We developed a novel clinical prediction tool (IMPROVE). IMPROVE is the first sufficiently powered clinical prediction model of ipsilateral ischemic stroke risk for patients with symptomatic carotid artery disease on current optimal medical treatment. IMPROVE exhibited good performance after internal validation. It demonstrates the importance to look beyond the degree of stenosis for risk stratification, since the ipsilateral ischemic stroke risk can vary to a large extent between patients with similar degree of stenosis.
For the development of the score, individual patient data from five cohort studies were pooled to generate a derivation cohort with a representative sample of patients with carotid artery stenosis who present with a recent amaurosis fugax, TIA, or minor stroke, comparable to the patient characteristics of previous large clinical trials (i.e. ECST) 1. However, the median age in our cohort is considerably higher than the previous large trials, due to demographic changes since the 1980s-1990s when the ECST trial was performed.
The performance of IMPROVE in the derivation cohort with a C-statistic of 0.84 (95% CI: 0.78–0.88) was marginally superior to the performance of SCAIL (0.82 (95% CI: 0.66–0.97). While the SCAIL score already demonstrated the potential of using plaque vulnerability for improving risk prediction, external validation of SCAIL resulted in a C-statistic of 0.66 (95% CI: 0.51–0.80).11 The large decline in discriminative performance of SCAIL may be explained by the very low EPV of < 2, considerably lower than the recommended minimum of 10 EPV that was used to develop IMPROVE.7 The CaroTID-VasC score had a C-statistic of 0.88 (95% CI: 0.81–0.96) in the derivation cohort, which declined to 0.83 after internal validation.6 Note that the CaroTID-VasC score was developed in 99 patients with only 25% of included outcomes-of-interest consisting of ipsilateral ischemic strokes. In comparison, IMPROVE was based on ipsilateral ischemic stroke only with 65 events in 760 patients. In addition to the low EPV of 4 for CaroTID-VasC, an univariate analysis and stepwise selection of candidate predictors was used for the development of this score. This can lead to overfitting so that the model is expected to show lower performance in other datasets. The ECST model/CAR score had only moderate discriminative performance (C-statistic: 0.67 [95% CI: 0.54–0.80]) in the Plaque At RISK (PARISK) study of 244 symptomatic patients with < 70% carotid stenosis.9 Additionally, in a study of 134 patients with severe carotid stenosis no association was found between the ECST model and recurrent cerebrovascular events (HR = 0.86; 95% CI: 0.45–1.65; P = 0.65).10
The SCAIL score is based on the degree of stenosis and the maximal standard uptake value of carotid plaque on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography (PET), an indicator of plaque inflammation.22 The radioactive tracer typically needs to be ordered a few days in advance, making SCAIL practically challenging. In contrast, the presence of IPH for IMPROVE is much easier to obtain with a short 5-minute additional scan with a standard neurovascular coil during a carotid or brain MRI examination. MRI is much cheaper and more readily available compared to PET. The CaroTID-VasC score also includes plaque vulnerability, which is defined as echolucency on ultrasound for this score.6 Duplex ultrasound is widely available and relatively cheap. However, the intraobserver agreement for scoring plaque echogenicity is known to be poor.23 A more objective and less observer-dependent measure for plaque echogenicity is the gray-scale median (GSM).24 The PARISK study investigated the association between the risk for ipsilateral ischemic symptoms for various imaging modalities in TIA and stroke patients with a carotid plaque. No association between the echogenicity (GSM) and the risk for recurrent ipsilateral cerebrovascular events was reported, while on the contrary IPH was an independent risk factor for ipsilateral ischemic events.9
Our study further strengthens the importance of using plaque vulnerability imaging parameters to get insight into the individual risk of patients. The strong contribution of IPH presence on MRI in the IMPROVE tool confirms the importance of incorporating MRI-based carotid plaque features for individualized ipsilateral ischemic stroke risk estimation. While external validation of the IMPROVE model in an independent cohort is of high priority, the IMPROVE score can already be used in clinical practice in border-line cases to provide additional information to patients about their risk and to weigh in this risk on the choice of treatment. The exemplary IMPROVE-threshold of 9% has a high sensitivity of > 90% and a specificity that is also higher than care–as-usual stratification of high-risk patients based on a degree of stenosis ≥ 50%. The optimal risk threshold will depend on the user’s goal, such as stratification for carotid revascularization or aggressive novel medication.
Due to the increased sensitivity and specificity, we expect that the IMPROVE model will be superior to care-as-usual for selecting patients for carotid revascularization that will benefit most. Decision-analytic studies are warranted to determine the optimal thresholds of IMPROVE-based personalized clinical decision-making. A randomized trial including a cost-effectiveness analysis is urgently needed to demonstrate whether IMPROVE-based risk stratification for carotid revascularization or novel aggressive medication can lead to a reduction in stroke and/or less costs.
The IMPROVE model has important strengths. Foremost, IMPROVE is the first sufficiently powered model to predict ipsilateral ischemic stroke risk on current OMT incorporating information on clinical risk factors and carotid plaque composition. In contrast, the most common risk score, the ECST model, and its derivative, the CAR score, is based on robust, but outdated data. Second, contrary to the SCAIL and CaroTID-VasC models, IMPROVE complies to the recommended minimum events per variable (EPV) of 10.25. Considering the 65 ipsilateral ischemic recurrent strokes in our derivation cohort, the IMPROVE model with 5 predictors and 1 extra degree of freedom due to categorization, has an EPV of ⁓11. Third, for the development of IMPROVE, we used ipsilateral ischemic stroke only and not TIA and amaurosis fugax as a clinical endpoint. Fourth, information of predictor values in the derivation cohort was near complete. Only the degree of stenosis was missing and this occurred in < 5% of the patients, which was comfortably under the threshold of 10% above which bias is believed to be introduced.26 Multiple imputation by the MICE procedure was performed, since it can reduce bias by up to 98% compared to complete case analysis even for only 5% of missing values.27 Fifth, we used preselected predictors based on reported predictor strength in literature and expert opinion. No stepwise selection procedures were used, since they may lead to inflated coefficients, the selection of nuisance variables, and/or exclusion of true variables that are not statistically significant but do have predictive value.28 The use of preselected predictors not only positively impacts external validity, IMPROVE is thereby also expected to have good face validity since expert opinion on predictor importance was consulted. Last, while the ECST and CaroTID-VasC models were developed only for patients with ≥ 50% stenosis, outward remodeling of the carotid artery frequently occurs and it is also considered as a feature of plaque vulnerability. Therefore, vulnerable plaques can also be present in patients with < 50% stenosis. IMPROVE is the only model that facilitates ipsilateral ischemic stroke prediction for all patients with a carotid plaque ≥ 2 mm. Indeed, we showed that the IMPROVE model can stratify a subgroup of patients with < 50% stenosis that still have a considerable (> 9% 3-year) ipsilateral ischemic stroke risk.
Presently, we present the internal validation of the IMPROVE score. While external validation in an independent sample should be a goal for future research before large-scale implementation of the risk score, the performance of the model is expected to be highly stable. The derivation cohort was based on five cohort studies with patients from varying countries and ethnic backgrounds. Also in the five cohorts, different MRI sequences, different field strengths and MRI systems from different vendors were used and the presence of IPH was scored by local observers. Therefore, the cohort already exhibits great variability and thus the IMPROVE score has been developed on the building blocks of flexibility. We have assessed a number of alternative models developed with backwards selection and in a subset of the development dataset, which showed similar performance to the IMPROVE model, indicating a strong stability of an MRI-based ipsilateral ischemic stroke risk model. Internal validation of the IMPROVE model by means of bootstrapping has shown that the performance of the model decreased only marginally (C-statistic decreased from 0.84 to 0.82), further strengthening our expectation that the model performance will remain of high quality.
The IMPROVE model, utilizing information from novel carotid plaque MRI techniques and clinical risk factors, shows good performance for estimating ipsilateral ischemic stroke risk in symptomatic patients with carotid artery disease. IMPROVE can aid in risk stratification for secondary stroke prevention strategies. We have demonstrated that IMPROVE is able to identify subpopulations of high-risk patients who are conventionally considered at intermediate risk in care as usual, and similarly, intermediate-risk patients with 70–99% stenosis can be identified. External validation and clinical impact analysis are urgently needed towards clinical implementation of IMPROVE.