The most frequently cited framework for decision making methods developed by Snowden & Boone (2007) demonstrates the inadequacy of a fundamental assumption of organizational theory and practice regarding decision making in complex situations: that in the world there is a certain level of predictability and order. Complex situations require avoiding simplifications and applying complex decision-making methods. The issues in the political economy of health care are many, varied and sometimes obscure (McKinlay, 2022).
Summary of the existing literature search
Decision making methods
The term Decision Analysis was used by Ronald A. Howard, as a practical application of Decision Theory to find tools and methods for the selection of the best decision by a fully informed decision maker (Howard, 1975). In order to make a decision there must be alternative options from which to choose the one that fits the goals, objectives, desires, values of the decision maker (Harris, 1998).
Conventional economic analysis is often used to create a framework in which social goals can be integrated into the health care decision-making process (Jan, Dommers, & Mooney, 2003).
Political Economy of health policy and Decision-making methods
Political economy factors are important in determining the adoption and implementation of health policies. The analysis of the political economy of health provides a way to take into account the political and social realities of health, whether at the community, sub-national, national, regional or global level. (Sparkes, Rivera, Jang, Marten, Rajan, Robb, & Shroff (2022). Political economy is closely related to decision making. The current -third- era of public policy political economy is based on models and methods that have been applied to the study of political science, which are increasingly concerned with public policy issues (John, 2018).
Μέθοδοι Εκτίµησης αποδοτικότητας για τη λήψη αποφάσεων
Methods of Efficiency Assessment for Decision Making
Fountzoula, & Aravossis, (2022) conducted a systematic review on Decision-Making Methods in the Public Sector and listed the most important Decision-Making methods as follows:
- Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- Analytic Network Process (ANP)
- Technique of Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
- Elimination and Choice Translating Reality (ELECTRE)
- Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)
- Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
- Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEEs)
Many methods or techniques or models are used complementarily or autonomously for decision making, such as
- ARENA finding factors that may influence the various decisions to be made; or
- SARIMA to predict conditions that will occur in the future based on past data
- Tagushi for solving one-dimensional problems and scenario planning (Tavakoli, Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Mesbahi, Ghanavati-Nejad, Tajally, 2022).
Απόδοση-Productivity-Efficiency-Effectiveness of hospitals
Hospital productivity, usually measured by total factor productivity (TFP) and labor productivity index, is a measure that deals with finding areas for improvement, which can reduce the cost of healthcare (Ali, Salehnejad, & Mansur, 2019). The efficiency of hospitals is related to the optimal use of resource allocation, which is absolutely necessary in the current conditions in which the costs in health care tend to be inelastic the resources in health care tend to be used uncontrollably (Al-Shammari, 1999).
Crises and in particular those affecting the global community according to Lomborg (2004) span a wide range: climate crisis, disease, migration and generally any non-normal situation that threatens societies and individuals. Extremely large global crises that have occurred in recent years are the global financial crisis and the covid-19 crisis (Aktar, Alam, & Al-Amin, (2021). Crises that belong to different categories, such as the covid-19 health pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine crisis, share common characteristics because they caused excessive mortality and were difficult to predict, because they surprised most people, had a huge economic impact on the global economy, and affected the world order (Aljifri, 2024). Based on the typology of crises, our study extends to any modern global crisis and the application of decision-making methods to deal with its consequences.
Research motivations
The motivations of the members of the team that carried out this research initially start from the desire to address the challenge of solving unsolved problems, i.e. the problem of the literature gap on decision-making methods in times of crisis, as formulated in our research. Also included in the motivation is the desire to obtain a degree (post-doctoral or doctoral degree) by some of the team members. Certainly, concern for practical problems, such as the one under consideration, strongly motivates research. The desire to shoulder spiritual joy and to serve society by doing this creative work are certainly part of the motivation for research.
Aims of the article
The aim of this scientific article is to investigate the application of decision making methods in hospitals in crisis in terms of heterogeneity, the choice of measured variables, the use of estimation methods and the type of crisis considered and to express the results of the research to make it widely known in the academic world. Also, we intend that by publishing these articles, knowledge and progress of science will be promoted to a greater extent.
Issue under discussion (clear statement of the problem)
The identified gap in the literature concerning the comprehensive view on the application of decision-making methods in hospitals during crises is the one we seek to fill and contribute to knowledge. We did not find such a specialized systematic review in the literature. Examining the homogeneity in the application of such studies is an issue that requires analysis.
Research question
Main research question: do studies applying decision making methods in hospitals during a crisis show homogeneity regarding this application?
Main research hypothesis: The studies that apply decision-making methods in hospitals during a crisis do not show homogeneity regarding this application.
Alternative research hypothesis H1: Studies applying decision-making methods in hospitals in crisis show homogeneity regarding this application.
Secondary research question: Studies applying decision-making methods in hospitals in crisis suggest specific measures to improve the consequences of the crisis.