Bisphenol A is a compound which falls in the class of chemicals generally called as diphenylmethanes. Compounds of this class contain two benzene rings separated by one central carbon atom, usually with a para-hydroxy group on both benzene rings [1]. It is an estrogenic EDC i.e., endocrine disrupting compound. BPA is called estrogenic EDC as it mimics estrogen [2]. Being a xenoestrogen, it disrupts the hormonal balance in the human body [3]. BPA and its derivatives have been used heavily in the manufacture of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics. They are mainly used in food packaging materials, dental sealants and thermal receipts. Human beings are subjected to the exposure of BPA through their diet via consumption of packed food materials [4]. BPA which is used in food packaging materials can leak into the food or get mixed with it. Because of long preservation time period, storage condition like temperature pressure or packing technique the chemical constituents of packing material may get migrate into the food which may cause severe health issues [5]. Previous studies have revealed diverse disadvantages of BPA and its halogen derivatives on plants growth and also on human body. Due to their tendency to affect photosynthesis, they are a risk for the development and growth of plants and because of endocrine disrupting activities they are a threat to human body also [6-8]. A number of studies since a long time indicate the miserable effects due to BPA exposure in adults [9]. It may lead to various health associated problems like reduced ovarian response and IVF success, decrease in fertilization success rate and embryo quality, miscarriage, abnormal and premature delivery, reduced male sexual function, reduction in sperm quality, PCOS, alteration in the concentration of thyroid hormone, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (i.e. heart disease, hypertension, and cholesterol levels), altered liver function, obesity, albuminuria, oxidative stress and many more. BPA has also been supposed to affect breast cancer and prostate cancer development [10-12]. The severe effect of BPA on the development of children and various health issues lead to the restriction of use of BPA in the manufacture of baby food containers and other food containers [13, 14]. After this several derivatives of BPA came in highlight which can act as an alternative of BPA. As a consequence, existence of bisphenol S (BPS), bisphenol F (BPF) and bisphenol AF (BPAF) in many daily use food and products including vegetables, meat, seafood and dairy products is very common now-a-days. But are these derivatives safe enough is a question of concern. If bromine or chlorine is substituted at the phenolic ring of BPA, we get halogenated derivatives of BPA. These are mainly used in the form of flame retardants (FRs) to decrease the flammability of polymers. The name of bromine substituted derivatives is TBBPA (Tetrabromobisphenol A) whereas chlorine substituted derivative is called TCBPA (Tetrachlorobisphenol A). TBBPA and TCBPA are generally used as FRs in the polymer industry. These derivatives are also dangerous for the environment as their continous use enhance contamination in the environment [15]. Understanding and analysis of the mechanism by which BPA and its derivatives effects different functions of human body is a matter of great concern and it requires a lot of research work. A number of studies have been done on the effect of BPA on humans in last few years but unfortunately the studies on its derivatives are not enough [16-18].The alternatives of BPA which are currently used in the industries are just derivatives of BPA which can be as hazardous as BPA [19-22]. It is need of the hour to investigate the functionality, mechanism and effects of such compounds like BPS, BPAF, TBBPA, TCBPA etc on human health. The genotoxic and endocrine activities of BPF and its metabolites were examined by Cabaton et al. (2009) and it was found that the most toxic compound was BPF compare d to its other metabolites identified in rat urine [23]. Another study tells that alike BPA and BPS, other bisphenols derivatives BPF and BPAF have been found in the urine of humans [24]. BPS (bisphenol S) also acts as an EDC (endocrine disruptor compound) similar to BPA [25]. As BPS is more stable in response to heat and light effects than BPA, its degradation in sea water is very hard and remains a persistent toxic pollutant compared with BPA [26]. These properties of BPS indicate a high pollution potential for BPS as it is used more and more [27]. However, no biotransformation studies have been performed for other BPA analogs such as bisphenol AF (BPAF), bisphenol Z (BPZ), TBBPA (Tetrabromobisphenol A), TCBPA (Tetrachlorobisphenol A) etc. Some of the previous studies indicate the interaction of BPA and its analogs with DNA [28]. An oxidation product of 3-hydroxy-BPA is ortho-quinone BPA, which has been reported to form adducts with DNA in vitro and in vivo [29]. The reaction of bisphenol A 3,4-quinone with DNA is studied by Edmonds,[30]. Wang et. al. in 2014 studied the interaction of BPS with DNA and concluded the minor groove binder nature of BPS [31]. In order to comprehend the toxic effects or chemotherapeutic effects of small compounds, much attention has recently been paid to their binding interactions with DNA [32–34]. Bisphenol A and its analogues' molecular interactions with serum albumin have been researched up to this point. As an illustration, Xie et al investigation of the interaction between BPA and human serum albumin revealed the presence of hydrophobic forces in the BPA–HSA interaction [35]. DNA is the macromolecular target of many drugs. Interaction with DNA is a significant part of the study of a compound for being a useful drug against certain disease [36,37]. There are only few a works which are dedicated to the interaction of BPA and BPA derivatives with DNA [38,39]. Present work is dedicated to the detailed study of interaction between DNA and BPA derivatives through computational tools. Five different BPA derivatives namely BPA, BPAF, BPS, TBBPA and TCBPA were selected as ligands for the study whereas 5 DNA sequences with PDB ID 1BNA, 1DSC, 1RMX, 2ROU and 195D were taken as macromolecular targets. Molecular Docking studies of different azole derivatives with DNA segment with PDB ID 2ROU. Firstly, geometry optimization of the ligands was performed and then they were subjected to three computational analysis methods, Molecular Docking, and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Molecular Docking informs about the possible interaction of selected 5 BPA compounds with DNA. The result from docking process provides the input for molecular dynamics simulation which investigate the time dependent characteristics of the system. Such investigations would aid in better understanding of the toxic mechanism of BPA and bring about new scientific insights about other Bisphenol A analogues.
Computational Details
Dataset: The pdb format file of DNA sequences with PDB ID - 1BNA, 1DSC, 1RMX, 2ROU and 195D were sourced from RCSB ‘Protein Data Bank’ (PDB) [41]. All crystallographic water and small molecules were removed from the DNA sequences by the help of UCSF Chimera Software [42]. Hydrogen atoms were also added. Table 1 shows the PDB ID and sequence of the DNA segment used. The structures of BPA, BPAF, BPS, TBBPA and TCBPA were collected from literature [43, 44]. Figure 1 shows the chemical structures of these drugs. These structures were designed using Gaussview5.0 software [45].
Molecular Docking
Molecuar Docking process between the ligands and DNA segments was performed using AUTODOCK4 software [47]. Autodock tools with Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm (LGA) was implemented. Firstly, macromolecule was prepared in the form of PDBQT file [48]. Then, ligand was also prepared and saved as a PDBQT file. After preparation of macromolecule and ligand, grid boxes of various dimensions were prepared for each complex system and grid calculations were performed. Second step is the docking calculations. Docking was performed and dlg type file is the output file which gives the details of the docking process. For each drug-DNA docking, several poses of drug with DNA are docked. For each pose, binding energy is calculated and each pose is given an Autodock generated score function. The pose with lowest value of binding energy is considered as final binding mode.
Table 1. PDB ID and sequence of the DNA used.
S. No.
DNA Sequence
Molecular Dynamics
Molecular dynamics simulations provide a great deal of information on nucleic acids and proteins' fluctuations, stability, and conformational changes. These methods are now routinely used to investigate the dynamics, structure, and thermodynamics of biomolecules and their complexes [49]. In the present work, MD simulations were carried out using GROMACS 5.0.4 software [50]. The best-docked poses of DNA-ligand complexes from the docking studies have been submitted to molecular dynamics simulations for the time-dependent study of the formation of the complexes and their stability. After the analysis of molecular docking process, two complex systems namely BPS and TBBPA with DNA segment 1BNA were subjected to molecular dynamics simulations of 100ns each. The AMBER force fields [51] appear to be good for nucleic acid simulation due to the presence of unusual topologies for the terminal nucleotides, despite the fact that there are numerous studies on force fields accessible for molecular dynamics simulations of nucleic acids. For the purpose of creating a topology file for the chosen DNA sequence, the GROMACS software suite's Amber03 force field was used. To generate an octahedral box for the ligand-DNA solvation at 298K, the software's TIP3P water model was used [52]. The system was then neutralised by adding sodium ions to the solvated box holding the DNA-ligand complex by randomly replacing the water molecules. Long-range electrostatic interactions were handled using Particle Mesh Ewald (PME) [53]. Using the Steepest Descent leap-Frog Integration Method, the entire system's energy minimization was done in 25000 steps. This was followed by NVT ensemble equilibration at a constant temperature of 300K for 50s using a Berendsen thermostat [54]. The system was then equilibrated using a steepest descent leap-frog integrator with an NPT ensemble at a constant pressure of 1 atm over a period of 25000 steps. [55]. XMgrace software was used to plot the graphs [56].