What mathematical values are espoused by SHS mathematics teachers?
To answer this research question, we subjected the 64 items on the WIFI Scale to PCA with Oblimin rotation to determine the smallest possible number of factors needed to effectively represent the relationships between the variables in the data. Prior to the PCA, the suitability of the data for factor analysis was assessed. Table 1 displays two tests: the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure (KMO) of Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity, which determines whether the correlation matrix is suitable for factor analysis.
Table 1
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. | .652 |
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity | Approx. Chi-Square | 2474.941 |
Df | 741 |
sig. | .000 |
From Table 1, KMO recorded a value of 0.886, which was above .6. This suggests that conducting factor analysis is realistic and has merit (Howard, 2016). Bartlett's test of Sphericity value was statistically significant (p = 0.00), so factor analysis is appropriate.
Furthermore, a significant number of coefficients with values of 0.3 or higher were identified upon examination of the correlation matrix. Utilizing Kaiser's criterion and scree tests established a determination regarding the optimal number of elements to keep. Only components with an eigenvalue larger than or equal to 1 were considered when applying Kaiser's criterion. For this purpose, only the initial 13 components with eigenvalues greater than 1 (21.6, 6.3, 4.8, 4.1, 3.3, 2.5, 2.4, 2.2, 2.1, 1.7, 1.4, 1.3, and 1.0) were considered in evaluating the number of components that meet this condition. These 13 components accounted for a total of 85.7% of the variance.
Upon careful examination of the scree plot, it became evident that there was a clear break in the pattern after the second component. This indicates that the initial two components account for a significantly greater proportion of the variability than the remaining components. We selected two components for additional investigation with Catell's (1966) scree test. The parallel analysis results, which showed that only two components had eigenvalues higher than the threshold values for a randomly generated data matrix of the same size (64 variables × 48 respondents), further supported these conclusions.
We employed a method of investigation, testing various variables until a viable solution was identified (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013). Consequently, Oblimin rotation was executed, specifically imposing a two-factor solution. Table 2 displays the proportion of total variance explained for each factor derived from the two-factor solution.
Table 2
The total variance explained for each factor resulting from the two-factor solution (Before Deletion)
Component | Explained Variance | % Variance | Cumulative % |
1 | 19.143 | 45.579 | 45.579 |
2 | 5.477 | 13.041 | 58.620 |
From Table 2, the two-component solution explained 58.6% of the variance, with components 1 and 2 contributing 45.6% and 13%, respectively. The results demonstrate linear correlations among the different components, which offer a contextual framework for conducting factor analysis. Following a two-factor rotation, we noticed that 18 things had poor compatibility with the other items in their respective components, as indicated by the communalities result. We have taken into account Pallant's (2016) assertion that in order to achieve a favorable result and ensure accurate interpretation, the factor loadings must be above a threshold of 0.3. As a result, the 18 items with communality scores below 0.3 were removed from the WIFI scale. Furthermore, after implementing the two-factor rotation, certain variables with significant loadings were selected as the representation for each component. However, we could not obtain a simple structure where every variable loaded substantially on only one component. We found nine cross-loading items from the pattern matrix output, which were also deleted. Pallant (2016) suggests eliminating variables that do not load exclusively on one component in order to achieve a more optimal solution.
Table 3 displays the percentage of total variation explained for each factor arising from the two-factor solution after removing these items.
Table 3
The total variance explained for each factor resulting from the two-factor solution (After Deletion of 27 items)
Component | Explained Variance | % Variance | Cumulative % |
1 | 18.099 | 48.915 | 48.915 |
2 | 5.240 | 14.163 | 63.078 |
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis |
As evident in Table 3, after some items were deleted, the two-component solution explained an overall 63.08% of the variance, with components 1 and 2 contributing 48.92% and 14.16%, respectively. The results demonstrate a clear correlation between the various factors, which validates factor analysis. Comparatively, the total variation explained for each of the four components has grown. This supports Pallant's (2016) claim that eliminating items with low communality values generally increases the total explained variance. The PCA with Oblimin rotation was repeated with the remaining 37 items after the deletion of 27 total items to obtain a simple structure (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013).
Oblimin rotation was performed to help interpret these two components. Table 4 illustrates that the rotated solution confirmed the presence of a straightforward structure, where all variables had significant loadings on a single component, and the two components displayed a range of strong loadings.
Table 4
Pattern and Structure matrix for PCA with Oblimin rotation of two-factor solution of mathematical value preferences
Items | Pattern Matrix | Structure Matrix | Communalities |
| Component | Component | |
1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | |
3. “Small-group discussions” | .909 | .005 | .908 | − .166 | .824 |
34. “Outdoor mathematics activities” | .906 | .021 | .902 | − .151 | .814 |
23. “Learning mathematics with the computer” | .905 | − .003 | .905 | − .174 | .820 |
1. “Investigation” | .888 | − .107 | .908 | − .275 | .836 |
50. “Getting the right answer” | .885 | − .068 | .898 | − .236 | .811 |
38. “Giving students a formula to use” | .871 | − .073 | .884 | − .238 | .787 |
48. “Using concrete materials to help students understand mathematics” | .854 | − .067 | .867 | − .229 | .755 |
61. “Stories about mathematicians” | .842 | .052 | .832 | − .107 | .695 |
27. “Being lucky at getting the correct answer” | .823 | − .052 | .833 | − .208 | .696 |
35. “Teacher asking students questions” | .817 | .011 | .815 | − .143 | .664 |
46. “Students asking questions” | .785 | − .116 | .807 | − .265 | .664 |
29. “Students making up their own mathematics questions” | .774 | .003 | .773 | − .143 | .598 |
42. “Working out the mathematics by myself” | .772 | .043 | .763 | − .103 | .585 |
52. “Hands-on activities” | .764 | .145 | .737 | .001 | .563 |
21. “Students posing mathematics problems” | .760 | .100 | .741 | − .044 | .559 |
20. “Mathematics puzzles” | .759 | .049 | .749 | − .094 | .564 |
30. “Alternative solutions” | .746 | .044 | .738 | − .097 | .546 |
17. “Stories about mathematics” | .732 | .058 | .721 | − .080 | .523 |
44. “Providing feedback to students” | .726 | .103 | .707 | − .034 | .510 |
5. “Explaining concepts to students” | .701 | − .080 | .716 | − .212 | .518 |
18. “Stories about recent developments in mathematics” | .694 | .005 | .693 | − .126 | .481 |
32. “Using mathematical words” | .693 | − .118 | .716 | − .250 | .526 |
51. “Learning through mistakes” | .691 | .016 | .688 | − .115 | .474 |
54. “Understanding concepts/processes” | .687 | .193 | .650 | .063 | .459 |
60. “Mystery of mathematics” | .677 | .044 | .669 | − .084 | .449 |
10. “Relating mathematics to other subjects in school” | .672 | .024 | .668 | − .103 | .446 |
39. “Looking out for mathematics in real life” | .625 | − .065 | .637 | − .183 | .410 |
36. “Practicing with lots of questions” | .588 | − .172 | .620 | − .283 | .413 |
11. “Appreciating the beauty of mathematics” | .568 | − .024 | .573 | − .132 | .328 |
28. “Knowing the time-table” | .550 | − .089 | .567 | − .193 | .329 |
16. “Looking for different possible answers” | .532 | − .091 | .549 | − .192 | .309 |
24. “Learning mathematics with the internet” | .027 | .987 | − .159 | .982 | .964 |
19. “Explaining solutions to the students” | .001 | .976 | − .184 | .976 | .953 |
45. “Students giving feedback to colleagues” | − .002 | .968 | − .185 | .968 | .937 |
49. “Examples to help students understand” | .015 | .949 | − .164 | .946 | .896 |
31. “Verifying theorems/hypothesis” | − .081 | .941 | − .259 | .957 | .922 |
40. “Explaining where rules/formulae came from” | − .035 | .835 | − .193 | .842 | .710 |
Note. Major loadings for each item are bolded. |
Based on the results presented in Table 4, the items that strongly correlate with each component were labeled using similar explanatory criteria. The first component (C1) was labelled understanding, with 31 items accounting for 48.9% of the overall variance. Some of the items that loaded on C1 include, Explaining concepts to students (item 5), Understanding concepts/processes (item 54), Using concrete materials to help students understand mathematics (item 48), Hands-on activities (item 52), Teacher asking students questions (item 35), Students asking questions (item 46), Relating mathematics to other subjects in school (item 10), Looking out for mathematics in real life (item 39). However, a few items, such as Learning mathematics with the computer (item 23), Mystery of mathematics (item 60), and Being lucky at getting the correct answer (item 27), which were loaded onto C1, do not seem to reflect understanding. This suggests that SHS mathematics teachers value understanding, which relates to the value of Rationalism in mathematics teaching and learning.
The second component (C2) was labelled authority, with six items accounting for 14.2% of the overall variance. Some of the items that loaded on C2 include Explaining where rules/formulae came from (item 40), Verifying theorems/hypotheses (item 31), Explaining solutions to the students (item 19), and Examples to help students understand (item 49). However, a few items, such as Learning mathematics with the internet (item 24) and Students giving feedback to colleagues (item 45), which were loaded onto C2, do not seem to reflect authority. These results suggest that SHS mathematics teachers prefer mathematical values, understanding, and authority in mathematics teaching, which relates to the values of rationalism and control in mathematics education, respectively.
There is no statistically significant difference in the mathematical values espoused by SHS mathematics teachers across class levels.
A one-way MANOVA was performed to investigate whether a statistically significant disparity exists in SHS mathematics teachers’ preferences for mathematical values across class levels. The two components, understanding and authority, were the dependent variables. The independent variable in this study was the class level.
An initial assessment was conducted to evaluate the assumptions of normality, linearity, univariate and multivariate outliers, homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices, and multicollinearity. However, no major violations of these assumptions were detected. For instance, the test of the assumption of homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices was performed, and the result is presented in Table 5.
Table 5
Box's test of equality of covariance matrices
Box's M | 6.073 |
F | .945 |
df1 | 6 |
df2 | 30117.552 |
Sig. | .461 |
From the Box’s test of equality of covariance matrices results in Table 5, the p-value (.46) was not significant. Therefore, we have not violated the assumption of homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices. Also, the check for sample size adequacy was performed, and the result is presented in Table 6
Table 6
Descriptive statistics of the SHS mathematics teachers
| At what level do you teach? | Mean | Std. Deviation | N |
Authority | Basic 10 | 19.47 | 6.681 | 17 |
Basic 11 | 18.61 | 7.625 | 18 |
Basic 12 | 14.31 | 7.825 | 13 |
Total | 17.75 | 7.516 | 48 |
Understanding | Basic 10 | 105.88 | 26.949 | 17 |
Basic 11 | 105.28 | 26.797 | 18 |
Basic 12 | 108.85 | 37.984 | 13 |
Total | 106.46 | 29.624 | 48 |
As shown in Table 6, more cases exist in each cell than the number of dependent variables. Given this, any violations of normality that may exist will not matter too much (Pallant, 2016).
Table 7 provides multivariate tests of significance to assess whether there are statistically significant differences between the groups on a linear combination of the dependent variables.
Table 7
Multivariate tests of SHS mathematics teachers’ mathematical values in across class levels
Effect | Value | F | Hypothesis df | Error df | Sig. | Partial Eta Squared |
Intercept | Pillai's Trace | .959 | 518.125 | 2.000 | 44.000 | .000 | .959 |
Wilks' Lambda | .041 | 518.125 | 2.000 | 44.000 | .000 | .959 |
Hotelling's Trace | 23.551 | 518.125 | 2.000 | 44.000 | .000 | .959 |
Roy's Largest Root | 23.551 | 518.125 | 2.000 | 44.000 | .000 | .959 |
Class Level | Pillai's Trace | .083 | .968 | 4.000 | 90.000 | .429 | .041 |
Wilks' Lambda | .918 | .968 | 4.000 | 88.000 | .429 | .042 |
Hotelling's Trace | .090 | .966 | 4.000 | 86.000 | .430 | .043 |
Roy's Largest Root | .090 | 2.015 | 2.000 | 45.000 | .145 | .082 |
Table 7 indicates no statistically significant variation in the pooled dependent variables based on the class level, F (4, 88) = .97, p = .43; Wilks’ Lambda = 0.92; partial eta squared = 0.04. Therefore, we deduced that there is no significant disparity in SHS mathematics teachers’ preferences for mathematical values across class levels.
In gaining insight into what comes to mind when SHS mathematics teachers think about values in mathematics education, interviews were conducted among six (MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5, and MT6) in the qualitative phase of the study. From the interview, SHS mathematics teachers explained that values in mathematics education are considered important in teaching and learning mathematics. One of the participants stated: “When we [teachers] say values in mathematics education, I think it is about how we [teachers] regard mathematics. Whether it is important or not” (MT2–3/11/2023). Another also commented: “For me, it is about the importance of learning mathematics in school. What we [teachers] appreciate when it comes to the learning of the subject [mathematics]” (MT5–12/11/2023).
Conversely, some SHS mathematics teachers explained values as the moral aspect of mathematics education. This is captured in the following excerpt: “I will say it is the moral aspect of the mathematics we learn in school. That is to say that, values are what we consider to be right in learning of mathematics” (MT4–10/11/2023). MT3 also mentioned, “In my view, values in mathematics education have to do with what we consider to be acceptable in the learning of mathematics” (MT3–3/11/2023).
From the quotes above, it is evident that SHS mathematics teachers hold different views about the meaning of values used in mathematics education. Some understand values to mean what is considered worthwhile or important in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Others also understand values to mean what is considered right or wrong regarding mathematics teaching and learning.
Interviews were conducted among selected participants to gain insight into SHS mathematics teachers’ mathematical values. From the participants' accounts, it was revealed that SHS mathematics teachers value constant practice of the use of formulas in teaching and learning of mathematics. MT5 recounted that: “As it stands, you cannot learn the subject [mathematics] without the use of formulas. Students will need them [formulas] to solve problems in exams” (MT5–12/11/2023). Another participant remarked: “…for me, mathematics is all about learning how to use formulas and rules to solve problems. In order to solve problems, you will have to find a formula that will work and apply it” (MT3–3/11/2023). MT1 also added that: “You see if you consider the nature of mathematics, you will realize that in order to learn the subject [mathematics] and learn it well, you have to do constant practice” (MT1–2/11/2023).
From the quotes above, SHS mathematics teachers' preference for the constant practice of the use of formulas in mathematics education relates to the value of Control. This suggests that SHS mathematics teachers value Control in mathematics teaching and learning.
From the interviews, it was also revealed that SHS mathematics teachers prefer using different ways/methods in solving mathematical problems. This is captured in the excerpts below:
In mathematics, there are different ways of solving a particular problem. So, you have to learn all these methods so that I can impact on my students. For example, we can use 2πr or πd we to find the area of a circle of circle (MT4–10/11/2023).
…when it comes to the learning of mathematics and you want to find a solution to a problem, there are at times you may find more than one approach. So there are so many ways, you just have to use the one [approach] you are comfortable with it (MT5–12/11/2023).
Based on the above quotes, SHS mathematics teachers’ preference for using different ways/methods in solving mathematical problems relates to the value of Progress. This suggests that SHS mathematics teachers prefer value Progress in mathematics teaching and learning.
Contrary to mathematical values, SHS mathematics teachers preferred perseverance and creativity related to mathematics educational values. In the interview, MT3 stated, “Alright, I know mathematics brings creativity. If you check the curriculum, they have stated clearly that we should help build creativity among students” (MT3–3/11/2023).
MT6 also commented that:
The learning of mathematics is such that you have to persevere. You try a problem at first and you don’t get, you have to try again. You will find some students getting answer wrong at first trial and stop there (MT6–20/11/2023).
The above quotes revealed SHS mathematics teachers’ lack of understanding of what constitutes mathematical values. SHS mathematics teachers’ preferences for perseverance and creativity are constituents of mathematics educational values embedded in the mathematics curriculum due to other values (Bishop, 2008a).