Development of CANTAC-seq
High yolk content interfered with transposase activity and made it almost impossible to apply ATAC-seq on whole X. tropicalis embryos of early developmental stages23,24. Therefore, in order to investigate the chromatin regulatory landscape during early development, we have developed CANTAC-seq, which entails the use of ConA-coated magnetic beads with high glycoprotein affinity to capture nuclei, followed by yolk removal and optimized on-beads tagmentation to extract open chromatin regions for sequencing (see Methods; Fig. 1a).
To validate the CANTAC-seq method, we first compared it with standard ATAC-seq on mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and human K562 cells. As shown in Fig. 1b and Fig. S1a, the chromatin accessibility profiles generated by CANTAC-seq correlated well with those obtained by standard ATAC-seq on mESCs (R = 0.99) and K562 cells (R = 0.99). Quality control metrics, such as insert size distribution and enrichment around transcriptional start sites (TSS), were almost identical between CANTAC-seq and ATAC-seq from the same cell line (Fig. 1c,d and Fig. S1b,c). Open chromatin regions detected by both methods showed similar profiles at the promoters of pluripotent marker genes, including Nanog, Klf4, Pou5f1, and Sox2 in mESCs (Fig. 1e), as well as at the well-characterized human β-globin locus control region (LCR) and its downstream hemoglobin genes in K562 cells Fig. S1d). Then, we performed both methods on X. tropicalis embryos collected at stage 13. As shown in Fig. 1f, whereas as reported before, standard ATAC did not produce DNA fragments of distinct sizes corresponding to accessible DNA, mono-nucleosome, and di-nucleosome, our CANTAC-seq did successfully and the distribution of insert size was similar to that obtained from mESCs and K562 cells. These results collectively demonstrated that while the performance of the CANTAC-seq method is on par with standard ATAC-seq approaches for cellular samples, only CANTAC-seq enables successful mapping of accessible chromatin of early X. tropicalis embryos with high yolk content.
Accessible chromatin landscape during X. tropicalis ZGA
After establishing CANTAC-seq, to investigate the chromatin regulatory landscape during X. tropicalis ZGA, we mapped the global chromatin accessibility using CANTAC-seq for five developmental stages, including early, middle, and late blastula (stage 7, 8, and 9, respectively), which encompass the first major developmental transition MBT, the onset of gastrula (stage 10), and the onset of neurula (stage 13) (Fig. 2a). These stages encompass both the minor wave (stage 7–8) and the major wave (stage 9–13) of ZGA processes. Each stage was analyzed in two independent biological replicates, which all showed a high degree of correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient, 0.93-1.00) (Fig. S2a). Therefore, to increase the specificity, we combined the data and use common peaks identified from both replicates for subsequent analysis. Overall, we could identify 339, 23,731, 28,331, 44,481, and 47,726 accessible regions at stage 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13, respectively (Fig. 2b, Table S1). This demonstrated that while the chromatin was almost inaccessible at stage 7, a drastic opening was started at stage 8 before the MBT, followed by a progressive increase of accessibility from stage 9 to stage 13 (Fig. 2b,c). A substantial proportion of accessible regions established during the early stage was largely maintained through later stages. Specifically, 61% (207/339) of stage 7 peaks, 44% (10,543/23,731) of stage 8 peaks, 53% (14,917/28,331) of stage 9 peaks, and 49% (21,897/44,481) of stage 10 peaks were maintained until stage 13 (Table S1). Furthermore, we analyzed the genomic distributions of newly emerged accessible regions at each stage and found a continuous increase of peaks at intergenic regions from stage 8 to 13 (Fig. 2d), suggesting a stronger acceleration of chromatin opening at distal regulatory regions during early development.
Then, we compared chromatin accessibility profiles generated by CANTAC-seq with published ATAC-seq data25 as well as ChIP-seq data of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 at stage 926. As shown in Fig. S2b, our CANTAC-seq captured many more open chromatin regions compared to published ATAC-seq data. Importantly, the open regions identified by CANTAC-seq, regardless of whether they were overlapped and non-overlapped with those detected by ATAC-seq, were marked with the active mark H3K4me3, but not with the repressive mark H3K27me3 (Fig. S2b).
Furthermore, we checked the changes of chromatin accessibility at cis-regulatory elements for some key developmental regulators, including miR-427 cluster and sox17 gene cluster (Fig. 2e). MiR-427, which represents the ortholog of zebrafish miR-430, was involved in the deadenylation and clearance of maternal mRNAs, and was highly expressed before the MBT and then switched off at the gastrula stage27. In line with such expression pattern, we found that the chromatin region (chr3:146,260,000-146,294,000) of miR-427 cluster was already open before the MBT (stage 7, 8 and 9), but turned closed afterwards (stage 10 and 13). In contrast, we found that chromatin accessibility at sox17 cluster (chr6:115,150,000-115,191,000), including sox17a, sox17b.1, and sox17b.2, was gradually established, which is consistent with the expression and function of sox17 genes in germ layer differentiation28.
Finally, to reveal the potential function of increased accessible regions, we carried out gene ontology (GO) analysis on genes that gain promoter accessibility at each stage. As shown in Fig. S2c,d, GO terms related to transcriptional regulation and GTPase activity as well as pathways related to P53 regulation and GTPase cycle were significantly enriched at stage 8, 9 and 10, which is consistent with the fact that these biological processes and pathways are important in regulating cell migration, adhesion, as well as cell cycles during early development. Interestingly, genes with gained promoter accessibility specifically at stage 13 were enriched for those functioning in the neuronal system and encoding stimuli-sensing channels, consistent with the differentiation of nervous tissue at this stage. These findings highlighted the important functional relevance of the regulation on chromatin landscape during X. tropicalis early development.
Taken together, these analyses demonstrated that CANTAC-seq is a highly efficient method for generating accessible chromatin profiles of X. tropicalis embryos during early development.
Proximal and distal accessible chromatin in X. tropicalis early development
To understand the association between chromatin accessibility and gene expression during ZGA, we conducted transcriptome analyses at the corresponding developmental stages (Table S2). Again, RNA-seq analyses performed on two independent biological replicates for each stage showed a high degree of correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient, 0.96-1.00, Fig. S3a). We then performed principal component analyses (PCA) on the RNA-seq and CANTAC-seq datasets, which revealed a consistent pattern of developmental progression in both gene expression and chromatin accessibility profiles, as depicted in Fig. S3b. Then, based on the promoter accessibility at each stage, we classified genes into three groups (i.e., low, medium, and high) and compared their expression levels. As illustrated in Fig. 3a, genes with more accessible promoters showed elevated expression levels at all stages examined. After the MBT, genes with high promoter accessibility showed higher expression level than before (stage 7 and 8), and the difference in the expression level between the different groups is becoming more obvious, which is consistent with a higher impact of transcriptional regulation on RNA abundance after ZGA. To further explore the temporal relationship between chromatin opening and transcription activity, we compared promoter accessibility of genes expressed only after the MBT along the developmental stages and found that promoters are accessible prior to the onset of gene transcription (Fig. 3b). Moreover, we analyzed publicly available nascent RNA-seq data generated in X. laevis29, and identified 631 homologous zygotic transcripts that are induced at the MBT in X. tropicalis (FC > 2, FDR < 0.05). As shown in Fig. S3c, promoters of these genes are accessible prior to the MBT. In addition, we also identified 78 homologous genes in X. tropicalis based on the list of well-known ZGA genes highly induced during MBT29. Again, promoters of these genes are accessible prior to the MBT. Taken together, these results suggested that chromatin opening precedes the transcription of these zygotic genes.
As promoters and enhancers are often binding sites of transcription factors (TFs), we investigated whether proximal and distal CANTAC-seq peaks contained the motifs of TFs that regulate ZGA in early development. Using HOMER, we observed that TFs with enriched binding motifs for both promoters and enhancers mainly belong to the SP, KLF, and NFY protein families (Fig. 3c,d). In addition, whereas proximal regions exhibit specific enrichment of USF, ETV, and E2F motifs (Fig. 3c), distal regions are highly enriched with SOX, POU, CTCF, LHX, TFAP, and SMAD motifs (Fig. 3d). Importantly, several of the TFs identified in our motif enrichment analysis have been shown to be crucial in early development23,30–35. For instance, the maternal factor Sox3 with pioneering TF activity establishes pluripotency before the MBT by triggering chromatin remodeling23, while Ctcf is required for the de novo establishment of topologically associating domains during X. tropicalis ZGA35.
E2f1 is a repressor of minor zygotic genome activation
The enrichment of E2F binding motifs at promoters drew our attention, given that no function had been reported for E2F proteins during ZGA. In mammals, E2F family consists of eight members with similar structure domains, of which E2F1/2/3 are classified as transcription activators, while E2F4/5/6/7/8 are considered to be transcription repressors36. All members of e2f genes, except for e2f2, were identified in X. tropicalis. During early development from stage 3 to stage 9, e2f1, e2f3 and e2f5 exhibit high expression levels, followed by a stark decrease between stage 9 and stage 10 (Fig. S4a), suggesting that these three members may play an important role in X. tropicalis ZGA.
To assess the role of E2fs in X. tropicalis early development, we designed morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (MOs) targeting E2f1 (E2f1 MO), E2f3 (E2f3 MO), and E2f5 (E2f5 MO), respectively. These MOs were separately microinjected at the one-cell stage to knockdown their respective targets. We then quantified genomic DNA content in both uninjected wild-type (WT) and MO-injected embryos to assess the progression of the cell division during early developmental stages. As seen in Fig. 4a, we observed an increase in total genomic DNA content at stage 7 and 8 prior to MBT only in E2f1 MO-treated embryos, but not in E2f3 MO or E2f5 MO-treated embryos (Fig. S4b). To delve deeper into the defect induced by E2f1 MO, we made time-lapse videos featuring WT and E2f1 MO embryos (Video S1). In comparison to WT embryos, the depletion of E2f1 led to accelerated synchronous divisions prior to the MBT (Fig. 4b, Video S1). We could observe more cells in E2f1 MO embryos than the WT embryos starting from stage 6. After MBT, cell divisions transitioned to an asynchronous pattern for both E2f1 MO and WT embryos (Fig. S4c), and there was no significant difference in DNA content between E2f1 MO and WT embryos at stage 9 (Fig. 4a). Furthermore, we noted delayed development and mortality by the tailbud stage in the E2f1 MO-treated embryos (Fig. 4c). To determine whether these outcomes resulted from E2f1 perturbation, we performed rescue experiments through co-injection of E2f1 MO and E2f1 mRNA containing mutated MO target sites. Interestingly, we found that both abnormal development and the increase of genomic DNA content could be partially rescued (Fig. 4b,c), suggesting these abnormalities are direct and specific effects of the E2f1 perturbation. Hereafter, we focused on E2f1 and elaborated on its role during X. tropicalis early development.
Then, we conducted CANTAC-seq to analyze chromatin accessibility in E2f1 MO-treated embryos at stages 7 and 8, and compared them to the uninjected WT embryos. As shown in Fig. 4d, the chromatin of E2f1 MO embryos displayed higher accessibility than that of WT embryos at stage 7, indicating that E2f1 has a repressive effect on the chromatin opening. Subsequently, we investigated how increased accessibility was accompanied by transcriptome alterations. To this end, we performed comparisons of transcriptomic profiles between E2f1 MO and WT embryos from stage 3 to stage 8 using RNA-seq. As shown in Fig. 4e and Fig. S4d, the gene expression profiles were almost identical between E2f1 MO and WT embryos before stage 7. In contrast, significant changes in gene expression were observed in E2f1 MO embryos starting from stage 7, with 743 and 610 genes up-regulated and 534 and 633 genes down-regulated at stage 7 and 8, respectively (FDR < 0.05 and |Log2 FC|>1, Table S3). GO terms related to gene transcription and embryo development were enriched for up-regulated genes, and GO term related to translation was enriched for down-regulated genes at stage 7 (Fig. S4e). Importantly, co-injection of E2f1 mRNA and MO could significantly rescue the gene dysregulation observed in E2f1 MO stage 7 samples (Fig. 4f and Fig. S4f, Table S4). Indeed, as shown in the PCA plot, the transcriptome profiles of WT X. tropicalis from different stages aligned along the PC1 axis according to the developmental progress, E2f1 MO-treated embryos at stage 7 were closer to WT embryos at stage 8 at PC1 axis, whereas the rescued embryos moved back towards the WT stage 7 (Fig. 4f).
In order to test whether the genes affected by E2f1 MO were relevant for the early development, we compared the genes altered upon E2f1 MO at stage 7 with differentially expressed genes during normal development between stage 7 and 8, and found a significant overlap (p < 2.2e-16, Fig. 4h). Out of the 699 ZGA genes that are normally induced from stage 7 to stage 8, 268 (38%) genes are significantly upregulated upon E2f1 MO at stage 7 (Fig. 4f). These genes were enriched for those with GO terms related to transcription, cell differentiation, morphogenesis, gastrulation, and BMP signaling (Fig. 4f). Notably, E2f1 MO caused premature expression of a set of well-known zygotic TFs, including gsc, bix1.2, sox17a/b.1/b.2 as well as pou5f3.1. In consistence with this, we observed significant enrichment of several TF motifs in the open chromatin regions from E2f1-MO treated embryos at stage 7 (Fig. S4g), as well as from WT embryos at stage 8 (Fig. 3c,d), suggesting TFs repressed by E2f1 contribute to the chromatin opening during minor ZGA. Taken together, our analysis suggested that E2f1 functions as a maternal transcriptional repressor in X. tropicalis early development.
E2f1 represses zygotic gene transcription independent of its regulation of cell cycle progression
In a previous study, Jukam et al. reported that the DNA-to-cytoplasmic ratio regulates the timing of zygotic gene expression in hybrid frog embryos37. To investigate whether the precocious initiation of zygotic gene transcription is a result of increased DNA content in E2f1 morphants with accelerated cell cycles, we decelerated cell division by introducing mRNA encoding the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor cdkn1a (Fig. S5a), which was known to regulate cell cycle and DNA replication. As evidenced by the genomic DNA content in Fig. 5a, upon injecting Cdkn1a mRNA, embryonic development was delayed for one cell cycle at stage 7 and 8 in WT embryos. Co-injection of Cdkn1a mRNA with E2f1 MO successfully rescued the accelerated cell division due to E2f1 MO alone (Fig. 5a and Fig. S5b). Intriguingly, the precocious expression of zygotic genes at stage 7 induced by E2f1 MO was not rescued with the co-injection of Cdkn1a mRNA (Fig. 5b). The observation that co-injection of Cdkn1a mRNA could rescue accelerated cell division, but not the precocious expression of zygotic genes induced by E2f1 MO demonstrated that the two effects of E2f1 were mechanistically independent. Given that E2f1 could directly regulate transcription by binding to target DNA via its well-characterized DNA binding domain (DBD, a.a. 119–184), to ascertain its direct repressive effect of zygotic gene activation, we performed rescue experiments using an E2f1 mutant lacking the DBD (∆DBD, Fig. S5c). As shown in Fig. 5c and Fig. S5d, same as the WT E2f1, the ∆DBD mutant successfully rescued the cell cycle acceleration defect. However, in contrast to WT E2f1, the mutant failed to rescue the precocious zygotic gene activation induced by E2f1 MO (Fig. 5b). As representative examples shown in Fig. 5d, zygotic genes, including sia1/2, mix1 and gsc were activated at stage 7 by E2f1 MO. The defect could be rescued upon co-injection of WT E2f1 mRNA, but not that of ∆DBD mutant. Similarly, co-injection of Cdkn1a mRNA could not rescue the precocious expression of these zygotic genes although it could normalize the cell division prior to MBT. These findings collectively suggest that the impact of E2f1 on these zygotic genes operates through transcriptional regulation rather than as a consequence of cell cycle acceleration.
Otx1 antagonizes the inhibitory effect of E2f1 during minor ZGA
To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the E2f1-mediated repression of ZGA, we sought to identify E2f1 interaction partners. Due to the lack of specific antibodies that can recognize endogenous E2f1, we performed immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry (IP-MS) analysis with the anti-HA antibody in stage 8 embryos injected with E2f1 MO and HA-tagged E2f1 mRNA (Fig. S6a). With a stringent cutoff (unique peptide > 2, coverage > 5% and Log10 FC (LFQ) > 1), we identified a total of 22 potential interaction partners with E2f1 (Table 1), including the DP family protein Tfdpf1, which is known to form a heterodimeric complex with E2f1. Out of the remaining candidates, we focused on the orthodenticle homeobox transcription factor Otx1, as it was reported to be required for endoderm formation in X. tropicalis38, and its paralogue OTX2 was recently suggested to be a potential maternal regulator of human ZGA39. During X. tropicalis early development, otx1 is highly expressed while otx2 only starts to express after the MBT (Fig. S6b). To validate the interaction between E2f1 and Otx1, we co-injected HA-tagged E2f1 and Myc-tagged Otx1 mRNAs at one cell stage of X. tropicalis embryos (Fig. S6c). The interaction between E2f1 and Otx1 could be confirmed in Co-IP assays followed by western blotting with anti-HA and anti-Myc antibodies, respectively, at the blastula stage (Fig. 6a). Notably, this interaction was significantly reduced after treatment with benzonase, suggesting that the interaction between E2f1 and Otx1 is mediated largely by DNA.
Table 1
E2f1 interaction partners were identified using immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry (IP-MS). A total of 22 proteins were identified in two independent biological replicates, with a minimum number of three peptides and 5% coverage, as well as the average Log10 fold change (FC) of label-free quantity (LFQ) > 1.
Unique peptides
Log10 FC (LFQ)
Serine/threonine kinase 31
Orthodenticle homeobox 1
Dynein axonemal assembly factor 2
ATP citrate lyase
Transcription factor Dp-1
Arrestin domain containing 1
Parkinson protein 7
Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 9
Tyrosine 3/5-monooxygenase activation protein epsilon
DEAD-box helicase 6
Dihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E2
Proteasome 26S subunit ubiquitin receptor, non-ATPase 2
Aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1
NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S3
Paraspeckle component 1
Adenylate kinase 2
CNDP dipeptidase 2
Voltage-dependent anion channel 3
Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 V2
Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1
Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 4
To gain insight into the functional role of Otx1 during early development and, more importantly, to assess how Otx1 and E2f1 function together to regulate X. tropicalis ZGA, we blocked their translation by injecting MOs against E2f1 and Otx1 into embryos either alone or together. As shown in Fig. 6b, Otx1 MO-treated embryos were viable, whereas E2f1&Otx1 double MO-treated embryos had even more severe developmental defects than E2f1 MO-treated embryos, and all the double MO embryos died at the early tailbud stage. Next, to figure out the underlying mechanisms, we examined transcriptomic changes and chromatin accessibility alterations of Otx1 MO-treated embryos as well as E2f1&Otx1 double MO-treated embryos at stage 7 and 8 using RNA-seq and CANTAC-seq, respectively. Knockdown of Otx1 alone led to 520 and 718 genes to be up-regulated and 634 and 897 down-regulated at stage 7 and 8, respectively (FDR < 0.05 and |Log2 FC|>1, Fig. S6d, Table S5). Then, we examined the developmental relevance of these genes and found a significant overlap (p < 2.2e-16, Fig. S6e) between the genes down-regulated upon Otx1 MO at stage 8 and the genes up-regulated between stage 7 and 8 during normal development. These overlapped genes, including several well-known zygotic TFs, were significantly enriched for the GO term related to transcription regulation (Fig. S6e). In line with this, a slight attenuation of global chromatin accessibility upon Otx1 MO was also observed at stage 8 (Fig. S6f). Interestingly, double knockdown of E2f1 and Otx1 did not affect a much larger group of genes (Fig. S6g, Table S6). The expression of up-regulated genes upon E2f1 MO was largely returned to WT level by double MO at both stage 7 and 8 (Fig. 6c). The prematurely opened chromatin induced by E2f1 MO at stage 7 was also partially rescued by the double MO (Fig. 6d). In contrast, the expression change induced by Otx1 MO remained the same in double MO (Fig. S6h). Further PCA analysis of RNA-seq and CANTAC-seq data showed that the transcriptome and the chromatin accessibility profiles of double MO embryos were indeed moving back and even lagged a bit behind the WT embryos along the developmental trajectory (Fig. 6e,f). The difference at the transcriptome level between WT embryos and double MO embryos at the PC1 axis was likely due to the effects of Otx1 independent of E2f1 (Fig. 6e). These results together suggested that Otx1 antagonizes the inhibitory effect of E2f1 during X. tropicalis minor ZGA.
Furthermore, to investigate the effect of different perturbations on chromatin accessibility of the 699 genes induced from stage 7 to stage 8, we analyzed the percent of these genes that gain, lose, or do not change accessibility upon E2f1 MO, Otx1 MO or double MO (Fig. 6g). At stage 7, 57% of these genes gain accessibility at genic regions upon E2f1 MO, with 17% genes gaining accessibility at promoter regions. These together demonstrated that E2f1 exerts a dominantly repressive effect on chromatin opening at stage 7. In contrast, 95% of these genes show no change of accessibility upon Otx1 MO at genic regions at stage 7. Similarly, these genes show no change of accessibility upon double MO, demonstrating that the chromatin opening induced by E2f1 MO requires Otx1 at stage 7. At stage 8, 49% and 43% genes gain and lose accessibility, respectively, at genic regions upon E2f1 MO, with 8% and 12% genes gaining and losing accessibility at promoter regions, respectively. In contrast, 63% and 64% genes loss accessibility at genic regions upon Otx1 MO or double MO, with 32% and 33% losing accessibility at promoter regions. This analysis together suggested that Otx1 exerts a dominantly positive effect on chromatin opening at stage 8.
E2f1 and Otx1 co-modulate zygotic gene transcription by a seesaw balance
Both E2f1 and Otx1 are known DNA binding transcription factors, we therefore asked how they bound to and localized on the genome before the MBT. Again, without a specific antibody, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) of E2f1 and Otx1 with anti-HA and anti-Myc antibodies in stage 8 embryos injected with E2f1 MO and HA-tagged E2f1 mRNA or Otx1 MO and Myc-tagged Otx1 mRNA, respectively (Fig. 7a). In total, we identified 22,524 binding sites for E2f1, of which 30%, 42%, and 28% were located at the promoter, gene body, and intergenic region, respectively (Fig. 7b). For Otx1, we obtained 65,888 binding sites, with 6%, 52%, and 42% located at the promoter, gene body, and intergenic region, respectively (Fig. 7b). We observed a significant overlap of the DNA binding sites between E2f1 and Otx1, with almost half of E2f1 peaks overlapped with Otx1 (p < 2.2e-16, Fig. S7a), suggesting a genome-wide co-occupancy of these two transcription factors. We then categorized these binding regions into three subgroups, namely E2f1 only (regions exclusively bound by E2f1, n = 12,031), E2f1&Otx1 (regions co-bound by E2f1 and Otx1, n = 10,493), and Otx1 only (regions exclusively bound by Otx1, n = 55,395). Among the common binding sites, 23% and 32% were located at promoters and intergenic regions, respectively (Fig. S7b).
To further characterize the E2f1 and Otx1 binding sites, we performed sequence motif analysis in these three categories separately. As expected, E2F and OTX motifs were exclusively enriched in E2f1 only or Otx1 only regions, respectively, while E2f1&Otx1 regions were enriched for both E2F and OTX motifs (Fig. S7c). Moreover, FOXH, POU, SOX and bHLH motifs were commonly enriched in all three subgroups. In addition, we observed that motifs such as KLF and ETS tend to appear in E2f1 binding regions, while motifs like GSC and T-box motifs were enriched in Otx1 binding regions. Since the chromatin accessibility was gradually established with the most dramatic increase at stage 8, we then asked whether E2f1 and Otx1 binding was associated with chromatin opening. As shown in Fig. 7c, E2f1 bound regions appeared to be more accessible than Otx1 bound regions during early development.
To further check how the co-binding of E2f1 and Otx1 regulates the gene expression during minor ZGA, we next defined their common target genes which are also developmentally relevant by the following criteria: (1) up-regulated in WT embryos from stage 7 to stage 8, (2) up-regulated upon E2f1 MO at stage 7 and (3) rescued back to the WT level by double MO at stage7. A total of 220 genes fitting the three criteria were identified (Table S7). Compared to genes that were up-regulated between stage 7 and 8, but not affected by E2f1 and/or Otx1 perturbation, we observed a much higher enrichment of E2f1 and Otx1 binding at these 220 co-regulated target genes (Fig. S7d) with 38.2% and 20.5% of gene promoters harboring binding sites for E2f1 and Otx1, respectively (Fig. 7d). Among these, 11.8% of gene promoters contained both E2f1 and Otx1 binding sites. Interestingly, the expression of these 220 genes was largely inhibited in Otx1 MO-treated at stage 8, suggesting that Otx1 is the transcription activator of these genes also at stage 8 of WT embryos.
Finally, to further explore the 220 genes co-regulated by E2f1 and Otx1, we constructed an interaction gene network based on protein-protein interactions using the STRING database40. As shown in Fig. S7e, the resulting network comprises a higher number of transcriptional regulators and components of signaling cascades. This is also reflected by enriched GO terms related to transcription regulation, embryo development and cell differentiation as well as TGF-beta and WNT signaling pathways. As representative examples shown in Fig. 7e, both E2f1 and Otx1 bound at proximal and/or distal regulatory regions of germ layer differentiation-related genes such as sia1/2, mixer, mix1 and gsc, and their binding sites were highly overlapping. Consistent with their binding pattern, the up-regulation of these genes upon E2f1 MO at stage 7 was rescued by E2f1&Otx1 double MO at stage 7, and Otx1 MO inhibits the expression of these genes at stage 8, indicating that E2f1 and Otx1 directly bind to and modulate the transcription of their targets in opposite directions.
Taken together, our findings suggested a seesaw model via which a coupled transcriptional repressor-activator controls the transcription of a subset of zygotic genes before the MBT in X. tropicalis early development (Fig. 8). For WT embryos, at stage 7 (early blastula), E2f1 plays a dominant role in maintaining an inactive chromatin state and repressing the zygotic gene transcription. As the embryo develops, the repression by E2f1 gradually fades, and the chromatin accessibility is remodeled from being closed to being opened. At stage 8 (middle blastula), the transcriptional activator Otx1 takes the leading role and starts to activate the transcription of zygotic genes important for zygotic genome activation and germ layer differentiation. Upon E2f1 MO, the chromatin opens earlier (at stage 7) and zygotic genes are activated by Otx1, which results in a premature ZGA. Upon Otx1 MO or E2f1&Otx1 double MO, the chromatin remains less open than WT and the transcription of those zygotic genes is blocked at stage 8, leading to a delayed ZGA.