Material and reagents. HPLC grade solvents, (−)-epicatechin [(−)EC)], procyanidins A1, A2, B2 and B5 standards were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint-Louis, MO, USA) and referred to as synthetic standard. (−)-[2,3,4-13C3]Epicatechin (13C3-(−)EC) was purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc Tewksbuy, MA, USA). Stable isotope labelled synthetic standard for procyanidins - procyanidin B2, (13C4-DP2); procyanidin C1, (13C4-DP3) and cinnamtannin A2, (13C4-DP4) were purchased from Analyticon Discovery with purity of ≥ 90 % and no residual trace of unlabeled procyanidins. Carbon positions labelled with 13C are shown in Fig. 1. CF oligomeric fractions including DP2 − 7 isolated from the seeds of Theobroma cacao L. by Mars Wrigley Confectionary (Mars Inc, Hackettstown, NJ, USA), and purified and characterized (purities > 94 %) by Analyticon Discovery (Analytical Discovery Gmbh, Potsdam, Germany) served as CF oligomer primary standards as previously reported 22.
CF extract reference material (RM 8403) 23, baking chocolate reference material (RM 2384), whole milk powder (RM 1549a), and soy flour (RM 3234) were acquired from the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST, US Dept. of Commerce, Gaitherburg, MD, USA). Corn starch, wheat flour, and whey protein were purchased at a local grocery store. Cocoa powder was supplied by Mars Symbioscience (Mars Inc, Germantown, MD, USA).
Sample preparation. Seven matrices were selected to represent different foodstuff composition. The distribution of the composition of these food matrices are presented in Figure S1. Sample preparation was optimized for each of the seven foodstuff models using a combination of processing steps including defatting, solid/liquid extraction, protein precipitation and SPE clean-up which are summarized in Table S1 in the on-line Supplementary Information.
Defatting of high fat matrices. Fat removal was performed for matrices with fat content above 10 % by weight using and solid liquid extraction with hexane. Defatting was carried out by mixing 5 g of test material with 45 mL of hexane, sonicating at 50°C, followed by centrifugation for 5 min at 1700 rcf. The hexane wash was decanted and the process repeated until the supernatant became clear. The hexane washings were combined and evaporated overnight at room temperature. The dry hexane residue was weighed to determine % fat content and enable fat correction of results. The deffated solid prepared for analysis.
Solid/liquid extraction. CFs were extracted from solid samples with acetone:water:acetic acid (70/30/1, v/v) (AWAA). The mixture was vortexed, sonicated 5 min at 50°C, and centrifuged for 5 min at 1700 rcf. The supernatant was either filtered prior to analysis or subjected to SPE purification.
Protein precipitation. Water was added to samples which were vortexed, acetone:acetic acid (99.5/0.5, v/v) was added prior to sonication at 50°C and incubation at −20°C for 20 min to allow complete protein precipitation. Samples were then centrifuged at 1700 rcf at room temperature for 5 min. The supernatant was either filtered prior to analysis or subjected to SPE purification.
SPE purification. Solid phase extraction use a mixed mode cation exchange cartridge (Oasis PRiME MCX 6 cc 150 mg) (Waters Coporation, Milford, MA, USA). A 1 mL volume of AWAA was used to condition the cartridge until ca. 2 mm remained on top of the sorbent. The cartridge was loaded with 2.5 mL of sample supernatent then as eluted until 2 mm remained on top of the sorbent. The sorbent was then washed with 12 mL AWAA which was collected and made up to a 25 mL volume with AWAA prior to analysis.
Matrix Effect and Recovery. Matrix effect and recovery parameters were used to estimate sample preparation extraction and clean-up performances. Matrix effect and recovery were estimated using the a solution of standard, a matrix blank, a matrix spike (before extraction) and a matrix spike (after extraction). Matrix effect was calculated as the ratio of the difference between the area response (HPLC-MS2 ) of matrix blank and matrix spiked after extraction to that of the standard solution. Recovery was estimated as the ratio of the response of the matrix spiked before and after extraction. Sample preparation was tailored to the compostion of each matrix (see Table S1).
HPLC-MS 2 optimization. The accurate analysis CFs by HPLC with MS2 detection is dependent upon the use of a chromatographic mobile phase without interferences from compounds with similar m/z ions to those produced by the compounds of interest. Full MS scans of the reference material (RM 8403) and primary standards were performed to identify m/z of parent compounds and optimal cone voltage conditions for CFs with different degrees of polymerization. The reference material and the primary standards were isolated from cocoa and, therefore, a C4→C8 B-type linkage was expected to be the predominant structural feature of the targeted molecule. Cone voltage was evaluated from 10–80 V with an increment of 5 V and m/z scanned from 50 to 2000 Da. Daughter scans were then aquired for each target. Fragments were selected for their contribution to sensitive and selective detection. Collision energies were optimized from 10 to 80 V. To select the best compromise between sensitivity and selectivity, transitions that were unique to the targeted procyanidin multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions were selected to achieve resolution against adjacent analytes in priority. MS2 parameters are summarized in Table 1.
HPLC-MS 2 analysis. A Water Acquity H-class liquid chromatograph linked to a tandem mass spectrometer (Waters Xevo TQS micro) with an electrospray source operating in negative mode was used for flavanol and procyanidin analysis. Chromatographic separations used a Waters Torus Diol Column (2.1 x100 mm, 1.7 µm particle size, 130 Å pore size) fitted with an in-line filter. Column and autosampler temperatures were set to 50°C and 5°C, respectively. Samples, 2 µL, were injected and separated by a binary gradient with mobile phase A (acetonitrile:formic acid; 99.5:0.5) and mobile phase B (methanol:water:formic acid; 97:3:0.5). The solvent gradient at 0.3 mL/min was 0.0–0.4 min, 0%B, 3.0 min 45%B, 5.5 min, 95%B, 6.5 min 95%B, 6.6 min 0%B, and 10.0 min 0%B).
Negative mode electrospray ionization settings were as follows: desolvation gas flow was at 800 L/hr, desolvation temperature was 500°C, cone gas flow was 100 L/hr, capillary voltage was at 3.2 kV, quadrupole low and high mass resolutions were lowered for the first and third quadrupole (LM1 resolution was set at 9.2, HM1 resolution was set at 12.0, LM2 resolution was set at 9.2, and HM2 resolution was set at 12.0) to accommodate the detection of multiple charged ions showing wider signal with low resolution detector. MRM detection conditions are described for DP1-7 in Table 1. However, due to accessibility to 13C labelled material, quantitative method development was only possible for DP1-4.
Calibration. Cocoa extract reference material RM 8403 has been developed for the purpose of calibrating HPLC-FLD instruments used in AOAC Official Method of Analysis 2020.05. In this study, we used RM 8403 to calibrate a HPLC-MS2 instrument by preparing a serial dilution of NIST RM 8403. The stock solution was prepared by dissolving 40 mg of RM 8403 in a 50 mL flask with acetone:water:acetic acid (AWAA 70:30:1). This solution was diluted ten times to provide working standard #7. Working standard #7 was then diluted by pipetting 1.25, 2.5 and 5 mL in 10 mL volumetric flasks to obtain working standards 4–6 and 0.4, 0.8 and 1.5 mL in 25 mL volumetric flasks to obtain working standards 1–3. For cocoa samples, 1 mL of working standards 1–6 was transferred to autosampler vial and 10 µL of 13C internal standard solution (50 µg/mL) was added. Calibration curves were built for DP1-4 using the relative response of each target to its respective 13C internal standard, a 1/χ weighing function and a quadratic model. For samples with blank matrix available, a calibration curve was built in a similar manner, but with the use of 13C internal standard. Instead, a matrix match approach was preferred as a more cost-efficient option.
Method validation. Method accuracy was determined through a spike and recovery approach at three levels, each prepared in triplicate. LQC (or low quality check) was the lowest level and was within 3 times the lowest level of the calibration curve. The intermediate level, MQC (or medium quality check), was placed in the middle of the calibration curve. The high quality check, HQC, had a concentration between the second to highest and highest level of the calibration curve. A solution of matrix was prepared at a concentration 4 times higher than what is recommended in Table S1, and 2.5 mL were transferred in 10 mL volumetric flasks. A solution of cocoa extract reference material was spiked at three levels and the volume adjusted to 10 mL. Accuracy was determined as the ratio between the measured concentration to spiked concentration. For cocoa powder and baking chocolate, the measured concentration was corrected for endogenous CF measured in unspiked samples.
Precision was assessed at three levels (four levels for matrices that contain endogenous CFs) and defined as the relative standard deviation (%RSD) across triplicate preparation within a single sequence (intraday) and three set of triplicate preparations analysed in three consecutive days (interday).
Linearity was determined by the coefficient of determination (r2) higher or equal to 0.99. A quadratic fit was necessary due to the disparity in concentration and reponse across the degree of polymerization of the procyanidins. In these conditions, a slight saturation of the signal was observed at the highest concentration and led to using a quadratic model to fit the response=ƒ(concentration) curve.
Selectivity was determine by analyzing other types of procyanidins. Cocoa procyanidins are predominantly B-type while other botanicals can contain A-type procyanidins or a mix of both A and B procyanidins. Commercially-available A-type procyanidins (procyanidin A1 and A2) were analyzed and showed no signal.
Stability was evaluated for the seven matrices over four days at autosampler (5°C) and at freezer (−20°C) temperatures (Table S2). Each sample was determined using a calibration curve solution prepared on the day of analysis. Percentage recoveries were calculated as the ratio of the content determined to the content determined on day 1, for DP1-4, for each matrix over a 3 day period.
Cross-validation. To estimate method reliability, performances were compared to those of the recently accredited testing (AOAC2020.05). Twenty six cocoa-based samples were analysed using the HPLC-MS2 method and the fluorescence-based protocol detailed in AOAC 2020.05. Sample matrices included a wide-range of commercially-available cocoa-based ingredients including cocoa powder, dark chocolate, baking chocolate, dietary supplement drink mixes, dietary supplement capsules and dietary supplement cocoa extract ingredients. These samples had CF contents ranging from ca. 3 to 500 mg/g (DP1-7 per AOAC2020.05). Given the limited number of de novo radiolabeled standards, DP1-4 contents measured and compared across the the two methods. Method differences were assessed by modeling CF content determined by HPLC-MS2 as a function of CF content determined with HPLC-FLD.