Concurrent treatment with cART and 3HP improves clinical and microbiological attributes of Mtb/SIV co-infection.
To assess the impact of concurrent cART and 3HP therapy on LTBI reactivation in Mtb/SIV co-infection, we utilized 6 new RMs and reused published data from LTBI (n = 4), cART -naïve coinfected RMs (n = 8) and co-infected RMs treated with cART alone for 9 weeks (n = 4) (refs 15, 19 and Supplemental Table 2). The study design is outlined in Fig. 1A. All the RMs were infected with a low dose of Mtb (~ 10 CFU deposited in the lungs) and subsequently with SIV (300 TCID50 SIVmac239, intravenous). Infection was confirmed by a positive tuberculin skin test at weeks 3 and 5 after Mtb infection. All study RMs developed LTBI infection characterized by less than 1 to 2 Log10CFU of Mtb in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) at weeks 3, 5 and 7 post Mtb infection, serum C-reactive protein (CRP) of 5 µg/mL or lower (Fig. 1B), and no significant change in percentage body temperature (Supplemental Fig. 1A) and body weight (Supplemental Fig. 1B) up to 9 weeks after Mtb infection. Upon establishment of latency, RMs were coinfected with 300 TCID50 SIVmac239 via the intravenous route 9 weeks after Mtb infection [14, 15, 20]. SIV infection was confirmed by measuring the plasma viral loads via reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The RMs were either treated with cART alone or cART + 3HP, once weekly orally for 12 weeks (Fig. 1A) and euthanized at treatment completion. Clinical, pathological and immunological response was compared in the 4 experimental groups: LTBI, cART naïve, cART and cART + 3HP.
The RMs in cART + 3HP group survived in good body condition with adequate body muscling and fat until the predetermined study endpoint. RMs in cART naïve group were humanely euthanized on prespecified endpoints starting as early as 2 weeks post SIV co-infection (Supplemental Fig. 1C). Elevated serum CRP levels associate with active TB and increase in bacterial burdens in NHPs [15, 17, 20]. CRP levels in cART + 3HP were significantly lower than cART naïve (P < 0.0001) and cART treated RMs (P < 0.001) (Fig. 1B). More importantly, the CRP levels in cART + 3HP RMs was not significantly different from LTBI RMs (P = 0.44). To determine the impact of cART + 3HP on bacterial burden, BAL fluid, lungs, bronchial lymph nodes and lung granulomas were plated on 7H11 agar plates as previously described [14, 15, 17, 20]. 5 out of 6 RMs in cART + 3HP group had no detectable bacterial burden in lung collected at necropsy, compared to just 1 out of four cART-treated and 2 out of 14 cART-naive RMs and both differences were statistically significant (Fig. 1C). Thus, the cART + 3HP group behaved comparable to the LTBI (SIV uninfected) group with 87.5% and 75% of the lung samples being sterile respectively in these groups. All 6 RMs in cART + 3HP group were devoid of detectable bacilli in lung granulomas (Fig. 1D), BAL (Fig. 1E) and bronchial lymph nodes (Fig. 1F) at necropsy. Additionally, the bacterial burden in cART + 3HP RMs was significantly lower than cART treated RMs in lung (P = 0.01), lung granulomas (P = 0.001) and bronchial lymph node (P < 0.0001). In contrast 81% RMs harbored bacilli in lung granulomas and 100% of study animals had detectable bacilli in bronchial lymph nodes when treated with cART alone (Fig. 1D and 1F).
To evaluate the efficacy of cART regimen in presence of 3HP treatment, viral loads were measured in the plasma of all 6 RMs and compared with cART treated RMs at pre-determined time points post cART initiation (Fig. 1G). There was no significant difference in the rates of decay of the viral loads in either group. Thus, 3HP did not alter the efficacy of cART in controlling viral replication. We also studied cytotoxicity markers in blood to determine safety of administering cART + 3HP relative to untreated and 3HP treated cohorts from archived samples. We did not observe any significant change in the levels of serum albumin/globulin (A/G) (g/dL) ratio, aspartate aminotransferase or serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (ALT/SGOT) (units per liter of serum), blood urea nitrogen/creatinine (BUN/creat) (µmol/L) ratio, and alkaline phosphatase (Alk phos) (units per liter), at week 24 after TB infection or 1 – week after treatment completion (Fig. 1H) in untreated, 3HP treated and cART + 3HP treated RMs. To determine the impact of cART + 3HP treatment on the lung cellular and granulomatous pathology, lung tissue sections collected at necropsy were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (Fig. 1I) and findings analyzed by board-certified (Dipl, American College of Veterinary Pathologists) pathologists. The pathological findings correlated with the clinical and microbiological observations. There were a few, scattered, non-necrotizing and caseous granulomas in the lung lobes of approximately 0.5–1 cm in size in cART + 3HP treated RMs. There were rare, small aggregates of lymphocytes and macrophages in some lung sections. A single RM demonstrated multifocal accumulations of lymphocytes and non-necrotizing active granulomas in the liver. Overall, hilar, bronchial lymph nodes, spleen and other tissues were observed to have normal pathology comparable to LTBI only controls. cART + 3HP RMs demonstrated significant decrease in percentage lung involvement in pathology compared to cART and cART naïve RMs (Fig. 1J). Overall, lung of cART + 3HP treated RMs harbored less lesions compared to cART-naïve RMs. Lung of cART naïve and cART alone treated RMs showed numerous large granulomas with necrotic cores. Thus, administration of cART + 3HP is safe, efficacious in controlling bacterial burden and improved pathology compared to cART treated RMs.
We performed Positron Emission Tomography with Computed Tomography (PET/CT) to study lung lesions in 3 of the 6 RMs at weeks 6 (LTBI), 12 (LTBI + SIV co-infection, one week post cART + 3HP initiation), 16 (4 weeks post cART + 3HP initiation) and 22 (10 weeks post cART + 3HP initiation) (Fig. 1K). The lung lesions in all RMs remained stable, i.e., no or minimal progression in size and architecture at week 6 after infection, confirming LTBI (Fig. 1K). All three RMs that were scanned showed significant increase (P = 0.01) 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake in lung upon SIV co-infection and 1 week of cART + 3HP treatment at week 12 post Mtb infection indicating progression of TB pathology (Supplementary Fig. 1E). Scans at week 16 post Mtb infection (4 weeks of cART + 3HP treatment) showed decreased 18F-FDG uptake, though the decrease was not significant. We did not observe a further increase in volume of lung lesions (Supplementary Fig. 1D) or uptake of 18F-FDG (Supplementary Fig. 1E) at week 22 post Mtb infection (10 weeks of cART + 3HP treatment). PET/CT results therefore demonstrate a significant decrease in volume of lesions but not in their metabolic potential post cART + 3HP treatment, suggesting that concurrent treatment led to a progressively increased resolution of caseous lesions that had been formed post SIV co-infection (week 12) but did not reduce the ongoing inflammation in the few remaining lesions.
Immune reconstitution by cART + 3HP in pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs.
Immunophenotyping of T cells was performed to assess both the extent and the quality of immune reconstitution by cART + 3HP relative to cART in pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs. We have earlier demonstrated only partial restoration of depleted CD4+ T cells in BAL (Fig. 2A) and lung (Fig. 2B) after 12 weeks of cART in Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs, with significantly lower frequencies in lung tissue than those in the LTBI animals. 12 weeks of cART + 3HP treatment reconstituted CD4+ T cell frequency in BAL to comparable levels of LTBI (Fig. 2A) but not in lung, where the CD4+ T cell frequency remained significantly lower than LTBI control (Fig. 2B) (P = 0.0021). A significantly increased percentage of CD8+ T cells was observed in BAL (Fig. 2C) of cART + 3HP RMs compared to cART treated RMs (P = 0.04) but not in lung (Fig. 2D). The percentage of CD8+ T cells were not significantly different in lung of LTBI, cART and cART + 3HP treated, Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs. We have previously shown that chronic immune activation drives LTBI reactivation upon SIV co-infection in RMs [14, 15, 20]. To assess the impact of cART + 3HP on T cell activation, we studied expression of HLA-DR and CD69 on CD4+ T cells in BAL at week 11 post Mtb infection (or 2 weeks post SIV co-infection, prior to initiation of cART + 3HP) and at necropsy (end of 12 weeks of cART + 3HP treatment) in all 4 study groups. All Mtb/SIV co-infected groups exhibited increased frequencies of HLA-DR+- and CD69+- CD4+ T cells at week 11 (peak viremia) compared to the LTBI group (Fig. 2E, Fig. 2F). cART + 3HP effectively reduced the percentage of CD4+ T cells expressing HLA-DR and CD69 compared to cART naïve RMs, but not to the levels seen in LTBI or cART treated RMs. The increased activation of CD4+ T cells may be attributed to tuberculosis-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TB-IRIS) with concurrent cART + 3HP. High expression of PD-1 marker on T cells is often associated with increased exhaustion and T cell dysfunction in chronic infections such as HIV despite cART [21, 22]. To study the impact of cART + 3HP on T cell exhaustion in Mtb/SIV co-infection, we determined the percentage T cells expressing PD-1 in BAL cells at week 11 (peak viremia) and necropsy (Fig. 2G). cART and cART + 3HP treated RMs demonstrated significantly higher percentage of PD-1+CD4+ T cells compared to LTBI RMs at necropsy. Addition of 3HP to cART did not alleviate T cell exhaustion in pulmonary compartment as seen by no significant difference in PD-1 expressing CD4+ T cells in BAL between cART and cART + 3HP treated RMs (Fig. 2G). This was in spite the fact that virtually no detectable Mtb and SIV were present at the end of the protocol in the concurrently treated RMs. Overall, we conclude that cART + 3HP fails to control immune activation post SIV co-infection of LTBI leading to exhaustion of CD4+ T cells in pulmonary compartment. We hypothesize that the duration and magnitude of immune activation dictates the incapability of T cells to elaborate the usual array of functional effector responses in Mtb/SIV co-infection. It is important to note that increased turnover is not observed in the macrophages (Figs. 2K and 2L). A significantly lower (P < 0.05) percentage of macrophage turnover was observed in the lungs of RMs treated with cART + 3HP compared to cART and cART naïve RMs (Fig. 2L). A higher number of BrDU+ nuclei (green) within macrophages (red) as indicated by white arrows was seen in lung of cART naïve and cART treated RMs but was absent in lung of cART + 3HP treated RMs (Fig. 2K).
We further studied the impact of cART + 3HP on TH17 and TH1* phenotypes in the pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs. A significantly higher percentage of CD4+ T cells expressing CCR6, a regulator of migration and function of TH17 cells was observed in BAL cells of cART and cART + 3HP treated RMs (Fig. 2H) compared to LTBI and cART naïve RMs at necropsy. Similarly, we observed a significantly higher percentage of CD4+ T cells co-expressing CXCR3 and CCR6 in cART and cART + 3HP treated RMs compared to LTBI and cART naïve RMs, in both, BAL and peripheral blood cells (Figs. 2I and 2J). Additionally, cART + 3HP treated RMs harbored a significantly higher percentage of CXCR3+CCR6+CD4+ T cells (TH1*) in local and peripheral compartments compared to cART treated RMs (Figs. 2I and 2J). These findings align with our previous observation that higher frequencies of CD4+ T cells co-expressing CXCR3 and CCR6 associate with bacterial control in Mtb/SIV co-infection [23]. It has been previously reported that TH1* subset is the most frequent Mtb-specific T cell subset in the lungs of latent TB donors and that their numbers are increased when compared to healthy subjects [24]. The higher percentage of CXCR3+CCR6+CD4+ T cells in local and peripheral compartments could also be attributed to cART mediated control of viral replication as CXCR3+CCR6+ cells are known to be preferential targets of HIV/SIV infection [24, 25]. Further, a reduction in this cell subset could be attributed to higher rates of LTBI reactivation. Thus, treatment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs with cART + 3HP increases migration of TH17 and TH1* cells into pulmonary compartment compared to cART naïve RMs.
Poor recovery of effector memory T cells by cART + 3HP in Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs.
To investigate functional immune reconstitution by cART + 3HP in pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs, we further immunophenotyped the partially replenished CD4+ T cells into central memory (CD28+/CD95+) (CD4+TCM) and effector memory (CD28−/CD95+) T cells (CD4+TEM) (Supplementary Fig. 2). SIV co-infection of latent Mtb infection caused a significant increase in percentage of CD4+TCM in BAL at week 11 (peak viremia prior to cART + 3HP treatment) (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 3A; Supplementary Fig. 3A). The increased percentage of CD4+TCM persisted during and till end of the 12 week-long concurrent cART + 3HP treatment. On the contrary, a significant decline occurred in the frequency of CD4+TEM in BAL at peak viremia which marginally increased at end of 12 weeks cART + 3HP treatment (Fig. 3B; Supplementary Fig. 3A). However, the percentage of CD4+TEM at necropsy was significantly lesser than that seen in LTBI phase of the study (week 3 post Mtb-infection) (P = 0.002). These findings align with our previous observation that cART treatment fails to replenish the depleted CD4+TEM in BAL and lung of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs [15]. Immunophenotyping of BAL CD8+ T cells into CD8+TCM and CD8+TEM showed a significant increase (P = 0.01) in percentage of CD4+TCM at peak viremia (week 11 post-Mtb infection or 2 weeks post SIV co-infection). This increase was mitigated by cART + 3HP as seen by marginally reduced percentage at necropsy (P = 0.01) (Fig. 3C; Supplementary Fig. 3B). No significant change was observed in percentage of CD8+TEM in BAL at weeks 3, 11 and 24 (Fig. 3D; Supplementary Fig. 3B) (P = 0.2). Thus, cART + 3HP expands the CD4+ and CD8 + TCM but is unable to replenish the CD4+TEM in pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs.
We further compared the restoration of CD4+TCM and CD4+TEM in BAL and lung of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs treated with cART or cART + 3HP (Figs. 3E-3L). Despite similar percentage of CD4+ T cells in BAL at necropsy, there was a significantly higher percentage (P < 0.0001) of CD4+TCM in cART + 3HP treated RMs compared to cART treated RMs (Fig. 3E). No significant difference was observed in lung CD4+TCM (Fig. 3F), BAL CD4+TEM (Fig. 3G) and lung CD4+ TEM (Fig. 3H) between cART and cART + 3HP treated RMs. Similar to CD4+TCM, cART + 3HP RMs exhibited significantly higher (P = 0.009) percentage of CD8+TCM in BAL (Fig. 3I) with a concurrent decrease in CD8+TEM (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 3K) compared to cART treated RMs. However, there was no significant difference between lung CD8+TCM (Fig. 3J) and CD8+TEM (Fig. 3L) in cART and cART + 3HP treated RMs. Overall, there were dynamic changes in the memory phenotype of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in BAL compared to lung in cART and cART + 3HP treated RMs. BAL is a critical resource to study longitudinal changes in pulmonary immune response and has been shown to be useful to evaluate local response to therapy [26, 27].
cART + 3HP increases Mtb-specific T H1 /T H17 response in pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs.
BAL samples were collected from study RMs at weeks 5, 11 and necropsy post Mtb infection using standard operating procedures by the veterinarian. Single cell suspensions were prepared as per the lab standardized protocol [28]. All Mtb-specific responses were background corrected (Supplementary Fig. 5). BAL cells were stimulated ex vivo with Mtb-specific antigens, ESAT-6/CFP-10 and Mtb Cell Wall Fraction (Mtb CW) for 16 h and stained with flow cytometry antibodies to detect IFNg, TNFa, and IL-17. A significantly higher percentage of IFNg expressing Mtb-specific CD4+ T cells was seen in BAL of cART + 3HP treated RMs at end of treatment when stimulated with ESAT-6/CFP-10 (Fig. 4A) (P = 0.04) and Mtb CW (Fig. 4B) (P = 0.009) compared to cART treated RMs. We hypothesize that cART + 3HP treatment effectively control bacteria thus enhancing production of protective IFNg by Mtb-specific CD4+ T cells in pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs [29]. In contrast to IFNg, cART + 3HP treatment resulted in a significantly lower percentage of Mtb-specific CD4+ T cells to produce TNFa in response to stimulation with either ESAT-6/CFP-10 (Fig. 4C) (P = 0.03) or Mtb CW (Fig. 4D) (P = 0.009) compared to cART treated RMs. It has been reported previously that T-cell derived TNFa is essential for sustained protection during chronic Mtb infection [30] and that TNFa can promote proliferation of effector T cells resulting in increased immunogenicity [31, 32]. It has been demonstrated that antigen-specific expression of TNFa in the absence of IFNg on CD4+ T cells in Mtb-infected patients strongly correlates with the potential to develop active TB, while the opposite phenotype is supportive of latent infection [33, 34]. Our results therefore suggest that concurrent cART + 3HP treatment results in the clearance of bacterial infection. Thus, concurrent treatment with cART + 3HP does not result in increased production of Mtb-specific TNFa which in turn has a detrimental impact on effector function needed for sustained protection. Similar to IFNg, a significant increase in IL-17+CD4+ T cells was observed in BAL of cART + 3HP treated RMs when stimulated with ESAT-6/CFP-10 (Fig. 4E) (P = 0.01) and Mtb CW (Fig. 4F) (P = 0.005) compared to cART treated RMs. The trends were similar in lung with significantly higher percentage of CD4+T cells expressing IFNg (P = 0.04) and IL-17 (P = 0.01) when stimulated with ESAT-6/CFP-10 (Fig. 4G) or Mtb CW (Fig. 4H) compared to cART treated RMs. While the role of TH1 cells is clearly associated with protection in Mtb infection through IFNg production, the role of TH17 cells is complex and is associated with tissue damage on one hand and anti-inflammatory response on the other hand. However, our findings align with the recent studies that show that Mtb-responsive IL-17- producing CD4+ T cells are preserved in humans with LTBI with HIV-ART and that IL-17 producing CD4+ T cells constitute the dominant response to Mtb antigen [35]. Moreover, we did not observe an increase in levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and IP-10 in cART + 3HP treated RMs compared to cART treated RMs (Fig. 4I). Overall, there is an increased TH1/TH17 Mtb-specific response in cART + 3HP treated RMs that associates with protection but also has the potential to be pathological. In contrast we observed a decreased Mtb-specific TNFa response after concurrent treatment that could have detrimental impact on long term protection.
To better understand immune responses after concurrent cART + 3HP treatment relative to cART-treatment, we assessed transcriptional profiles of lung cells collected at necropsy from Mtb/SIV co-infected, cART or cART + 3HP treated RMs by RNA sequencing (Fig. 4J). Mtb is known to manipulate cell death pathways to evade host immunity, thereby protecting the bacilli from antibiotics, and allowing dissemination when timing is appropriate [36].Gene terms associated with cell death, apoptosis, death receptor signaling, and necrosis were highly enriched amongst induced genes from the lungs of cART + 3HP treated, compared to cART treated RMs (Fig. 4J). The increased expression of apoptosis-related genes could also be attributed to presence of antibiotics (isoniazid and rifapentine) that are known to cause oxidative damage in host cells, leading to increased apoptosis in addition to Mtb control [37]. An increased expression of Type I IFN genes, such as IFNA2, IFNA1/IFNA13 was seen in cART + 3HP treated RMs compared to cART treated RMs (Fig. 4J). The role of Type I IFN in TB is ambiguous. Both human and animal studies show evidence for the role of Type I IFN in Mtb expansion and disease pathogenesis [38]. Murine data particularly suggests that Type I IFN signaling promotes TB progression. Our own data from RMs suggests that pDC expressing Type I IFN associate with TB progression [39, 40]. A human blood transcriptional signature also largely comprised of Type I IFN response genes was described in TB patients [41] and validated in macaques with TB [42]. We have previously shown the enrichment of the Type I IFN signatures among the lymphoid cell clusters from the lungs of Mtb-infected mice [43]. Together, these results suggest a pathological role for Type I IFN in TB. Thus, our finding of an increased Type I IFN signature aligns with previously reported transcriptional signatures in human and NHP experiments [41, 44] and suggests that while clinical disease is controlled by concurrent therapy, these animals continue to harbor molecular signatures associated with TB pathology and immune activation in the lung.
Single cell transcriptomic signature in pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs.
We further investigated the transcriptional changes at single cell level in the pulmonary compartment of Mtb/SIV co-infected RMs treated with cART + 3HP. We collected BAL at four critical time points from the same RMs during the study period; week 5 (represents the asymptomatic phase of Mtb infection), week 11 (represents 2 weeks post-SIV co-infection), week 13 (represents post-SIV co-infection and 4 weeks of cART treatment) and necropsy (study endpoint after 12 weeks of cART + 3HP treatment) (Fig. 5A; Supplementary Fig. 6A, 6B). Using this experimental design, we were able to track the early transcriptomic changes in defined populations of cells at four different stages of Mtb/SIV co-infection. This negates the need for LTBI- and cART-naïve controls since they are represented by week 5 and week 11 timepoints in this study. All samples passed quality control in terms of cell quality (fraction reads in cells) and sequencing after which they were run on 10x chromium controller (Supplementary Table 1; Fig. 5B and 5C). Uniformed Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) clustering identified 14 transcriptionally distinct cell clusters across all samples that can be broadly classified into lymphoid, myeloid and non-lymphoid, non-myeloid (Fig. 5D, Supplementary Fig. 7A, 7B). Lymphoid clusters include C3 (CD4+ memory T cells; ADAM23+, CAMK4+, CD96+, CLEC2D+, ITK+), C6 (CD8 T cells; CCR5+, CD3D+, CD3E+, CD8A+, CD8B+, ITM2A+, C10 (NK cells; NCAM1+, EOMES+, GNLY+, GZMA+, KLRB1+, HOPX+), C11 (B cells; AFF3+, AKAP2+, BLK+, CD19+, CD79A+, CNR2+, CR2+, EBF1+); Myeloid clusters include C0 (M2 macrophages; MRC1+, ALDH2+, APOE+, ARL11+, CD63+, CD14+, GSTO1+, RAB13+, DNASE2B+), C1 (M1 macrophages; IL-6+, IL-8+, SLC11A1+), C4 (Monocytes; CD14+, CD163+, CD68+), C5 (Neutrophils; ABHD2+, ANO2+, CACNA1D+, CACNB4+, HAL+, MCTP1+, MITF+, TCF7L2+), C7 (mDC; CD1A+, CLIC2+, DSE+, FLT3+, EMP1+, P2RY6+), C9 (Granulocytes; FCGR3+, FPR1+, MNDA+, CSF3R+), C12 (Basophils; CD63+, ENPP3+), and C13 (Mast cells; CD117+, CD203c+, CD63+). Non lymphoid non myeloid clusters include C2 (Ciliated cells; STK11+, MARK3+), C8 (Endothelial cells; FOXJ1+, DNAH5+, TEKT1+) and C14 (mesenchymal stromal cells; CD44+, CD79A+).
The total number of transcripts (nFeature_RNA) and molecules (nCount_RNA) detected within each cell increased in early phase of SIV co-infection compared to LTBI phase (Figs. 5E and 5F). Cells were filtered to detect genes within the range of 10-8000 to remove extremely low and high counts. The plot shows the distribution of detected gene levels of cells, and the colored shapes represent the distribution density (Figs. 5E and 5F). The nFeature_RNA and nCount_RNA remained at higher levels at the end of cART + 3HP treatment (necropsy time point) compared to LTBI phase of study (wk 5 time point). Based on published signature gene list, we analyzed TH1 (TBX21, IFNG, TNF, LTA, IL18RAP, BHLHE40, STAT1), TH2 (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-13, KLF4, TCR) and TH17 (CCR6, RORA, RORC, IRF4, STAT3, IL23R, IL22) associated transcriptional changes in lymphoid (Fig. 6A) and myeloid (Fig. 6B) clusters at the pre-determined time points in BAL of Mtb/SIV co-infected, cART + 3HP treated RMs (Supplementary Fig. 8). Relative to the LTBI phase time point (wk 5), an increased expression of genes BHLHE40, STAT1, RORA, STAT3, KLF6 was observed in lymphoid clusters and myeloid clusters at end of treatment with cART + 3HP (Fig. 6A, 6B and Supplementary Fig. 9). IL23R was expressed at higher levels at all time points in CD4+ memory T cell and CD8+ T cell clusters. CD8+ T cell cluster showed increased expression of activation marker genes; KLRD1, CCL5, GZMB, GZMH, CTLA4, ICOS, LAG3. However, it is to be noted that not all TH1 and TH17 associated genes were up regulated in lymphoid and myeloid clusters post cART + 3HP treatment. We did not observe an increased expression of IL2, TBX21, IFNG, TNF, LTA, IL18RAP, IL22, RORC, IRF4, CCR6 at necropsy (end of cART + 3HP) compared to wk 5 post Mtb infection (LTBI phase) (Fig. 6A, 6B and Supplementary Fig. 9). Negligible expression of TH2-associated genes was observed at all time points in both lymphoid and myeloid clusters (Fig. 6A, 6B and Supplementary Fig. 9) except for high expression of KLF4 in myeloid clusters. Additionally, there was a high expression of LAG3, an exhaustion marker, and CD38, an immune activation marker in CD8+ T cell cluster post SIV co-infection at wk 11 and at end of cART + 3HP treatment at necropsy. Overall, we hypothesize that cART + 3HP mediates the increased TH1/TH17 response in pulmonary compartment through increased expression of BHLHE40, STAT1, RORA and STAT3.