B. cinerea infection is a multi-layered process governed by the exchange of a wide range of factors that collectively determine disease development and severity18. In addition to PCWDEs and toxins, B. cinerea utilizes a cocktail of CDIPs to facilitate the rapid killing of host cells15. A previous study on S. sclerotiorum proposes that it is not cell death itself but rather the type of cell death -- whether driven by the host (autophagy) or the pathogen (apoptosis) -- which plays a decisive role in the outcome of a given plant-pathogen interaction50,51. A similar scenario has been proposed for B. cinerea, based on evidence that this fungus manipulates the plant towards committing death by targeting host HR and PCD machinery, rather than indiscriminately killing its host19. It is assumed that B. cinerea promotes oxidative bursts and hypersensitive cell death in host plants to facilitate host colonization52,53. Based on this model, B. cinerea may manipulate the plant regulated cell death (RCD) machinery to facilitate the formation of local lesions15,17,54, and effectors that target the plant RCD machinery are likely to be involved in disease progression.
In this study, we have identified a novel virulence effector, BcCELP1, specific to the early infection stage of B. cinerea. BcCELP1 promotes early invasion by targeting the RACK1-RBOHB protein complex and manipulating the RCD machinery of the host. The HR, which involves the generation of ROS and activation of RCD processes, is considered to be one of the most crucial factors in hindering invasion of biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens55. However, HR does not protect hosts against infection by necrotrophic pathogens. Indeed, aggressive necrotrophic microbes, such as B. cinerea and S. sclerotiorum, probably utilize the host HR for rapid colonization. Notably, the level of generation and accumulation of ROS during HR are correlated positively with the growth and spread of B. cinerea56,57. However, there is also evidence that ROS-mediated HR-like cell death can block B. cinerea at very early stages of infection (4 hpi). It has therefore been proposed that the timing, localization and function of ROS accumulation are critical factors in determining its role in the development of B. cinerea invasion58.
As a member of the tryptophan–aspartate repeat (WD repeat) domain-containing proteins, RACK1 (receptor for activated C kinase 1) is strictly conserved across eukaryotes, and acts as a versatile scaffold protein involved in various signaling pathways59. In plants, RACK1 is involved in diverse biological processes, including growth, development, phytohormone responses, protein translation, micro-RNA biogenesis and multiple environmental stimuli responses60. Emerging evidence indicates that RACK1 also plays key roles in plant innate immunity against biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. For example, the OsRACK1A–OsRBOHB immune complex and its mediated ROS production are required for immunity of rice plants against Prycularia oryzae and Ustilaginoidea virens47,48. In this work, we reveal a new pathogenic mechanism of necrotrophs, whereby B. cinerea secretes BcCELP1 into host cells to target NbRACK1A, promoting the NbRACK1A–NbRBOHB module interaction and triggering a ROS burst that increases plant susceptibility to infection. These findings illustrate that, while biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens have evolved distinct virulence strategies, both types have converged on virulence factors that manipulate a host ROS generation-associated protein complex to promote infection.
One of the most efficient mechanisms employed by plants to combat attacks by biotrophic pathogen is the generation of an oxidative burst that can trigger hypersensitive cell death61,62. However, the role of host-derived ROS in the interaction of necrotrophic pathogens and plants are complex: ROS can induce host local cell death to block pathogen colonization, acting as signaling molecules to activate the expression of defense-related genes; but they can also elicit the hypersensitive response (HR)49. When uncontrolled, this activation of the HR is followed by so-called runaway cell death that facilitates the spreading of host plant cell death63–66. In this case, cell death induced by HR keeps propagating, which contributes to the spreading invasion of necrotrophic pathogens, such as B. cinerea15,56 and S. sclerotiorum67. A recent study demonstrated that maize catalases played key roles in sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) multiplication and infection by catalyzing the decomposition of excess cellular H2O268. The substantial enhancement in mulberry's resistance to B. cinerea was accompanied by increased catalase (CAT) activity. Interestingly, we found that BcCELP1 also interacts with NbCAT1 (Fig. 6a), and B. cinerea infection downregulates the catalases expression of N. benthamiana and P. vulgaris (Fig. 7a), underscoring the potentially important role of host ROS-generating pathway manipulation in the invasion strategy of B. cinerea.
Notably, both host plants and their pathogens produce the same types of ROS in the course of their interaction. However, the details underlying the goals and uses of host and pathogen ROS in mediating these interactions remain largely elusive. Previous studies have typically focused on either the plant or the pathogen, without simultaneously considering both organisms' ROS mechanisms. An integrated approach, in which both sides of the coin are taken into account, is expected to advance our understanding of how ROS affect host–pathogen interactions69.
Recent evidence has greatly enhanced our understanding of how plant pathogens deploy effectors in a spatial and temporal manner, depending on the stage of infection. In general, obligate biotrophs secrete effectors to suppress plant immune recognition and ensure host cell survival, while hemibiotrophs initially secrete effectors promoting cell survival, but switch to secreting cell death–promoting effectors during later stages of infection70. A recent study provides evidence that Botrytis employs unique spatio-temporal penetration mechanics, depending on the actin skeleton71. However, relatively little detail is available in terms of how the necrotrophic pathogens manipulate effectors during different infection stages in an ingenious spatial and temporal manner. It is hypothesized that necrotrophic pathogens can also deploy stage-specific secreted effectors to manipulate their hosts and facilitate colonization70, though the mechanistic details are not fully understood. This hypothesis is supported by some previously identified CDIPs, such as BcXYG1 and BcCrh1, which exhibit specific high expression pattern and local necrosis-inducing activity at the early infection stage.
During the initial infection stage, B. cinerea primarily relies on inducing local necrosis to establish infection foci for the subsequent infection23. We have uncovered a sophisticated temporal regulation mechanism in which the novel stage- specific CDIP effector BcCELP1 is deployed during the early invasion stage to modulate ROS production in a spatial and temporal manner. Misexpression of bcelp1, that limited to activated at later stage, failed to restore the phenotypic defect of Δbccelp1, highlighting the necessity of appropriate timing of bccelp1 expression to mediate different infection stages. Interestingly, the mutant strain with overexpression of bccelp1 retains normal pathogenicity, suggesting as long as timely activation of bccelp1 during the early phase is sufficient to conserve its function. Previous research suggested that an H2O2 burst in the very early stage of infection (4 hpi) in sitiens, the abscisic acid-deficient tomato mutant, contributes to its resistance to B. cinerea. Instead, in the susceptible wild type, H2O2 began to accumulate in the mesophyll layer as early as 24 hpi and was associated with the spread of cell death58, which is in accordance with the expression levels of the bccelp1 gene increased from 24 hpi. Our results also hint that coordinated expression of specific effector(s) during various stages of invasion is critical, and this regulation mechanism is conserved across a wide range of plant pathogens, from biotrophs to necrotrophs. Nonetheless, the regulatory network controlling the expression of effector genes and secretion of necrotrophic pathogens is yet to be elucidated.