The Faraday paradox, originating from the age-old unipolar induction experiment, challenges established principles of electromagnetic induction. Two conflicting hypotheses—the M and N hypotheses—compete to elucidate this enigma. While the former suggests that magnetic flux rotates with the magnet, the latter contends that flux remains stationary. Intriguingly, experimental evidence supports both theories. This study aims to enhance understanding of the unipolar theory by leveraging the flux-cutting law of electromagnetic induction. Key concepts, including magnetic domain theory, relative angular velocity, and the flux-cutting rule, will be outlined, along with an analysis of unipolar induction results. The measurement circuit, or external circuit, is part of the closed circuit and interacts with the magnetic field to induce electromotive force, which is included in the analysis. A novel experiment utilizing multiple magnets, collectively equivalent to a single magnet, is devised and executed to gain deeper insight into the mechanism of unipolar induction. The seat of electromotive force is localized in the circuit under study, and its dynamic behavior is found to be instrumental in explaining the outcomes of unipolar induction. This study also highlights the paradoxical nature of Faraday's experiment, the contrasting hypotheses, the experimental outcomes, and the role of the flux cutting rule in resolving the conundrum.