high-fat diet(containing 21% fat, 10% lard, 1% cholesterol, etc.)with free access to food and water for 12 weeks.The drug intervention was given to the group,which the ApoE−/− mice treated with 20 g/kg/d SJZ Decoction for the last 4 weeks.The normal group and model group were given an equal volume of normal saline daily by gavage once a day.
2.3 Serum and tissue samples
After the treatment period,all mice were fasted overnight and anesthetized with chloral hydrate.Eyeball blood was collected from sacrificed mice after resting for 30 min and subjected to centrifugation at 3000× g and 4°C for 15 min in order to obtain serum, and stored in aliquots at -80°C for further analysis.Quickly separate the aortic arch,thoracic-abdominal aorta,and rinse 3 times with ice-cold saline.The aorta was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for atherosclerotic lesion analysis.The remaining part is frozen at -80°C until it is used for biochemical determination,iron content analysis and RNA extraction.
2.4 Serum lipids
The levels of serum TC,TG,HDL-C,and LDL-C were measured using an automated biochemical analyzer(SIEMENS,Munich,DE,Germany).
2.5 Histopathology test
The arterial tissue was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde solution overnight,and stained using the conventional method of hematoxylin-eosin(HE)staining.The specific steps are as follows:ⅰ.The tissue is dehydrated,transparent,embedded in paraffin, and then sectioned(thickness:~5 microns). Ⅱ.Paraffin sections are dewaxed with xylene, rehydrated with gradient alcohol,stained with hematoxylin,differentiated with hydrochloric acid alcohol,counterstained with eosin, then dehydrated,transparent with xylene,and mounted with neutral gum. Ⅲ.Observe the morphology of rat aorta under a microscope.
Oil Red O staining of aorta: complete aorta was isolated and fixed in 10% neutral formalin for 24 h.The complete aorta was in 60% isopropanol for 10min,stained in oil red O (Solarbio,China) working fluid (3:2) for 3h,washed in 60% isopropanol for 6 times till the background color became white,and then photographed.
2.6 Transcriptomic sequencing and data analysis
2.6.1 RNA extraction and library preparation
The aorta tissues samples were randomly pooled from the mice in the NG,MG,and SJZD (n = 3).The total RNA was extracted using 1mL of Trizol Reagent (Invitrogen,Carlsbad,CA,USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.The total RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA.NEBNext® UltraTM RNA Library Preparation Kit for Illumina(NEB,USA) was used to generate sequencing libraries.HiSeq X instrument was used for whole transcriptome sequencing.Cut adapt was used to filter the raw data to get clean data for further analysis.
2.6.2 Differential expression genes (DEGs) analysis
Two comparisons-MG versus NG, and SJZD vs MG were executed application of the DESeq2 R package (1.16.1) to determine differential expression genes.DESeq2 provided statistical routines for defining various expression in digital gene expression data application model according to the negative binomial distribution.The significance of DESeq2 was determined by p-value < 0.05 and |log2(fold-change)|>1,which was implemented to define DEGs.
2.6.3 PPI network construction and analysis
We used the Venn map to scalp the DEGs,which were down-regulated by MG and up-regulated by SJZD, or DEGs up-regulated by MG and down-regulated by SJZD. The screened DEGs might be the latent targets of SJZD to treat AS.
2.6.4 Functional enrichment analysis
The GO and KEGG pathways analysis were enriched by the R software package to realize the functions of candidate DEGs.In our research,we used the cluster Profiler to analyze the GO and KEGG pathways which was focused on were presented.
2.6 Transcriptomic sequencing and data analysis
2.6.1 RNA extraction and library preparation
The aorta tissues samples were randomly pooled from the mice in the NG,MG,and SJZD (n = 3).The total RNA was extracted using 1mL of Trizol Reagent (Invitrogen,Carlsbad,CA,USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.The total RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA.NEBNext® UltraTM RNA Library Preparation Kit for Illumina(NEB,USA) was used to generate sequencing libraries.HiSeq X instrument was used for whole transcriptome sequencing.Cut adapt was used to filter the raw data to get clean data for further analysis.
2.6.2 Differential expression genes (DEGs) analysis
Two comparisons-MG versus NG, and SJZD vs MG were executed application of the DESeq2 R package (1.16.1) to determine differential expression genes.DESeq2 provided statistical routines for defining various expression in digital gene expression data application model according to the negative binomial distribution.The significance of DESeq2 was determined by p-value < 0.05 and |log2(fold-change)|>1,which was implemented to define DEGs.
2.6.3 PPI network construction and analysis
We used the Venn map to scalp the DEGs,which were down-regulated by MG and up-regulated by SJZD, or DEGs up-regulated by MG and down-regulated by SJZD. The screened DEGs might be the latent targets of SJZD to treat AS.
2.6.4 Functional enrichment analysis
The GO and KEGG pathways analysis were enriched by the R software package to realize the functions of candidate DEGs.In our research,we used the cluster Profiler to analyze the GO and KEGG pathways which was focused on were presented.
2.7 Network pharmacology
2.7.1 Gatheration of active compounds and acquisition of corresponding targets of SJZ decoction
The active ingredients of four herbal medicines in SJZ decoction were obtained from TCMSP and the BATMAN-TCM database.According to the recommended drug screening criteria of the TCMSP database,chemical compounds with OB ≥ 30% and DL ≥ 0.18 may considered active,and they were choosed as effective constituents for further analysis through the TCMSP database.Targets of active ingredients were acquired from the TCMSP database.The target protein names corresponding to active compounds were normalized in UniProt.
2.7.2 Collect the common targets of SJZ Decoction and AS
Using “atherosclerosis” as a keyword,the predicted genes of AS were collected from Gene Cards database, CTD database and TTD database.The search results found in three database were merged and deleted duplicate targets to obtain all target genes of AS.The common targets of SJZ Decoction and AS were identified by the bioinformatics online tool (http://www.bioinformatics.com.cn/).In short,the Venn map was used to draw the targets of SJZ Decoction and the disease targets of AS.Next,the core targets were considered as the potential targets for SJZ Decoction in treatment of AS.
2.7.3 Network construction and Functional enrichment
The core targets were entered into String online tool to obtain the interrelated information of protein-protein interactions (PPI).Next, Cytoscape 3.7.2 was used to establish the visualized PPI network and calculate the degree centrality. Moreover, the key proteins of the PPI network were acquired. The GO and KEGG pathways of the potential proteins were enriched and analyzed by R 3.6.3. The results were analized by using p-value and count values.
2.8 Structure ingredient-gene-pathway network (IGP)
We assessed pathways in the GO-biological process,which appears together in network pharmacology and transcriptome research.The genes related to this category were found in the transcriptome results,and the gene-pathway network was established.According to the network pharmacology results,the related active molecules of genes in this part were analyzed.Ingredients,genes,and GO-biological process were also put into Cytoscape tool to demonstrate a visualized Ingredient-gene-pathway (IGP) network.
2.9 Validation of compound-target interaction
To validate the compound-target association,the molecular docking program was performed with Auto Dock Tools software(version 4.2).All the 3D structures of core target proteins were obtained from the PDB database (http://www.rcsb.org/),so that proteins and ligands could be prepared in the Auto Dock before performing the docking progress.The whole molecular docking process included setup of proteins,determination of docking sites and docking of proteins to small molecules.Firstly, during the process of protein preparation,water molecules were removed from the protein structures as well as the region arround the amide portion and atomic groups.Next,the protein binding sites were defined and edited.Finally,insert the compounds into the protein-binding site.If the small molecule docked with the protein successfully,it showed a labelled interaction site and a corresponding docking score.Hence,target proteins and compounds with high docking scores were choosed for further analysis.
2.10 Quantitative real-time PCR to examine mRNA expression
TRIZOL reagent (Solarbio,China) was used to extract total RNA from the sample.The cDNA template was synthesized using a commercially available reverse transcription reaction (Bio-Rad,USA),and the quantitative RT-PCR experiment was performed using an ABI7500 rapid quantitative PCR instrument (Applied Biosystems, USA).The reaction procedure is:pre-denaturation at 95°C for 5 min,denaturation at 95°C for 20 s,annealing at 58°C for 30 s,extension at 72°C for 20 s,40 cycles.The relative quantification (2−ΔΔCt) method was used to calculate the relative amount of mRNA. The PCR primers were as follows:EGF,5’-ACAGAAGGAGTAGATACGCTTG-3’-(forward),and 5’-GATTATTCGATGATGCTTCCCG-3’-(reverse).OLR1,5’-GAAGCCTGCGAATGACGAGC-3’-(forward),5’-ACACCAGGCAGAGGATGACC-3’-(reverse).COL1,5’-TGAACGTGGTGTACAAGGTC-3’-(forward),and 5’-CCATCTTTACCAGGAGAACCAT-3’-(reverse).PON1,5’-AAGAGGAAAGATCACTCTTGCA-3’-(forward),and 5’-GGTCCAATAGCAGCTATATCGT-3’-(reverse).SLP1,5’-ATGTATGATGCTTAACCCTCCC-3’-(forward),and 5’-AGGCAGACTTTCCCACATATAC-3’-(reverse).SPP1,5’-AAACACACAGACTTGAGCATTC-3’-(forward),and 5’-TTAGGGTCTAGGACTAGCTTGT-3’-(reverse).PLAU,5’-GCTTGTTTCTCATGAACAGTGT-3’-(forward),and 5’-TTCGATGTTACAGATAAGCGGT-3’-(reverse).MMP2,5’-ACTTTGAGAAGGATGGCAAGTA-3’-(forward),and 5’-CTTCTTATCCCGGTCATAGTCC-3’-(reverse).LDLR1,5’-GAAGCCTGCGAATGACGAGC-3’-(forward),and 5’-ACACCAGGCAGAGGATGACC-3’-(reverse).And GAPDH,5’-GACATGCCGCCTGGAGAAAC-3’-(forward),and 5’-AGCCCAGGATGCCCTTTAGT-3’-(reverse).
2.11 Western blot analysis
Total proteins were extracted from tissues using RIPA lysis buffer containing 1% phenylmethylsulphonyl fuoride (PMSF) for 30 minute on ice.The supernatants were collected after being clarified by centrifuging at 12000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. Protein concentrations were measured by the BCA protein assay.The same amounts of protein (60 µg) were separated by electrophoresis on 10%-12% sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gels and transferred onto PVDF membranes.Next,PVDF membranes were incubated overnight at 4°C with the antibody(proteintech,China). After washing with TBST 3 times,the membranes were incubated for 1 h with fluorescent secondary antibody at room temperature.Then be washed with TBST again, the membranes were scanned using a fluorescent scanner.
2.12 Immunohistochemistry(IHC)analysis
IHC was performed on aorta tissue sections.Each sample was fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin.The blocks were sliced into 5 µm-thick sections,After the tissue sections were dewaxed,antigen retrieval was performed,hydrated in a graded series of alcohols,and subjected to heat-activated antigen retrieval.After blocking endogenous peroxidase activity,the tissue was incubated with OLR1,SPP1 and EGF antibodies at room temperature for 4 h.Subsequently,the sections were washed and incubated with biotinylated secondary antibody at room temperature for 30 min.The reaction complexes were visualized with diaminobenzidine and counterstained with hematoxylin.Observe the morphology under the microscope.
2.13 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis
The serum SOD and MDA were determined using an ELISA kit according to the manufacturer's instructions. Specifically, after separating and collecting mice blood sample, the serum was obtained by centrifugation. Use the following commercial kits to evaluate various substances in serum by ELISA analysis: MDA (Mouse MDA ELISA KIT; Shanghai Enzyme Linked Biotechnology Co., Ltd.), SOD (Mouse SOD ELISA KIT; Shanghai Enzyme Linked Biotechnology Co., Ltd.).
2.14 Statistical analysis
Unless otherwise specified, all experiments are conducted in no less than three independent parallel studies, and each parallel study consists of three repeated measurements. All data were analyzed using IBM's SPSS Statistics 21.0 software and expressed as mean ± standard error. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used for statistical analysis of comparisons between different groups. For all tests, a P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Unless marked with an asterisk, differences between groups can be considered statistically insignificant.