The introduction of large mammalian herbivores outside their native range has both harmed and benefited local native biodiversity, but negative consequences have largely surpassed positive outcomes, both in frequency and magnitude. The novelty of this study lies in its comprehensive comparison of the negative and positive impacts of alien species, alongside an analysis of the factors determining their magnitude. By leveraging the methodological advances of the EICAT(+) frameworks, we systematically tested hypotheses that were previously only supported anecdotally for negative impacts and never tested for positive impacts. This enabled us to provide a rigorous and detailed examination of how alien species impact native biodiversity, demonstrating that the magnitude of both their negative and positive impacts is influenced by common factors such as insularity and trophic position.
Negative impacts are more numerous, larger and often precede positive impacts
The observed negative impacts of alien LMH disproportionately outnumber positive impacts on a global scale. This overall pattern does not arise solely from a few highly impactful taxa but remains consistent when examining species individually (Fig. 1), and when focusing on mechanisms through which both negative and positive impacts can be caused (Fig. 2, Supplementary Table 1). Our finding that only 20% of all impacts of alien LMH are positive (406/2021) aligns with findings from other systematic searches for positive and negative impacts. The recent IPBES report classified 15% of documented alien species impacts on nature from all taxonomic groups as positive20, while a study by Chen and coworkers55 on alien freshwater megafish found only 3% positive environmental impacts. Notably, however, temporal reporting of positive impacts is not increasing faster than that of negative impacts. In fact, the number of positive impact observations has remained quite stable over the last decades (Supplementary Fig. 1.), despite the recent popularity of literature emphasizing the necessity to acknowledge positive impacts of alien species for conservation purposes25,56–62. Moreover, the magnitude of reported positive impacts decreases faster over the years than negative impacts (Fig. 4B), suggesting that the greater number and severity of negative impacts are not due to reporting bias but reflect an inherent asymmetry in how alien LMH affect native biodiversity.
Additionally, a great majority of all alien LMH species studied for their environmental impacts (26 of 29) caused negative population level impacts (Fig. 1), and through disparate mechanisms, such as herbivory, direct physical disturbance, hybridization, interactions with other species, and indirect impacts on ecosystems (Fig. 2, Supplementary Table 1). Almost half of the studied alien LMH species (14), conversely, did not have documented positive impacts at the population level (Fig. 1). Accordingly, positive impacts were overall characterized by lower magnitude than their negative counterparts (Figs. 3A,4A), thus further supporting the "Harm Dominance Hypothesis". Moreover, strong positive impacts were predominantly caused through indirect mechanisms (195 cases out of 202, Fig. 1), while direct mechanisms (i.e. provision of trophic resources and habitat or overcompensation) rarely led to population level impacts (7). Since strong positive impacts on native biodiversity were caused by alien LMH mostly via indirect impacts through interactions with other species (167), and often the latter were species negatively affected by the same alien LMH, we suggest that negative impacts often precede positive ones. Particularly insightful are cases where the same species exhibited both strong negative and strong positive impacts, with the negative impacts consistently outnumbering the positive (Fig. 1, p < 0.001). For instance, the grazing pressure imposed by introduced goats (Capra hircus) on native vegetation caused a decline in the abundance of 66 insular plant species, and three instances of extirpation were also reported (Fig. 1). Conversely, only 13 plants have increased their abundance after the introduction of goats to islands. This positive effect was primarily observed on unpalatable ferns and monocotyledonous species, which benefited from competitive release as the goats preferentially fed on more palatable broadleaf plants63. Similar ecosystem changes from woodlands to grasslands (including ferns) were promoted by widespread alien deer species such as Cervus elaphus63,64, Cervus nippon65 and Muntiacus reevesi66. Under some circumstances alien LMH significantly benefit native plant species that are less abundant in native communities by releasing them from their competitors. Such a positive outcome is achieved at the expense of more competitive native species that are suppressed by the same alien LMH (see mechanism “Interaction with other species” in Fig. 2). Thus, many positive impacts generally do not occur directly, but only indirectly, after other native species suffer. If positive impacts are often due to the prior occurrence of negative impacts – which can conversely occur independently of positive impacts through mechanisms such as herbivory or direct disturbance (Fig. 2) – this could partially explain why the number of negative impacts of alien species is larger overall.
Explaining magnitude and direction: islands
In accordance with our predictions, both negative and positive impacts of alien LMH were larger on islands (Fig. 3). The effect of insularity on impact magnitude is particularly evident for negative impacts (Fig. 4A), supporting the hypothesis that insular biodiversity is particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic alterations10,11. Previous studies have shown that species on islands were driven towards local or global extinction primarily by predatory effects from a few widely introduced mammals such as rats, mongooses, wild boars, and feral cats and dogs37,67. Predation is the most widely cited mechanism for biodiversity decline on islands68–71. In our study, most predation events (49 out of 52) were by wild boars (Sus scrofa), with 17 occurring on islands, but only six led to strong impacts, such as declines in two insular lizards, three seabirds, and one rail species. Conversely, most strong negative impacts on islands (60) were caused by other mechanisms, such as direct physical disturbance, and chemical, physical, or structural impacts on ecosystems, and grazing/herbivory/browsing, which also occurred on the mainland. This substantiates the rarely tested assumption that native biodiversity on islands is particularly vulnerable to impacts of alien species, regardless of the mechanisms.
Our findings highlight the unique and sensitive nature of insular ecosystems, where positive impacts of alien species are also higher in magnitude. Alien species can facilitate native biodiversity by restoring functions previously held by recently extinct or extirpated species61, particularly on islands34,38. However, our data on alien LMH do not conclusively support the functional replacement hypothesis. For instance, alien wild boars, feral goats, Reeves' muntjacs, and mule deer have facilitated the dispersal of native plants on islands, but their positive impacts were weak, meaning they did not increase plant populations. Only a few strong positive impacts on islands were caused through chemical, physical, and structural impacts on ecosystems (N = 4), epibiosis or other direct habitat provisions (1), overcompensation (1), and provision of trophic resources (1). Alien species had positive population-level impacts mainly through interactions with other species (113), mostly benefiting plants (98) by reducing the grazing or browsing pressure on their direct native competitors. The higher magnitude of positive impacts on islands might be an indirect consequence of the initial decline caused by alien LMH on insular biodiversity.
Explaining magnitude and direction: trophic level
We found that native species at higher trophic levels (secondary consumers) were more impacted by alien LMH than those at lower trophic levels. While there is evidence that top trophic levels are more sensitive to environmental change17, our study is the first to demonstrate this across multiple terrestrial taxa. Previous studies have mainly explored this relationship within single taxa or taxonomic levels, or only in marine communities. For example, terrestrial alien plants have caused various negative impacts on higher trophic levels18,19,72,73, but it remains unclear if these impacts are larger, equal to, or smaller than those on native producers74. Thomsen and coworkers75 found that alien marine producers and consumers negatively impact native species within their trophic level rather than higher ones, mainly through competition and other antagonistic interactions. They also found that introduced species can serve as significant novel food resources for native consumers, benefiting species positioned directly above in the trophic chain. Our results suggest that introduced LMH have severe impacts on high-trophic-level species, mostly through indirect interactions or ecosystem changes. In contrast, direct impacts on species at the same or lower trophic levels through antagonistic interactions like competition, predation, or herbivory have lower impact magnitudes. While species high in the food chain might be particularly vulnerable to alien species, our findings stress the need for community-level studies that include complex indirect interactions beyond direct individual species interactions.
Similar considerations may apply to positive impacts. Studies on native predators feeding on alien species42,76–78, pollinators utilizing alien plant nectar and pollen79 and frugivores incorporating alien fruits in their diets80 found that alien species can benefit species directly above them in the trophic chain by providing trophic resources39,40,75. However, among all positive impacts of alien LMH on secondary consumers (114), only nine (8%) were through food provision, with only one having population-level consequences. Instead, alien LMH benefited secondary consumers mostly indirectly through ecosystem changes (53) and interactions with other species (50), leading to strong population-level positive impacts in the majority of cases (60/103). We conclude that species high in the food chain can sometimes benefit from complex trophic cascades or habitat provisioning initiated by alien species introductions, while direct provision of trophic resources plays a minor role in affecting local biodiversity.
Temporal trends of impact magnitude and confidence in its assignment
We did not find support for our hypothesis that regardless of impact direction, strong impacts are reported first and thus impact magnitude would decline over time. Notably, we found that impact magnitude steeply declines over time for positive impacts (Fig. 4B), whereas the decline for negative impacts was much shallower and non-significant (Table 4). This may indicate that strong positive impacts, i.e. those concerning population level changes induced by alien LMH on native species, were identified, and therefore reported, first due to their obvious extent. Conversely, positive impacts having weaker magnitude levels, i.e. involving individuals rather than populations, might have been initially less evident and remained undetected for years.
Alternatively, improved analytical methods might have revealed that positive impacts often affect native individuals without significant population-level consequences. This latter conjecture might be supported by the finding that the magnitude of positive impacts classified with high and medium confidence decreases more steeply than low-confidence impacts. This indicates that population-level positive impacts assigned with greater certainty become scarcer over time in favor of those assigned with analogous levels of confidence but measured at the individual level. It is also worth noting that while weak impacts also encompass Minimal positive impacts (Table 1), they have been reported more often (n = 63 vs 46) and with higher confidence (high/medium = 52% vs 6%) in the last two decades (2000–2019) than in the previous two decades (1980–1999). We anticipate this trend will continue, as our research identified several instances where positive impacts at the individual level might exist. However, the study design or the use of composite biodiversity indicators (such as species richness, diversity, or evenness) did not allow us to conclusively determine the magnitude of these impacts. For example, future studies will likely elucidate to which extent feral donkeys in the Sonoran Desert, which are preyed upon by native cougars81 and play a role in shaping dryland ecosystems by increasing water availability82, benefit native species, but also which other native species might suffer.
Implications for conservation
Large mammalian herbivores have recently been suggested as candidates for restoring ecosystem functions that were lost during the pleistocenic and holocenic human-mediated extinctions83,84, a strategy often referred to as rewilding. Since many LMH species are also threatened by extinction in their native range32, establishing populations in areas where the species has never occurred in their history might be a viable conservation option (“assisted colonization”35,85), if the newly introduced species do not significantly harm local communities. Although a recent meta-analysis showed that alien LMH have impacts on vegetation abundance or diversity that are on average no different than those from native species, even on islands44, our study clarifies that negative impacts of introduced LMH dominate and are more pronounced on islands, not only for native plants but also for other taxa. Decisions about the introduction or removal of alien large mammalian herbivores (LMH) for conservation purposes, including eradication, rewilding, and assisted colonization, should involve a careful risk assessment considering the local context86,87. Additionally, these decisions must be clear about the conservation goals and ethical trade-offs88. There will be winners and losers in local communities, which can be identified with the EICAT(+) frameworks but may be overlooked when relying on average impacts and community metrics.