Findings here indicate that faster evaporative cooling of the ocular surface is associated with an exponentially shorter amount of time that the eye can be held open without blinking prior to the onset of discomfort for the majority of individuals who exhibit ocular surface cooling between blinks. Increased tear evaporation results in thinner localized areas of the tear film and thus localized tear hyperosmolarity, which activate the inflammation pathway associated with dry eye disease.4,9 Inflammation leads to stimulation of polymodal and mechanonociceptor nerve endings and increases activity of cold thermoreceptors to evoke sensations of ocular dryness and pain.26–28 We propose that by this pathway, faster tear evaporation results in a faster onset of ocular discomfort and shortens the amount of time one can refrain from blinking.
It is apparent in Fig. 3 that a sub-group (28.6%) of subjects exhibited minimal-to-no OSC. The groups who did and did not exhibit OSC did not differ significantly in baseline ocular symptoms of dryness with or without contact lenses, pain sensitivity, ethnicity, nor in the ratio of symptomatic to asymptomatic subjects. There were significantly more females than males in the group that exhibited OSC. Dry eye prevalence is generally higher in females than in males, with hormone use for birth control, infertility or menopause symptoms, as well as higher average pain sensitivity among females contributing to the difference in prevelance.29–36 Sex-associated differences have been noted in the amount of meibomian lipids on the lid margins, greater in males than in females, and in lacrimal gland physiology.37,38 Females 45 years of age and older have been shown to have a thinner tear film and lower clinically assessed tear film quality than males in the same age category, and than younger females.39 Additionally, females on average have a faster tear evaporation rate than do males, with the fastest average rate of evaporation in females 45 years and older.40 These sex-associated differences may explain why there were significantly more females than males among those who exhibited OSC in our study.
Previous studies have noted Asians to have a longer MIBP,8 greater tear film instability,29,41 and more severe and frequent dry eye symptoms42 than non-Asians. Li et al. found no difference in OSC rate between Asians and non-Asians (p = 0.42).8 Our study results were consistent with Li et al., with no significant difference between the OSC sub-groups in the ratio of Asian to non-Asian subjects (p = 0.710).
Clinical test results revealed that Schirmer I test strip wetted lengths, TMH, and uniformity of the lipid layer were not significantly different between the groups that did and did not exhibit OSC. Tear lipid layer thickness differed significantly between groups, with a thinner tear lipid layer in the group that exhibited OSC. The presence of a thinner lipid layer in this group is consistent with the hypothesis that tear film evaporation is the initial catalyst for eventual blink onset, as greater lipid layer thickness plays a vital role in inhibiting tear evaporation.43,44 This was further confirmed by the fact that although lipid layer thickness and NITBUT were both significantly related to OSC in the faster OSC group, when NITBUT was included in a multivariable model, lipid layer thickness was no longer significant. This occurs when two explanatory variables are highly collinear, and a significant correlation between a thin lipid layer and faster tear breakup has been documented many times in the literature.45–48
The two sub-groups differed in mean NITBUT, a measurement of tear film instability, with the faster OSC group exhibiting significantly shorter mean NITBUT than the minimal-to-no OSC group. Within the faster OSC group, shorter MIBP was significantly associated with shorter NITBUT and faster OSC rate in the multivariable models. Within the minimal-to-no OSC group, shorter MIBP was significantly associated with shorter NITBUT but not with OSC rate. It has been shown that NITBUT is positively associated with the maximum blink interval, the average of three consecutive readings measured from last blink to when the subject could no longer hold the eyes open, independent of age and gender.49 Nosch et al. found a strong correlation between shorter NITBUT and a larger OST decrease between blinks while watching a video, as well as between shorter NITBUT and increased blink rate.50 Tear film instability plays an important role in the cycle of evaporative dry eye disease along with tear hyperosmolarity, apoptosis, and inflammation, and is integral to the definition of dry eye disease.51,52 Our findings of significant associations between shorter MIBP and shorter NITBUT in both sub-groups of subjects suggest that tear film instability plays a role in the pathway that leads to the onset of discomfort and the stimulus to blinking.
Subjects were asked to hold their eyes open until onset of ocular discomfort. Both corneal nociceptors and cold thermoreceptors may activate to signal ocular discomfort, contributing to the need to blink. Ocular surface pain recognition is activated by polymodal and mechanonociceptor neurons, while ocular surface cooling recognition is activated by cold thermoreceptors.26 Polymodal nociceptors make up approximately 70 percent of corneal nociceptors and activate in response to mechanical, chemical, and warming thermal stimuli.26,27,53 Mechanonociceptors make up approximately 20 percent of corneal nociceptors and activate in response to purely mechanical stimuli. Constituting approximately 10 percent of the total corneal sensory nerve supply, cold thermoreceptors activate in response to cold air or cold probe stimuli as well as to menthol and sucrose chemical solutions, and are known to play a role in ocular discomfort and the stimulus to blinking.28,53−56 Studies have demonstrated that activation of corneal cold thermoreceptors induces a blink reflex.54,55 In a small sample size study Acosta et al. found that cooling of the cornea by 1–2°C with moderate air temperatures using a gas esthesiometer almost exclusively activated cold thermoreceptors to evoke a sense of cooling.56 Cooling the cornea by 5°C from basal corneal temperature also induced sensations of irritation and pain. Our study was performed under near uniform temperature and humidity conditions with continuous low air flow from normal examination room ventilation. Under comfortable environmental conditions, it has been shown that cold thermoreceptors contribute to stimulating basal tear production and spontaneous blinking, but are unlikely to activate a conscious sensation of dryness or cooling.54 Although sensory nerve activation was not measured directly in this study, our findings suggest that the pathway of increased tear evaporation leading to increased tear osmolarity and inflammation primarily activates polymodal nociceptors to signal ocular discomfort and the need to blink.
While OSC may contribute to sensations of discomfort that lead to blinking for most people, OSC may not be the only mechanism responsible for the onset of blink as demonstrated by the subset of subjects with minimal-to-no OSC that nevertheless had a short MIBP. It has been shown that various changes to ocular surface conditions affect blink rate. Decreased maximum blink interval is associated with increased ocular surface area exposure and increased wind exposure, and increased maximum blink interval is associated with topical anesthesia and artificial tear application.57 Increased corneal sensitivity, as measured with an air pulse stimulus, has been shown to be significantly associated with increased blink frequency.50 Additionally, pain perception plays an important role in how long one can hold the eyes open comfortably before needing to blink. Li and Lin studied the relationship between the MIBP and pain sensitivity and found that subjects who were able to hold their eyes open longer comfortably had lower average pain sensitivity as measured by the PSQ.8 Anxiety and stress have also been shown to increase blink rate.58,59 Awareness of being observed or recorded may alter a subject’s behavior as defined by the Hawthorne Effect and may increase blink rate, particularly within the first minute of observation.60 Subjects in this study were asked to fixate on the center of the thermal camera lens while an investigator recorded the MIBP and OST. Although the target of fixation and calm manner in which instructions were given for the task are unlikely to have induced stress, it is possible some subjects experienced stress or anxiety related to completing the task. The presence of an instrument in close proximity to the subject’s eyes, keeping one’s head fixed, the experience of a new procedure, or knowledge of being recorded may unintentionally cause a change in behavior that contributed to a shorter interblink period. There are numerous mechanisms which may have caused this subset of subjects to blink before OSC could be observed, so it is unknown if these subjects would demonstrate OSC if there were no other factors leading the subject to blink.
Two subjects exhibited a slight OST increase during the MIBP. One subject exhibited a slight warming throughout the interblink period; the other subject exhibited an initial period of OSC followed by a period of slight warming. Li and Braun formulated a model of the human tear film, evaluating OST changes during the interblink period, and found that in order for the tear film to decrease in temperature, energy loss due to tear evaporation and heat loss through the cornea must be greater than the energy provided from the aqueous humor.61 That is, if the evaporative cooling is small and heat provided from the aqueous humor is large, a slight increase in OST is possible. This may explain the slight monotonic increase in OST during the MIBP exhibited by that subject. Additionally, Li and Braun’s model predicted an OST decline during the initial 20 seconds for thinning rates of 12µm/min and 20µm/min, but then an increase to reach a steady state value when tear evaporation stops. The stabilization of temperature upon cessation of tear evaporation may explain why a single subject initially demonstrated OSC followed by a period of slight warming. It has been shown that the nasal conjunctiva exhibits higher temperature than the temporal conjunctiva and central cornea.62 Thus, it is possible that in defining the area of interest on the thermographic images for these 2 subjects a region of nasal conjunctiva was included in the demarcated area used to estimate the cornea-averaged temperature, leading to a measurement of ocular surface warming. Terada et al. measured corneal and eyelid temperatures in both control subjects and subjects with Meibomian gland dysfunction, and recorded eyelid temperatures 1–2°C warmer than corneal temperatures.63 It is also possible that frames demarcating the area of interest included a small section of the warmer upper eyelid, contributing to a measurement of apparent OST warming. This may occur if a subject was unable to keep the eyes open to maintain a consistent palpebral aperture size or partially blinked during the recording.
In summary, faster ocular surface cooling is associated with an exponentially shorter maximum interblink period for the majority of the study cohort. This is likely because evaporative cooling of the ocular surface is a sign of tear thinning and localized increases in osmolarity that stimulate corneal nerves and initiate the onset of ocular discomfort and the need to blink. The presence of a subset of subjects with no or minimal OSC indicates that evaporative cooling is not the only mechanism responsible for the onset of ocular discomfort. Tear film instability is also clearly a part of the mechanism that begins with aqueous evaporation and culminates in ocular discomfort and the need to blink.