The division of labor is fundamental to the organization of the colony of social insects [1, 2, 3]. Division of labor may be associated with age polyethism (behavior changes throughout life and workers specialize in a subset of tasks according to age), physiological changes (e.g., changes in juvenile hormone titers) and distinct morphotypes among workers [4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8]. For example, in ants and termites, colony defense is performed mostly by a subcaste of soldiers that are larger and specialized for this task [9, 10, 1]. Thus, workers may present adaptive morphological traits for specific tasks, such as foraging or defense, which improves the colony maintenance and maximizes performance, as these adaptations can improve the individual’s effectiveness [11, 12].
In social insects, nest defense is important to both reproductive success and colony survival. Besides the food collected by foragers, the brood and even the nest location are valuable resources and, thus, require protection. Generally, the defense is performed by guards who stay at the colony entrance [13, 4, 14, 2]. The guards can discriminate nestmates from other individuals via chemical cues, such as cuticular hydrocarbons or volatile ones, which are used to select those familiar individuals to enter the colony while intruders are intercepted at the entrance tube [15, 16]. Intruders may be animals of other species, such as wasps and ants, or even other bees, conspecifics or not, as nest pillaging is a common practice in tropical species of stingless bees [17, 14, 18, 19, 20].
Previously, there was no evidence suggesting the existence of a morphologically specialized subcaste in eusocial bees, but recent studies managed to determine that at least ten stingless bee species have larger individuals responsible for colony defense. Although the level of polymorphism is not as evident as in ants and termites’ soldiers for example, these guards are significantly larger than other workers [21]. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the evolutionary history of 28 species suggests that specialized guards have evolved independently five times among these species, linking the appearance of this subcaste with the threat posed by Lestrimelitta Friese (1903) spp. to these species [21].
Tetragonisca angustula Latreille (1811), commonly known as Jataí, is one of the most common species of eusocial bees native to the Neotropical region, due to being extremely successful in urban environments [22, 23]. T. angustula has a guard subcaste with larger heads, is heavier, and has longer legs when compared to foragers [12]. In addition, guards work relatively more than other workers, also displaying a larger task repertoire. Furthermore, task transition occurs more quickly in these individuals, when in comparison with the minor workers [8, 24].
Jataí is one of the few species of stingless bee that presents some resistance to attacks carried by the robber bee Lestrimelitta limao Smith (1863), which is specialized in attacking stingless bee nests to steal pollen and nectar. Therefore, L. limao is considered a major threat to the survivability of Meliponini nests, with attacks often leading to the death of the colony [25, 26, 27, 28]. L. limao releases a volatile citral compound to disrupt the defensive behavior of the targeted colony, which Jataí recognizes as a threat, triggering its defensive behavior [29].
The guards display two distinct sets of behaviors at the entrance of the nest, allowing them to be classified into two different behavioral groups: (1) Hovering guards, which hover around the entrance tube, and (2) Standing guards, which remain stationary on the outer wall of the tube. Hovering guards are supposedly responsible for visually inspecting approaching individuals to identify and distinguish between heterospecific and conspecific animals. [29, 30, 31, 32, 33]. On the other hand, standing guards are believed to be responsible to distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates [32].
Since guards from this species display two distinct and possibly complementary set of behaviors, our aim was to study the factors involved in the defensive behavior in a species with a defensive morphologically specialized subcaste in the highly competitive environments in which these bees live. Here, we test whether hovering and standing guards would exhibit distinct behavioral repertoires in relation to different types of intruders (flying and walking baits), to verify a possible specialization and complementation between both guard and intruder types. So, to conduct the experiments, we used each type of bait and analyzed the behavioral repertoire of the hovering and standing guards of T. angustula. We conducted two behavioral tests: Experiment I, which examined the behavioral repertoire of hovering and standing guards in response to the two types of bait, and Experiment II, which measured the number of hovering and standing guards before and after the presentation of different bait types. Our hypothesis is that the number and defensive behavior of guards are directly related to the potential threat encountered.