Leaf Area Index as a Metric for Seagrass Meadow Condition
The LAI is a widely used parameter to describe P. oceanica meadows (Pergent-Martini et al. 2005), with higher values indicating a larger photosynthetic area, allowing the plant to produce more substrates for growth and storage (Ott 1980). Simultaneously, the index provides insight into the gross and net primary production of seagrass systems (McComb et al. 1981). Since average LAI values were approximately 50% lower in PDS than those for CS, it can be assumed that the meadows are not only in a lower overall condition but their ecosystem functioning will also be affected. Given the findings reported by Champenois and Borges (2012), which demonstrated a strong correlation between the LAI and the gross primary production of P. oceanica meadows, it can be further inferred that the poor condition of the PDS meadows results in a significantly lower total amount of organic carbon assimilated through photosynthesis per given unit of time and area.
Comparisons with studies conducted under similar conditions (season, depth, and sediment type) suggest that the PDS meadows are indeed in poor condition. Their values resemble those reported by Helber et al. (2021) (3.32 ± 0.24), who collected samples near a sewage discharge and defined the meadows as disturbed. The LAI of CS, although higher, cannot be described as optimal. Noticeably higher values can be found in other studies, such as those from a National Marine Park in northwestern Greece (Tsirika et al. 2007) (~12.0) or off the coast of Tunisia (Mabrouk et al. 2013) (14.79 ± 1.40). Responsible for the overall comparatively low LAI is the factor of shoot density, which in the latter two studies considerably exceeded observations from Lipsi.
Shoot Density as an Indicator of Long-Term Physical Damage and Water Pollution
Shoot density is considered an effective metric to describe the direct human impact on P. oceanica meadows, with many studies referring to the scale of Giraud (1977), revised by Pergent et al. (1995b), which aims to define a vitaldensity of meadows in relation to the underlying depth gradient (Pergent-Martini et al. 2005). According to this, both meadows of PDS and CS are to be interpreted as disturbed since they fall, on average, into the penultimate category of very sparse beds (150-300 shoots/m2). The overall low density of the meadows is most likely attributable to anchor damage caused by sailing tourists who often anchor within the otherwise hard-to-access bays, which, with the exception of the harbour, lack permanent mooring buoys. With an average loss of 34 shoots per anchor cycle (Francour et al. 1999), it is considered one of the main threats to Mediterranean seagrasses (Borum et al. 2004; Pergent-Martini et al. 2005). Due to its low horizontal growth rate (0.01-0.06 m y-1, (Marbà and Duarte 1998)), P. oceanica requires extended periods to recover from significant physical damage (Kendrick et al. 2005), as presented by Helber et al. (2021), who observed no significant signs of recovery in a protected meadow within a decade.
Interestingly, meadows in Urban Bay also exhibit low shoot density, despite the bay being generally avoided by tourists due to the wastewater treatment plant. Instead, the decrease may be linked to regular sewage discharge, as observed in related studies (Brahim et al. 2010; Mabrouk et al. 2013). Wastewater particles reduce water clarity (Supplementary Figure 6), leading to reduced light penetration and photosynthetic activity, which results in lower carbon assimilation rates, consequently causing imbalances in the plant's carbon budget (Ruiz et al. 2001). In an in situ experiment, Ruiz and Romero (2001) showed that this stress can cause severe mortality of shoots, estimating a 20–30% loss within four months at a shading rate of 40%. Further support for this assumption can be found from the NMDS plot, where Urban Bay samples negatively correlate with factor turbidity. Higher turbidity can also occur without active discharge, as fine particles can be deposited on the seafloor and are more likely to resuspend during stronger wind events or current activity (Moore et al. 1997). This may also explain a similar pattern observed in the epiphyte communities in Vroulia. In contrast to the other sites, the bay is characterised by fine sand and is protected from strong currents by its fjord-like morphology, slowing wave action and facilitating fine sediment deposition. The grazed land around the bay may have additionally influenced the accumulation of fine particles due to land erosion.
Epiphyte Cover and Load as an Indicator for Eutrophication and Proxy for Shading Rates
The EL represents a key metric for P. oceanica meadow condition (Pergent-Martini et al. 2005). This extends to other seagrass species (Frankovich and Fourqurean 1997), making it useful for comparisons at a spatial scale and between species. "Critical threshold ranges" by Nelson (2017) reveal that PDS meadows can be classified in the second highest range "high epiphyte load", linked to 50% light attenuation and seagrass decline. Elevated rates in Katsadia and Urban Bay, even signify "very high epiphyte load", leading to over 60% light reduction. These figures evoke heightened concern considering the consequences of shading, as discussed earlier. Conversely, CS meadows exhibit significantly lower values, averaging below 0.4 g g -1 DW, which is not associated with seagrass decline. However, the threshold ranges should be treated with caution, since only six of the 36 data sources Nelson (2017) evaluated dealt with P. oceanica and responses may vary between species. Nevertheless, here they seem to give plausible reasoning to the observed results and are consistent with the other descriptors, defining PDS meadows as disturbed.
Nelson (2017) agrees with many others (e. g. Borum 1985; Peterson et al. 2007) that a high EL is primarily a consequence of increased nutrient levels in the water column. More specifically, Lepoint et al. (2007), identified that crustose coralline algae in particular, on P. oceanica leaves absorb quantitatively less N, but do so quicker than their host, leading to rapid coverage expansion when nutrients are available. The authors additionally argue that the short life cycle of epiphytic algae makes storage strategies of little importance and causes biomass to increase during nutrient loading. In the present study, the group of encrusting algae is most likely responsible for differences in the metric, given their significantly greater cover values in PDS meadows. These algae exhibit distinctive cell walls containing a calcite form of calcium carbonate (Dawes 2016), a characteristic trait that accounts for the primary contribution of the taxa to the EL, estimated by Borowitzka et al. (1990) at 40-60%. Consequently, it can be assumed that PDS meadows are indeed exposed to elevated nutrient concentrations, likely originating from point sources such as the sewage treatment plant, as well as non-point sources from adjacent agricultural areas.
Decreased Leaf Length as a Consequence of Increased Epiphyte Loads
The leaf length in PDS decreased significantly compared to CS. Following the annual growth cycle of P. oceanica provided by Ott (1980), the average leaf length during sampling time is estimated to be 40-50 cm. While CS meadows are on average within the given interval, PDS meadows fall short of it by half, indicating disturbance. Wave exposure, a natural stressor affecting leaf length (Pace et al. 2017), is minimised by the careful selection of sites with similar hydrodynamics for paired PDS and CS. Kimisi and Urban Bay for instance, share a southwestern orientation and geomorphological characteristics, yet leaves in Kimisi averaged more than twice the length of those in Urban Bay, with lower EL. Here, the reduction can more likely be linked to direct and indirect effects of local eutrophication events caused by direct wastewater discharge, similar to observations in fertilisation experiments (Leoni et al. 2006), near fish farms (Ruiz et al. 2001), and in close proximity of industrial and urban wastewater discharges (Brahim et al. 2010; Mabrouk et al. 2013; Helber et al. 2021). Accordingly, samples from Urban Bay may be affected by ammonium poisoning from nutrient deposits altering sediment biogeochemistry, potentially leading to imbalances in the plant's nutrient budget (Burkholder et al. 1992). However, more frequently the decline is associated with an elevated EL and its shading effect (Short et al. 1995), corroborating our findings. Indirect effects of epiphytic overgrowth may additionally intensify grazing pressure by herbivores (Apostolaki et al. 2012), with leaf epiphytes contributing greatly to the upper trophic level (Morgan and Kitting 1984). Certain epiphytic taxa anchor deeply within the tissue, resulting in physical instability of the leaf apices, potentially causing them to break more easily (Harlin 1980), as noted during laboratory analysis (Supplementary Figure 7). A higher leaf production as an adaptive response to this stress to compensate for reduced photosynthetic rates, as proposed by Helber et al. (2021) and Leoni et al. (2006) could not be observed in Lipsi. In contrast, Guidetti (2001) reported an immediate reduction in leaf numbers following shading disturbances, indicating unresolved aspects of this relationship.
It is worth noting that other research on wastewater impacts, for instance by Balestri et al. (2004), did not identify any reduction and critique leaf length as a sensitive parameter to human disturbance, citing the findings of Guidetti and. Fabiano (2000). While Balestri et al. (2004) investigated wastewater from a chemical factory, primarily composed of calcium carbonate and heavy metals, Guidetti and Fabiano (2000) examined terrigenous discharges from coastal areas, implying that the composition of the wastewater is significant. It further supports the hypothesis that specific nutrients, particularly phosphate and nitrogen (Powley et al. 2016) within the effluent affect the response of the plant. This suggests that meadows around Urban Bay are impacted by poorly or not properly treated discharges, which have already been proven to be enriched in high levels of nitrogen (Lepoint et al. 2004; Helber et al. 2021).
Abundance Patterns of Epiphytic Functional Groups as a Function of P. oceanica Leaf Age
Epiphyte assemblages in both PDS and CS meadows were dominated by encrusting algae, followed by bryozoans and filamentous algae, consistent with other studies conducted in winter (Lepoint et al. 2007; Tsirika et al. 2007; Prado et al. 2010). The algae-to-animal ratio aligns with expectations given the sampling depth and leaf part observed, as more light at the leaf apex allows the epiflora to out-compete the epibiota (Borowitzka et al. 2007), especially in shallow waters, with higher light intensity (Casola et al. 1987; Lepoint et al. 1999; Tsirika et al. 2007). Zooepiphytes, in contrast, tend to dominate the lower part of the leaf, resulting in an apical-basal pattern observed on most seagrasses with ribbon-shaped leaves, like P. oceanica (Borowitzka et al. 2007).
For the more specific epiphyte structure, the leaf age plays a crucial role (Casola et al. 1987), as the assemblages are a consequence of successive colonisation of the different functional groups (Van der Ben 1971). Thus, the observed dominance of encrusting algae at all sites is not surprising, since the studied part of the leaves is the oldest and the organisms are among the pioneers in colonising young leaves (Novak 1984; Trautman and Borowitzka 1999). Following the pioneering species, other epiphytes can settle. One of the first is the bryozoan E. posidoniae (Van der Ben 1971), which often reaches the highest cover values among the epifauna, as in the present study (Lepoint et al. 2007). The further colonisation of hydrozoans, filamentous algae, annelids, and foraminifera is determined by numerous biological (e.g., herbivory pressure) and microclimatic factors (e.g., light, temperature), leading not only to large differences in cover between leaves of the same shoot but also between leaf sides and axes (Casola et al. 1987) which explains the large variability observed at the plot level.
Overall Shift in Epiphyte Composition and Coverage Indicate Nutrient Enrichment
The epiphyte community composition in PDS changed significantly compared to CS. Numerous related studies from the Western Mediterranean (Martínez-Crego et al. 2010; Mabrouk et al. 2013; Brahim et al. 2014) indicate that these shifts are the effect of elevated nutrient levels in disturbed areas. In this study, the hypothesis finds support in two observations. Firstly, PDS samples showed a strong positive correlation (Quinn and Keough 2002) with eutrophication-indicating parameters, namely the EL and the LUSI, while being negatively correlated with the factor of turbidity. Secondly, the variability in species communities largely corresponded to environmental conditions, suggesting a reasonable classification of the sites, and supporting LUSI efficiency.
Yet, it must be considered that most similar studies were conducted during late summer months, when the growth of epiphytic algae, strongly tied to the solar cycle, reaches its peak (Ott 1980; Lepoint et al. 2007). Prado et al. (2008) even argue that nutrient enrichments affect epiphyte assemblages exclusively during these months, as resources such as light and temperature are too limited in winter (Dez. – Apr.), drawing from a year-long experiment involving monthly water column nutrient additions. If these resources are not at their optimum, epiphyte communities are assumed to follow the seasonal succession described by Ballesteros (1987). However, Prado et al. (2008) examined the changes from month to month. The disparities found in our study may be attributed to the age of the communities. Based on the annual growth cycle given by Ott (1980), leaves studied emerged around August. Pete et al. (2015), in their investigation into the initial colonisation of epiphytes revealed that macroalgae could establish themselves on P. oceanica leaves rapidly within a brief period of 3-7 days. Hence, it is plausible that nutrient enrichment during the warm and sunny weeks of late summer and early autumn may have influenced the community structure. This inference aligns with the conclusions of Prado et al. (2008), who noted significant shifts in epiphyte communities extending until November. Nevertheless, it is important to consider that direct measurement of water quality was not conducted, and the analysis relies solely on the correlation between two disparate indicators: P. oceanica condition parameters and the epiphyte communities. Therefore, it is highly advisable to gather samples at the designated locations and directly measure water quality and nutrient concentrations to corroborate the hypotheses put forth in this study.
Suitability of Individual Epiphytic Flora and Fauna as Indicator-Species
The taxa most responsible for differences between PDS and CS belonged to the functional groups of encrusting and filamentous algae, with red coralline algae contributing mostly to the dissimilarity by a sharp increase of coverage in PDS, as widely observed in nutrient-rich conditions (Cambridge and McComb 1984; Borum 1985; Wear et al. 1999). Represented by Hydrolithon sp. and Fosliella sp., their cover values in CS coincide with those within an MPA investigated in winter by Mabrouk et al. (2015), while values in PDS are on average five times higher. Beyond the earlier described general responses of epiphytic algae to nutrient enrichment, these taxa possess supplementary benefits compared to filamentous algae. First, they demonstrate the capacity to assimilate nitrate and ammonium throughout the year. Secondly, they have lower nutrient and light requirements (Steneck and Dethier 1994) elucidating the notable increase in coverage during winter. Nevertheless, a significant increase of filamentous algae was also evident, predominantly attributed to red algae species within the genera Laurencia J.V.Lamouroux, 1813, Polysiphonia Greville, 1823, Herposiphonia Nägeli, 1846, and Dasya C.Agardh, 1824, along with the brown algae S. cirrosa, accounting for the observed disparities in composition. Compared to other studies (e. g. Martínez-Crego et al. 2010), the cover values here were lower overall, likely because erect algae reach their peak growth during late summer (Ballesteros 1987). Despite this, they can persist in shallow depths on the apical leaf sections during winter, as described by Tsirika et al. (2007) in Northern Greece, whose identified taxa largely coincide with those presented here.
Among those observed, we propose S. cirrosa as an indicator species for eutrophic conditions. The phaeophyte reached the highest cover values among the group and showed particularly high abundances near the wastewater discharge (Appendix 6). Large development of brown epiphytic algae was also reported in other studies dealing with the effects of discharged residential sewage (Giovannetti et al. 2010; Helber et al. 2021) and was observed in fertilised plots (Wear et al. 1999; Lepoint et al. 2007; Prado et al. 2010). Furthermore, Prado et al. (2008) experimentally demonstrated that structural alterations in leaf-epiphyte communities were largely attributed to a strong stimulation of S. cirrosa, corroborating our results. Filamentous algae in general and particularly photophilic brown algae have been shown by Cebrian et al. (1999) to have a higher growth rate, in terms of biomass increase, than crustose algae and are therefore considered to indicate nutrient enrichment effectively (Lepoint et al. 2007). In conclusion, our results indicate that, when seasonality is considered, the epifloral structure emerges as a suitable tool for detecting water pollution caused by nutrient overload in Lipsi.
Among animals, cover values in PDS increased significantly within the phylum Annelida, with other functional groups also exhibiting heightened values. Despite the fact that annelids, along with other epiphytic suspension feeders, are not directly influenced by nutrient levels, they may thrive in environments with enhanced food availability (Prado et al. 2010). They mainly feed on plankton and organic particles, which are increasingly found at nutrient-rich sites (Fourqurean et al. 1993). Increased animal abundance has also been found on P. oceanica leaves by Kocak and Aydin-Onen (2014) in the Aegean Sea near fish farms, while Egea et al. (2020) observed elevated cover values of annelids in fertilised plots in a Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson, 1870meadow in summer. The biomass increase-induced shift in epiphytic fauna in PDS meadows therefore may be related to higher nutrient concentrations.
However, when considering the entire animal assemblage, our findings are only partially coherent with similar studies. The main contributor to the differences between conditions was the bryozoan E. posidoniae, which was often observed in Italy (Balata et al. 2008, 2010) and Tunisia (Brahim et al. 2010; Mabrouk et al. 2013). Similarly, other bryozoans for instance Lichenopora sp., Fenestrulina sp., and hydrozoans belonging to the family Campanulariidae Johnston, 1836 contributed to dissimilarities in studies mentioned. Different contribution values for others, such as the bryozoan Walkeria sp., and the foraminifera Planorbulina sp. may be related to both the high spatial variability of epiphyte communities (Balata et al. 2007) and the choice of statistical methods. Warton et al. (2012) critique SIMPER analysis, arguing it confounds mean differences between groups and variation within groups, resulting in the risk that variable species are filtered out instead of characteristic ones. This can indeed be assumed for E. posidoniae, which received high values in most similar studies, while being subject to high variability. Considering this, proposing an indicator species within the zooepiphytes is not feasible, especially since the response of invertebrates to nutrients is not as clearly described as for epiphytic algae.