4.1 Overview
This systematic scoping review demonstrates that research into the presence and effect of MNPs in the human cardiovascular system has rapidly increased since 2019. The majority of this research has utilised in vitro experimental designs with human samples and cell lines. The findings of the six identified articles which investigated MNPs in human tissue are alarming and warrant concern from public health authorities. Of particular note is a lack of research characterising the presence of human MNP contamination from low socioeconomic countries, especially those in the Pacific, which are economically and culturally tied to an ocean facing increasing contamination by MNPs. Taken together, the findings of research to date demonstrating the genotoxic, cytotoxic, immunotoxic, and neurotoxic effects of MNPs, in addition to their deleterious effects on cellular metabolism and inflammatory effects, raise significant concerns for their role in a range of cardiovascular pathologies including atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathies, electrical and congenital abnormalities, and infective pathologies.
Whilst inconsistencies exist in the definition of MNPs in the early literature base, a consistent approach of defining MPs as particles less than 5mm and NPs as less than 1000nm in size has emerged since August 2023 (Table 1). Unfortunately, a lack of research exists to appropriately inform animal and cell line research regarding the characteristics of human environmental exposure, especially as this pertains to varying clinical populations. Despite this, an increasing amount of research investigating the effect of various plastic characteristics (e.g. functionality, size and shape) demonstrates significant variances in levels of toxicity. However, to date, the majority of cell line and animal research has focused on the use of polystyrene NPs. Although commonly found in human specimens relating to the urinary tract (e.g. urine, kidneys), these are not as common as plastic particles such as polyethylene and polypropylene within the human cardiovascular system (Table 4).
4. 2 The role of MNPs in atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease
In 2024, Marfella et al. identified MNPs in 58.4% of atherosclerotic plaques, demonstrating that individuals with MNP-associated atherosclerosis had a higher rate of myocardial infarction, stroke, or death at 34 month follow up [37]. Investigations employing human and animal cell lines have revealed a multitude of biochemical mechanisms, providing evidence for MNPs in the aetiology and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis, and their significant implications for vascular pathologies (Fig. 5). For example, MNPs have been demonstrated to induce endothelial dysfunction, an early stage of atherosclerotic plaque development [65]. Studies utilising 1 µm PS spheres have demonstrated little effect in human umbilical vein endothelial cell lines to date. In contrast, articles utilising smaller and positively charged particles, similar in size to those found within the observational study by Marfella et al. [37], have demonstrated increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) production. Additionally, studies have described damage to mitochondrial membranes, leading to a > 82% decrease in mitochondrial ATP production [30], decreased cell viability, and impaired angiogenesis, thereby hindering endothelial healing [43, 66]. In addition to endothelial dysfunction, MNPs have deleterious impacts within smooth muscle [67] and lead to decreased levels of high density lipoproteins (HDLs) as well as increased low density lipoproteins (LDLs) [68] and systemic ROS, assisting in the formation of oxy-LDL [69]. Taken together, these results demonstrate the ability of MNPs to lay the foundation for atherosclerotic plaque development.
Following their rapid uptake into the cytoplasm of macrophages, NPs provoke lipid aggregation [70], leading to their differentiation into foam cells [71]. Their continued genotoxic and cytotoxic effect from increased endoplasmic reticulum stress, oxidative stress and disruption to mitochondrial membranes [72] results in apoptosis [73], potentially assisting in the development of a necrotic core, increasing plaque instability [74].
In cases where plaque rupture ensues, MNP contamination deranges the clotting cascade, impacting fibrin polymerisation rates and platelet aggregation. This modulates clot strength and the manner in which the clot adheres to the endothelial wall [75]. Of particular concern clinically, MNPs also impede the production of endothelium-derived nitric oxide [69, 76], impairing vasodilatory responses to clot formation [77]. Importantly, SGLT2 inhibitors within porcine endothelial models treated with NPs have been shown to upregulate endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression, decrease the formation of reactive oxygen species, and ultimately inhibit NP-associated endothelial cell senescence [78]. Together, these two studies demonstrate that the production of nitric oxide is perturbed which may impact the delicate, haemostatic balance between thrombosis and bleeding. The myriad of pathways through which MNPs potentially cause cardiovascular disease provide potential pharmacological targets, requiring further exploration into their pervasive effects. Regardless, the involvement of MNPs in atherosclerotic disease provides significant cause for concern, not only in the context of coronary artery disease, but also in peripheral and cerebrovascular pathologies [37].
4.3 Valvular disorders, cardiomyopathies, and electrical abnormalities
In addition to vascular diseases, MNPs have been implicated in the dysfunction of cardiomyocytes [79] with potential implications for cardiomyopathies and electrical abnormalities [67, 80, 81] (Fig. 6). For example, the exposure of neonatal ventricular myocytes to NPs has been shown to significantly decrease intracellular Ca2+ levels, in addition to mitochondrial membrane potentials and cellular metabolism, resulting in a reduction in cardiomyocyte contraction forces [81]. Additionally, MNPs in rat models have been shown to induce cardiac fibrosis through activation of the Wnt/b-catenin pathway and cellular apoptosis [82]. Following polystyrene exposure, in vivo rat models have demonstrated increased troponin I and creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) levels, as well as disruption of mitochondrial mtDNA and cGAS-STING signalling pathways, leading to cardiomyocyte apoptosis [82–84]. When exposed to MNPs at a concentration equivalent to human exposure, rats demonstrated a marked elevation in cardiac-specific markers and an increase in interventricular septal thickness [69]. This raises considerable concern and highlights a need for urgent research into MNP-associated cardiomyopathies [85].
4.4 Cardiac disorders of infective origins
The rough surface characteristics and size of MNPs found within the human cardiovascular system to date [37] provide an ideal environment to facilitate the adsorption of viruses or bacteria, the development of biofilms, and increased virus survival and infectivity [86–88]. MNPs have been shown to promote the infection of cells through the development of a protein corona facilitating a trojan horse mechanism, whereby NP particles shuttle viruses and bacteria into the cytoplasm [89, 90]. Additionally, the presence of MNPs has been shown to inhibit innate immune functions, in particular the actions of macrophages [91, 92]. Beijer et al. demonstrated a dose-related immune response with the largest secretions of IL-1b, IL-8 and TNF-a elicited by polyethylene terephalate [93], identified within both human blood and cardiac tissue [41, 59]. As a result, MNPs are likely to play an important role in pathologies such as infective endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease and pericarditis.
4.5 Congenital heart abnormalities
Of particular note, research highlighting the presence of MPs in human placentas (including on the foetal side [94]), semen, and the meconium of newborns raises important questions surrounding the potential role of MNPs in the aetiology of congenital cardiovascular abnormalities [95–97]. Research investigating the potential abnormal development of the heart utilising pluripotent stem cells has demonstrated altered atrioventricular valve and cardiomyocyte formation following exposure to polystyrene NPs [28, 80]. In animal models, NPs have been shown to alter umbilical and placenta blood flow [98], with maternal polystyrene NP exposure leading to a 12% reduction in late gestational foetal weight [99]. With more specific reference to the cardiovascular system, maternal MP exposure in rats has also been observed to cause foetal aortic abnormalities [100].
4.6 Current gaps in the literature
Despite significant advances in the field of MNPs and cardiovascular health, research is urgently required in order to assist in the characterisation of MNP contamination within the human cardiovascular system. Researchers moving forward should consider utilising sensitive laboratory-based methodologies which allow for the detection and investigation of the characteristics of MNPs to be elucidated. This will assist in ensuring the dosage and characteristics of MNPs utilised within in vitro studies in future are reflective of in vivo concentrations. In addition, researchers and public health authorities alike are urged to begin investigating the presence of MNPs in low socioeconomic areas, especially those identified as high risk due to exposure to contaminated water, food and living environments. Furthermore, the contamination of various clinical populations requires attention to understand variances in exposure and physiological consequences. In conjunction with laboratory-based analysis, complementary methodologies utilising surveys to characterise behaviour alongside longitudinal studies within both animals and humans, are required to understand how various behaviours and exposures influence MNP contamination and their long-term effects on chronic disease and mortality. Clinical trials using behavioural interventions modifying MNP exposure, for example through dietary modifications, are urgently required in order to inform public health advice and international industry policy development. An interdisciplinary approach which seeks to understand the multiple organ system interactions should be considered to advance our understanding of various individual organ systems.
4.7 Limitations
Due to the rapidly evolving nature of this research field, this scoping review will require updating within the next two years. At this time, further research that may allow for a systematic review and meta-analysis to be conducted on the presence of MNPs in various tissues which is currently precluded by a lack of available data and consistency within methodologies and reporting. Additionally, a lack of research investigating the presence and effect of MNPs on the lymphatic system prohibits a robust discussion on how this complementary organ system affects cardiovascular function. Methodological limitations were noted within some articles which may have affected reported results. For example, reports of haemolytic activity may be overestimated considering Djapovic et al. [35] washed RBCs with hypertonic (0.99%) NaCl. Similarly, Gopinath et al [63] isolation of RBCs by centrifugation without a density gradient medium may have led to the some leucocytes remaining with the RBC concentration resulting in the release of haemolytic enzymes.