Energy storage performance and charge-discharge properties for practical application
Unipolar P-E hysteresis loops were measured under 200 kV cm− 1 for (1-x)KNN-xSNZ ceramics. The corresponding Pmax and Pr values, as well as energy storage properties (Wrec, Wtotal, and η were calculated using respectively), are presented in Fig. S1a-c, (Supporting Information). Comprehensively, ceramics with x = 0.15 exhibit a relatively strong energy storage capacity, with Wrec reaching approximately 1.6 J cm− 3 and η approaching 91% (Fig. S1c, Supporting Information). Additionally, a high Wrec of ~ 1.6 J cm− 3 with a large η of ~ 86% and a large Wrec of ~ 1.5 J cm− 3 with a ultrahigh η ~ 93% can be obtained in samples with x = 0.14 and x = 0.16, respectively. This is attributed to their slender P-E shapes (Fig. S1a, Supporting Information) and significantly reduced Pr (Fig. S1b, Supporting Information). Furthermore, the unipolar P-E hysteresis loops with x ≥ 0.14 and x ≤ 0.12 were measured up to their breakdown electric fields. The results are illustrated in Figs. 1a-d and S2a-d (Supporting Information), respectively. The slender unipolar P-E loops of KNN-xSNZ (x = 0.14, 0.15, 0.16, and 0.18) ceramics under various electric fields showcase the canonical relaxor behaviors. To further explore the properties of the ceramics, the energy storage parameters (Wrec, Wtotal, and η) are depicted in Figs. 1e-h and S2e-h (Supporting Information). Ceramics with x ≥ 0.14 consistently maintain superior energy storage performance even under electric fields approaching their Eb values. Encouragingly, a record-high Wrec of 14 J cm− 3 with a high η of 89% is achieved for x = 0.15 ceramic under an electric field of 760 kV cm− 1. Meanwhile, a record-high η of 94% is achieved in x = 0.18 ceramic with a large Wrec of 10 J cm− 3 under an electric field of 695 kV cm− 1. Fig.S3 (Supporting Information) shows the corresponding Pmax, Pr and ΔP (Pmax - Pr) values of ceramics with x ≥ 0.14 obtained from the P-E loops (Fig. 1a-d), indicating the appropriate introduction of SNZ can maintain a large Pmax of 48.5 µC cm− 2 while reducing Pr to 1.4 µC cm− 2 prior to critical breakdown electric fields. It should be noted that the ceramics with x ≥ 0.14 in this study exhibit excellent overall energy storage properties and wide-composition stability characteristics. This can be attributed mainly to the high ΔP and the delayed polarization saturation (compare Fig. 1a-d to Fig.S2a-b, Supporting Information), demonstrating a promising candidate for practical application in the advanced energy storage capacitors.
Figure 1. Ambient-temperature P-E loops of (1-x)KNN-xSNZ ceramics measured under various electric fields of a) x = 0.14, b) x = 0.15, c) x = 0.16, d) x = 0.18. Composition-dependent energy storage parameters (Wrec, Wtotal, and η) of e) x = 0.14, f) x = 0.15, g) x = 0.16, h) x = 0.18.
As summarized in Fig. 2a, this study signifies a significant breakthrough in KNN-based ceramics, surpassing previously documented results [2,13,21–23,33,37–39]. Furthermore, comparisons of Wrec values under different electric fields between the x = 0.15 ceramics and other actively studied KNN-based dielectric ceramics are recorded in Fig. 2b. As seen, a large Wrec of 7 J cm− 3 with high η of 92% is obtained at an electric field of 500 kV cm− 1 for x = 0.15 ceramics, demonstrating superior comprehensive energy storage performance under moderate electric fields. This further indicates that the high ΔP plays a more crucial role in the overall energy storage properties. Another critical aspect for evaluating advanced dielectric capacitors for real applications is their charge-discharge performance. The underdamped discharge behaviors of the x = 0.15 ceramic under various electric fields are illustrated in Figs. 2c and 2d. These behaviors are followed by a linear increase in positive current peak (Imax), current density (CD, calculated as CD = Imax/S), and power density (PD, calculated as PD = EImax/2S) up to 32 A, 4120 A cm− 2, and 930 MW cm− 3, respectively, under 450 kV cm− 1. Additionally, overdamped discharge properties are presented in Fig. 2e-g, showing a high discharge energy density (Wd, calculated as ) of ~ 5.3 J cm− 3 and an ultrafast discharge rate (t0.9) of ~ 39 ns at 450 kV cm− 1 (Fig. 2f). Figure 2h shows that the Wd of most lead-free systems is below 4 J cm− 3 [1,4,9–13,15,19,22,24,30,32,37,39,40,41], while the studied 0.85KNN-0.15SNZ ceramic exhibits a higher test electric field and the maximum Wd value. All these findings suggest that the 0.85KNN-0.15SNZ ceramics hold significant promise for using in advanced capacitors.
Elucidation of O-T-C multiphase nanoregion coexistence by a multi-scale process
To explore the underlying mechanism of the improved energy storage properties, we investigated the phase structure of the current system (Figs. 3 and S4,S5, Supporting Information). Figure 3a presents the Rietveld refinement result of the 0.85KNN-0.15SNZ ceramic over a range of 20° to 80°. It reveals the coexistence of the orthorhombic (O, Amm2) and tetragonal (T, P4mm) phases, with weight fractions of 26.14% and 73.86%, respectively. Notably, no secondary phase is observed, indicating the complete incorporation of the SNZ into the KNN lattice (Fig. S4a, Supporting Information). In addition, the enlarged view depicted in Fig. S4b, (Supporting Information) confirms that as x increases, the phase gradually transitions into a low-polar pseudo-cubic phase structure, which is conducive to achieving low Pr and high ΔP. Additional insights into the structural characteristics of 0.85KNN-0.15SNZ ceramics across the temperature range of 25–600°C were obtained through temperature-dependent powder XRD techniques, as depicted in Figs. 3b and S4d (Supporting Information). These images (Fig. 3b) display amplified diffraction peaks of (110), (200), and (210) corresponding to the pseudo-cubic phase structures. The relative intensity and the number of characteristic peaks remain constant over the studied temperature range, except for a shift towards lower angles associated with lattice expansion, indicating the absence of any phase structure changes [8]. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. S4c,d (Supporting Information), the phase structure gradually changes from O (25°C) phase to T (~ 200°C) phase and then to C (~ 350°C) phase for x = 0.03 ceramic, in contrast to x = 0.15 ceramic. The crystal phase feature of the x = 0.15 ceramic is primarily attributed to the coexistence of O-T phases, in other words, the pseudo-cubic phase structure. The temperature-dependent dielectric constant of all components aligns with the aforementioned analysis. The presence of an exceedingly broad and flat dielectric peak ( x ≥ 0.06, see Fig. 3c) strongly indicates the coexistence of multiple phases. The inset in Fig. 3c clearly illustrates the frequency dispersion of the x = 0.15 sample, a canonical relaxor behavior attributed to the presence of PNRs. Moreover, the superior Pmax in the current systems is closely related to the large dielectric constant. Figure 3d gives TT − C and TO − T values of (1-x)KNN-xSNZ ceramics at a frequency of 1 kHz to construct a phase diagram for identifying the composition dependence of phase structures. From Fig. 3d, it can be observed that both TT − C and TO − T decrease with the increase of x, leading to the formation of a coexisted O-T phases in the composition of x ≥ 0.12. In addition, the phase diagram strongly supports the results of temperature-dependent XRD analysis. Additionally, the Raman spectra presented in Fig. S5 (Supporting Information) not only confirm the enhanced relaxor behavior but also support the conclusion that the phase structure of (1-x)KNN-xSNZ samples transforms from the O phase to pseudo-cubic phase as x increases [34]. Furthermore, the selected area electron diffraction patterns taken along [001]c and [110]c directions are illustrated in Fig. 3e and Fig. 3f, respectively. The diffused and weak spots as indicated by white arrows confirm the existence of orthorhombic structure“\(\:\sqrt{2}\) unit cell”which is orientated along the cubic [110]c in the x-direction, the [1–10]c in the y-direction and the [001]c in the z-direction [13].
Figure 3. a) Rietveld refinement XRD pattern of x = 0.15 ceramic. b) Temperature -dependent XRD patterns of x = 0.15 ceramic collected in the temperature range of 25 ℃ to 600 ℃. c) Temperature-dependent dielectric constant of (1-x)KNN-xSNZ ceramics at various frequencies. Inset presents the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of x = 0.15 ceramic as a function of temperature, measured at various frequencies ranging from 1 kHz to 200 kHz. d) Phase diagram of (1-x)KNN-xSNZ ceramic. e) Selected area electron diffraction patterns along the [001]c, and f) along [110]c of x = 0.15 ceramic.
In addition, Fig. S6 (Supporting Information) shows a significant refinement in the average grain size (AGS) calculated by Nano Measurer for the ceramics, particularly for x ≥ 0.06, with the smallest grain size observed for x = 0.12–0.15, with values being on the order of 150 nm. The findings from FE-SEM analysis support a uniform and compact microstructure with low apparent porosity and refined grains for the x = 0.15 ceramic, as further illustrated in Fig. S7a (Supporting Information). These characteristics have a favorable impact on Eb. Meanwhile, the refined grain boundaries can effectively impede domain growth, which is an important factor for achieving PNRs.
We then applied the vertical piezoresponse force microscopy (VPFM) technique to uncover the domain morphology under various DC tip bias voltages. Figure 4 a1-h1 and Fig. 4 a2-h2 respectively illustrate the effects of applied voltages on the dynamic behavior of domain switching in the pure KNN and x = 0.15 ceramics at ambient temperature. The amplitude diagrams record the piezoresponse strength, while the phase diagrams represent the polarization orientation [15,42–44]. Applying a driving voltage of merely 3 V (Fig. 4a & 4e) leads to the emergence of striped ferroelectric domains in pure KNN ceramic, while nanoscale domains are observed in the x = 0.15 ceramic. Fig. S7b (Supporting Information) further shows the striped ferroelectric domains in pure KNN ceramic. As the DC tip bias voltage increases to 3 V, partial reversal of the domains is observed (Fig. 4b & 4f). For x = 0.15 ceramic, a voltage of 12 V is adequate to induce complete reversal, with the polarized domains easily reverting when a -12 V tip bias is applied (Fig. 4c2,d2,g2,h2). In stark contrast to the x = 0.15 ceramic, the striped ferroelectric domains remain clearly distinguishable for the pure KNN ceramic (Fig. 4c1,d1,g1,h1), suggesting that the x = 0.15 ceramic gives rise to the emergence of highly dynamic polar nanoregions (PNRs). PNRs, characterized by local structural heterogeneity, confirm enhanced relaxor behavior and contribute to slimmer P-E loops due to their high sensitivity to external electric fields [37,44]. The topography of PFM image presented in Fig. 4i underscores the homogeneous and dense microstructure, as well as small AGS on the order of 150 nm. Figure 4j displays the switching spectral piezoelectric response force microscopy (SSPFM) loops at ambient temperature for detecting the local piezoresponse of the 0.85KNN-0.15SNZ ceramic. The amplitude and phase hysteresis loops are recorded by applying ± 12 V DC voltage on the selected domain region. Compared to previous studies [45,46], the 0.85KNN-0.15SNZ ceramic exhibits a high phase angle and a well-defined saturated square phase loop with a phase angle close to 180º, indicating the appearance of two reverse-parallel reversible polarization states under an applied electric field. The nearly perfect rectangular phase hysteresis loop provides direct evidence for a well-defined polarization along the direction of the applied electric field [47]. The amplitude hysteresis loop of the same domain region, as illustrated by Fig. 4j, exhibits a typical, asymmetric, and saturated butterfly loop. The asymmetry can be explained by the presence of a built-in internal field and domain movement under the tip region [48]. The origin is inferred to be the substitution of Nd3+ at the A-site, leading to the generation of vacancies and expansion of the oxygen octahedron. This results in a more facile displacement of ions at the B-site and enhanced polarization. Furthermore, the formation of dipoles between Nd3+ and vacancies at non-equilibrium positions creates a built-in internal field, which enhances the relaxation behavior of ceramics.
We now shift our focus to the intrinsic origins of the enhanced energy storage properties. Atomic resolution high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy was performed to further analyze the local polarization configuration of PNRs. Figure 5a shows the atomic resolution HAADF STEM image taken along [001]c direction, where the integrated intensity is a function of average atomic number Z of atomic columns scanned by the electron probe, [49] B sites atoms are the brighter and larger while A sites atoms are darker and smaller. Figure 5b presents the corresponding local polarization configuration of Fig. 5a derived from the 2D Gaussian peak fitting and quantification. [50] The T phase can be obviously determined by the arrows along the horizontal and vertical directions. The nearly C phase can be confirmed by the arrows with near-zero polarization magnitude whereas the O phase can be determined by the arrows oriented close to the diagonal direction (ie. <110 > c) of Fig. 5b. The alternating polar and nonpolar regions can be clearly distinguished, and the size of nano polar region is determined to be around 3 nm. Figure 5c presents the statistic histogram of polarization magnitude of Fig. 5b. The polarization magnitudes are in the range of 0 and 9 pm, and the averaged polarization magnitude is only ≈ 3.42 pm, which is consistent with X-ray diffraction refinement data indicating the averaged phase is pseudo-cubic, as illustrated in Figs. 3a and S4b (Supporting Information). The atomic resolution HAADF-STEM image taken along [110]c is given in Fig. S7c (Supporting Information). The coexistence of O, T, and C multiphase PNRs exhibits a rapid response to applied electric fields, which is of great significance for the reduction of Pr. Moreover, for the x = 0.15 sample, the TEM micrograph and corresponding elemental distribution are presented in Fig. 5d. Evidently, the 0.85KNN-0.15SNZ ceramic exhibits refined grain size and highly uniform distributions of K, Na, Nb, Sr, Nd, Zr, and O, all of which contribute to achieving high Eb.
Phase-field simulations of domain structures
Theoretical phase-field simulations were performed to simulate the binary (1-x)KNN-xSNZ (x = 0.12, 0.15, and 0.18) solid solutions [8,14]. We found that the studied compositions with x = 0.12, x = 0.15, and x = 0.18 indeed possess a disordered structure, where O and T nanodomains are embedded in a cubic matrix (Fig. 6 and Fig. S8, Supporting Information). The randomly distributed nanodomains with different symmetries and polarization magnitudes make a significant contribution to a reduced energy loss and the delayed saturation. Moreover, we found the fraction of the O nanodomains decreases evidently with x increase, being responsible for the relatively low Pr. Apart from multiphase nanodomains, a significant refinement of the domain size can be observed by increasing x, facilitating polarization rotation and enhancing the relaxation behavior, subsequently contributing to the reduced hysteresis and enhanced η. However, the local polarization is weakened due to a decrease in the polar phase ratio, which ultimately compromises Pmax and hence Wrec for larger x contents. These simulation results are consistent with our experiment findings, highlighting the benefits of the heterogeneous structure design in hysteresis and polarization, signifying an impressive advancement in energystorage performance.
Optical Transparency of the relaxor ceramics
In addition to the excellent energy storage performance, (1-x)KNN-xSNZ samples exhibit a satisfactory transparency which may find application in some specific scenarios, such as energy storage components in solid-state lighting, electro-optical devices, and even biomedical materials. Fig. S9 (Supporting Information) gives the optical transmittance (T%) and physical picture. It can be found that as the SNZ content (x) increased from 0.03 to 0.20, the T% values in the visible regions exhibited an initial increase followed by a decrease. The highest value of 64% was observed at x = 0.09, as evidenced by the physical sample. Notably, the ceramics with x = 0.06, x = 0.12, and x = 0.15 demonstrate exceptional T% values up to 78% at wavelength of 2000 nm, indicating outstanding transparency at near-infrared region.