Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most prevalent mental diseases, characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, lack of interest, and other impaired cognitive functions. According to the estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading contributor to non-fatal health outcomes, causing great burdens on society (Abdoli et al., 2022). It is crucial to find out the early pathological signs that may lead to depression to prevent the onset of it. However, despite decades of effort in investigating the abnormalities in brain functions that may serve as risk factors for the onset of MDD, the true pathophysiology is still not fully understood. Further research is required to confirm robust neural correlates of MDD to design the targeted treatment process. It is also noteworthy that gender differences exist in MDD. According to the research by Romans et al. (2007), the female-to-male ratio of MDD was 1.64:1. Not only were females more likely to experience depression, but they also reported more severe symptoms including higher levels of emotional instability and more ruminative thoughts. Investigating the distinct cognitive patterns in males and females may explain the gender difference in MDD and provide a more comprehensive overall understanding of the mechanism of MDD.
One of the biomarkers of MDD is the abnormalities in the functional connectivity (FC)between brain areas. Functional connectivity refers to the temporal dependency of neuronal activation patterns of brain regions that are anatomically distinct (Van Den Heuvel & Pol, 2010). It was consistently suggested that MDD patients exhibited abnormal FC in a wide range of brain regions, such as the amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, and prefrontal cortex (Li et al., 2022). Among all brain regions, abnormal FCs in the default mode network (DMN) in MDD patients were specifically highlighted. A recent study with a large sample size (N = 2428) found that the subjects with depression had decreased FC in the default mode network (DMN; Yan et al., 2019). On the other hand, a meta-analysis study which extracted data from 25 studies by Kaiser et al. (2015) found inconsistent direction of alteration of FC. They investigated the alteration in DMN functional connectivity in MDD patients compared to healthy controls. Among all studies, the majority of the studies reported increased FC, and the rest reported decreased FC, or both increased and decreased (Yan et al., 2019). Inconsistent findings also existed in between-network FCs. For example, Manoliu et al. (2014) proposed a hyper-connectivity between the salience network (SN) and DMN in MDD patients, while Geller et al. (2021) proposed hypo-connectivity between these networks led by depressive symptoms. Individual differences such as age, gender, and symptoms may account for the difference in the direction of FC alteration. To generate a unified theory about the brain mechanism, studies need to investigate the influence of these individual differences and account for them.
Significant gender difference exists in major depressive disorder. Studies have consistently shown that women had higher local functional connectivity density in cortical and subcortical regions compared to men (Tomasi & Volkow, 2012). According to the distinct FC pattern, it was inspected that the same cognitive process might engage different brain regions in men and women. According to (Stoica et al., 2021), emotional regulation in women was associated with the FC within the cingulo-opercular network, while emotional regulation in men was associated with FC within the ventral attentional network. Also, it was suggested that in females, MDD correlated with hypoconnectivity within DMN, and between the subcortical regions (amygdala, striatum, and thalamus), while males exhibit opposite patterns (hyperconnectivity in these regions; (Yang et al., 2024). It is consistently agreed that gender differences exist in FC patterns. However, studies investigating gender differences in the FC abnormality in MDD are still lacking, thus unable to come up with a unified theory. It is essential to keep investigating the distinct neural correlates of MDD in males and females. However, it is noteworthy that MDD is not a unitary psychological process, but rather a highly heterogeneous diagnosis with various symptoms (Fried, 2017). The brain mechanisms underlying different symptoms may differ from one another. Thus, they need to be investigated separately. The focus of this study will be on one of the most significant symptoms of MDD -- rumination (Zhang et al., 2020). Very few studies exist in the area that investigate the resting functional connectivity related to rumination level. Studying this provides critical insights into the specific neural mechanisms under this cognitive process, and potentially provides evidence for the theories regarding the gender differences in MDD.
Rumination is characterized by the repetitive and passive focus on one's negative emotions and thoughts (Nolen-Hoeksema & Morrow, 1991). It has long been implicated in the onset and development of major depressive disorders (Treynor et al., 2003). During rumination, individuals tend to focus on negative events and experience negative emotions. As suggested by many studies, rumination predicts and exacerbates depression (e.g., Piraman et al., 2016). According to Nolen-Hoeksema et al. (2008), rumination exerts negative effects on instrumental behaviours and social interactions, which might potentially lead to worsened depressive symptoms. Though many studies looked at gender differences in focal activation levels in certain brain regions during the rumination state, few studies have looked at the resting-state FC gender difference. Nevertheless, resting FC was shown to be a significant indicator or risk factor of rumination, and may provide inspiration for how the brain works in a natural state. Like the research on MDD, research on rumination has predominantly found altered FC in brain regions of DMN. Various studies have consistently shown that subjects with higher levels of rumination showed lower overall resting functional connectivity within the DMN network (e.g., Jacob et al., 2020; Rosenbaum et al., 2017). The cognitive process of rumination also considers other brain regions. For example, Peters et al. (2016) reported hyperconnectivity between the amygdala and posterior cingulate, emphasizing the importance of the amygdala in rumination. The hyper-connectivity between these regions might potentially result in diminished control of the frontoparietal network over self-referential processes, leading to ruminative thoughts. The link between FC and rumination is well suggested. However, rumination is a heterogeneous process, and studies have shown that different subtypes of rumination should be looked at separately as they might be related to different brain mechanisms. Chen et al. (2020) reported that the intra-connection within the DMN network is negatively correlated with brooding rumination, but uncorrelated with reflective rumination. The neural correlates of different aspects of rumination should be investigated individually. In this present study, different aspects of rumination were investigated separately.
This study utilized Functional Connectivity Density Mapping (FCDM) to investigate the FC difference within the brain that is linked to rumination. FCDM is a newly developed approach that uses resting-state functional magnetic resonate imaging (fMRI) to map the local or global connections in each voxel, calculated using Pearson’s correlation (Tomasi & Volkow, 2010). Other approaches investigating functional connectivity include a hypothesis-driven seed-based approach, which only focuses on the regions of interest (ROI) that are previously selected; and data-driven independent component analysis (ICA), which only assesses the FC at the network level (Cohen et al., 2018). Studies exploring the functional connectivity that correlates with rumination lack a unified theory regarding the specific regions or networks involved. Though most studies in this field have emphasized the role of DMN, the influence of other regions cannot be ignored. Thus, a data-driven approach that looks at the functional connectivity within the whole brain is utilized.
According to Zhu et al. (2022), there was an effect of age on the functional connectivity between brain regions. To eliminate the spuriousness, this current study will focus on only one age group. While numerous studies have delved into the intricacies of rumination in adolescent populations, this present study will focus on young adults, a group of populations that are often overlooked in the context of ruminative behavior and its neural underpinnings. This period, often referred to as "emerging adulthood," presents a unique opportunity to examine the neural correlates of rumination in a maturing brain. During this period, people are prone to a great amount of stress due to difficulty adapting to the new environments at university or at work. The identification of biomarkers in young adults susceptible to MDD is significant to prevent the potential onset of MDD. Furthermore, the majority of past literature has focused on the functional connectivity behind rumination in MDD patients and used the brain networks of healthy subjects as controls/baselines (e.g., Lois & Wessa, 2016). Very few studies have investigated the potential risk factors for rumination regarding functional connectivity in healthy participants. This study, however, will be conducted on healthy subjects and identify brain regions that are related to rumination as an inspiration for detecting risk factors.
The current study aims to fill the existing gap in the literature by employing a neuroimaging approach to investigate gender differences in the brain regions and networks adopted in rumination in young adults. This study will explore the brain regions in which the resting-state functional connectivity relates to rumination and whether there are gender differences in the brain mechanism. We hypothesize that 1) Female participants will score higher on the rumination questionnaire than male participants. 2) The functional connectivity between brain regions that correlate to rumination levels in males and females will be different. It was inspected that rumination level may correlate with hypo-connectivity in DMN network and other related regions in females, and hyper-connectivity in these regions in males.