To quantitatively characterize the state of the anode surface after welding and compare it with the change in dynamic resistance, studies were carried out on the roughness of the contact spot. Figure 8 demonstrates the results of contact area roughness (Sz) measured using a light microscope.
The condition of the electrode surface has been established as a significant factor influencing electrical resistance, predominantly at the initial stages of the welding cycle, prior to the occurrence of lens formation [22]. Given this, it can be inferred that resistance measurements taken in our case within the initial 10 ms of the welding cycle [13] may provide a useful metric for assessing the state of the electrode surface. Figure 9 shows the average electrical resistance values during the first 10 ms, R0 − 10ms, as a function of the spot number. It is noteworthy that the values of Sz (maximum height of the surface) are positively correlated with the average values of electrical resistance for the period 0–10 ms. For comparison, these values can be conventionally divided into three zones: A, B and C.
Initially, the R0 − 10ms values indicate an upward trend until about the 15th point (zone A). Up to this point, Cu/Al plaque is formed on the electrode surface (see Fig. 2). The Cu/Al intermetallic compounds have lower electrical conduction [19] and therefore their presence on the electrode surface can lead to an increase in overall resistance. The roughness Sz begins to increase as the first Cu/Al particles remaining on the electrode surface are distributed unevenly, this can be seen in the EDX results (see Fig. 6).
Following the initial increase, the electrical resistance starts to slowly decrease (zone B). The explanation for this is that the number of intermetallic compounds with poor electrical resistance decreases due to erosion of the electrode contact surface, which reduces the dynamic resistance [4, 19]. It is worth noting a strong decrease in roughness Sz after the 20th point, which does not correlate with a slow decrease in dynamic resistance. The reason for this may be the fact that the dynamic resistance was measured for the entire system, including the cathode, and the roughness Sz was measured only on the surface of the anode. The strong decrease in the roughness Sz is associated with the leveling of the contact area relief: from about the 20th point, hard and brittle Cu/Al intermetallic compounds begin to fall out, and the soft surface of the electrode is smoothed out. Importantly, the point (30th spot) at which the resistance begins to drop significantly is correlated with the onset of porosity formation and surface erosion of the weld joint [13]. It can be attributed to the distorted current flow caused by the uneven distribution of Cu/Al particles [4]. Despite the presence of pores, the Chisel (see Fig. 6) and tensile strength tests [13] indicated that the weld quality is acceptable, which is consistent with previous research showing that pores up to 40% do not significantly impact weld spot quality for aluminum alloys [21]. Figure 3 shows that between 20th and 40th spots, erosion of the resulting aluminum layer occurs, while between 40th to 60th spots, erosion of the copper electrode begins, a crater is formed and the shape of the electrode changes significantly.
After the 60th spot, a flat line can be observed with a slight slope (zone C). At this point, the anode contact area is completely contaminated with aluminum oxide, and the shape of the anode contact area changes from a flat top to a crater. Consequently, there are no significant changes in roughness and resistance.