Growth performance
In the present study, the 15.98 g/kg level showed the best results in weight gain in tambaqui juveniles. Abimorad et al. (2010) demonstrated that 16.00 g/kg of dietary lysine provided the best FW of juvenile Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg 1987) (pacu), which is similar to tambaqui in biology and behavior. The ideal level of dietary lysine shown for pacu is similar to the ideal level shown in this study with tambaqui.
Silva et al. (2018) indicate a need for 20.00 g/kg total lysine (17.30 g/kg digestible lysine) in order to improve weight gain and protein gain in tambaqui. The dietary lysine estimated by these authors using quadratic plateau and linear response models extrapolates the dietary lysine estimate based on BWG in the present study (15.441 g/kg of lysine) for tambaqui of weight 33.54 ± 1.90 g. However, differences in the lysine requirement for fish with different weights was described by Hua et al. (2019), who performed tests with IW of 9.8 ± 0.0 g (small fish), 58.1 ± 0.4 g (medium fish) and 247.6 ± 1.5 g (large fish). The BWG that occurred in the present study showed a low coefficient of determination, and can be explained by the influence of dietary lysine in 20% of the trend curve. This indicates that the other nutrients in the balanced diet, external factors that exceed lysine or intrinsic metabolic factors of tambaqui, may have contributed to BWG.
The positive increase in lysine intake (LI) in relation to increased dietary lysine confirms the findings in the study by Silva et al. (2018). These authors associated the behavior of the LI with that of the feed intake (FI), which did not variy (inappetence or hyperphagia), and attributed the non-variation to the isoenergetic condition of the diets. Energy imbalance of the diet would increase FI, while insufficient levels of lysine could reduce FI, cause inappetence and decrease performance (Mai et al. 2006; Santos et al. 2010).
Apparent feed conversion (AFC) is an essential index for fish farming and varies between 1.0 and 2.4 depending on differences such as age, production technology, source of nutrients and composition of the fish’s diet (Torrinsen et al. 2011; Fry et al. 2018). The AFC value shown in this study (1.45 kg/kg) is similar to that of 1.44 kg/kg and 1.49 kg/kg as shown by Furuya et al. (2006) and by Michelato et al. (2016), respectively for juvenile Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus 1758) (Nile tilapia). However, the AFC is lower than that shown for pacu (1.8 kg/kg), for Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus 1766) (1.10 kg/kg) (Beijupirá), and for the initial stage of tambaqui (1.66 kg/kg) studied, in this order, by Abimorad et al. (2010), Ahou et al. (2007) and Silva et al. (2018).
Although there is a significant difference between the hepatosomatic index (HSI) of fish fed with 9.72 and 12.84 g/kg of dietary lysine (higher and lower HSI, respectively), there were no differences among their levels of growth performance. Hansen et al. (2011) demonstrated that for Gadus morhua (Linnaeus 1758) (Atlantic cod) the highest levels of lysine generated the lowest levels of HSI. This corroborates with the proportionally inverse results detected by Zhou et al. (2007) for Beijupirá (or cobia) and by Bicudo et al. (2009) for pacu.
The deficiency in lysine influences the reduction of carnitine biosynthesis, decreases the transport and β-oxidation of fatty acids, and increases the storage of lipids in the liver (Sika and Layman 1995). However, studies by Furuya et al. (2013) with tilapia showed no interference of lysine in HSI. Similarly, Grisdale-Helland et al. (2011), who researched the lysine requirement for Atlantic cod, did not detect any interference in HSI either. The concentration of proteins and amino acids in the diet affects the synthesis and hydrolysis of hepatic glycogen, and is able to retain the glucose in hepatocytes. This retention contributes to the increase in the weight of the liver, consequently increasing HSI (Soares et al. 2011). For the visceral fat index (VFI), the data from the present study reaffirm the data by Furuya et al. (2004) and by Takishita et al. (2009) in studies with Nile tilapia. Additionally, these data corroborate information for VFI in tambaqui in the study by Silva et al. (2018).
The lysine retention efficiency (LRE) values shown in the present study decreased proportionally with the increase in the levels of dietary lysine. The behavior of the efficient deposition of amino acids and proteins is associated with catabolism and with the nutritional needs during the growth of the fish’s body (Azevedo et al. 2004; Bermudes et al. 2010; Hua et al. 2019).
The protein efficiency rate (PER) decreased proportionally to the increase in dietary lysine after reaching the level estimated at 15.441 g/kg of lysine, indicating the point of requirement for optimal use of protein deposition in the body of juvenile tambaqui. This point is close to the optimal body weight gain (BWG: 15.661 g/kg dietary lysine) shown in the current study. In addition, the behavior of the per effect on the fish’s body before and after reaching the requirement for dietary lysine is similar to that of BWG. For the feed efficiency rate (FER) of juvenile tambaqui, the increased levels of dietary lysine occurred up to the estimated level of 15.96 g/kg of lysine, followed by plateau formation. This level coincides with the tested lysine level which showed optimum expression of the AFC. This is because the maximum fer estimate is reached when the fish expresses its potential for protein deposition (Bureau et al. 2000; Bomfim et al. 2010).
Proximate composition of muscle tissue
The proximal composition of the fish muscle varies between 15 and 24% for proteins, and between 1 and 2% for Ash. These values may be different between species and within the same species, since it is influenced by age, growing conditions, body portion and feed intake (Arbeláez-Rojas et al. 2002). No statistical variation was observed in the muscle composition of tambaqui fed with different lysine levels in the current study in relation to the percentage of proteins and lipids, however, it was expressed in the ash and moisture levels.
Ash complexed with amino acids tends to increase the absorption of the nutrient in the intestine, providing transport through mucosa membranes. In parallel to this, the formation of insoluble compounds with possible anti-nutritional factors in the diet are avoided (Barros et al. 2004).
In the muscles of fish that received diets containing 22.20 g/kg of lysine, the percentage of moisture exceeded the others and presented a significant difference. The data show similarities to those shown by Oetterer et al. (2004) for red tilapia (79.20%) and for nile tilapia (78.43%). In contrast, they are lower than the values shown by Arbeláez-Rojas et al. (2002) at time 0 (zero) of the study of juvenile tambaqui (86.2 ± 10.9 g and 15.1 ± 0.5 cm) in intensive and super-intensive agriculture.
Hepatic morphohistology
The formats of the hepatocytes that were verified corroborate the structure characterized for tambaqui by Costa et al. (2012) and for pacu by Fujimoto et al. (2008). Microscopically, the tambaqui parenchyma showed hepatocytes with a polyhedral, irregular round and hexagonal shape, with a centralized nucleus (Figure 2a). The reddish brown color presented by the liver tissues occurs due to the abundant vascularization of the organ and indicates normal tissue. However, the brown color in a slightly paler tone suggests hydropic degeneration. It is caused by ionic and homeostatic imbalance, and can generate pallor, turgidity and weight increase in the tissue, as evidenced in the analysis of the HSI of the tambaqui treated with 9.72 g/kg, though it is reversible.
Rocha et al. (2010) analyzed the liver of the bream Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii (Castelnau 1855) and detected the hepatic condition of steatosis, characterized by small drops of lipids, isolated or non-isolated, located close to blood vessels, and the same pattern was seen in the present study. Insufficient levels of proteins and amino acids in the diet can promote hepatic steatosis, since proteins act in the transport and uptake of lipids in the liver, and amino acids, such as lysine, synthesize metabolites that oxidize them (Furuya et al. 2013). Juvenile tambaqui fed with lower levels of dietary lysine (9.72 and 12.84 g/kg of lysine) had lipids stored in greater concentration in hepatocytes, had greater liver damage, according to the analysis of performance. The low lipid concentration in the hepatocytes of fish fed with 15.96, 19.08 and 22.20 g/kg of dietary lysine did not affect the growth performance of the juvenile tambaqui.
Intestinal morphohistology
Data from the intestinal morphometric analysis of the tambaqui in this study showed that they were not affected by the lysine levels in the diet. However, the relative intestinal length was 1.20 to 1.37 cm/cm, which is in accordance with 0.6 to 8.0 cm/cm as recommended for omnivorous fish (Rotta 2003; Ferreira et al. 2014).
The absorption of amino acids, monosaccharides and fatty acids is performed by the proximal intestine (PI), while the absorption of macromolecules by pinocytosis occurs in the distal intestine (DI). This characteristic corroborates what was observed in this study. Mucosa, submucosa and muscle layers of the villi of the pi varied among fish fed with initial diets and fed with the diets of the final period. Tambaqui fed with 15.96 kg/kg of lysine showed statistically greater cell density among the fish fed with the experimental diets, indicating a greater ability to absorb dietary lysine. The data from this study validate the information presented in the performance for feed conversion, which expressed the best response with 15.96 g/kg of lysine. The middle intestine (MI) showed alterations in the submucosa, but it was not possible to associate this variation with the diet.
In the intestinal segments of the tambaqui, the collagen shown in the cell layers corroborates the description by Honorato et al. (2013) for the intestine of nile tilapia. Collagen is a synthesized protein and essentially composed of the amino acids glycine, proline and lysine. Thus, diets with high levels of lysine tend to increase the synthesis of this protein, which in insufficient quantities can limit animal growth. The mucin protein secreted by goblet cells was more active in the pi of fish fed 22.20 g/kg of lysine in the diet. Acid mucins are influenced by the type of diet and form barriers against bacteria and agents that limit absorption (Rocha et al. 2016).
The height and perimeter of the villi of the PI did not vary according to diet, in contrast, the villi of the DI showed great variability, which made it impossible to associate these aspects with the levels of dietary lysine. In the MI, the greater villus height shown in fish fed with 9.72 g/kg dietary lysine was equivalent to that of fish fed with 6.60 g/kg dietary lysine. This suggests a strategy for increasing nutrient uptake in diets with insufficient levels of lysine. In the MI, the greater villus height shown in fish fed with 9.72 g/kg dietary lysine was equivalent to that of fish fed with 6.60 g/kg dietary lysine.
This suggests a strategy for increase the uptake of nutrients in diets with insufficient levels of lysine. Diets with 6.60 g/kg of lysine were prepared without the inclusion of l-lysine. diets with 9.72 g/kg of lysine have 4.00 g/kg of L-lysine in total lysine. Competition at the absorption sites between intact lysine and L-lysine, or the action of adverse variables on fish metabolism, may have caused a greater imbalance at the level of 9.72 g/kg, which generates greater urgency in the capture of nutrients. According to Rotta et al. (2003), crystalline amino acids are absorbed more slowly. However, Nguyen and Davis (2016) found no difference in the performance of channel catfish, or american catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) and nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus when fed with L-lysine and with intact lysine.
Plasma biochemistry
The protein content in the blood tissue of tropical fish in fish farming is between 2.3 and 8.2 g/dL. Thus it possible to assume the values shown in this study to be normal (Tavares-Dias and Moraes, 2003; Tavares-Dias and Mataqueiro 2004). The experimental diets were rich in amino acids, which are structural components of proteins, thus we expected an increase in plasma protein concomitant with the increase in dietary lysine levels. However, blood data showed a higher protein concentration in fish fed with 15.96 g/kg of dietary lysine, with an increase of 56.8% in relation to tambaqui not fed with experimental diets (p= 0.010).
Adesola et al. (2017) investigated the lysine requirement for juvenile african dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus (Griffiths and Heemstra 1995), and observed no differences for total proteins, triglycerides, glucose and cholesterol. Similarly, the same occurred in the current study in regards to triglycerides and glucose, which showed no difference, however, a difference was observed among plasma cholesterol concentrations in the different groups.
The juvenile tambaqui showed normal or high cholesterol levels. Although it is possible to link the variations in cholesterol concentration to the diets, they may have been secondary responses to stress conditions and adaptations to the environment (Ferreira et al. 2011). Luo et al. (2006) detected cholesterol between 2.11 ± 0.19 and 2.97 ± 0.28 mmol/L for the southeast asian grouper Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton 1822) with IW of 15.84 ± 0.23 g, fed with different levels of lysine. The results showed significant differences, but with variations that do not characterize them as an effect of the diet on the total cholesterol levels. This description corroborates what was verified in this study, where, possibly, the alterations among the means of total cholesterol were influenced by factors that were not limited to diet.
In conclusion, juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fed dietary lysine (g/kg) showed better growth performance (15.4g lysine / kg of diet). The dietary lysine levels influenced liver morphohistology, density of the intestinal cell layers, villus height and perimeter, and the secretion of acid mucins by goblet cells. Similarly, biochemical responses were affected by diet. In the current study, dietary lysine requirement for juvenile tambaqui was estimated at 15.4 – 15.6 g/kg of diet (5.7%–5.8% of dietary protein).