Pla2g2f expression is upregulated in DGCs following synapse loss and during aging
To identify factors that mediate or moderate loss of synapses, we designed an in vivo functional screen to profile gene expression changes in DGCs following inducible loss of perforant path-DGC synapses. Prior work from our laboratory identified Kruppel-like factor 9 (KLF9) as a negative regulator of dendritic spines31,68,69. We previously engineered and characterized an inducible genetic knock-in mouse model in which we can bidirectionally regulate Klf9 levels and the number of PSD95 positive dendritic spines in DGCs 31. Using this genetic system, we performed next-generation sequencing of RNA isolated from DGCs following synapse loss (Fig. 1b). Annotation of gene expression revealed downregulation of modules involved in neuronal remodeling and upregulation of ribosomal biogenesis and translation at synapses (Extended Data Fig. 1). Analysis of differentially expressed genes identified a secreted phospholipase, Pla2g2f, as significantly upregulated (1.93 fold, p = 9X 10−7)(Fig. 1c,d, Supplementary Tables 1,2). Pla2g2f encodes for a type II secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2-IIF) which hydrolyzes the fatty acyl chain on the sn2 position in 3-sn-phosphoglycerides. Unlike many other members of the secreted PLA2 family, the functional importance of PLA2G2F has not been established in the central nervous system and the highest known expression of Pla2g2f is in keratinocytes67. Prior work had shown that inflammation (Lipopolysaccharide or LPS injection) induces Pla2g2f expression in the brain and peripheral tissues 58. Based on documented role of secreted phospholipases in regulation of lipid metabolism, intercellular communication, lipid remodelling and inflammation56,60,61,67, we hypothesized that PLA2G2F-dependent hydrolysis of glycerophospholipids in DGCs and generation of lysophospholipids and bioactive signaling mediators following synapse loss may promote synapse remodeling, neuron-glia/microglia intercellular communication, and restore lipid homeostasis (Fig. 1e). As a first step towards testing this hypothesis, we mapped Pla2g2f expression in the brain by in situ hybridization. We found that Pla2g2f expression is negligible in the adult brain but is gradually upregulated in a sparse population of DGCs during aging when perforant path-DGC synapses are lost (Fig. 1f,g). We validated the riboprobe used in this analysis by assessing Pla2g2f expression after viral mediated boosting of Pla2g2f expression in DGCs (Fig. 1h). Based on the expression pattern of Pla2g2f alone, it is not possible to determine if elevation in Pla2g2f expression during aging mediates vulnerability or compensatory resilience to aging-associated pathophysiological alterations in the hippocampus and cognitive decline. To distinguish between these possibilities, we deployed genetic and viral recombination systems to selectively ablate Pla2g2f expression in DGCs during aging.
Loss of Pla2g2f in DGCs exacerbates aging-associated pathophysiological and hippocampal-dependent memory impairment
Perforant path-DGC synapses are lost during aging10. To determine how loss of Pla2g2f in DGCs affects synapses, we induced recombination of Pla2g2f in 16 months old mice that were bigenic for CamKIIa-CreERT2 transgene and Pla2g2f conditional alleles and stereotactically injected low-titer virus expressing mCherry into the dentate gyrus (Fig. 2a). Tamoxifen dependent CreERT2 recombination of Pla2g2f conditional alleles in CamKIIa-CreERT2-Pla2g2f f/f mice abolishes Pla2g2f expression in DGCs (Extended Data Fig. 2a,b). Analysis of dendritic spines of sparsely labeled DGCs in these mice at 20 months of age showed a reduction in dendritic spine density following loss of Pla2g2f (Fig. 2b, Extended Data Fig. 2c,d). Quantification of spine head diameters revealed a reduction in large head diameter spines suggesting an increase in synapse loss 70(Fig. 2b).
We next asked whether PLA2G2F in DGCs of middle-aged mice affects maturation of adult-born DGCs. We injected lentiviruses expressing CamKIIa-GFP or Cre-T2A-GFP into DG of 12 months old Pla2g2f f/f (Pla2g2f cKO) mice and then two weeks later injected low titer retroviruses expressing tdTomato to sparsely label newly generated DGCs (Fig. 2c,d, Extended Data Fig. 2e,f). Analysis of dendritic spines of tdTomato-labeled maturing DGCs (5 weeks old neurons) showed a reduction in dendritic spine density (Fig. 2d). Analysis of mossy fiber terminals of newly generated DGCs did not reveal a difference in mossy fiber terminal size, number of filopodia per mossy fiber terminal, or parvalbumin inhibitory neuron synapses in hippocampal area CA3 suggesting that PLA2G2F does not regulate output connectivity of DGCs39,71(Extended Data Fig. 3a-c). Together, these results demonstrate that PLA2GF functions non-cell autonomously or in a paracrine manner to regulate dendritic spines of DGCs and that PLA2G2F is necessary for adult hippocampal neurogenesis, specifically, maturation of adult-born DGCs in middle-aged mice.
Since secreted phospholipase-dependent hydrolysis of cell-surface glycerophospholipids generates bioactive lipid signaling mediators that may support intercellular communication, we asked how deletion of Pla2g2f in middle-aged mice affects the milieu of DGCs, and in particular, two hallmarks of aging: the emergence of inflammatory microglia (a cell state defined by increased phagocytosis, amoeboid morphology and higher levels of lysosomal marker CD68) and reactive astrocytes. We found that loss of Pla2g2f in DGCs increased the density of GFAP + astrocytes, elevated CD68 levels in IBA1 + microglia, and transformed microglial arbor and morphology (less ramified and more amoeboid in shape) (Fig. 2e,f). Aging and neuroinflammation are associated with elevation in levels of the serine protease inhibitor, alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin or SERPINA3N 26,27,72–74. Serpina3n expression is increased in the brains of mice harboring ApoE4 alleles, the strongest aging-associated risk factor for AD75,76, and SERPINA3N levels are associated with increased amyloid burden and inversely correlated with cognitive status 74,77–80. Deletion of Pla2g2f in DGCs resulted in elevation in Serpina3n expression in the dentate gyrus (Fig. 2g).
To understand how synapse loss, increased neuroinflammation and astrogliosis resultant from Pla2g2f deletion in middle-age affects hippocampal dependent memory, we tested a new cohort of CamKIIa-CreERT2-Pla2g2f f/f mice in an aging-sensitive hippocampal-dependent task, novel object location 81,82, that is reliant on dentate gyrus dependent encoding of configural relationships between objects and their locations within contexts. This task probes a fundamental property of the hippocampus which is to bind object and spatial information into conjunctive representations or “contexts” 83,84. Middle-aged mice lacking Pla2g2f and control littermates exhibited comparable levels of habituation of the novel context on days 1–3 and comparable performance on training day 4. On test day, middle-aged mice lacking Pla2g2f spent equivalent amounts of time investigating the unmoved and displaced objects indicative of impaired hippocampal dependent memory. In contrast, controls spent more time investigating the displaced object, indicative of intact hippocampal dependent memory (Fig. 2h,i). Middle-aged mice lacking Pla2g2f exhibited normal anxiety-like behavior as assessed in the open field paradigm and elevated plus maze, and demonstrated normal cognition in the novel object recognition task that is less sensitive to dentate gyrus impairments (Extended Data Fig. 4a-e). Together, these results, suggest that loss of Pla2g2f in DGCs in middle-age impairs hippocampal dependent memory.
Boosting Pla2g2f expression in DGCs in aging reverses pathophysiological and memory impairments and modifies trajectory of cognitive decline
To determine how boosting Pla2g2f expression in DGCs of middle-aged mice affects DGC synapses, we injected lentiviruses expressing CamKIIa-mCherry or CamKIIa-Pla2g2f-T2A-mCherry into the DG of 8 months old C57BL/6J mice. Two weeks later, we injected low titer lentivirus expressing CamKIIa-GFP and quantified dendritic spines of sparsely labeled DGCs 5 months later in 13 months old mice (Fig. 3a). Boosting Pla2g2f expression resulted in increased dendritic spine density and more large head diameter spines (Fig. 3b).
We next asked whether boosting Pla2g2f expression in DGCs protects against aging-associated neuroinflammation. We injected lentiviruses expressing CamKIIa-mCherry or CamKIIa-Pla2g2f-T2A-mCherry into the DG of 16 months old C57BL/6J mice and quantified microglia and astrocytes (Fig. 3c). Boosting Pla2g2f expression in aging mice engendered exactly the opposite changes in GFAP and microglia to that seen following loss of Pla2g2f in DGCs. Specifically, we found a decrease in the density of GFAP + astrocytes in the dentate gyrus, reduction in CD68 levels in IBA1 + microglia, loss of amoeboid microglial shape and an increase in microglial arbor complexity (Fig. 3d,e).
Since boosting Pla2g2f expression in aged mice protects against synapse loss, neuroinflammation and reactive gliosis, we asked whether hippocampal-dependent memory is also preserved. We injected lentiviruses expressing CamKIIa-mCherry or CamKIIa-Pla2g2f-T2A-mCherry into the DG of a new cohort of 16 months old C57BL/6J mice and 5 weeks later we assessed hippocampal-dependent memory and anxiety-like behavior (Fig. 3f, Extended Data Fig. 5). While aged control mice exhibited impaired hippocampal-dependent memory and spent equivalent amounts of time investigating both the unmoved and displaced objects, aged mice with elevated Pla2g2f expression in DGCs exhibited intact hippocampal-dependent memory (Fig. 3f), comparable to that seen in middle-aged controls (Fig. 2h,i). Boosting Pla2g2f expression did not affect anxiety-like behavior as assessed in the open field paradigm and elevated plus maze or performance in the novel object recognition task (Extended Data Fig. 5a-e). Consistent with enhanced DG function, initial exposure to a novel environment of open field elicited greater exploration in aged mice with elevated PLA2G2F levels in DGCs than controls (Extended Data Fig. 5c)85,86.
Since large diameter spines of DGCs are postsynaptic to perforant path inputs, we asked whether the PLA2G2F-dependent increase in large diameter spines of DGCs resulted in greater recruitment of the dentate gyrus of aged mice during exploration of a novel environment. Consistently, we found that boosting Pla2g2f expression in DGCs of aged mice resulted in more DGCs expressing the immediate early gene product c-FOS following exploration of a novel enriched environment (Fig. 3g).
If the increase in Pla2g2f expression in DGCs during aging confer cognitive resilience, then boosting Pla2g2f expression in middle-age should modify trajectory of cognitive decline during aging (Extended Data Fig. 6a). To test this hypothesis, we virally expressed CamKIIa-mCherry or CamKIIa-Pla2g2f-T2A-mCherry in DGCs of 12 months old C57BL/6J mice and probed cognitive function at 19 months of age (Extended Data Fig. 6b,c). Aged mice in which Pla2g2f expression was boosted in middle-age exhibited normal anxiety-like behavior (Extended Data Fig. 6d) but exhibited a strong trend towards enhanced hippocampal dependent memory in the novel object location task compared with the aged control group that was unable to cognitively perform the task (Extended Data Fig. 6e). A similar strong trend for cognitive enhancement was seen in another hippocampal dependent task, the pre-exposure-dependent contextual fear conditioning paradigm 87, in which mice have to retrieve and link a previously experienced context with a mild footshock presented to them in the same context (Extended Data Fig. 6f). Specifically, aged mice in which Pla2g2f expression was boosted in middle-age exhibited a strong trend towards higher levels of freezing behavior in the retrieval phase of testing compared to controls. Together, these results suggest that boosting Pla2g2f in DGCs during aging counteracts cognitive decline to confer cognitive resilience.
PLA2G2F is necessary for lipid homeostasis in aging and mediates neuronal-microglial signaling to reduce lipid burden
To understand how loss of PLA2G2F in DGCs of aged mice disrupts glycerophospholipid hydrolysis and lipid homeostasis, we performed lipidomic profiling and characterized lipid composition of the dentate gyrus following deletion of Pla2g2f. We injected CamKIIa-Cre-T2A-GFP viruses into the dentate gyrus of 16 months old Pla2g2f cKO mice and wild-type controls, dissected the dentate gyrus, extracted and separated lipid species using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (Fig. 4). Our lipidomics pipeline profiled a total number of 736 lipids among 19 classes. A majority of the lipid signal came from phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the most abundant lipids in eukaryotic cells88(Extended Data Fig. 7a, Supplementary Table 3). Analysis of lipid abundance in absence of Pla2g2f revealed clear differences in lipid class and species profiles (Fig. 4b,c, Extended Data Fig. 7b-f). Loss of neuronal PLA2G2F activity increased the average total abundance of ceramide (Cer), diacylglycerol (DG), lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE), phosphatidic acid (PA), and phosphatidylserine (PS) in the dentate gyrus (Fig. 7d). Almost all lipid species among those classes were upregulated in dentate gyrus of Pla2g2f cKO mice (Extended Data Fig. 7g-k). Differential expression analysis revealed significant changes in lipid species of triacylglycerol (TG), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), cholesterol D7 (Ch-D7), monohexosylceramides (Hex1Cer), phosphatidylcholine (PC), and phosphatidylserine (PS) (Fig. 4e,f). Lipidome Identified Gene Enrichment Reactions (LIGER) were used to predict gene expression based on the presence and relative abundance of lipids in the samples. LIGER predicted multiple significant lipid conversion reactions that include PE and predicted associated genes orchestrating specific lipid reactions, including active conversion from O-PE to P-PE (PEDS1), suppressed conversion from O-DG to O-PE (PISD, PEMT) and from PS to PE and LPE (PISD, PLA2G4C). In addition, genes involved in the synthesis of phosphatidylserine (CDS1, PTDSS1/2) were predicted to be upregulated, and genes involved in the synthesis of PC (CHPT1, PISD) were predicted to be downregulated (Fig. 7g). LipidSig pathway analysis based on significantly different lipids (FDR < 0.1) using Reactome (Fig. 7h, left) or KEGG (Fig. 7h, right) databases identified plasma lipoprotein assembly and clearance, membrane remodeling, glycerophospholipid biosynthesis, membrane-dependent receptor trafficking and lipid metabolism as potentially altered biological processes (Supplementary Tables 4,5). Corresponding genes included secreted phospholipase family members (Pla2g2a/c/d/e/f), regulators of lipid droplets (DGAT1/2), and lipoproteins (ApoA/B/C/E) whose human orthologs influence risk for cognitive decline and AD (eg: ApoE2/3/4)75,76.
Loss of Pla2g2f increased the relative abundance of neutral lipids like glycerolipids, including diacylglycerol and triacylglycerol, lipid species that are stored in organelles called lipid droplets 89,90 known to accumulate in microglia in dentate gyrus during aging and in AD15,16,18,91,92. Lipid droplet accumulation in microglia has been shown to impair phagocytosis and clearance of debris including myelin and amyloid plaques 15,16,92. To directly test if PLA2G2F mediates neuron-microglia signaling and regulation of lipid burden, we generated microglia-like cells (iMGLs) and excitatory neuron forebrain organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells (Fig. 5a). To induce accumulation of lipid droplets in microglia, we treated iMGLs with the monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid (OA) 18,93. We then collected conditioned medium from excitatory neuron forebrain organoids expressing CamKIIa-mCherry or CamKIIa-Pla2g2f-T2A-mCherry and applied it to iMGLs overloaded with lipid droplets. Only the conditioned medium from forebrain organoids with Pla2g2f expression reduced lipid droplet accumulation in lipid overloaded iMGLs without changing iMGL area (Fig. 5b). Together, these data indicate that PLA2G2F is essential to maintain lipid homeostasis in the aged dentate gyrus and that PLA2G2F mediates neuronal-microglial signaling to alleviate lipid burden.
Boosting Pla2g2f in an aging-sensitive AD model preserves memory and decreases amyloid burden
Aging is the biggest risk factor for AD and yet, mechanisms by which we can mitigate AD risk by directly modifying aging are poorly defined. Our data insofar suggests that PLA2G2F levels in the dentate gyrus dictate the extent of aging-associated pathophysiological changes and cognitive trajectory. Therefore, we tested whether boosting Pla2g2f expression in DGCs of an aging-sensitive mouse model of AD is beneficial. We selected the App NL−F/NL−F knock-in mouse line in which the expression of mutant APP gene [Swedish (KM670/671NL) and Beyreuther/Iberian (I716F) mutations] is under control of its endogenous promoter, resulting in physiological (levels and spatial) expression of APP and overproduction of Abeta 42 and more faithful recapitulation of human AD pathological features 94. We injected lentiviruses expressing CamKIIa-mCherry or CamKIIa-Pla2g2f-T2A-mCherry into the dentate gyrus of 12 months old single amyloid precursor protein gene knock-in mice (App NL−F/NL−F) and assessed cognitive performance in the pre-exposure-dependent contextual fear conditioning paradigm and quantified amyloid plaque number and size (Fig. 6a). Boosting Pla2g2f expression improved hippocampal dependent memory as evidenced by increased freezing in the fear conditioned context (Fig. 6a,b). Furthermore, we found a reduction in amyloid plaque size but not number in these mice (Fig. 6c).