We investigated Pb tolerance in S. brevipes and S. tomentosus and found S. tomentosus is more Pb tolerant than S. brevipes and that isolates from each species showed both high and low Pb tolerance. Tolerance was not correlated to Pb soil concentration, isolate growth rate, or Zn tolerance, but was positively correlated with Cd tolerance only in S. tomentosus.
Inter- and intra-specific metal tolerance is well-known in Suillus. Previous studies showed Cu, Cd, and Zn tolerance across species and isolates and as documented here, Suillus isolates belonging to the same species displayed very different abilities to endure metal stress (Colpaert and van Assche 1987; Colpaert et al. 2000; Fletcher et al. 2024). These results suggest the existence of local adaptation, with the evolution of metal tolerance tied to fitness advantage under soil metal contamination. Under this scenario, one would expect metal sensitive isolates to be restricted to non-contaminated soils and metal tolerant isolates to contaminated soils.
Interestingly, different species and isolates with distinct metal tolerances have been detected the in the same field sites (Fletcher et al. 2024; Jan V. Colpaert et al. 2004; Blaudez et al. 2000; Fomina et al. 2005). In fact, metal tolerance is often but not always positively correlated to soil contamination (Jan V. Colpaert et al. 2005; J. V. Colpaert and van Assche 1987; Jan V. Colpaert et al. 2000). For example, Zn- and Cd- tolerant S. luteus, S. brevipes and S. tomentosus isolates can be found in non-contaminated soils and sensitive isolates in contaminated soils (Smith et al. 2024; Bazzicalupo et al. 2020; Fletcher et al. 2024). These findings reflect our S. brevipes and S. tomentosus Pb results and challenge the metal tolerance as local adaptation hypothesis. Explanations for the mismatch between metal tolerance and soil metal content include the existence of soil heterogeneity, with undetected localized pockets of low contamination that allow for sensitive isolates to persist, and the absence of fitness trade-offs associated with metal tolerance allowing metal tolerant isolates to persist in non-contaminated soils (Smith et al. 2024; Fletcher et al. 2024; Jan V. Colpaert et al. 2004; Blaudez, Botton, and Chalot 2000; Blaudez et al. 2000; Adriaensen et al. 2005). In fact, a population genomics study in S. luteus reported metal tolerance is a highly polygenic trait and no evidence of population structure associated with metal contamination. Isolates from contaminated and non-contaminated sites belonged to the same population and shared considerable genetic variation despite showing differentiation in genes involved in metal homeostasis (Bazzicalupo et al. 2020). These results show that soil contamination does not necessarily lead to population differentiation and suggest metal tolerance can result from ancestral variation kept through mating across the population. Further genetic research will clarify whether S. brevipes and S. tomentosus Pb tolerance follow this same trend.
Metal tolerance can be associated with trade-offs, with metal tolerant individuals showing distinct phenotypes such as morphological features, nutrient requirements, or growth (Colpaert et al. 2005) that can have fitness consequences. For example, Cd tolerance is associated with slow growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Chang and Leu 2011) and S. tomentosus (Fletcher et al. 2024). However, as we show here, such trade-off is not widespread in Suillus. There are other examples of metal tolerance being decoupled from growth in the genus (Fletcher et al. 2024; Colpaert et al. 2005), indicating that metal tolerance is a phenotype that is beneficial under metal exposure and does not always impose costs in other conditions.
Fungal metal tolerance is achieved through metal exclusion, immobilization, and detoxification (Branco et al. 2022; Bazzicalupo et al. 2020; Smith et al. 2024) and it would be reasonable to expect that the same mechanisms would be involved in tolerating different metals. However, previous work in Suillus showed no correlation between Zn and Cd tolerance (Fletcher et al. 2024; Jan V. Colpaert et al. 2000), indicating that tolerance to these metals is likely achieved through different mechanisms. Our S. brevipes findings are in line with this previous work. However, we found a positive correlation between Cd and Pb tolerance in S. tomentosus, suggesting that contrary to other Suillus this species relies on similar mechanisms to tolerate Cd and Pb. These are two toxic metals with no biological functions, and it is possible that S. tomentosus uses the same pathways and genes to regulate and mitigate Cd and Pb toxicity. These are likely to differ from the mechanisms regulating micronutrients such as Zn that are required for cell metabolism. It is interesting that there was no correlation between Cd and Pb tolerance in S. brevipes. Further research will certainly clarify the mechanisms of tolerance to different metals on these two species.
In summary, we have unveiled wide variation in Pb tolerance in Suillus and contribute for understanding the patterns of metal tolerance in this genus. Fungal metal responses are complex, and more work is needed to understand how S. brevipes and S. tomentosus tolerate Pb. Future experiments should measure Pb tissue accumulation, as well as investigate the genetic and physiological bases of Pb tolerance. In addition, it would be interesting to investigate the role of Suillus Pb tolerance on their ectomycorrhizal plant partners, as the genus is known to protect against metal toxicity and there is the potential for using Suillus as a tool for restoring Pb contaminated sites.