The processing of whey powder with SLS is related to previous studies using the same technique for 3D printing of carbohydrates. Thus, SLS of glucose and sucrose [45], and isomalt [46] has been already reported for biomedical applications. Also, even though SLS of pure lactose has not been reported, drug formulations including quantities of α-lactose monohydrate (up to a 12 wt%) have been SLSed for printlets manufacturing [47]. According to the different researchers, the fabrication of the 3D printed structures from these powders involves melting/caramelisation of the sugars. However, the presence of proteins in whey powder makes a substantial difference in the sintering of whey particles. Furthermore, that very same concomitance of lactose and proteins in whey is compulsory to preserve the SLS printed shape during carbonisation [28].
There is scarce information on the particle sintering of dairy powders at temperatures above 100 ºC. Three possible mechanisms are postulated here to be, in principle, responsible for the sintering of whey particles, namely caking, caramelisation and Maillard reactions. The two first are specific of lactose, the main constituent in whey, and the latter requires the coexistence of lactose and proteins. The sintering of whey powder depends on the temperature/time combination and sintered structures can be obtained from 85 ºC on (Figure S1), if enough time (at least 2 h) is given. On the other hand, much higher temperatures are required when the heating times (2 min) come close to the conditions of the SLS processing (Figure S2). At such short times, the lump obtained at 160 ºC was easily friable (Figure S2); whereas at 220 ºC, 2 min, the whey powder started to scorch, as predicted from Figure 1b. In all cases, non-enzymatic browning is evident, thus pointing out the occurrence of pigments characteristic of Maillard reactions and/or lactose caramelisation.
Caking (i.e., particle sintering) of lactose is well studied for its implications in the preservation of dairy powders and pharmaceutics [48]. The main mechanisms of lactose caking at temperatures well below 100 ºC include amorphous, humidity and mechanical caking [49,50], and the particle bridging observed in Figure 1a resembles that depicted in micrographs of caked whey powder [51]. However, the SLS conditions used in this work are far from those required for whey (lactose) caking, namely high amorphous lactose contents and/or high water activities in the whey powder [48-52]. As shown in Video S1, α-lactose monohydrate powders cake to a certain extent after 2 h at 160 ºC, whereas 2 min at such temperature has no apparent effect on powder compaction (Figure S3).
Lactose caramelisation is known to happen at temperatures close to 220 ºC (Figure S4) [53,54]. It involves the pyrolytic breakage and further polymerisation of the galactose and glucose molecules of lactose, and the physical transformation of the powder into a viscous glass [55]. This has obvious implications in the SLS of whey particles, which would stick together in a similar fashion to other SLSed carbohydrates, as mentioned above. Experimentally though, caramelisation of lactose requires relatively long times at high temperatures to be effective (Figure S5). When approaching to the sintering conditions on the SLS printer, i.e., 2 min at 200º C, α-lactose monohydrate powders remain loose and white (Figure S6).
Maillard reactions between lactose and whey proteins are responsible of the non-enzymatic browning of dairy powders at ambient temperature [55]. Whereas Maillard reactions and caking (particle sintering) are identified as damages occurring during storage of whey powders [56,57], a possible contribution of Maillard reaction products (e.g., melanoidins) to whey particle sintering has not been established. Melanoidins are brown coloured polymers formed in the so-called late-phase of the Maillard reactions [58,59]. In spite of a detailed structural characterisation, melanoidins are roughly classified attending to their size into low, intermediate and high molecular weight, with their molecular weight distribution (MWD) depending on a number of factors including temperature/time conditions of the reaction. It is now accepted that low molecular weight (1-10 kDa) melanoidins in reducing sugars/protein systems (e.g., whey) are chromophore aggregates covalently bonded to protein backbones [59-61]. These aggregates account for the colour of the melanoidins and come from the dehydration and condensation of the carbohydrates. Heating up the reducing sugars/protein systems shifts the MWD of melanoidins towards higher values, reaching values >100 kDa [59-61]. High molecular weight melanoidins include multiple protein backbones crosslinked with the chromophores, which, in addition, are known to polymerise with temperature [59-61]. It is also accepted that carbohydrate caramelisation products contribute in Maillard reactions at high temperatures [62]. Furthermore, characterisation of melanoidins in roasted malts demonstrates that there is a temperature threshold (ca. 160 ºC) for the formation of high molecular size melanoidins [63].
This melanoidin size-increase pattern in Maillard reactions resembles the curing mechanism of PF or RF polymeric resins, and it is postulated responsible for the sintering of whey powder with temperature. Thus, the sintering mechanism proposed here involves the progressive enlargement with temperature of melanoidins on the surface of the whey particles. It should be pointed out that the relative lactose/whey protein ratio concentration is considerably lower at the outermost surface of the whey particles [64], thus making this mechanism especially relevant. The completion of the melanoidins “curing” process, i.e., the maximisation of their MWD, would be required to attain a strong inter-particle bond that endures carbonisation and keeps the shape of the SLSed whey structure unaltered.
The final part of this discussion is devoted to explain the lower density of the SLS whey derived carbons when compared to the moulded ones. This result was unexpected in light of the minimum layering effect observed (Figure 2b and Figure 3a). To further investigate powder packing issues during SLS printing, carbon structures were prepared from SLSed whey using a higher printing layer height (200 µm). The bulk density of the resulting materials was 0.44 g/cm3, same as that of SLS_850 in Figure 4b. This discards or, at least, minimise the effect of eventual powder packing differences when moulding or SLS whey powders. A very relevant result was however found when re-used whey powders (Figure 2e) were poured in a mould and carbonised at 850 ºC (1.5 h). The bulk density of the resulting carbons was 0.48 g/cm3. In other words, it is not moulding or SLS of whey powders what makes the difference. Sintering of fresh whey powders brings about denser carbons than sintering brown whey powders.
It should be clear that SLS of whey powder does not actually sinter fresh powder, as it browns (Maillard reaction) due to the heating required to reach and maintain the bed and printing temperatures (80 ºC and 135 ºC, respectively) for approx. 4 h. As mentioned above, this brown powder is lightly sintered after the printing process. The browning process has little effect on the SLS processability parameters of the whey powder (Figure S7), but changes significantly its TG and DSC profiles (Figure S8). Specifically, the loss of crystalline water at ca. 150 ºC is much lower in the browned powder. This is expected and denotes the transformation of the α-lactose monohydrate present in the original whey powder into different polymorphs when dehydrated at high temperature (>120 ºC) [65-67]. Specifically, the loss of crystalline water at such temperature leads to two anhydrous α-lactose phases, one unstable (hygroscopic) and the other stable, and to anhydrous β-lactose, with the two latter polymorphs prone to cake after short times [67]. Actually, this transformation explains the caking of the lactose powders shown in Video S2. Furthermore, the caked lactose after dehydration is friable, a similar behaviour observed for the brown whey powder.
Since we do not expect different lactose polymorphs to affect the Maillard reactions products significantly, there are two possible explanations for the lower density of the brown whey derived carbons. The first one would imply the sintering of the fine particles, thus affecting the PSD of the browned whey. This was discarded when considering the flowability parameters (Figure S7) and by measuring the PSD (Figure S10) of the fresh and re-used W5 powders. The other, more plausible possibility is related to the behaviour of the melanoidins with temperature once they are formed at a given temperature and then cooled down. We have observed that if, after cooling down, we break a 3D structure of whey sintered in a mould at a given temperature (e.g., 120 ºC, 2h) and try to stick the two parts together by re-heating them, it is not possible. This, again, is a similar behaviour of conventional, thermoset resins. As a consequence, the whey interparticle bridging attained at a given temperature cannot be reconstructed if broken, thus reducing the contact points between whey particles and the density of the sintered pieces.