2.1 Preparation and characterization of the Cu4O3/biochar composite
Figure 1. depicts schematically the solid-state preparation process for the Cu4O3/biochar composite through two-stage ball millings followed by sintering processes. The corn stover biochar (CSBC) was first derived from corn stover via grinding and washing, followed by slow pyrolysis.[15] Copper formate underwent the successive ball milling process (BM-1) and subsequent co-ball milling with the CSBC (BM-2) to obtain the copper formate/CSBC precursor. The SEM images (Figure S1, Supporting Information) illustrate that the BM-1 process refined the particle size of copper formate from the initial micron-sized flakes to uniformly distributed submicron particles.[16] The CSBC underwent a co-ball milling process (BM-2) with copper formate resulting in the transformation of its initial irregular morphology and unevenly sized particles into small particles with uniform sizes (5–20 µm) (Figure S2a-b, Supporting Information), demonstrating the effectiveness of the ball milling process in reducing the biochar sizes.[17] Moreover, the submicron copper formate particles served as grinding balls to assist in grinding the biochar.[18] Furthermore, copper formate particles exhibited uniform and dense distribution on the surface of CSBC (Figure S2c-d, Supporting Information). Ultimately, the Cu4O3/CSBC composite was obtained via the solid-state sintering process at 230 ℃ for 12 minutes. The parameters of sintering processing were carefully optimized as discussed later.
The crystal structure of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite was initially analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). As illustrated in Fig. 2a, CSBC exhibited typical broad and gradual amorphous carbon diffraction peaks at 2θ = 15–30°;[19] the X-ray diffraction peaks appearing at 28.2°, 30.7°, 35.7°, 36.3°, 44.0°, 58.3°, 63.9°, 65.0°, and 75.5° can be assigned to the (112), (200), (202), (004), (220), (224), (400), (206), and (422) crystal planes of Cu4O3. All these diffraction peaks were consistent with the characteristic peaks of the Cu4O3 standard card (JCPDS No.49-1830), and no diffraction peaks from other copper compounds were observed, such as Cu, CuO, and Cu2O, indicating that the Cu4O3/CSBC composite contains high purity Cu4O3.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to further evaluate the valence states of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite. The presence of elemental Cu signal peaks confirmed the deposition of elemental Cu on the biochar surface, as illustrated in the XPS spectra (Fig. 2b). The Cu 2p3/2 XPS spectrum (Fig. 2c) displays the fitted peaks at 932.8 eV and 934.8 eV attributed to Cu(I) and Cu(II) ions, respectively.[9a] The XPS spectra confirm that Cu4O3 is a mixed-valence compound comprising both Cu(I) and Cu(II) ions. Moreover, the content of Cu element in the Cu4O3/CSBC composite was detected by the inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), the mass ratio of Cu is 12.87 wt.%, indicating the content of Cu4O3 is 15.30 wt.% (Table S1, Supporting Information) according to the mass ratio (84.1%) of Cu element relative to Cu4O3. This value coincides with our predetermined experimental value, indicating that the solid-synthesis strategy can achieve the quantitatively controllable preparation of the contents of Cu4O3 in the Cu4O3/CSBC composite.
The structural composition of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite was examined using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy (Fig. 2d). The Cu4O3/CSBC composite exhibited absorption bands resembling those of the CSBC at wavelengths of 3425 cm-1, 2920 cm-1, 1720 cm-1, and 1610 cm-1, representing -OH, C-H, -C = O, and -C = C stretching vibrations, respectively.[20] However, the absorption bands related to -C = O and -C = C of aromatic groups appeared more pronounced, while the -CH2 band intensity decreased compared to the characteristic absorption bands of CSBC. The escalation in oxygen-containing functional groups and the decline in methyl groups of the biochar could be attributed to intense mechanical collision during the BM-2 process and the thermal oxidation process by O2 during the solid-state sintering process.[17a, 21] Additionally, three signal bands corresponding to the Cu-O stretching vibration of Cu4O3 were detected at wavelengths of 616 cm-1, 547 cm-1, and 470 cm-1,[9a] further indicating the high purity of Cu4O3 within the Cu4O3/CSBC composite.
The microscopic morphology and elemental distribution of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) elemental mapping. The macroscopic SEM image (Fig. 2e) illustrates the uniform particle size distribution of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite. The microscopic SEM images (Fig. 2f-g) at various magnifications reveal the uniform and dispersed distributions of Cu4O3 nanoparticles that form clusters on the surface of the CSBC. The morphology of Cu4O3 was further elucidated by TEM analysis, confirming the cluster structures formed by many fine nanoparticles (Fig. 2h-i). The high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) image (Fig. 2j) displays the distinct lattice streaks with a lattice spacing of 0.25 nm corresponding to the (202) crystal plane of Cu4O3 crystal (JCPDS No.49-1830). The EDX elemental mapping (Fig. 2k) indicates a homogeneous spatial arrangement of Cu and O elements within the Cu4O3 nano-sized clusters, consistent with the TEM images.
We further investigated the influence of the preparation processing parameters, e.g. sintering temperature/time and loading capacity, on the reaction products. When the solid-state sintering was conducted at 220 ℃ for 12 min, copper formate was not completely decomposed and impurities of Cu2O and CuO appeared in the sintered products (Figure S3a, Supporting Information). At a sintering temperature of 240 ℃, the XRD analysis reveals the presence of Cu2O and CuO impurities in the products (Figure S3b, Supporting Information), indicating the decomposition of partial Cu4O3 to Cu2O and CuO at 240 ℃, consistent with the reported transition temperature of Cu4O3.[9b] Subsequently, we assessed the supporting capacity of CSBC for Cu4O3. When the supporting ratio of Cu4O3 was 10 wt.%, the solid-state sintered products exhibited pure-phase Cu4O3 (Figure S4a, Supporting Information); however, attempting to support 20 wt.% of Cu4O3 resulted in sintered products containing Cu2O and CuO impurities (Figure S4b, Supporting Information). The appearance of impurity by-products in the sintering process may be caused by the heat released from the decomposition of copper formate that could cause the decomposition of Cu4O3[22].
In order to assess the generalizability of various biochar sources for the preparation of Cu4O3/biochar composite, we explored the impact of biochar derived from different biomass sources (e.g., palm leaves, cedar wood, and bagasse) on the sintered products. Figure 3(a-c) displays the XRD spectra of the sintered products resulting from various biochar (named PLBC, CWBC, and BBC, respectively) prepared from palm leaves, cedar wood, and bagasse as biochar feedstock sources after the ball milling (BM-2) and sintering processes with copper formate. Among these, copper formate/PLBC precursor yielded the Cu4O3/PLBC composite containing pure-phase Cu4O3 (Fig. 3a); copper formate/CWBC precursor accommodated a support amount of 10 wt.% Cu4O3 without impurities (Fig. 3bI) while attempts to support 15 wt.% Cu4O3 led to impurities of Cu2O and CuO in the sintered products (Fig. 3bII), which may be due to the differences in specific surface area and supporting capacity among the various biochar types.[12a] At a pyrolysis temperature of 300 ℃ for bagasse biochar, the sintered product contained the impurity of Cu2O, in addition to Cu4O3 (Fig. 3cI). However, at a pyrolysis temperature of 400 ℃, the sintered product obtained showed high purity Cu4O3 (Fig. 3cII). The optimal processing parameters for preparing Cu4O3/biochar composite from PLBC, CWBC, and BBC are listed in Table S2.
Subsequently, the morphology of the Cu4O3/biochar composite obtained from different sources of biochar was analyzed by SEM. As depicted in Fig. 3a1, 3b1, and 3c1, the biochar inherited the morphology and characteristics of the corresponding biomass before undergoing the Cu4O3/biochar composite preparation process. In contrast, the morphology and structure of the sintered products were relatively similar in that Cu4O3 nanoparticle clusters were uniformly dispersed on the surface of the biochar particles with consistent particle sizes (Fig. 3a2-3, 3b2-3, and 3c2-3). The exploration of biochar feedstock sources experiments demonstrated that the preparation process of Cu4O3/biochar composite through ball milling combined with sintering processes exhibits a certain degree of generalizability. Nevertheless, the functional groups, specific surface area, and supporting capacity of biochar derived from various feedstock sources,[23] necessitating adjustments to the pyrolysis parameters or the preparation process based on the specific raw feedstock when preparing the Cu4O3/biochar composite. In general, all the studied Cu4O3/biochar composites can be prepared successfully while their optimal processing parameters may vary depending on the biochar resources.
2.2 Formation mechanism of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite
To investigate the formation mechanism of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite, we employed a rapid cooling method using liquid nitrogen to quench the chemical reactions during the process of solid-state sintering to identify intermediate phases in the evolution of sintering reactions.[16] Fig. 4a illustrates the comparative XRD spectra of the sintered products derived from copper formate/CSBC precursor during various sintering times (0–12 min) at 230 ℃. As the sintering time prolonged, the intensity of the signal XRD peaks corresponding to copper formate diminished gradually and disappeared completely at 10 min, indicating its rapid decomposition process. Furthermore, three distinct signal peaks of Cu4O3, Cu2O, and CuO emerged simultaneously during the intermediate stages. The diffraction peak intensities of Cu2O and CuO initially increased, then weakened, and disappeared eventually at 12 min, indicating the formation and subsequent disappearance of intermediate phases involving Cu2O and CuO. These observations discovered the formation of intermediate phases Cu2O and CuO during the sintering process, suggesting that Cu4O3 should originate from Cu2O and CuO via the solid-state symproportionation reactions between Cu2O and CuO.[9b] Such symproportionation reaction among CuxO was originally proposed in liquid phase reactions[9b], but it is for the first time demonstrated in solid-state reactions in this work to our best knowledge.
In our previous study,[16] we analyzed the thermal decomposition process of copper formate. Copper formate undergoes two consecutive stepwise cation reduction processes to generate Cu, which is subsequently oxidized by O2 to form Cu₂O and CuO. However, in the absence of any carrier or medium, Cu2O and CuO cannot directly disproportion into Cu4O3 in air. We further investigated the critical role of CSBC in the preparation process of Cu4O3/CSBC composite through a series of controlled experiments. The specifically designed processing processes are shown in Table S3 (Supporting Information), including untreated CSBC (CSBC), CSBC treated with the BM-2 process (BM-CSBC), CSBC treated with BM-2 followed by sintering processes (BM-S-CSBC), and the Cu4O3/CSBC composite. Figure 4b illustrates the C 1s spectra and their fitting results of CSBC after different preparation processes. Copper formate participates in the BM-2 process with CSBC, so we excluded the influence of formate groups in copper formate on the fitting results of C1s through filtration and washing after BM-2 in the controlled experiments for the samples BM-CSBC and BC-S-CSBC. As can be seen in Fig. 4b, the comparisons of C 1s among the CSBC, BM-CSBC, and BM-S-CSBC samples exhibited an increase in the contents of oxygen-containing functional groups C = O and O-C = O. The normalized quantitative analysis of C 1s spectra fitting results (Fig. 4c) further clarifies this phenomenon. Furthermore, the content of C-C/C = C/C-H functional groups of BM-CSBC, and BM-S-CSBC samples decreased compared to that of CSBC. The analysis result indicates that the strong mechanical collisions during the BM-2 process and the thermal oxidation reaction in air during the sintering process increase the oxygen-containing functional groups of biochar and decrease the abundance of C-H functional groups,[17a, 21] which is consistent with the results of FTIR analysis. As a comparison, the relative contents of C = O and O-C = O in the Cu4O3/CSBC composite were notably higher compared with those in CSBC, BM-CSBC, and BM-S-CSBC, with a further reduction in C-H content, indicating the chemical role of biochar in additional oxidative processes, specifically participating in the redox conversion from CuO to Cu2O.
Based on the analysis results above, we summarize schematically in Fig. 4d the preparation mechanism of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite. The two-step ball milling processes, BM-1 and BM-2, facilitate the uniform dispersion of refined copper formate particles onto the surface of CSBC. During the solid-state sintering process, copper formate underwent gradual cation reduction processes to generate Cu, which was then oxidized to Cu2O by O2 and further oxidized to CuO in air (Step 1 in Fig. 4d). The stoichiometric ratio of Cu2O to CuO is crucial for the formation of high-purity Cu4O3[9b]. CSBC plays a crucial role in regulating the ratio of Cu2O and CuO in the reaction system: its weak reduction capacity could reduce CuO partially into Cu2O but not all. Subsequently, the CuO and Cu2O mixtures with an appropriate 2:1 ratio underwent the symproportionation reaction to form Cu4O3 (Step 2 in Fig. 4d). Meanwhile, the strong mechanical collisions of BM-2, air thermal decomposition, and oxidation-reduction reaction with CuO, increased the content of oxygen-containing functional groups, e.g., C = O and O-C = O, and reduced that of the C-H groups of CSBC.
2.3 Antibacterial property
The antibacterial properties of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite were investigated using Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli E. coli, Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus S. aureus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA as bacterial models. MRSA is a significant cause of hospital and community-associated infections, characterized by its multidrug resistance.[24] We evaluated the antibacterial efficacy of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite across various concentration gradients on three bacteria and determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for each bacterium. Untreated CSBC and blank groups were applied as controls to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite. As depicted in Fig. 5a, the antibacterial rate gradually declined from > 99.9% as the concentration of Cu4O3/CSBC composite decreased, indicating a positive correlation between the bactericidal effect and concentration. At the concentration of 5 µg mL-1 for the Cu4O3/CSBC composite, E. coli was effectively eradicated and unable to proliferate on the nutrient medium. Notably, compared to the antibacterial effect against E. coli, the Cu4O3/CSBC composite showed lower MIC values against the Gram-positive bacteria S. aureus and MRSA: there were few surviving S. aureus or MRSA bacteria detected on the Petri dishes at concentrations of 0.100 µg mL-1 and 0.125 µg mL-1 of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite, respectively. The variation in the antibacterial efficacy of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria aligns with previously reported results regarding Cu4O3, potentially attributed to disparities in the cell membrane structure between the two bacterial strains.[25] In contrast, both the CSBC and blank (Fig. 5a). These results indicate that the MIC values of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite against E. coli, S. aureus, and MRSA were 5 µg mL-1, 0.100 µg mL-1, and 0.125 µg mL-1, respectively (Table S4, Supporting Information). Compared with the previous reports on the antibacterial properties of Cu4O3,[9a] the antibacterial effect was enhanced by at least three orders of magnitude for the Cu4O3/CSBC composite in this work. Furthermore, we compared the MIC values of reported inorganic antibacterial materials against MRSA (Table 1). The Cu4O3/CSBC composite exhibits a significantly lower MIC value, indicating its efficient and notable antibacterial ability against superbug MRSA.
Furthermore, we applied SEM to observe the surface morphology of bacteria before and after treatment with the Cu4O3/CSBC composite (Fig. 5b). E. coli exhibited a rod-shaped morphology, while S. aureus and MRSA appeared spherical. Prior to the treatment, the bacteria displayed smooth surfaces with intact cell walls and membrane structures, but presented irregular morphologies with the wrinkling of the cell walls due to shrinkage after treated with the Cu4O3/CSBC composite.
Table 1
The MIC values comparison of inorganic antibacterial materials against MRSA.
MIC values for MRSA
(µg mL− 1)
Cu4O3/CSBC composite
this work
Ag NPs (average size: 8.55–20.3 nm)
Graphene oxide-Ag nanocomposite
(average size: 9.4 ± 2.8 nm)
Cu NPs (particle size: 50 nm)
CuO NPs (particle size: 40 nm)
Cu2O@ZrP hybrid nanosheet
ZnO nanorods
23 ± 1.09
ZnO NPs (average size: 20–25 nm)
Heterogeneous TiO2/ZnO Nanocomposite
2.4 Antibacterial mechanism
A number of studies have investigated the antibacterial mechanisms of CuO and Cu2O, primarily focusing on the release of Cu ions, the induction and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and direct contact with bacteria but few studies were carried out on Cu4O3.[34] In order to investigate the antibacterial mechanism of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite, we first analyzed the release kinetics of Cu ions from the Cu4O3/CSBC composite by ICP-OES test. As shown in Fig. 6a, the cumulative release of Cu ions exhibited a positive correlation with immersion time during the 48-hour testing period. The cumulative release of Cu ions reached 2.71 ppm within 48 h, with the highest release rate of 235 ppb h− 1 occurring in the initial 2 h (Figure S5, Supporting Information). The rapid release ensures the highly efficient antibacterial performance of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite. With prolonged immersion time, the Cu ions release rate decelerated gradually, which may be caused by the adsorption of copper ions by CSBC,[35] indicating a slow-release process that ensures long-lasting antibacterial efficacy.
Both Cu(I) and Cu(II) ions have been reported to possess antibacterial effects and can induce the production of ROS by the redox reaction. Notably, the antibacterial efficacy of Cu(I) ions is significantly stronger than that of Cu(II) ions.[36] Despite exhibiting a mixed valence of Cu(I) and Cu(II) at the Cu 2p XPS spectrum, the release mechanism of copper ions in Cu4O3 remains poorly understood. Initially, we detected the release of Cu(I) ions using bathocuproinedisulfonic acid disodium salt (BCS) as a specific chelator of Cu(I) ions. BCS can form stable complexes with Cu(I) ions, characterized by typical absorption peaks in the range of 450–500 nm.[37] To minimize testing errors resulting from the oxidation of Cu(I) ions,[38] we conducted an anaerobic condition for the solution system. As depicted in Fig. 6b, the control BCS exhibited no absorbance within the wavelength of 450–500 nm, while the absorbance of BCS treated with the Cu4O3/CSBC composite displays a characteristic absorption peak at 483 nm.[37] The absorbance exhibited a gradual increment over the 48-hour test period, indicating a slow-release kinetics of Cu(I) ions within the Cu4O3/CSBC composite. Furthermore, we obtained the linear regression equation by measuring the standard curve between the absorbance of BCS at 483 nm and the concentration of Cu(I) ions (Figure S6, Supporting Information), thereby quantitatively evaluating the release of Cu(I) ions (Figure S7, Supporting Information). Then, the release concentration of Cu(II) ions was obtained by the difference between the total release concentration of Cu ions (ICP-OES results) and the release concentrations of Cu(I) ions. As can be seen in Figure S7 (Supporting Information), the cumulative release of Cu(II) ions also increased continuously during the 48-hour immersion experiment.
To further investigate the solvation mechanism of copper ions in Cu4O3, density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to compute the vacancy formation energy of Cu. Figure 6c illustrates the ball-and-stick model of Cu4O3 with body-centered tetragonal lattice structure (No.141, I41/amd space group), characterized by the built of inter-penetrating chains of Cu(I)-O and Cu(II)-O.[39] The (101) surface model of Cu4O3 was constructed and optimized (Fig. 6d), containing three types of copper: monovalent copper (Cu-I), tetra-coordinated divalent copper (Cu-II-a), and tri-coordinated divalent copper (Cu-II-b). Subsequently, the vacancy formation energies of these copper types (Fig. 6e) were calculated using density functional theory (DFT). The calculation results (Table S5, Supporting Information) indicate that Cu-I exhibits the lowest vacancy formation energy, suggesting that Cu(I) ions are more easily dissolved than Cu-II-a and Cu-II-b ions. Additionally, the (100) surface model was constructed to calculate the vacancy formation energies of Cu-I and Cu-II (Fig. 6f). The results (Table S6, Supporting Information) demonstrate that the vacancy formation energy of Cu-I is lower than that of Cu-II again, consistent with the results of the (101) surface. These DFT calculations suggest that Cu(I) ions may dissolve more easily than Cu(II) ions from the surface of Cu4O3, and thus participate more efficiently in the antimicrobial process. The varied vacancy formation energies on the surfaces suggest the successive dissolution of Cu(I) followed by Cu(II) ions that may contribute to the long-lasting antimicrobial performance via the Cu-ion release mechanism.
Moreover, the stability of Cu4O3/CSBC composite in solution is critical. We confirmed the good chemical stability of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite by the 48-hour immersion in aqueous solution through comparison of XRD spectra (Fig. 6g). No obvious peaks were detected corresponding to Cu2O, CuO, or Cu. Additionally, the intensity of Cu4O3 diffraction peaks gradually decreased with prolonged immersion time. We selected the strongest intensity of the XRD diffraction peak, (202), as the representative peak and compared it with the intensity of the amorphous diffraction peak of CSBC (Id(202)/Id(CSBC)). The comparison results (Table S7, Supporting Information) revealed that the ratio of Id(202)/Id(CSBC) decreased with increasing immersion time, further demonstrating the gradual release process of Cu ions from Cu4O3.
Subsequently, we assessed the generation of superoxide anion (\(\:\bullet\:{{\text{O}}_{2}}^{-}\)) using nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) as reactant to evaluate the ROS generation capacity of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite.[40] \(\:\bullet\:{{\text{O}}_{2}}^{-}\) can reduce NBT to water-insoluble formazan.[41] Fig. 6h illustrates the absorbance changes of the NBT solution over 60 min after the addition of Cu4O3/CSBC composite. Compared to the NBT solution control, the intensity of the absorption peak at 259 nm significantly decreased after 10 min of adding the Cu4O3/CSBC composite, indicating the generation of \(\:\bullet\:{{\text{O}}_{2}}^{-}\).[41] Over time, the absorbance of the NBT solution declined steadily, signifying the continuous degradation of NBT and a gradual rise in the concentration of \(\:\bullet\:{{\text{O}}_{2}}^{-}\). These above results indicate that the Cu4O3/CSBC composite can produce ROS and participate in the antibacterial mechanism.
Based on the above analysis, we summarize the antibacterial mechanism of the Cu4O3/CSBC composite as illustrated in Fig. 6i. The antibacterial efficacy of inorganic antibacterial agents is heavily influenced by their particle size, morphology, and dispersion.[16] The Cu4O3/CSBC composite contains well-dispersed nano-sized Cu4O3, forming the foundation for their potent antibacterial activity and strong affinity for bacterial cells. Bacteria possess negatively charged cell surfaces, and the sustained slow release of Cu(I) and Cu(II) ions from the Cu4O3/CSBC composite can adhere to the bacterial surfaces, enhancing cell permeability and disrupting the cell walls/membrane structures to facilitate penetration of Cu ions into the cell interior. Concurrently, Cu(I) and Cu(II) ions, in conjunction with dissolved oxygen in water, participate in the production of ROS.[36c] The disruption of the cell membrane facilitates the entry of more Cu ions and ROS into the cell interior. Within the cell, Cu ions further stimulate ROS generation, leading to DNA denaturation, lipid and protein structural damage, culminating in cell death.