Glucose is converted to butyrate and hexanoate
The entire input of reducing equivalents (reported as chemical oxygen demand, COD) for the bioreactor experiments was derived from glucose which was consumed for the duration of the experiments (Fig. 1A). Lactate is known to be an electron donor and sole-substrate for chain elongation and is likely a key intermediate of the chain elongation process from sugars [15]. During the first three weeks, there was no lactate accumulation in either bioreactor (Fig. 1B). Lactate accumulated transiently with peak concentrations in both bioreactors of 5 g COD L− 1. Transient accumulation of lactate in chain elongation bioreactors fed sugars has been noted previously [39] and indicates that rates of fermentation of sugars to lactate are greater than conversion of lactate to VFAs.
Acetate was present in both systems after the first week of bioreactor operations and exhibited wide variations in concentration (Fig. 1C). After an initial peak, acetate concentrations in both bioreactors were typically between 0.5 g COD L− 1 and 2.0 g COD L− 1. This is a relatively low acetic acid concentration for chain elongating bioreactors, representing only 1.3–5% of the COD fed to the bioreactors. Butyrate was consistently the most abundant carboxylic acid in both J1 and J2 (Fig. 1D). During a period from Day 50 to Day 100, butyrate concentrations were lower in both reactors and very close to hexanoic acid, near 5 g COD L− 1. Hexanoate, the product of the butyrate elongation, had the highest peak in both bioreactors, with maximum concentration of 8.3 g COD L− 1 for J1 and 7.3 g COD L− 1 for J2 (Fig. 1E). However, hexanoate and butyrate production were not stable over the duration of the study, with high fluctuations across samples. Further, octanoate (Fig. 1F) was typically present at very low concentrations (less than 0.1 g COD L− 1), with the highest peak in both J1 and J2 occurring at Day 68 of 0.42 g COD L− 1 (approximately 1% of the COD fed to the bioreactors). Together, these results show that butyrate and hexanoate are abundant products of glucose-based chain elongation, but product profiles are variable across time and butyrate is produced at higher concentrations than the preferred hexanoate.
Hydrogen supplementation does not increase hexanoate yield
Hydrogen has the potential to be an electron donor for sugar elongation, and the overall thermodynamics of H2 and glucose co-utilization are favorable (Table 1). Therefore, batch experiments were used to test if H2 supplementation could increase MCCA production during glucose consumption. Batch experiments were performed with biomass obtained from J1 on Day 155 and incubated with a complete head space of N2 or H2 at atmospheric pressure. Prior to glucose addition, there was a COD concentration of 5.3 g COD L− 1 and after glucose addition the COD increased to 7.5 g COD L− 1.
Table 1
Proposed chemcial reactions and free energy released under standard conditions at neautral pH (ΔG0’) for H2 and glucose co-consumption to produce hexanoate where glucose is first converted to butyrate (Rxn 1) followed by butyrate conversion to hexanoate using CO2 and H2 (Rxn 2). The combined reaction is also shown (Rxn 3). CO2 is balanced when Rxn 1 and Rxn 2 are combined, but a net input of four moles of H2 per mol glucose is required.
ID | Reaction | \(\:{\varvec{\varDelta\:}\varvec{G}}^{0\varvec{{\prime\:}}}\) (kJ rxn− 1) |
Rxn 1 | \(\:{C}_{6}{H}_{12}{O}_{6}\to\:{C}_{4}{H}_{7}{O}_{2}^{-}+2{CO}_{2}+2{H}_{2}+{H}^{+}\) | -248 |
Rxn 2 | \(\:{C}_{4}{H}_{7}{O}_{2}^{-}+2{CO}_{2}+6{H}_{2}\to\:{C}_{6}{H}_{11}{O}_{2}^{-}+4{H}_{2}O\) | -159 |
Rxn 3 | \(\:{C}_{6}{H}_{12}{O}_{6}+4{H}_{2}\to\:{C}_{6}{H}_{11}{O}_{2}^{-}+4{H}_{2}O\) | -407 |
Approximately twelve hours after inoculating the serum bottles, glucose consumption commenced with H2-supplemented bottles experiencing a higher rate of glucose consumption (Fig. 4A). Lactate accumulated throughout the batch experiments under both conditions (Fig. 4B). While standard deviations across the three replicates were low for glucose consumption and lactate production, the carboxylic acid products had much higher standard deviations (Fig. 4C-F). Butyrate and hexanoate both increased initially (Fig. 4D-E), but then plateaued. Hexanoate increased by more than a factor of two during the batch experiments regardless of headspace condition. Octanoate concentrations remained low (Fig. 4F).
After 84 hours of incubation, the COD of the N2 headspace incubations had a COD of 6.4 +/- 0.24 g COD L− 1 which is a decrease of 1.1 g COD L− 1 (Fig. 5). The H2 headspace incubations had a COD of 7.3 +/- 1.22 g COD L− 1 which is a decrease of 0.2 g COD L− 1. Taken as a whole, while H2 supplementation resulted in some replicates with higher COD and intermittent concentrations of desirable products (e.g., hexanoate), the differences were not sustained and the final COD of the target products in the H2 supplemented incubations was not significantly different than those in the N2 supplemented incubation (p = 0.256). The only fermentation product that exhibited a significantly higher concentration in H2 incubations was butyrate (p = 0.012). This suggests that the microbial community was unable to reliably utilize H2 as an electron donor to drive conversion of butyrate to hexanoate.
Metatranscriptome dominated by two chain elongators and one hydrogenic sugar fermenter
To gain greater insights into the activity of individual microbial species during the incubations, metatranscriptomic analyses were performed with samples from the N2 and H2 incubations after 84 hours. At this time, glucose levels had decreased substantially (Fig. 1A) but was not depleted. A mixture of VFAs were present, with butyrate and hexanoate being the most abundant fermentation products (Fig. 5). Transcript relative abundance was greater than 1% for 13 MAGs (Fig. 6A) and the most transcriptionally active organisms were similar across both incubations, with 31–32% of transcripts mapping to the genome of Caproicibacterium sp002399445, 20–21% to Caproicibacter sp002316805, and 16–17% to Tractidigestivibacter sp902834555. Together, these three organisms accounted for 68% of gene expression under both incubation conditions.
Glucose was consumed in both incubations. Therefore, transcript abundance for fermentation of glucose to pyruvate, acetate, and lactate were assessed (Fig. 6B). Specifically, two routes of glucose utilization were explored- the Embden-Meyerhoff (EM) pathway (aka, glycolysis) and the Bifid shunt pathway (Fig. 7). Caproicibacterium sp002399445 and Caproicibacter sp002316805 expressed genes for glucose consumption via the EM pathway. While Caproicibacterium sp002399445 contained a gene annotated to produce the phosphoketolase enzyme, no transcripts mapped to this gene under either headspace condition. Tractidigestivibacter sp902834555 expressed genes for both the EM and Bifid shunt pathways, suggesting this organism can produce lactate and acetate from glucose. Notably, genes encoding glucokinase were not present in the Tractidigestivibacter sp902834555 genome; however, transcripts encoding phosphotransferase system (PTS) proteins, which couple the transport and phosphorylation of sugars [48], were among the most abundant transcripts for this organism.
Transcript abundance for advanced fermentation processes, including reverse β-oxidation, the Wood Ljungdahl pathway, the RNF complex, and hydrogen metabolism (Fig. 7) were then assessed. Caproicibacterium sp002399445 and Caproicibacter sp. 002316805 transcribed all genes for pyruvate flavodoxin oxidoreductase (pfor), reverse β-oxidation, the RNF complex, and hydrogen production via an FeFe hydrogenase. Tractidigestivibacter sp902834555 expressed a gene encoding pfor and a FeFe hydrogenase, suggesting reduced ferredoxin produced by pyruvate flavodoxin oxidoreductase may be oxidized through hydrogen generation. Tractidigestivibacter sp902834555 did not contain genes for reverse β-oxidation. Surprisingly, two MAGs classified as Caproicbacter species– Caproicibacter (Unclassified II) and Caproicibacter sp002409675– did not contain genes for reverse β-oxidation. This suggests species-level differences in fermentation end products across the Caproicibacter genus. Only one organism expressed all genes needed for the Wood Ljungdahl pathway – Clostridium_B sp003497125, and all these genes were only expressed during the incubation with H2. Clostridium_B sp003497125 also expressed some – but not all -- genes for reverse β-oxidation, suggesting this organism may be able to incorporate H2 and CO2 into acetyl-CoA and while it has the genomic potential to perform chain elongation, it may be producing acetate rather than butyrate or hexanoate. Despite the increased transcription of Wood Ljungdahl pathway genes, there was no significant increase in hexanoate production under these conditions (Fig. 4E). Therefore, it is expected that this low abundance organism may contribute to butyrate production with H2 as an electron donor but not hexanoate production.
Pseudoclavibacter_A canei and Lactobacillus paracasei are both potential sugar degraders based on genome annotations and published species descriptions [49, 50], but they did not express genes for sugar degradation (Fig. 6). Interestingly, Pseudoclavibacter_A canei is classified as a strict aerobe[49]. For both organisms, transcriptomes were dominated by phage-related transcripts. For Pseudoclavibacter_A canei transcripts that mapped to genes annotated as “phage portal protein,” “phage protein,” and “prophage Clp protease protein” were very highly expressed (RPKM > 40,000; Supplement 1). Similarly, the Lactobacillus paracasei transcriptome was dominated by “phage terminase, large subunit,” “phage portal protein,” “phage protein,” and “prophage pi2 protein 38.” This suggests that rather than contributing to trophic interactions needed for chain elongation, these organisms may be involved in bacteriophage cycling.
Caproicibacterium and Caproicibacter differ in gene abundance and synteny
Caproicibacterium sp. 002399445 and Caproicibacter sp. 002316805 were the predominant chain elongators found during the current study. While both genera have previously been described as chain elongating organisms, key differences between the genera have not been explored thoroughly. The metagenomic and metatranscriptomic results suggest that Caproicibacterium sp. 002399445 contains multiple copies of genes encoding acyl-CoA dehydrogenases and electron transfer flavoproteins while Caproicibacter sp. 002316805 has only single copies of the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, EtfA, and EtfB gene cluster (Fig. 7). Gene clusters containing reverse β-oxidation genes have been discovered across chain-elongating taxa, including Caproiciproducens, Pseudoramibacter, Candidatus Weimeria and related species [12, 51, 52].
The MAG for Caproicibacter sp. 002316805 contains a single reverse β-oxidation gene cluster and a single pair of electron transfer flavoproteins contained within this cluster (Fig. 7). Caproicibacterium sp. 002399445 contains a gene cluster containing the reverse β-oxidation genes, another cluster with acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and two electron transfer flavoproteins, and an additional set of electron flavoproteins adjacent to a gene annotated as (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase. A search with BLASTP confirmed the annotation of this gene but found it had 99% coverage and 87% sequence identity with a gene annotated as “L-lactate, D-lactate, and/or glycolate dehydrogenase” from Ruminococcaceae bacterium BL-6, suggesting that this cluster may encode an electron-bifurcating lactate dehydrogenase complex and may consume lactate via an electron confurcating lactate dehydrogenase which has been described for other lactate consumers [53]. Taken together, these results suggest that there may be differences in the chain elongation process between the Caproicibacter and Caproicibacterium genera. Gene expression and genome topology suggest that Caproicibacterium expresses multiple sets of electron bifurcating acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, but further work is needed to determine if these acyl-CoA dehydrogenases have different specificity for different chain lengths.
To further understand the difference in gene synteny across the genera Caproicbacterium and Caproicbacter, representative genomes from NCBI GenBank[54] were compared (Fig. 8). Caproicibacter sp. 002316805 and the genomes from the representative species GCA_002316805.1, GCA_002411605.1 and GCA_003539715.1, all have a reverse β-oxidation gene cluster but no additional gene clusters were present in the Caproicibacterium sp. 002399445. Further, Caproicibacterium sp. 002399445 and genomes from the representative species GCA_002399445.1, GCA_002398045.1, GCA_002397165.1, GCA_002397745.1, GCA_002409805.1, GCA_003535075.1, GCA_003519705.1 and GCA_903789565.1, have the reverse β-oxidation gene cluster, a separate cluster with acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and two electron transfer flavoproteins, and additional electron flavoproteins adjacent to a (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase gene. Also, an additional cluster with (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and two electron transfer flavoproteins genes was found in the GCA_903789565.1. Together, these results show key differences between the genomes of Caproicibacterium and Caproicibacter related to reverse b-oxidation and potentially lactate consumption.
Another key difference was that Caproicibacter sp. 002316805 expressed hydrogenase enzyme components that were not present in the MAG of Caproicibacterium sp. 002399445 (Supplement 1). NiFe hydrogenases are characterized as multi-enzyme complexes that can conserve energy through electron bifurcation [55], while the FeFe hydrogenase (E.C. is typically a single component enzyme that reduces protons to H2 with ferredoxin as the electron donor [56]. Besides the “assembly proteins” (HypCDEF), no other components of known NiFe hydrogenases were found in the genome of Caproicibacter sp. 002316805. This suggests that these proteins may be involved in the assembly of other nickel-containing metallocenter catalytic sub-units, but the precise role of these enzymes in Caproicibacter sp. 002316805 remains unknown.