The study’s primary objective was to investigate sex differences in cognitive performance and explore the potential association with current levels of gonadal hormones (estrogen and testosterone). Therefore, we utilized a factor analysis to identify cognitive domains based on the applied cognitive battery developed within the SENDA project [23]. The analysis yielded two distinct domains, namely executive function and memory. Consistent with prior research, we found sex differences in memory [3, 33], specifically, females exhibited a better performance compared to males. Furthermore, we found that females outperform males in executive function, a finding that does not consistently align with existing literature [4]. Although notable sex differences were observed in cognitive performance, no indirect effect of sex mediated through hormones was detected. Albeit estrogen emerged as a significant predictor of executive function. The analysis indicated that the observed differences between sexes for memory and executive function could only be partially attributed to the included variables (Table 2). These findings imply that estrogen may exert an influence on the development of these cognitive performance metrics. Nevertheless, it is apparent that multiple additional factors likely contribute to a greater extent in explaining these differences in 80 + year-olds.
Sex differences in cognitive performance vary from small to large effects, as documented in previous studies [6]. The Gender Similarities Hypothesis posits that males and females exhibit considerable similarity across most cognitive variables, though not all. In our investigation, we identified significant differences between sexes on two cognitive domains: executive function and memory. While literature often reports no differences in executive function between sexes [4], recent meta-analyses have highlighted specific executive function tasks that show sex disparities [4]. In our CFA, verbal fluency and inhibition (Table 2) were included and contributed to the executive function factor. Across studies, females consistently demonstrated better performance in verbal fluency compared to males [34], whilst Gaillard and colleagues [4] identify that response inhibition has emerged as an executive function domain where females exhibit moderately better performance than males. Despite literature suggesting overall similarity in EF between sexes, our findings support Gaillard and colleagues' [4] suggestion that sex differences are task-dependent. Specifically, tasks within the SENDA battery that contribute to the executive function domain align with those previously documented to favor female performance over males.
Our female participants' memory performance was greater than that of their male counterparts, consistent with previous research findings [3, 35]. This pattern also appears to be content-specific, indicating that the nature of the information to be remembered significantly influences recall ability. In previous studies, females have demonstrated particular proficiency in verbal memory tasks [3], while males perform better in spatial memory (e.g., remembering a route). Within our cognitive battery, the memory domain comprises six tests, of which five are verbal memory tasks (see Table 2). The observed sex differences in memory may be further accentuated by the specific tasks within this domain, contributing to the notable disparities between males and females.
It is well-established that cognition generally declines with age [1, 2]. However, research on sex differences in older populations, particularly those aged 80 and above, remains limited. Nonetheless, our findings are consistent with prior studies, indicating that healthy older adult females consistently demonstrate superior performance in tasks associated with executive function and memory across the lifespan, including advanced old age. For instance, de Frias et al. [36] examined episodic and semantic memory, and visuospatial ability in individuals aged 35 to 80 at baseline and found enduring sex differences over a ten-year follow-up period: Females exhibited superior performance in tasks assessing verbal episodic memory and verbal fluency, while males outperformed females in tasks involving visuospatial functions [36]. Additionally, studies by Maitland et al. [37], Pauls et al. [38], and Jockwitz et al. [10] further support the consistency of sex differences, particularly in the verbal versus spatial domains, among older individuals. While this study did not directly assess visuospatial domains, the derivation of the executive function domain through factor analysis, incorporating processing speed, inhibition, attentional control, and working memory (Table 2), provides a different perspective on multiple incorporated cognitive metrics. The current findings confirm that differences in cognitive abilities persist even during the later decades of life.
An additional aim of this study was to explore the influence of gonadal hormones on cognitive performance. It has long been suggested that endogenous sex hormones can impact cognitive abilities; for instance, endogenous estrogen has been linked to memory performance [39]. Our current findings revealed that levels of hormones estrogen and testosterone did not mediate the sex-related differences in executive function or memory. This observation may be attributed to the age group of the participants. As previously mentioned, certain cognitive tasks exhibit sex differences that persist throughout the lifespan. Notably, these differences are less pronounced in early and older adulthood compared to other life stages, as demonstrated in tasks involving verbal abilities [3]. Therefore, discrepancies in cognitive performance would be more evident during periods characterized by substantial differences in hormonal levels between males and females, such as adolescence and adulthood. However, the present study female cohort exclusively comprised postmenopausal females who were not undergoing hormonal replacement therapy. Consequently, the concentration levels of estrogen did not significantly differ between males and females, which may explain the lack of mediating effects.
While no mediating effects of hormones on cognitive performance were observed, estrogen emerged as a predictor of executive function performance. Estradiol, a form of estrogen, has consistently been implicated in influencing cognitive performance, as supported by numerous studies [17, 21, 40–43]. Previous research has highlighted an association between a longer reproductive window, indicative of increased exposure to estrogens, and better cognitive health in later life [44, 45]. In cellular and animal models, estrogens have demonstrated neuroprotective properties, stimulating the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors and enhancing synaptic spine density in the hippocampus [46]. These findings suggest that exposure to estrogens may contribute to the preservation of neural health in late life, potentially explaining why estrogen was found to predict executive function in our population. However, concerning the direct effects on sex differences, our study suggests that factors beyond gonadal hormonal concentrations play a role in the persistence of these differences in cognitive abilities, underscoring the multifaceted nature of sex disparities in cognition.
Sex differences in cognitive performance may also be influenced by cohort disparities, which could stem from various biological factors such as health conditions or lifestyle choices related to psychosocial gender roles, as well as systematic differences in life course experiences. Regarding biological factors, previous research has indicated that some of the cognitive advantages observed in older females may be mediated by fewer cardiovascular risk factors, including factors such as smoking, waist-to-hip ratio, and cholesterol levels in females [47]. It cannot be disregarded that the sex differences uncovered in our analysis may be associated with systematic differences in health between males and females. According to the Charlson Comorbidity Index [48], there were no significant differences in comorbidities between males and females in our sample, suggesting comparable health conditions between the two groups. Concerning lifestyle factors, educational attainment is of particular interest as it systematically differs between sexes, especially among older birth cohorts as examined in our study [49], and is also positively correlated with cognitive performance in older adults [50, 51]. Our analysis indicated that the sex difference observed could not be explained by differences in educational level. In our sample, females, on average, had fewer years of education yet achieved equal or better cognitive performance scores compared to male participants, a pattern consistent with previous observations [52]. This suggests that rather than explaining the sex differences, educational attainment would have obscured the findings. Numerous other lifestyle factors related to psychosocial gender roles are speculated to contribute to the sex differences in cognitive performance observed in old age [43, 47, 53]. However, as our study solely focused on current gonadal hormone concentrations and did not intend to investigate other non-biological factors, the specific contribution of these non-biological lifestyle factors to sex differences in cognitive performance remains speculative. Nonetheless, it is reasonable to assume that they at least partially contribute to our findings.
In the current study, males were not found to perform better than females across the cognitive performance measures. Additionally, no associations were observed between testosterone levels and cognitive performance across executive function and memory. Androgens, including testosterone, have been linked to cognitive performance, particularly in spatial rotation and awareness tasks. Evidence suggests that prenatal androgens influence spatial performance in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia [54] and serve as predictors of spatial cognition in males [55]. Furthermore, in older males, lower testosterone concentrations have been associated with poorer performance on selected cognitive tests. Although a significant difference in testosterone levels between males and females was observed in our study, as depicted in Fig. 2A, this difference did not translate into sex differences benefitting males in executive function or memory performance. One potential explanation for these findings lies within the CFA results of the SENDA test battery used in our study, which did not include specific tests assessing visual-spatial functioning. While one test of visual memory (Table 2) was included in the executive function factor, research suggests that males may have an advantage in tasks requiring visual-spatial processing, such as those involving figures, shapes, and routes [5]. However, since this test was only one of six tests comprising the executive function domain, its contribution may not have been substantial enough to detect a better male performance in executive function. Consequently, our ability to discern male abilities in cognitive tasks was limited. Future research studies employing a similar design would benefit from exploring the relationship between cognitive tasks and testosterone, particularly tasks involving high demands of visual-spatial processing.
The present study exhibits both strengths and limitations. Notably, the utilization of confirmatory factor analysis enabled the development of comprehensive variables that capture a holistic perspective of cognition, thereby reflecting real-life cognitive processes rather than isolating specific aspects.
Across research, the age range of participants often varies widely, resulting in significant diversity in cognitive and hormonal states within the population [7, 10]. By exclusively enrolling older adults aged ≥ 80 years, the current study achieved a more homogeneous sample in terms of cognitive and hormonal characteristics compared to other studies. When investigating sex differences, it is crucial to consider the various factors that might contribute to their development.
Aside from hormonal influences, genetic and social factors may also contribute to the observed sex differences. Our study extended its investigation to explore potential hormonal effects on cognitive performance while controlling for other known factors that may affect sex differences, such as education level. However, participants' general health is also a significant contributor to cognitive performance. Although the Charlson Comorbidity Index was utilized, it may not provide a comprehensive assessment of participants' health, especially considering that females in this age group may generally exhibit better overall health.
While significant differences in cognitive performance favoring females were identified in our study, there may be limitations regarding the cognitive outcomes. We choose a two-factor model with one latent factor for executive functions and the other latent factor operationalizing memory based on findings from [32]. Reliable cognitive tests were used to derive the indicators of these latent factors. Surprisingly, the Serial Sevens Test and the Digit Span Forward test did not load highly on the executive function factor and were, therefore, removed from the analysis. Because of this, it may be speculated that, rather than assessing purely executive function as intended, the factor instead or additionally represent processing speed. Disentangling the relationship between processing speed and executive function is challenging, and it has been reported that a portion of age-related deficits in executive function performance may be attributed to a slowing in information processing [56]. In our model three of the executive function indicators (Digit Symbol Substitution Test, Trail Making Test A and B) are also frequently used as measures for processing speed [57, 58]. Hence, our executive function factor may not represent a pure measure of executive function but also processing speed, it remains a useful outcome for detecting sex differences in neurocognitive aging. In particular, the use of latent factors to study sex differences is superior to other commonly used methods, such as using z-scores to obtain composite scores, which is done without checking model fit [32], or analyzing individual cognitive tests, which does not provide a comprehensive model of cognition [59].
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the absence of specific cognitive tests tailored specifically for males (e.g., spatial visual tasks) may limit the identification of tests demonstrating better male performance. Consequently, the cognitive profiles of both sexes may not have been fully represented in the study.
Finally, hormonal concentrations were collected retrospectively and at the same time point for all participants, although discrepancies might exist between the time elapsed since their last cognitive assessments and their hormonal evaluations. However, this potential limitation was minimized by the study's recruitment strategy, which targeted a significant age group where substantial hormone fluctuations are not expected within the observed timeframes.