Psychometric results.
IQ. Children with ASD had significantly lower IQ than NT children (Table 1.). Variability of MPI scores was high in the ASD sample and ranged from ‘very low’ to ‘higher than the average’ scores on all three scales.
Autism Scores. According to each of the three parents’ questionnaires used, the severity of autism symptoms was significantly higher in the ASD than in the NT sample (Table 1). There were high correlations between all three ‘autism severity’ scales in both the ASD (Pearson correlation coefficients for SRS/SCQ-life: 0.53, SRS/AQ: 0.52, SCQ-life/AQ: 0.58) and the NT (Pearson correlation coefficients for SRS/SCQ-life: 0.60, SRS/AQ: 0.84, SCQ-life/AQ: 0.51) participants. In order to construct a unified ‘Autism Score’ for neuro-behavioral correlation analysis, we reduced dimensionality of the data by extracting the common variance shared by the three questionnaires. Only data from children with ASD was used for constructing the ‘Autism Score’. The values obtained from the three autism scales were z-transformed before performing the PCA. In the subjects who missed the data on some of the scales (N=4), the missing values were substituted by the mean of the available scales. The 1st principle component, which accounted for 71% of the variance in the ASD group, was then used as the integrative ‘Autism Score’. Children with positive Autism Scores scored higher than the average for the ASD group on autism severity, while negative Autism Scores indicated relatively milder autism symptoms. There was a negative correlation between the ‘Autism Score’ and IQ (MPI Standard) (Pearson correlation coefficient =-0.36, p= 0.049).
The auditory response waveforms in children and adults
To investigate if the SF is present in children of 7-12 years of age, and if it is homological to the ‘adult’ SF, we compared the whole waveform of the auditory evoked response to click trains in the NT children and adults, both in the ‘sensor space’ and in the ‘source space’. To visualize all the main components of the auditory response – the transient components, the ASSR and SF - the low-pass filter was set at 100Hz.
Figure 2 displays the grand average sensor-space plots (A, B) and sLoreta timecourses in the SF group maxima within the left and right Heschl's gyri (C; see Methods for details). There were marked differences in the auditory responses to click trains between the NT children and adults.
Figure 2. Transient and sustained auditory responses to 40 Hz click trains in NT adults and children: grand average plots. Here and hereafter, zero on the horizontal axes corresponds to the click train onset. The ASSR is present in all plots as an oscillatory 40 Hz steady-state response, which overlaps with the transient components and SF. A. ‘Butterfly’ plot of 204 gradiometers for the right- and left-ear stimulation conditions. Vertical gray lines mark onsets of each click in the train. B. Auditory responses in the selected left (for the right ear stimulation) and right (for the left ear stimulation) gradiometers. The selected gradiometers are the same in adults and children; they represent the channels measuring maxima of the outgoing/‘positive’ (blue) and incoming/‘negative’ (black) magnetic field flux spatial derivatives. The signal deflections corresponding to the P50m and P100m (in children only) are marked by arrows. C. Averaged time courses of the source current at the SF group maxima. Note that direction of the SF source current is negative in both age groups despite marked differences in the successive transient evoked components.
In adults, the stimulation onset evoked a sequence of transient obligatory MEG responses - a small but distinguishable P50m at around 40 ms, followed by a much more prominent N100m of the opposite polarity peaking at around 115 ms after the stimulation onset. The strength of negative current decreased at 200 ms, due to evolving ‘positive’ P200m. These transient components partially overlapped with a slowly developing magnetic field shift (SF), which had the same polarity as the N100m component, reaching its maximal strength at around 400 ms and lasting until the end of stimulation.
In children, the tiny P50m component at about 40 ms was followed by a second deflection of the same positive polarity at 80-84 ms (Figure 2 B, C), which corresponds to the child P100m and is distinct from the P50m and N100m components in adults (Orekhova et al, 2013). The absence of the N100m and the P200m peaks in auditory responses to clicks and tones is typical for children before adolescence [36, 37, 39]. Despite the striking developmental difference in morphology of the transient components, the SF in children resembled that in adults: in both age groups its sources in the auditory cortex had the same direction of current and comparable magnitude (Figure 2 C). Moreover, in response to contralateral stimulation, the SF dominated in the right hemispheres in both age groups. Visibly faster development of the SF in children compared to adults might be explained by the lack of the adult P200m component that masks the early segment of the SF response. In both children and adults, the 40 Hz ASSR overlapping with the is clearly visible on sensors (Figure 2 A, B) and in the source space (Figure 2 C).
Source localization of the 40Hz ASSR and SF in the auditory cortex.
To compare cortical localizations of the ASSR and SF, for each subject we calculated the MNI coordinates of the sources with the maximal 40 Hz ITPC in the 180-500 ms range and those with the maximal integrated SF amplitude in the 200-500 ms range. Only cortical responses that were contralateral to the stimulated ear were used for this analysis. Since localization results are highly sensitive to SNR, for ASSR localization analysis we included only subjects with the 40 Hz ITPC values higher than 0.18 (the maximal baseline value across subjects and conditions): 27 NT and 24 ASD children in case of the right ear stimulation, and 32 NT and 30 ASD children for the left ear stimulation. For the SF localization analysis we included subjects who had visually detectable SW responses in the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated ear (35 NT and 35 ASD children for the left ear stimulation, 33 NT and 29 ASD children for the right ear stimulation). Both sets of data that fulfilled the described criteria were available for all adults for both hemispheres, for 26 NT and 21 ASD children for the left hemisphere, and for 32 NT and 28 ASD children for the right hemisphere.
The MNI coordinates of the SF and the 40 Hz ITPC maxima in the three groups of participants are shown in Table 3 and visualized in Figure 3. In the NT children, in both hemispheres, the SF source was located anterior, lateral and inferior to that of the ASSR (paired T-tests, all p’s<0.05). The same relative positions of the ASSR and SF sources in adult participants were previously described by Keceli and colleagues [20] using single dipole modeling. For comparison purposes, Table 3 gives original Talairach and estimated MNI coordinates of the SF and ASSR, reported by Keceli et al [20]. In our adult sample, the SF maxima were located anterior and inferior to those of the ASSR in both hemispheres (paired T-test, all p’s<0.05), while the lateral shift along the X axis was not significant, possibly because of the small sample size. In children with ASD, the differences in cortical localization between the SF and ASSR sources were in the same direction as in the NT children, though not always significant (Right X coordinate: T=-4.1, p=0.0003; Y coordinate: T=-1.5, p=0.14; Z coordinate: T=1.9, p=0.07; Left X coordinate: T=0.56, p=0.6; Y coordinate: T=-3.4, p=0.003; Z coordinate: T=1.6, p=0.12).
Table 3. Grand average MNI coordinates of the maximal ASSR and SF sources.
(N left / N right)
Left hemisphere Mean and (SD)
Right hemisphere Mean and (SD)
(posterior- anterior)
(posterior- anterior)
NT adults (10/10)
-49.7 (8.6)
-29.4 (8.5)
9.9 (5.4)
50.6 (8.1)
-28.0 (5.5)
11.1 (4.3)
NT children (27/32)
-47.7 (6.0)
-28.4 (13.5)
11.6 (7.5)
51.2 (6.3)
-24.0 (6.3)
10.4 (3.8)
ASD children (24/30)
-46.3 (7.6)
-25.9 (7.7)
9.1 (4.7)
49.7 (6.6)
-21.8 (10.4)
9.6 (5.5)
Keceli et al. 2015#
Adults, N=11
Estimated MNI
Original Talairach
NT adults (10/10)
-52.1 (7.7)
-12.1 (10.7)
1.2 (6.5)
55.1 (6.8)
-18.5 (8.3)
6.8 (6.2)
NT children (33/35)
-51.9 (6.7)
-20.5 (7.3)
6.6 (3.7)
53.7 (6.6)
-17.2 (6.6)
7.4 (3.4)
ASD children (29/35)
-47.1 (6.0)
-19.0 (10.4)
5.7 (7.4)
55.5 (6.2)
-19.1 (6.5)
7.5 (4.3)
Keceli et al. 2015#
Adults, N=12
Estimated MNI
Original Talairach
# The provided coordinates are approximated from the figure 3 in Keceli et al. 2015, where the authors localized ASSR and SF responses induced by the same periodic stimuli [20].
* Significant difference from the NT children group: p=0.005.
Figure 3. MNI coordinates of the 40Hz ASSR ITPC (blue shapes) and the SF (red shapes) maxima. Localization of the sources in the horizontal plane. Small open circles and small triangles correspond to individual coordinates; big filled shapes show the group means.
For the 40Hz ITPC maxima in the right or left hemispheres no significant differences between children with and without ASD were found in either X, Y or Z coordinates (T-test, all p’s>0.05). The SF maximum in the left hemisphere was located significantly more medial in children with ASD than that in NT children, although the difference was relatively small (X=coordinate in NT: -51.9, ASD: -47.1, F(1,61)=8.5, Cohen's d = 0.74, p=0.005, uncorrected for multiple comparisons). The multivariate Hotelling T2 test confirmed presence of significant ASD vs NT differences in the source localization (F(3,59)=3.1, p=0.03; partial eta-squared = 0.14). No group differences were found for the SF coordinates in the right hemisphere.
To investigate whether the SF onset interval (150-250 ms), that was visible only in children, does represent the evolving SF, we compared cortical locations of the SF maxima in this interval with those in the 300–500 ms interval, where the sustained field was observed in both children and adults. No significant time-related differences in X, Y or Z SF coordinates were found in the NT, ASD or the combined sample of children in either hemisphere (paired T-test, p’s>0.08). This means that the onset interval of the sustained component in children originates from the same region of the auditory cortex as the rest of the SF.
Comparison of the 40 Hz ASSR in NT children and children with ASD.
To analyze the ASSR, we computed for each participant an average of 40 Hz ITCP values across 10 ‘maximally induced’ cortical vertexes, separately in the right and left hemispheres (see Methods for details). Grand averaged ASSR time-courses as well as the ITPC time-frequency plots for the left and the right auditory cortex are presented in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Grand average timecourses of the 40 Hz ASSR in the right and left response maxima in NT children and in children with ASD. Only responses to contralateral ear stimulation are shown. (A) Grand average ASSR filtered between 35-45 Hz. (B) Inter-Trial Phase Coherence (ITPC). No difference in the 40 Hz ASSR/ITPC between ASD and NT groups was found.
The contralateral 40 Hz ITPC values were approximately normally distributed in NT children (Shapiro-Wilk test, p’s>0.1) but their distributions significantly deviated from normality in children with ASD (Left hemisphere: Shapiro-Wilk W=0.83, p=0.00007; Right hemisphere: W=0.91, p=0.007). To normalize the distributions, the data were log10-transformed and the rmANOVA with factors Group, Hemisphere and Stimulation contralaterality (ipsi- vs contra) has been performed. The rmANOVA revealed highly significant effect of Hemisphere (F(1, 68)=41.7, partial eta-squared = 0.38, p<10e-7) and Stimulation contralaterality (F(1, 68)=54.3, partial eta-squared = 0.44, p<10e-9), but no effect of Group or its interactions (all p’s>0.05). In both groups of children, the 40 Hz ITPC was higher in the right hemisphere than in the left one and in response to the contra- relative to ipsilateral stimulation.
Figure 5 shows individual 40 Hz ITPC values in children with and without ASD as a function of age. The 40 Hz ITPC increased with age in both groups and in both hemispheres, contralateral to the stimulated ear. However, even at younger age (<9 years) the majority of children had 40 Hz ITCP values above their baseline level. This suggests that the majority of children had reliable ASSRs assessed by 40 Hz ITPC. Inspection of the residuals after subtraction of variability explained by age has shown that some children with ASD had very high for their age 40 Hz ITPC values (Supplementary Figure S1, A and B).
Figure 5. Associations between age and 40 Hz ASSR in NT children (upper panels) and children with ASD (lower panels). The individual stimulus-locked and baseline 40Hz ITCP values are shown in colored squares and black circles respectively. R’s are the Spearman correlation coefficients. Asterisk denotes significant correlation: p<0.05
To investigate whether the 40 Hz ITPC in children with ASD correlates with their intelligence level and severity of autism, we calculated Spearman correlations. Children with more severe autism had higher 40 Hz ITCP values in the right hemisphere (Table 4). Calculation of partial correlations for normalized (log-transformed) data, while controlling for age, increased reliability of this result (Age: partial R=0.46, p=0.008; Autism Score: partial R=0.45, p=0.009)
Table 4. Spearman correlation between the 40 Hz ASSR ITPC and psychometric variables in children with ASD.
MPI IQ (N=32)
Autism Score (N=34)
Left hemisphere
-0.11, p=0.5
0.25, p=0.15
Right hemisphere
-0.14, p=0.44
0.40, p=0.018*
* Uncorrected for multiple comparisons
3.5. Comparison of the SF in children with and without ASD
As in case of the ASSR, between-group comparisons for the SF timecourses were performed in the source space (see Methods for details). Figure 6 shows the grand average high-passed SF source waveforms in the left and the right hemispheres for the contra- and ipsilateral ear stimulation in the ASD and the NT groups. Visually detectable SF source waveforms were present in the right hemisphere in all participants and in the left hemisphere in the majority of children from both samples, with the exception of the two NT and the six ASD children.
Figure 6. Comparison of the SF responses in the left and right cortical maxima in children with and without ASD. The signal was law-pass filtered at 9 Hz. Vertical gray lines mark clicks onsets. The yellow lines under the curves denote significant between-group differences on the point-by-point basis (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p<0.001, uncorrected for multiple comparisons).
First, we analyzed the effect of age on the SF maximal amplitude using Pearson correlations. None of the correlations was significant in the NT, ASD or in the combined sample (all p’s >0.15). This means that the maximal SF amplitude in boys does not change between 7 and 13 years of age.
Then we examined the effects of hemisphere and contralaterality of the stimulation on the SF maximal amplitude in the NT and ASD groups. To this end, we used rmANOVA with factors Group (ASD / NT), Hemisphere (Left / Right), Ear of Stimulation (contralateral / ipsilateral), and the maximal amplitude of the SF source current in the 150 - 500 ms stimulation interval as a dependent variable. There were strong effects of Hemisphere (F(1, 68)=50.5, partial eta-squared =0.43, p<,00001) and Ear of Stimulation (F(1, 68)=128.4, partial eta-squared =0.65, p<0.00001). The SF maximal amplitude was higher in response to the contra- than ipsilateral stimulation, and it was generally higher in the right hemisphere (Figure 6). None of interaction effects of the repeated-measure factors with Group were significant (all p’s>0.5), suggesting that the auditory SF response in both groups was characterized by contralaterality and the right hemisphere dominance. The SF maximal amplitude was higher in the NT than in the ASD group (main effect of Group: F(1, 68)=4.6, partial eta-squared =0.06, p=0.035). This means that the SF in children with ASD was reduced compared to NT controls in both hemispheres and in response to both contra- and ipsilateral ear stimulation. Analysis of the point-by-point group differences in the SF timecourses (Wilcoxon rank sum test, significance level was set to p<0.001) has shown that the SF in children with ASD was particularly strongly attenuated in the left hemisphere approximately between 150 ms and 220 ms after the click train onset, suggesting abnormally slow rise of the SF source strength in children with ASD (Figure 6).
For the further analysis of between-group difference in the SF source timecourse, we focused on the contralateral responses that were greater and more reliable than the ipsilateral ones (Figure 6).
To test for the group differences in the SF timecourses, we divided the SF time window (150 ms – 550 ms) into four successive time intervals in respect to the click train onset (151-250 ms; 251-350 ms, 351-450 ms and 451 -550 ms), with the first (151-250 ms) interval corresponding to the raising part of the SF. We then performed rmANOVA with factors Time, Hemisphere and Group and the SF source current amplitudes in the 100 ms time intervals as a dependent variable (Table 5, Figure 7).
Table 5. Group differences in the SF source timecourses: rmANOVA results.
G-G epsilon
Time x GR
Hem x GR
Time x Hem
Time x Hem x GR
Figure 7. Group differences in the SF source amplitude in the consecutive temporal intervals . The SF responses in the left and the right hemisphere are evoked by stimulation of the contralateral ear. Asterisks indicate between-group differences. *p< 0.05, ***p <0.001, #p <0.1.
Children with ASD had generally lower SF source amplitude than NT children, especially during the rising part of the SF timecourse – from 150 ms 250 ms after stimulation onset (Time x GR interaction: p<0.05; Figure 7). The significant Time x Hem x GR interaction (p=0.024) was due to a greater and more reliable reduction of the ‘early’ SF segment in the left hemisphere than in the right one in children with ASD (ASD vs NT left hemisphere: p <0.001; right hemisphere: p<0.1). This result is consistent with that presented in Figure 6.
To check if the group differences could be explained by ‘developmental delay’ we calculated Pearson correlations between age and the averaged SF source amplitudes in the four time intervals in the left and right auditory cortices. No correlations with age were found for the SF source amplitudes in either the NT or the ASD group (all uncorrected p’s >0.19).
Considering that there were small, but significant group differences in the SF localization in the left hemisphere (Table 3), we wanted to ensure that the between-group differences in the SF source amplitude were not driven by the choice of the SF vertices for the group analysis, which was done by averaging across the NT and ASD data (see Methods for details). For this purpose, we repeated the rmANOVA analysis for the SF source amplitude calculated in the individually chosen 30-vertices with maximal SF amplitudes. The results remained principally the same (GR: F(1,68)=3.7, partial eta-squared=0.05, p=0.057; Time x GR : F(1,68)=8.9, partial eta-squared=0.05, p=0.023; Time x Hem x GR: F(3,204)= 5.6, partial eta-squared=0.08, p=0.003, epsilon=0.76 )
To summarize, in both the NT and the ASD children, the SF source strength was higher contralaterally to the stimulated ear and clearly dominated in the right hemisphere. In the ASD group, the SF was moderately reduced in both hemispheres and delayed in the left one, irrespectively of the stimulated ear. None of the SF parameters changed with age between 7 and 12 years in either the NT or the ASD group.
We further performed correlation analysis to investigate whether the two principle findings – the bilateral reduction of the SF maximal amplitude and the left-hemispheric SF reduction in its 150-250 ms onset interval (‘SF delay’) in children with ASD – are associated with psychometric variables (Table 6).
Since children with lower MPI IQ scores had higher severity of autism (Pearson R=-0.36, p= 0.049), to estimate independent associations of these psychometric variables with the SF amplitude, we calculated partial correlations. This analysis has been performed in 31 children with ASD in whom both MPI IQ and Autism Scores were available (Table 6). Although the maximal SF source amplitude (SFmax) was decreased (less negative) in children with ASD at the group level, its greater strength in the right hemisphere correlated with greater severity of autism traits. The similar correlation was observed for the SF onset interval (SF150-250) in the right hemisphere. When corrected for autism severity, the SFmax (but not SF150-250) in both hemispheres tended to be higher in the ASD participants with higher IQ. Thus, the results of the correlation analysis mainly indicate that higher SF amplitude in the right hemisphere in children with ASD is associated with greater severity of their autism symptoms.
Table 6. Partial correlations between the SF source current* and psychometric variables in children with ASD (N=31).
SF amplitude
MPI IQ: r, p*
Autism Score
SFmax, Left hemisphere
-0.35, p=0.06
-0.22, p=0.25
SFmax, Right hemisphere
-0.43, p=0.017
-0.64, p=0.0001
SF150-250, Left hemisphere
-0.06, p=0.74
-0.04, p=0.85
SF150-250, Right hemisphere
-0.14, p=0.47
-0.41, p=0.026
* Note, that the SF current is negative, and negative correlation reflects a direct link between the SF strength and a respective psychometric variable
** Uncorrected for multiple comparisons