Milk and various other dairy commodities possess valuable nutritional properties, encompassing proteins, lipids, minerals, and vitamins, which are regularly consumed by a vast number of individuals worldwide (Ababu, Endashaw and Fesseha, 2020). In regions south of the Sahara, such as Ethiopia, milk production is predominantly overseen by minuscule-scale cultivators (Gebreyohanes et al., 2021). The dairy sector plays a significant role in alleviating poverty and reducing malnutrition, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas, while also serving as a source of income for mainly female, small-scale farmers (Webster, 2022). However, dairy products serve as an optimal environment for the propagation of various bacterial pathogens (Karmaker, Das and Iqbal, 2020).
Mastitis, a preeminent endemic infectious ailment afflicting dairy cattle on a global scale. This affliction imposes significant financial burdens upon dairy producers and the milk processing sector, manifesting in reduced milk output, alterations in milk composition, the discarding of milk, escalated costs for replacement, treatment, and veterinary services (Ali Yusuf-Isleged, 2022). On average, the collective cost of mastitis-induced failures is approximated to be $147 annually per cow, primarily due to the losses incurred in milk production and culling, which represents between 11–18% of the gross margin per cow each year (Hogeveen, Steeneveld and Wolf, 2019). A notable 70% of these overall losses are attributed to the harm inflicted upon mammary tissue, resulting in diminished milk production (Zhao and Lacasse, 2008). In addition to the substantial economic drawbacks associated with this condition, mastitis poses a significant zoonotic threat and has been linked to the proliferation and rapid emergence of multidrug-resistant strains on a global scale (Pol and Ruegg, 2007; Hogeveen, Steeneveld and Wolf, 2019)
Mastitis typically arises from the adherence, invasion, and colonization of bacteria within the mammary gland [GÜRLER, Sun1 Sun1]. The classification of mastitis depends on whether it presents clinically or sub-clinically. The clinical manifestation is characterized by a rapid onset, accompanied by swelling and redness in the affected quadrant. On the other hand, sub-clinical mastitis (SCM) can be challenging to detect, as there may be no obvious changes in the milk or clinical signs in the cow, even when the somatic cell count exceeds 200,000 cells/mL. [V. Tanči
The etiology of mastitis is attributed to environmental bacteria that are not retained on the teat and infectious microorganisms that persist and accumulate on the skin and in teat wounds. A multitude of disease-causing microorganisms, numbering over 137, have been documented [Nazmul Hoque). Bacteria, in particular, are the most frequently identified culprits [bradely]. The majority of bacterial infections arise from various species of staphylococci, gram-negative rods, and streptococci, notably lactose-fermenting enteric-originating microorganisms referred to as coliforms (Radostits et al., 2007; Junaidu et al., 2011). 483E among the most prevalent types of bacteria responsible for mastitis is the Coliform bacterium. Abegewi Coliform bacteria, commonly found in the digestive system, soil, and manure, are considered normal inhabitants. Even in well-managed dairy herds, these bacteria are ubiquitous in the cow's surrounding environment and are challenging to completely eradicate [Peek].
According to documented cases, 32% of instances of coliform mastitis exhibited bacteremia, or the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream [27, 28]. Approximately 10% of coliform-induced clinical mastitis cases conclude with a fatal outcome [29]. The primary genera of coliform bacteria accountable for clinical mastitis [24] include Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Escherichia. The most frequently encountered Gram-negative bacteria are Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp which are the principal environmental pathogenic bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family within the coliform group. Escherichia coli is isolated in around 80% of coliform mastitis cases(25,26).balemi et al
The primary categories of coliform bacteria accountable for the occurrence of clinical mastitis [24] encompass Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Escherichia [23]. The most frequently detected Gram-negative bacteria are Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp which constitute the predominant pathogenic bacteria inhabiting the environment and belong to the Enterobacteriaceae family within the coliform group [Redding].
Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae are microorganisms that are found in milk and are opportunistic pathogens in both humans and animals. They are responsible for causing a wide range of infections, including diarrhea, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, wound infections, septicemia, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and nosocomial infections, particularly meningitis in infants [Struelens, Slama]. Escherichia coli, typically infect the mammary glands during the dry period and can progress to inflammation and clinical mastitis during early lactation. This can result in both local and sometimes severe systemic clinical symptoms. However, if the infection remains localized in the mammary gland without systemic involvement, it is not recommended to treat it with antibiotics. This is because antibiotic treatment could exacerbate the inflammatory response due to bacterial death and the release of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which may lead to a poor prognosis and worsen the animal's welfare. Clinical mastitis can exhibit severe systemic clinical manifestations. Many of the inflammatory and systemic changes observed in severe coliform mastitis occur as a result of the release of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin, which is a component of the bacterial cell wall. This release leads to the activation of cytokine and arachidonic acid–derived mediators of inflammation and the acute phase response.
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is commonly associated with foodborne illnesses, and it can result in life-threatening infections such as hemorrhagic colitis, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and kidney failure [Mersha, Jarboui]. Milk and other dairy products are often contaminated with E. coli O157: H7 due to direct exposure to feces resulting from poor handling systems [bacon, Belanger ´ 1,]. Improper milking hygiene, inadequate house hygiene, the absence of post-milking teat dipping, the use of lubricant during milking by contact laborers, and the lack of order in milking cows of different ages are all potential factors that contribute to the contamination of dairy products and the high prevalence of E. coli O157: H7 [Radostits, 2016].
The treatment of mastitis in cattle involves the use of several antimicrobial medicines. Antimicrobials used to treat mastitis typically make up a large fraction of all the antibiotics used at a dairy farm (González Pereyra et al., 2015; Kuipers et al., 2016). The dairy farms may be a source of antimicrobial-resistant human pathogenic bacteria, particularly E. coli that produces extended spectrum beta-lactamases [masses] and E.coli that is resistant to colistin [Brennan]. Widespread use of third-generation cephalosporin in dairy cattle for the treatment and prevention of mastitis [olvier,USAD(diry] as well as other infections [pol, Wichmann] may cause the enterobacteriaceae that produces extended-spectrum beta-lactamase [Massé]. balemi et al
Misuse and overuse of antimicrobials in humans and livestock has led to the emergence of antimicrobial resistant bacterial strains compromising the effectivenessof antimicrobial therapy [Davies, cantas].
In Sokoto State, Nigeria, a research found that E. coli accounted for 9.78% of the samples, followed by Klebsiella spp. (4.35%), and Enterobacter spp. (1.09%). [Junaidu, 2011]. A cross-sectional investigation conducted in Hawass Town, Ethiopia, found 200 distinct species of bacteria; nevertheless, the most frequently discovered gram-negative staining bacterial pathogens were E. Col (12.5%), Enterobacter spp. (5%), and Klebsiella spp. (2.5%) (Megerssa et al., 2012). In Khartoum, Sudan, raw milk was used in a study where the majority of coliform isolates were E. Col (32%), Enterobacter spp. (29.2%) and Klebsiella spp. (19.4%)
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been acknowledged as a highly significant peril to the well-being of individuals and animals involved in the production of food. The dynamics of AMR in developing nations, particularly in rural community settings, remain insufficiently comprehended owing to an inadequate awareness of the AMR [Ingle]. The utilization of antibiotics in food animals, such as cattle, is anticipated to increase by 67% in BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) by 2030 [van, Wichmann]. Approximately 20–80% of the antibiotics administered to livestock are discharged into the environment, where they persist [Agga]. The excessive usage of antibiotics in livestock has also led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes [van]. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently released a list of antibiotic-resistant priority pathogens that pose a significant threat to human health. Among the reported dangers, coliforms, including E. coli, were identified as one of the most pivotal categories of bacteria that are resistant to multiple drugs, leading to treatment failures and posing threats in medical institutions. pathogens
In Ethiopia several studies have been conducted over the years on human patients, livestock, foods and the environment and AMR is increasing rapidly [Seboxa, Ibrahim]. For example, the resistance of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Klebsiella spp to last-resort third-generation cephalosporins and carbapenems antibiotics has reached up to 54% [ WHO, Iwu-Jaja].Antibiotics.
It is crucial to compile the results of different studies conducted in various areas and at different times in order to assess the extent of these problems at the national level within a specific time frame. Additionally, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of these issues across the entire country, as this knowledge can inform future intervention programs aimed at evidence-based disease control and prevention.
Understanding the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance rate of coliform bacteria associated with bovine mastitis is of utmost importance in improving therapeutic interventions and preventive measures. Conducting research on this pathogenic organism contributes to a better understanding of its epidemiology and the patterns of antibiotic resistance exhibited by coliform isolates in lactating cows. Furthermore, conducting microbiological and antibiotic resistance assessments of mastitis-associated coliform bacterial isolates plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health and minimizing economic losses in the dairy industry. To the best of our knowledge, this meta-analysis represents the first attempt to summarize the epidemiology and distribution of coliform bacteria isolates in dairy cows in Ethiopia. Thus, the purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to offer a comprehensive estimation of the proportion and antibiotic resistance rate of mastitis-associated coliform bacteria isolates in milk among lactating cows in Ethiopia.
What are the major coliform bacteria isolates in dairy cattle?
What is the over all prevalence of coliform bacteraia isolates causing milk spoilage in dairy cattle?
Which type of coliform genera is the most prevalent in dairy cattle?
What is the pooled and indiviual antibiotic resistance rate for the treatment of mastitis associated coliforms?