In this multicenter, population-based PSM study cohort, we evaluated the mid-term outcomes of MABG versus SABG in patients with LVSD, and we found that (1) after PSM, in-hospital outcomes were similar between two cohorts; (2) MABG was associated with lower mid-term risk of MAEs and two individual components: MI and repeat revascularization; (3) MABG was not associated with reduced the mid-term rate of death and stroke; and (4) MABG did not increase risk of sternal wound infection. These findings suggested MABG should be importantly taken into consideration in graft selection in patients with mild to moderate LVSD.
The threshold of LVSD defined in the previous guidelines were controversial [17, 18], that focused on the argument of a borderline LVEF of 50–55%. We applied recent update European and American echocardiographic guideline, which defined a LVEF < 53% as abnormal [19]. In this study, we did not observe worse in-hospital outcomes in the MABG group, as multiple arterial grafting was more complex and time-consuming compared with traditional SVG procedure. The excellent in-hospital outcomes of MABG may probably be related to the improvement in perfusion alteration, myocardial protection, surgical expertise, technique of arterial grafts anastomosis, and perioperative care.
Patients with LVSD differed on pathophysiologic basis from normal LV function, that demonstrated significant abnormalities of ventricular size and function, with shift in the end-systolic pressure-volume relation and decrease in chamber contractility [20]. Based on these changes, LVSD remained associated with diminished long-term survival despite much improvement was achieved in short-term outcomes after CABG [1]. The survival benefit derived from the LITA as a single arterial graft was reported in 1986 by Lytle and colleagues [21], and they also identified LITA as the conduit of choice in patients with low LVEF. The discovery promoted a transition from all SVG-CABG to the current standard of LITA/SVG-CABG. Clinical practice guideline from Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) suggested that LITA should be used to bypass the LAD (class of recommendation [COR] I, level of evidence [LOE] B) and a second arterial graft (RITA or RA) should be considered in appropriate patients (COR II a, LOE B) [22].
Nevertheless, it remained unclear whether LVSD would negate any potential advantage of MABG, especially in severe cases. In the long-term follow-up studies, Galbut and colleagues [23] reported no multiple arterial survival benefit in PSM bilateral internal thoracic artery CABG (BITA-MABG) versus SABG in patients with LVEF < 30%. Similarly, Mohammadi and colleagues [11] did not find any BITA-MABG benefit in late survival (mean, 8 years) in patients with LVEF < 40%. Schwann and colleagues [10] compared the long-term survival of RA-MABG versus SABG across the entire LV function spectrum, and they found no survival difference in the moderate to severe dysfunction (LVEF ≤ 35%) cohorts, but superior survival in the mild dysfunction (LVEF = 36–50%) and normal cohorts (LVEF > 50%) of RA-MABG. In the recent population-based observational study [7], subgroup analysis showed that survival advantage of MABG was achieved in patients with moderate LVSD (LVEF = 35–50%), but that disappeared in patients with severe LVSD (LVEF < 35%). These researches potentially raised the question that did it make any sense to perform MABG in the cases of LVEF < 35% or even < 30%? Considering approximately half of venous conduits occluded by 8–10 years post CABG [24], and to achieve optimal results following MABG, the patients should have a predicted survival of at least 10 years [25]. The vague recommendation that multiple arterial grafts be considered in “appropriate patients” or in patients “with reasonable life expectancy” offers little guidance to surgeons [22, 26]. In our opinion, the patients with severe LVSD (LVEF < 30%), with severely impaired of global systolic function and ventricular remodeling, that constitutes a powerful predictor of late mortality, and thus could not be considered as “with reasonable life expectancy”.
In our study, we excluded patients with severe LVSD, and a substantial proportion of patients were mild systolic dysfunction (median 46%, interquartile range 42%-49%) with average age of 64 years old, that may be clinically appropriate candidates for MABG and have a “reasonable life expectancy”. However, death from all causes for MABG was 12.2% and 18.4% for SABG, with no statistically significant difference detected. The possible explanations for our results may be related to the mid-term follow-up of this study, which was too short to assess for graft mediated difference in survival. Previous studies demonstrated that survival difference may start to appear 5 years after surgery in the general CABG population [9, 27], and patients with LVSD may take longer [28]. Moreover, although we reported a multicenter study cohort, eligible patients for analysis were small sample size, since low proportion of patients were with preoperative LVSD in our databases and multiple arterial conduits were not commonly used in China. It is expected that disparities in graft patency should become manifest in terms of a difference in survival only in the large sample size and long-term following CABG.
In the present study, patients who received either a RITA or RA graft, or both comprised the MABG. The consistent survival benefit of MABG was observed in the previous researches regardless of which second arterial conduit was predominantly used, suggested that both RITA and RA could obtain a similar survival benefit [9, 29, 30]. MABG in this study were performed with several strategies, including single graft anastomosed to a single distal artery, multiple sequential anastomoses, and a composite Y- or T-grafts which always use RA as a free graft to achieve total arterial revascularization. Consistent with studies in general CABG population [8, 31], MABG were less likely to undergo acute MI and repeat revascularization via PCI or surgical revascularization, and the adverse cardiac events differences appeared earlier than death. There is clear evidence that failure of grafts to LAD adversely affects survival; however, failure of grafts to other target vessels is more likely to result in non-fatal cardiac events [32]. Despite BITA was identified as an independent risk factor for sternal wound infection [33], we did not observe a higher incidence of sternal wound infection in MABG up to 6 months of follow-up after surgery. This discrepancy may be explained by our and other centers’ technique of skeletonizing the ITA, which preserves the lymphatic vessels and more of the blood supply to the sternum, compared with the more commonly used technique of ITA harvesting with a wide pedicle.
We performed patients who received ≥ 3 grafts CABG as a sensitivity analysis, and the results were generally corresponded with our primary analysis. In our sensitivity analysis, there appeared to be more benefit in the SABG with increasing use of SVG, as reduction of disparities showed between two cohorts. Furthermore, there trended to decreased cardiovascular events in the MABG, with the ratio of SVG increased. These findings were consistent with the subgroup analysis in general CABG population study by Rocha and colleagues [34]. Whereas, further investigations were needed, as potential type II error associated with a small sample size may occur when creating subgroups in a sensitivity analysis.