4.1 Discussion
Rice quality is a comprehensive characteristic, and there are different evaluation indices for different uses, which are generally measured from three aspects: milling quality, appearance quality and eating quality. Rice quality is an important commodity attribute of rice and is jointly affected by variety, ecological environment, planting location and cultivation system (Liu et al. 2021; Cai et al. 2022). Consumers mainly evaluate rice quality through grain size, milled rice percentage, chalkiness, etc. (Moulick et al. 2020).
As rice is a tropical and subtropical plant, the optimal temperature of rice in most rice-producing areas is 22–28°C (Siddik et al. 2019). When the temperature was lower than the optimal temperature, the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of japonica rice decreased, the accumulation of photosynthetic products in panicles decreased, and the rice quality decreased (Rehmani et al. 2014).
Low temperatures significantly affect the appearance of rice (Fig. 2), primarily by reducing the chalkiness (-20.03%) and chalky rice rate (-15.15%) of japonica rice (Zeng et al. 2017; Cong et al. 2022). However, studies by Yang et al. (2023) and Zhang et al. (2019) suggest that low temperatures can enhance chalkiness and the chalky rice rate. The fundamental reason for the differences in the above conclusions lies in the varying degrees of low temperature among studies. Our research indicated that when ∆T ≤ 6°C, low temperatures significantly decreased the chalky rice rate and chalkiness of japonica rice while increasing the grain length-to-width ratio by 3.13%, thereby enhancing the appearance quality of japonica rice. In contrast, when ∆T > 6°C, low temperatures substantially increased the chalky rice rate (23.69%) and chalkiness percentage (13.99%) while significantly decreasing the grain length-width ratio (-6.78%), resulting in a decrease in the appearance of japonica rice (Fig. 3). Zhou et al. (2021) suggested that with decreasing temperature, the chalky rice rate and chalkiness of late-maturing japonica rice initially decrease and then increase; this finding is consistent with our study. During the grain filling stage, low-temperature stress can induce uneven grain filling, impairing storage biosynthesis and leading to chalk formation. Grains with high chalkiness become more brittle due to gaps caused by the failure of starch particle formation (Sreenivasulu et al. 2015). This brittleness makes the grains more susceptible to breakage during processing, thereby increasing the number of broken grains. Therefore, high chalkiness in japonica rice is often associated with the percentage of brown rice.
Studies on the general impact of low temperature on the quality of japonica rice grains indicate that low temperature decreases the milled rice percentage while increasing the head rice percentage, but these effects are not statistically significant (Fig. 2). In fact, the japonica brown rice percentage decreased significantly with increasing ∆T. When ∆T > 6°C, the percentage of brown rice was the lowest (-3.46%, with a 95% CI of -4.74% to -2.16%), and the milling quality of japonica rice was the worst (Fig. 3).
Moreover, significant differences in the impact of low temperature on the milling quality of japonica rice were observed under different experimental conditions. In the staggered planting method, a delay in sowing led to a decrease in temperature at the filling stage and a difference in grain quality (Tu et al. 2020). Under this processing method, the low temperature during the filling stage is improved mainly by increasing the percentage of head rice (8.45%) and reducing chalkiness (-35.90%), thereby enhancing the milling quality and appearance of japonica rice (Fig. 4a, b). Specifically, Jiangsu Province was sown from May 31 to June 4, and the average temperature at the filling stage was 20.2°C. Henan Province was sown from June 9 to June 24, and the average temperature at the filling stage was 18.8°C. The milling quality and appearance quality of japonica rice were the best (Fig. 5). A delayed sowing date improved japonica rice milling quality, probably due to the gradual decrease in the number of days and average daily temperature that were affected by high temperature (Yao et al. 2015), but a late sowing date resulted in decreased grain maturity and reduced japonica rice appearance quality (Zhao et al. 2019). Low-temperature treatment in the artificial climate box significantly reduced the brown rice percentage (-4.82%), milled rice percentage (-4.67%), and head rice percentage (-6.53%) of japonica rice, while increasing the chalkiness (22.23%) and chalky rice rate (22.23%) significantly decreased its milling quality and appearance quality. In this study, the degradation of japonica rice quality under low-temperature treatment in an artificial climate box was more serious than that under delayed sowing. Interestingly, delaying seeding to the filling stage under low temperatures could even enhance rice milling quality (Fig. 4a) and appearance quality (Fig. 4b). This is primarily because, in contrast to the artificial climate box treatment, the low temperature under the delayed sowing method was lower. Methodologically, creating significant temperature gradients under field conditions is much more challenging than under artificial climate box conditions, and very few field studies have reached extremely low temperatures; in our study, the average temperature during the filling stage under delayed seeding was 19.7°C, indicating relatively mild low-temperature conditions. In addition, other outdoor environmental factors are difficult to control, and the interaction between low temperature and other environmental factors may be the cause of this difference; more field studies are still needed to confirm the temperature effect (Matsui et al. 2014).
The effects of low temperature on the quality of japonica rice vary among different development stages (Siddik et al. 2019). Low temperatures at the heading stage, early filling stage and middle filling stage reduced the milling quality and appearance quality of japonica rice. There was no significant difference in the degree of low temperature in the above growing stages (Table 1), but the influence on the quality of japonica rice was different: middle filling stage > early filling stage > heading stage. This indicated that japonica rice was most sensitive to low temperature in the early and middle filling stages. The influence of temperature on eating quality at the filling stage mainly occurred in the early filling stage, which was consistent with previous studies (Cheng and Zhu 1998). Low temperature in the early filling period significantly increased the amylose content (3.94%) and protein content (7.30%) in japonica rice, which was likely attributable to increased expression of GBSS granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) at low temperature (Ahmed et al. 2015; Kato et al. 2019) and decreased japonica rice taste quality.
The temperature decrease in the late filling period was the greatest, but it had no significant effect on japonica rice quality, especially on the chalky rice rate and chalkiness. The reason may be that the chalkiness of japonica rice grains was mainly concentrated 5–30 days after heading, and the other periods had little effect on japonica rice appearance quality (Yang 2002).
The response of japonica rice quality to low temperature significantly differed with changes in the experimental site (Fig. 7). Among them, the single-double cropping area of central China has a subtropical warm and humid monsoon climate, while the early-maturing single-cropping area of Northeast China has a cold temperate zone-warm temperate zone and humid-semiarid monsoon climate. The average daily temperature and average daily radiation of early-maturing single-cropping rice in Northeast China were 37% and 15% lower than those of single-cropping and double-cropping rice in Central China, respectively (Matsui et al. 2014). This rice farming area was the most sensitive to low temperature and prone to low temperature cold damage. Low temperature hindered rice filling (Zhang et al. 2019), significantly increased the chalky rice rate and chalkiness, both of which were greater than 110%, and seriously reduced the appearance quality of japonica rice (Fig. 7b).
Low temperature also decreased the milled rice percentage (-5.68%) and amylose content (-3.21%), thus reducing the milling quality of japonica rice (Siddik et al. 2019). However, the relatively high temperature at the filling stage of single- and double-cropping rice in central China can enhance grain nitrogen metabolism and increase the enzyme activities of glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthetase, thus accelerating the conversion of amino acids to proteins (Shao et al. 2021), increasing the protein content (5.10%), increasing the hardness of rice, decreasing the viscosity (Amagliani et al. 2017), and decreasing the eating quality (Fig. 7c).
The reason for the above differences may be the differences among japonica rice varieties in different rice-growing areas (Yang et al. 2023). Under the same experimental conditions, compared with nonsoft rice and japonica rice, soft rice and japonica rice had lower hardness and amylose content, higher chalky rice rate and chalkiness, higher taste quality and poor appearance quality (Ma et al. 2022). The varieties of japonica rice used in different studies differed, and the response to low temperature also had a certain effect. For example, there was a large difference between cold-sensitive and cold-tolerant japonica rice varieties in response to low temperature. The contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), soluble sugars and proline increased significantly after low-temperature stress, and the increase rate of cold-sensitive rice varieties was greater than that of cold-tolerant rice varieties, while the above indices decreased slightly after cold-sensitive rice varieties resumed growth. The plants were unable to recover to the pre-low temperature treatment level (Guo et al. 2019).
Due to data limitations, this study omitted the different responses of different japonica rice varieties to low-temperature treatment. In the near future, we could conduct field experiments with cold resistant varieties, shifting sowing date agronomic technologies to mitigate the adverse effects of low temperature.
4.2 Conclusion
According to the total effect of low temperature on japonica rice grain quality, the degree of sensitivity of japonica rice quality to low temperature decreased in the following order: appearance quality > eating quality > milling quality. The effects of low temperature on rice quality differed at different growth stages, and low temperature had the greatest effect on early and middle grout filling. Low temperatures during this period seriously reduce the milling quality, appearance quality and eating quality of japonica rice.
The effects of low temperature on japonica rice quality differed. With increasing ∆T, the brown rice percentage and foodstuff value decreased significantly, and the amylose content increased, which decreased the milling quality and eating quality of japonica rice. The chalky rice rate and chalkiness decreased first but then increased significantly with increasing low temperature degree. When 3°C<∆T ≤ 6°C, the amylose content (5.63%) and foodstuff value (-12.57%) change the most, and the eating quality is the lowest. When ∆T > 6°C, the brown rice percentage is the lowest, the chalky rice rate increases significantly, which reduce the milling quality and appearance quality.
The effects of low temperature on japonica rice growth were as follows: Northeast China early single-cropping area > North China single-cropping area > Central China single- and double-cropping area > Southwest China Plateau single- and double-cropping area. In Northeast China, North and Southwest China, low temperatures decreased the milling quality and appearance quality of japonica rice and improved the eating quality. An average temperature of 19.7°C during the filling period after delayed sowing in the Central China rice farming area was beneficial for improving the milling quality and appearance quality of japonica rice and reducing its eating quality. Jiangsu Province was sown from May 31 to June 4, and the average temperature at the filling stage was 20.2°C; Henan Province was sown from June 9 to June 24, and the average temperature at the filling stage was 18.8°C, the milling quality and appearance quality of japonica rice were the best.