Sampling and Water Data. The water conditions of Karangsong Port are very murky, dark brown in color, have a very dense mud texture and a stinging odor. The parameters used to measure the quality of the waters of Karangsong Port are Temperature, DO, pH and salinity. The quality of Karangsong Waters is shown in Table 1.
Value (unit)
32 °C
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
29.7 mg. L-1
50 cm
Table 1. Karangsong Water Quality
According to the quality standard of KMN-KLH PP No.1 Year 2010 on the conduct of water pollution control, the value of pH parameter which categorized as normal is 6 - 9. The value of DO (dissolved oxygen) obtained is 5.92, dissolved oxygen is one of the important components in water quality. The average salinity value obtained is 29.7 this indicates that the sampling location is in the estuary area where this area has a salinity range between 5 - 35 ppt. salinity also has a role in the solubility of heavy metals, the higher the salinity then the higher the content of heavy metals is due to the disruption of the oxidation process of the heavy metals5.
Cadmium Metal Concentration Reduction Test (Cd). Reduction of Cadmium (Cd) heavy metal concentrations was done by experimental test using indigenous bacteria from Karangsong Port.
A treatment with the 1.5 mg. L-1 concentration, it was able to lower the Cd concentration to 0.68 mg. L-1 at 48th hours; the lowest concentration was 0.653 at 6th hours (Fig. 1a). At a treatment of 1 mg. L-1 concentration, it could lower the Cd concentration to 0.48 mg. L-1 at 48th hours; the lowest concentration was 0.445 at the 6th hours. At a treatment where the concentration was 0.5 mg. L-1, it was able lower the Cd concentration to 0.32 mg. L-1 at 48 hours; with the lowest concentration of 0.271 in the 12th hours.
The gene that can cause bacteria to be resistant to the heavy metal cadmium is the cad A-operon gene6-7 so it is thought that the bacteria taken at Karangsong Port have that gene. The bonding of heavy metals in a solution is by the exchange of ions where the ions in the cell wall of microorganisms are replaced by heavy metal ions8. The highest Cd reduction weight was 56.47% in C treatment (1.5 mg. L-1) after 6 hours of the treatment, meanwhile the lowest Cd reduction weight was 45.8% after 12 hours in the treatment A (0.5 mg. L-1) (Fig. 1b). There are several factors that affect the reduction or absorption process of heavy metals, including phenotype factors, biomass factors, and medium factors.
Isolation of Metal Reduction Bacteria Cd. The bacterial samples used were bacteria samples that were not previously given 70% alcohol, so that they were found to be resistant to heavy metals. Bacterial samples were incubated for 48 hours at 37°C and subsequently bacterial colonies were obtained (Fig. 2).
The bacterial morphology identification in Table 2 follows the guidelines9. The ability of bacteria to form genetically colored dyes has become special markers for this bacteria type10. Bacterial purification perform after identification process. The purpose of bacterial purification is to obtain pure isolates that have the same morphological characteristics and gram type. Bacterial purification is done twice to ensure that the purified bacteria are pure. The results of bacterial purification can be seen in Fig. 3. The macroscopic bacterial colony morphology of the NA medium is presented in the following table;
Isolate Codes
Colony Features
Yellowish white
Yellowish white
Transparent white
Transparent white
Yellowish white
Transparent white
Transparent white
Yellowish white
Table 2. Bacterial Macroscopic Morphology
Gram Staining. Gram staining was performed to identify the bacteria into two groups, namely gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria. The gram staining technique usually use alcohol and iodine, use dyes as well namely crystal violet and safranin. This observation is carried out microscopically using a microscope with a magnification of 1000x. The results of the gram stain can be seen in Supplementary Table 1.
The results of gram staining shows that the eight pure isolates tested were gram-negative bacteria, these results are in accordance with the statement in previous studies11, that gram-negative bacteria are generally more tolerant of the influence and exposure to heavy metals than gram-positive bacteria, this is because gram negative bacteria have a complex cell structure and which can bind and immobilize most of the heavy metal ions. Based on Supplementary Table 1, the form of bacterial cells obtained is generally in the form of diplobacilli (A1, A4, A6, A7 and A8) due to the shape of the bacterial cell resembles as a stem and forms two chains, meanwhile in isolate codes A2, A3 and A5 the bacterial cells are oval or coccobacillus. This is in accordance with the statement from previous study12 that 80% of bacteria found in the sea are rod-shaped.
Test Challenge of Bacteria to Cadmium Metal (Cd). Heavy metal challenge test aims to see the resistance of bacteria to heavy metals. According to another study regarding the bacterial resistance test13, the test of bacterial isolate resistance refer to obtain bacterial isolates that are resistant to heavy metals. Isolate of the 8 bacterial, merely 5 isolate of bacterial were truly pure bacteria, namely Cd 2, Cd 3, Cd 5, Cd 6 and Cd 7. These bacteria are known to reduce cadmium concentrations from 1.5 mg. L-1 to 0.681 mg. L-1 and bacterial growth from 1 x 106 CFU/ml to 19 x 106 CFU/ml.
Bacterial isolates that were considered pure then subjected to a challenge test to cadmium (Cd) metal. Optical Density (OD) values were measured at 0 and 18 hours, furthermore most of bacterial growth was seen from the increase in Optical Density (OD) values at 0 and 18 hours. The results of the challenge test are listed in Table 3.
Bacteria Code
Optical Density (OD)
Bacterial Density
Optical Density (OD)
Bacterial Density
Optical Density (OD)
Bacterial Density
Cd 2
6.18 x 107
1.27 x 109
1.21 x 109
Cd 3
7.32 x 107
1.62 x 109
1.54 x 109
Cd 5
6.74 x 107
1.65 x 109
1.58 x 109
Cd 6
7.24 x 107
1.45 x 109
1.38 x 109
Cd 7
5.8 x 107
1.55 x 109
1.49 x 109
Table 3. Optical Density (OD) Value at t = 0 and t - 18
The Optical Density (OD) value shows the level of bacterial density. Based on the results, the change in the Optical Density (OD) value sequentially from highest to lowest were isolate Cd 5 (1.973); isolate Cd 3 (1.931); isolate Cd 7 (1.868); isolate Cd 6 (1.728) and isolate Cd 2 (1.509). The bacterial density that had been altered from the Optical Density (OD) value, then sort from highest to lowest namely isolate Cd 5 (1.58 x 109); isolate Cd 3 (1.54 x 109); isolate Cd 7 (1.49 x 109); isolate Cd 6 (1.38 x 109) and isolate Cd 2 (1.21 x 109). The difference in Optical Density (OD) showed the level of bacterial density. Bacterial growth can be seen from the level of turbidity (optical density) which can be read through the resulting absorbance value. The wavelength used is 600 nm, that is the optimal wavelength in reading the density of the bacterial suspension.
The binding of heavy metals by bacteria can be separated into the binding phase and active transport. The binding phase depends on cell metabolism, namely absorption through the cell wall or external surface, then followed by active transport which depends on cell metabolism. In metabolic processes, heavy metals can accumulate in cell membranes (extracellular) and in the cytoplasm (intracellular)14. The bacterial isolates then selected into 3 bacteria with the highest density level to proceed the identification stage of the molecular method using 16S rRNA. Those bacterial isolates are Cd 5, Cd 3, and Cd 7 isolates.
DNA Extraction. DNA extraction is an early stage in molecular analysis. The objectives of DNA extraction is for separate nucleic acids from other components of the cell and obtain DNA concentration and purity values before proceeding to the next stage of the process. Good-quality of DNA purity is indicated by the value of protein and RNA contamination in the solution. The results of DNA purity and concentration are listed in Table 4.
Sample Code
Concentration (µg/ml)
Purity (A260/A280)
Cd 3
Cd 5
Cd 7
Table 4. DNA Purity and Concentration
Based on the measurement results, the purity of DNA isolate Cd 3 is 1.65; isolate Cd 5 is 1.63; and isolate Cd 7 is 1.44. The purity values of the three samples are deficient with purity values less than 1.8 - 2.0 which indicates protein contamination. In DNA purity, a DNA sample classified into pristine if the absorbance value of 260 against the absorbance value of 280 is between 1.75 - 2.0, but if the ratio is 2.0 then DNA still contains RNA15. The DNA band will absorb UV light at a wavelength of 260 nm, while contaminants in the form of proteins or phenol compounds will absorb light at a wavelength of 280 nm so that the purity of the DNA solution can be measured from the ratio value between the absorbance at a wavelength of 260 nm (A260) with the absorbance value at a wavelength of 280 nm (A280)16-17.
DNA amplification. The purpose of DNA amplification is the in-vitro multiplication of pieces of DNA in a specific area bounded by two oligonucleotide primers. The primers used in this PCR process are 16S rRNA 9F (5'-GAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3') and 1542R (5'-AGAAAGGAGGTGATCCAGCC-3') with a target DNA band size of 1500 bp. The DNA marker used was the DNA ladder 1 kb. The amplified DNA visualized by electrophoresis on 1% agarose gel. The results of DNA electrophoresis showed positive results with the formation of DNA bands in agarose gel with the appropriate size target.
Genomic DNA electrophoresis used a 1 kb marker with a band display of 250 - 10,000 bp ranges. The results of visualization in Fig. 4 show that the DNA band measuring 1,500 bp (base pair) matches the target. The DNA bands obtained were accordance with the target because the annealing temperature that had been optimized in the PCR program for the DNA amplification process was appropriate and running well. The results of electrophoresis of genomic DNA as a whole apart from the visible DNA bands showed a smear but too thin. Smears can be seen in all three isolate samples. Smears can be caused due to the presence of contaminants such as protein or carrying the remaining solution in the isolation process. According to previous study18, the smear could be the residue of the solutions that were still carried during the isolation process or it could also be DNA which was degraded in the isolation process.
Analysis of Nucleotide Sequence Alignment from Sequencing Using NCBI GenBank Database. DNA amplification results were sequenced by 1st BASE in Singapore. The sequencing data obtained are the forward and reverse sequences of nucleotide bases. The sequencing data were processed using BioEdit software which was then identified by the BLAST (Basic Alignment Search Tools) program on the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) website. The detail of sequencing results are listed in Supplementary Table 2.
Results of BLAST program identification processed with BioEdit software showed that the Cd 3 isolate was identical to the Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii strain KMM 3549 (Accession number NR 025139.1) with a query cover value of 85%, e-value 0 and an identity value of 77.28%. The bacterial isolate Cd 7 was identical to Pseudoalteromonas spiralis strain Te-2-2 (Accession number NR 114801.1) with a query cover value of 91%, an e-value of 0, and an identity value of 95.88%. From 3 samples of DNA amplification results, 2 samples were successfully sequenced. 1st BASE could not read the Cd 5 isolate sample because it had an excess concentration of 1352.3 µgml-1 (not in accordance with the company's needs).
Query coverage is the percentage of nucleotide lengths that correspond to the database contained in BLAST. Query coverage is an important parameter because it rates in percent of sequences in the database masked queries, which confirms whether the sample is covered by all sequences. The cover query values of the isolates were 85% and 89%. The acceptable percentage is at least 95%, except for sequences where a lower reading is applied to a minimum of 75%19.
The BLAST results of the two isolates had 77% and 97% identity values. A bacterial species can be said to be the same if it has a homology of more than or equal to 97%20. According to previous study about DNA sequence analysis21 and based on 16S rRNA gene sequence data, identity ≤ 97% can be stated that the isolates being compared are in the same genus, identities between 89 - 93% indicate different families. The BLAST results on NCBI said that the Cd 7 isolate is a Pseudoalteromonas spiralis strain Te-2-2 because it has an identity value of 97% with Acc. No. NR 114801.1. Cd 3 isolate has an identity value of 77%, it is suspected that this isolate is a new species that is in the same order, namely Alteromonadales.
The e-value of the two isolates is zero respectively. The e-value 0 obtained shows a significant alignment, which means that the search for the specimen sequence in this study is identical, namely from the same genus and even at the species level22. The higher the e-value indicates the lower the homology level between the sequences, while the lower the E-value indicates the higher the homology level between the sequences. An e-value of 0 (zero) indicates that the two sequences are identical.
Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii strain KMM 3549. The bacteria species of Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii strain KMM 3549 include the genus Pseudoalteromonas bacteria, the order Alteromonadales, the Gammaproteobacteria class, and the proteobacteria phylum. This species has heterotrophic and aerobic properties23, one of the proteobacteria groups that are abundant and widely distributed in the marine environment. This species grows at a temperature of 4 - 37oC and pH of 6.0 - 10.0. The optimum growth is at a temperature of 28 - 30oC and an optimum pH of 7.5 - 8.0. Species cannot grow at temperatures over 40oC. This species is a gram-negative bacterium, spindle-transparent colony form, rod-shaped cells, non-endospore, 0.7 - 0.9 µm in diameter, and 1 - 1.2 µm in length.
The species Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii strain KMM 2549 (Accession Number NR 025139.1) first isolated from the brown algal thallus (Fucus evanescens) collected in Kraternaya Bay, Kurile Islands in the Pacific Ocean24. Based on the isolation results obtained by previous study25, the Cd 3 bacterial isolate has morphological characteristics in the form of bacilli (rods), the colony is in the form of spindles, is transparent white, and has gram-negative properties. These morphological characteristics are in accordance with the morphological characteristics of Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii strain KMM 2549 (Accession Number NR 025139.1).
Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis GFC strain IAM 14160. The bacterial species Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis GFC strain IAM 14160 include the genus Pseudoalteromonas bacteria, the order Alteromonadales, the Gammaproteobacteria class, and the proteobacteria phylum. This species grows at a temperature of 4 - 35oC and a pH of 5.5 - 9.5. The optimum growth is at a temperature of 25 - 30oC and an optimum pH of 7.5 - 8.0. Species cannot grow at temperatures over 40oC. These species are gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped, non-endospore, and flagellated cells.
This bacterium was first isolated from puffer fish mucus (Fugu poecilonotus) to show tetrodoxin (a toxin-carrying species) in association with biota26. Pseudoalteromonas in 1990 was classified as Alteromonas tetraodonia, but was reclassified in 2001 to the genus Pseudoalteromona. Based on the isolation results obtained by previous study27, the Cd 7 bacterial isolate has rod-shaped morphological characteristics and has gram-negative properties. These morphological characteristics are in accordance with the morphological characteristics of Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis GFC strain IAM 14160 (Accession Number NR 041787.1).
Phylogeny Analysis. Phylogenetic tree construction aims to see the relationship between the sample organisms based on their evolutionary relationships with the sequence of comparison organisms originating from the NCBI site. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbour-joining tree method. Phylogenetic trees were statistically tested using the bootstrap method with 1,000 replications. A bootstrap value of 100 to 1,000 replicates is used to estimate the confidence level of a phylogenetic tree26. bootstrap analysis with values of 70% or higher indicates a reliable clustering28.
The construction of the phylogeny tree shows that the Cd 3 sequence is related to Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii strain KMM 3549 (Fig. 5a). The phylogeny tree also shows a kinship relationship between the two high sequences with a bootstrap value of 100% and an identity of 77%. This value indicates that out of 1000 reconstructed phylogeny trees, the Cd 3 sequence has a 100% relationship with Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii strain KMM 3549. On the other hand, the Cd 7 sequence is related to Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis GFC strain IAM 14160 (Fig. 5b). The phylogeny tree also shows a kinship relationship between the two high sequences with a bootstrap value of 99% and an identity of 97%. This value indicates that from 1000 reconstructed phylogeny trees, the Cd 7 sequence was 99% related to Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis GFC strain IAM 14160.