Conventional mammography has a sensitivity of 66%, and a specificity of 92% (18), but recent studies showed that mammography does not reduce breast cancer mortality and may lead to overdiagnosis, increasing unnecessary surgical procedures and patient anxiety (19, 20). In the last few decades, the use of serum tumor markers has been introduced for cancer screening; however, none has been proved suitable for screening the entire target population due to low specificity and sensitivity in the early stage of disease (21–23). Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) detection and enumeration in breast cancer is a promising new diagnostic field; but these CTCs are present only at a ratio of 1 cell per 106–107 peripheral blood cells (24), which makes their detection very difficult. In contrast, PBMC are easily obtained. Then, the present data, although preliminary, may contribute to the novel concept for breast cancer detection based on the immune system response to the presence of the tumor in the body, rather than on the observation of tumor cells themselves.
In the present study, we have investigated MMP1 and MMP11 gene expression in PBMC because of their relationship with lymph node metastasis (17) and hematogenous metastasis (6–11) in breast cancer, respectively. The analysis of the MMP11 expression in PBMC suggests the existence of a breast cancer patient subpopulation (25.9% of total patients) showing high levels of MMP11 (2-fold or higher) compared to healthy women. This fact could be of great clinical interest, although we found no significant relationship between high levels of MMP11 gene expression in BC-PBMC with clinico-pathological characteristics (data not shown). Differences in PBMC gene expression between breast cancer patients and healthy women may be related to malignancy-induced biological effects. In this sense, changes regarding immune cell populations have been reported, not only in breast cancer (25–27), but also in other solid tumors (25–28). In addition, according to our previous and current data, MMP11 expression is independent of tumor characteristics, such as the tumor stage, indicating that MMP11 expression might be associated with the individual’s response to the tumor, and its expression may correspond to the evolutionary stages of the tumor, at the initial stages of tumor development. This finding indicates that PBMC from some breast cancer patients are biologically different to PBMC from healthy subjects, suggesting that MMP11 gene expression in PBMC might contribute, in some cases, to the diagnosis or the prognosis of breast cancer.
In order to explore the crosstalk between PBMC and tumor cells or tumor microenvironment, co-cultures of PBMC together with breast cancer cell lines or CAF were performed (summary of the results in Tables 1 and 2). MMP1 gene expression in PBMC from controls was significantly increased after co-cultures with breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231), as well as with CAF or normal fibroblasts. However, MMP1 gene expression in PBMC from breast cancer patients was significantly increased only after co-cultures with CAF or normal fibroblasts, but not after co-culture with breast cancer cell lines. However, and importantly, PBMC from both, controls and breast cancer patients, showed a higher MMP1 gene expression after co-culture with CAF than with normal fibroblasts, suggesting an impact on MMP1 regulation from tumor microenvironment. According to that, previous data from our group indicate that MMP1 overexpression in tumor-infiltrating immune cells is an early event at the microinvasive focus of in situ breast carcinomas (29). MMP1 expression was also significantly increased in aggressive breast tumors and correlates with both tumor size and histological grade (30). Likewise, MMP1 expression in immune cells surrounding cancer cells in positive sentinel nodes was also strongly associated with tumor involvement of non-sentinel lymph nodes in patients with invasive breast cancer (17). In addition to these, it has been reported an association between circulating tumor cells with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (CTC-EMT) and MMP1 expression in primary tumor tissue, suggesting that therapeutic targeting of MMP1 could lead to decrease MMP1-induced EMT and, subsequently, decrease CTC-EMT and then cause a reduction in tumor dissemination or treatment resistance (31). Regarding MMP11 gene expression, PBMC from controls after co-culture with both breast cancer cell lines showed a significant increased expression; however, PBMC from breast cancer patients did not show significant differences. This result suggests a possible modulation of MMP11 gene expression in PBMC during an early phase of the interaction with tumor cells and the possible existence of a prior molecular interaction memory.
Table 1
Summary of the MMP1 and MMP11 gene expression in PBMC after co-culture.
| C-PBMCa | BC-PBMCb |
MDA-MB-231 | ↑MMP1 ↑MMP11 | NO CHANGES |
NFc | ↑MMP1 | ↑MMP1 |
CAFd | ↑↑MMP1 | ↑↑MMP1 |
a: C−PBMC: Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from healthy women; b: BC−PBMC: Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from breast cancer patients; c: NF: Normal Fibroblasts; d: CAF: Cancer−Associated Fibroblasts |
Table 2
Summary of the inflammatory selected set gene expression in Fibroblast after co-culture.
| NFa | CAFb |
C-PBMCc | ↑IL6 | ↑IL6 |
BC-PBMCd | ↑IL6 ↓IL1A ↓IL17 ↓IFNβ ↓NFκB | ↑IL6 ↑IL1A ↑IL17 ↑IFNβ ↑NFκB |
a: NF: Normal Fibroblasts; b: CAF: Cancer−Associated Fibroblasts; c: C−PBMC: Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from healthy women; d: BC−PBMC: Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from breast cancer patients |
A key aspect in breast cancer is the role of inflammatory cells in the tumor-stroma crosstalk. In this sense, it is known that CAF contribute to tumor progression by several mechanisms, including the evocation of an inflammatory response. In order to explore this scenario, gene expression of a set of five inflammatory factors, overexpressed in biologically aggressive breast carcinomas (12), were analyzed in breast cancer cell lines and CAF before and after co-culture with PBMC from breast cancer patients. No significant differences were found in breast cancer cell lines (not shown). However, IL1A, IL6 and NFĸB gene expression in CAF was increased after co-culture with PBMC from breast cancer patients. By contrast, gene expression of IL1A, IL17, IFNβ and NFĸB in normal fibroblasts was downregulated after same culture conditions. All of these data seem to indicate a special reactivity of CAF when interacting with breast cancer patients’ PBMC, which can help to better understand the context of the relationship between the immune system and tumor stroma in breast cancer. In addition, these inflammatory factors, beside their central role in the inflammation process, have been related to distant metastasis promotion (12) due to their role in tumor progression trough several pathways, including the generation of free radicals that can induce DNA damage and mutations that can lead to tumor initiation, stimulating cell proliferation and reducing apoptosis, promoting EMT and angiogenesis(32–34).