This is an interventional study conducted in Ningbo Psychiatric Hospital and First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine from June 1,2019, to October 20 2019. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical School of Zhejiang University in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was registered in the China Clinical Trial Registry under registration number ChiVTR1800016121.
68 patients with schizophrenia were recruited form Ningbo Psychiatric Hospital. The inclusion criteria were as follows: between 18 and 55 years old; met the ICD-10 criteria for schizophrenia; on remission stage: PANSS item scores of ≤3 at least 6 months according to Andreasen’s criteria(6); only received atypical antipsychotics and treatment dose has been stable for more than 1 month; normal vision and right-handedness. Exclusion criteria: a history of brain trauma, epilepsy and other neurological diseases or serious physical diseases; a diagnosis of a history of mental retardation and a history of substance abuse in the past 30 days (except smoking); received electroconvulsive therapy in the past year; a history of using typical antipsychotics; and pregnant women or those who planned to get pregnant; Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised China (WAIS-RC) scores <80. After description of the study to the subjects, written informed consent was obtained before the study was conducted. All patients received scale assessments and MCCB at baseline (T0) and post intervention (T1). The scales included the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP).
Patients fulfilling inclusion criteria were randomly allocated to either VRT group or treatment-as-usual (TAU) group. The definition of TAU group refers to Olivier and colleagues(29). For VRT group, patients received VRT for two weeks and antipsychotic treatment as usual while TAU group only received antipsychotic treatment as usual.
Cognitive function assessment
Cognitive function was assessed by a trained psychiatrist using the MCCB at T0 and T1. The raters were blinded to the group of the participants. The MCCB includes 10 neurophysiologic tests clustered in 7 cognitive domains: speed of processing (SP), attention/vigilance (AV), working memory (WM), verbal learning (VeL), visual learning (ViL), reasoning and problem solving (RPS), and social cognition (SC)(30). Each domain score was standardized to a T score using the MCCB computer scoring program (Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., version 2.1.1). Furthermore, the overall composite T score was calculated by averaging the standardized value of each test’s T score.
VRT procedure
VRT was executed once a day, 5 times per week and last for two weeks. A supermarket situation based on VR technique was designed for patients with schizophrenia. The virtual supermarket simulates a supermarket with a variety of goods such as drinks, tea sets, kitchen ware, fruits and vegetables. There is also a shopping cart for catch the goods. Unity 5.3.5f1 ( and visual studio 2015 (Microsoft) were used to design and create the VR program.
Patients were asked to complete different shopping tasks with different lists. The shopping tasks include task A and task B and each task consisted of 4 different levels. At the beginning of each task, participants become familiar with the procedures as follows:
1)The patients learned to wear the helmet in a comfortable way to enter the virtual supermarket and use the joysticks to manipulate in the virtual supermarket;
2)While a list of goods occurred on the screen, the patients read the list and close it after remembering the list;
3)The patients caught the good presented in the list and put it in the shopping cart in the virtual supermarket by using joysticks;
4)If the patients forgot the content of the list, he could press the button in the joysticks and the list would occur again.
The situation of VRT is presented as figure 1. It included two kind of tasks. Task A asked patients to find goods of a certain category and put them into the shopping carts, such as fruits, vegetables and drinks, while task B instructed participants to catch specific goods such as apples, tomatoes and cola. The number of goods ranged from 3 to 6 as the levels of task increased. As the goods number is increased, the working memory span needed is increased.
Statistical analysis
The data are expressed as the mean ± SD for continuous variables. Baseline data include age, gender, course of disease, education year was analyzed for the comparability of baseline data. Chi-square test was used to compare gender of two groups. Normally distributed data were analyzed by independent t test, while non-normally distributed data were analyzed by mann-whitney U test. Changes in T scores of the MCCB results, PANSS scores and PSP scores at T0 and T1 both in two groups were analyzed by covariance analysis (covariates: course of disease, corresponding variables at T1). All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 19.0 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA) for windows.