Flow cytometry analysis of RBC osmotic stability. While flow cytometry has been employed to study osmotic stability, previous studies have not harnessed the capacity of flow cytometry to analyze multiple cell populations within a single specimen 33–36. Therefore we developed a flow cytometric osmotic stability assay that yields the same hemolysis curves as the traditional hemoglobin absorbance assay and is capable of defining osmotic stability dynamics within heterogeneous RBC populations. Hemolysis curves were generated by first stopping lysis of RBCs in increasingly hypotonic solutions with a lysis quenching solution consisting of PBS and cell counting beads (Fig. 1A). This analysis revealed typical RBC forward scatter (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) profiles for non-lytic isotonic conditions, and the subsequent appearance of a low-FSC/low-SSC population in hypotonic, lytic conditions (Fig. 1B and Supplemental Fig. 1).
Hypothesizing that the low-FSC/low-SSC population was RBC ghosts, fluorescent phalloidin, which is excluded from intact cells but binds actin in the cytoskeleton of permeabilized cells was included in the osmotic stability assay. We found that phalloidin stained the FSC-low population that appears in lytic conditions, indicating that the flow lysis assay is sensitive to RBC ghosts (Fig. 1C and 1D). The FSC-low/SSC-low RBC ghost population was subsequently excluded when quantifying RBC osmotic stability. With this strategy the lysis curves produced by the flow lysis assay were indistinguishable from those of the hemoglobin absorbance lysis assay (Fig. 1E). No difference in the lysis50 values (mOsm at which 50% of RBCs lyse) obtained for normal RBCs using the two lysis assays confirmed the accuracy of the flow lysis assay. To test the limits of the flow lysis assay, we measured the osmotic stability of hereditary xerocytosis (HX) RBCs that are resistant to hypotonic lysis. With HX RBCs as well, we observed no difference in lysis50 values generated by the two assays (Fig. 1F).
Finally, as P. vivax osmotic stability studies included cryopreserved samples and were performed on RBCs maintained in vitro, we examined the effect of (i) cold storage and (ii) P. vivax in vitro culture conditions on RBC osmotic stability. As expected 37,38, we observed variation in the osmotic stability of normal RBCs taken from twelve different donors with lysis50 values ranging from 93.9 to 137.9 mOsm (variation of 11.2%) (Fig. 1G). Subsequent storage of RBCs from six different donors at 4ºC for two weeks resulted in no appreciable change (mean slope − 0.063 ±0.24 SEM, Pearson r = 0.16) in osmotic stability (Fig. 1H). However, when cryopreserved RBCs and RBCs stored at 4ºC were transferred to P. vivax in vitro culture conditions, 24 hours later osmotic stability increased by 13% ±2.6 and 14.6% ±0.8 (Fig. 1I).
Osmotic stability decreases during erythroid differentiation and reticulocyte maturation.
Having established the capacity of flow cytometry to measure RBC osmotic stability, we next examined the osmotic stability dynamics within the RBC fractions that harbor P. vivax infection. To this end, we took advantage of the capacity of flow cytometry to track discrete cell populations, to assess the osmotic stability of nucleated RBC precursors, reticulocytes, and normocytes in bone marrow aspirates (Fig. 2A and Supplemental 2A). We found that fluorescent labeling of reticulocytes and nucleated RBC precursors present within bone marrow aspirates allowed us to quantitate the osmotic stability dynamics of each of these RBC subpopulations simultaneously (Fig. 2B). For nucleated RBC precursors we additionally found that lysed cells were also identifiable with a live/dead stain (Supplemental 2B). Importantly, as both osmotic stability studies with bone marrow aspirates and clinical P. vivax samples relied on Percoll enrichment to raise reticulocytemia and P. vivax parasitemia to reliably measurable levels, we found that Percoll had no effect on the osmotic stability of reticulocytes and nucleated precursors from bone marrow aspirates (Supplemental 2C).
The lysis50 values obtained for RBC precursors and reticulocytes from bone marrow aspirates revealed that nucleated RBC precursors (DNA + CD71+) were the most osmotically stable (Lysis50 70.1 ±5.8) followed by the youngest CD71 + RNA + DNA- reticulocytes (Lysis50 87.3 ±8.0), older CD71- RNA + DNA- reticulocytes (Lysis50 107.4 ±7.3) and CD71- RNA- DNA- normocytes (Lysis50 114.5 ±5.4) (Fig. 2B and 2C). To establish osmotic stability dynamics during erythropoiesis, we assessed the osmotic stability of erythroid progenitors differentiated in vitro from CD34 + stem cells 28,39. This study revealed that osmotic stability decreased as cells progressed in vitro from majority basophilic and polychromatic normoblasts at day 9 (Lysis50 73.8 ±3.6) to a majority polychromatic and orthochromatic normoblast population at day 11 (Lysis50 102.7 ±15.6), and then further decreased as cells progressed through final orthochromatic normoblast maturation occurring between day 14 (Lysis50 102.2 ±2.0) day 17 (Lysis50 126.2 ±11.2), and day 20 (Lysis50 143.4 ±15.1) (Fig. 2D). Additionally, consistent with a previous study 28, CD71 + reticulocytes generated in vitro (Lysis50 110.1 ±3.7) were less stable than CD71 + reticulocytes from bone marrow samples (Lysis50 87.3 ±8.0) (Supplemental Fig. 2D). Together these results demonstrate the capacity of flow cytometry to assess the osmotic stability of discrete RBC subsets within heterogeneous populations and clearly shows that erythroid development and reticulocyte maturation are associated with significant changes in osmotic stability.
P. vivax infection reduces reticulocyte osmotic stability.
Having established that the youngest CD71 + reticulocytes that are preferred by P. vivax for invasion 13,14 are the most osmotically stable of all enucleated RBCs, we next assessed the impact of P. vivax infection on reticulocyte osmotic stability. In the absence of continuous P. vivax in vitro culture, cryopreserved clinical P. vivax samples are an invaluable resource for investigating P. vivax biology 40–43. Cognizant of the decreased stability of cryopreserved RBCs, however (Fig. 1I), we first directly compared the in vitro survival and osmotic stability of cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved P. vivax clinical samples as parasites progressed through the IDC (Fig. 3A and B and Supplemental Fig. 3A). Consistent with previous studies 40–43, we observed a 78% ±3.3 and 63% ±30.8 loss of P. vivax infected-reticulocytes prior to completion of the IDC in vitro (44-hour cultures) for Brazilian cryopreserved and Indian non-cryopreserved clinical samples respectively (Fig. 3C).
Parallel osmotic stability measurements revealed that, as observed previously (Fig. 1I), the stability of cryopreserved uninfected RBC populations increased upon transfer to in vitro culture, while non-cryopreserved uninfected RBCs remained steady during the course of culture (Supplemental Fig. 3B and 3C). For P. vivax-infected reticulocytes, we observed that cryopreserved stage I ring-infected reticulocytes were less stable than non-cryopreserved stage I rings. For subsequent time points we observed (i) no difference in the osmotic stability of cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved P. vivax-infected reticulocytes, and (ii) a decrease in the stability of P. vivax-infected reticulocytes as they progressed through the IDC (Fig. 3D). Moreover, when we consider the clinical laboratory cutoff for normal RBCs (lysis50171 mOsm or 0.5% NaCl), the osmotic stability of both cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved P. vivax-infected reticulocytes in 24- and 44-hour cultures fell into the range of osmotic stabilities associated with hemolytic anemias. Finally, in order to take advantage of the availability of cryopreserved P. vivax clinical samples while also minimizing the influence of cryopreservation, we excluded the 1-hour post thaw time point from subsequent analysis.
We next examined the degree of instability P. vivax induced in the host reticulocyte by comparing the osmotic stability of CD71- and CD71 + P. vivax-infected reticulocytes to that of uninfected CD71 + reticulocytes. Due to reticulocyte maturation 44, this analysis was limited to the first 24-hours of in vitro culture, as the frequency of CD71 + P. vivax-infected and uninfected reticulocytes respectively decreased by 56% ±8.0 and 64% ±3.5 between 1 and 24-hours of culture, and then fell below the limit of detection (0.05% CD71 + reticulocytes) between 24 and 44 hours. Of note, the persistence of P. vivax-infected CD71 + reticulocytes in our ex vivo cultures through 24 hours (Supplemental Fig. 3D and 3E) is longer than previously observed for CD71 + cord blood reticulocytes invaded in vitro by P. vivax 13. The reason for this discrepancy is not immediately evident and therefore subject for future investigation. We found infected reticulocytes were less stable than uninfected CD71 + reticulocytes at all-time points assessed (8-, 16-, and 24-hour cultures), and the progression of P. vivax through the IDC further decreased reticulocyte osmotic stability with the appearance of stage III late trophozoite forms in 24-hour cultures corresponding to P. vivax-infected CD71 + and CD71- reticulocytes being 71.4% ±12.0 and 74.0% ±14.6 less stable than uninfected CD71 + reticulocytes (Fig. 3D). Finally no difference in the stability of CD71 + and CD71- infected-reticulocytes indicated that P. vivax infection and not reticulocyte age is the primary determinate of the stability of P. vivax-infected reticulocytes (Supplemental Fig. 3F).
P. vivax induces greater host cell instability than P. falciparum
Finally we compared P. vivax destabilization of reticulocytes with P. falciparum destabilization of normocytes. To account for the influence of cryopreservation on our P. vivax osmotic stability studies, we assessed the in vitro survival and osmotic stability of cryopreserved P. falciparum clone 3D7 P2G12 45. We observed similar progression of P. vivax and P. falciparum through the asexual IDC but a greater frequency of sexual gametocyte forms for P. vivax. In vitro survival, however, was markedly different, with a 77.3% ±6.5 survival rate observed for P. falciparum infected-normocytes at 44-hours of culture compared to a 22.4% ±0.03 survival rate for P. vivax infected-reticulocytes (Fig. 3C and 3F).
We subsequently assessed the osmotic stability of uninfected and P. falciparum trophozoite and schizonts stage-infected normocytes in 24- and 44-hour cultures (the points at which P. vivax-infected reticulocytes were most destabilized). This analysis revealed no difference in the osmotic stability of infected (majority trophozoite) and uninfected normocytes in 24-hour cultures and a reduction in infected normocyte (majority schizonts) stability of 23.6% ±6.9 compared to uninfected normocytes in 44 hour cultures (Fig. 3G). This is in contrast to P. vivax, which had decreased reticulocyte stability by 74.0% ±14.6 by the time parasites had matured to the trophozoite form in 24 hour cultures. Furthermore, direct comparison of the osmotic stability of P. falciparum-infected normocytes and P. vivax-infected reticulocytes revealed that P. vivax-infected reticulocytes (max Lysis50 184.1 ±8.3, 24-hour culture) are significantly less stable, p < 0.0003, than P. falciparum-infected normocytes (max Lysis50 107.8 ±4.7, 44-hour culture) (Fig. 3H).
Appearance of P. vivax new permeability pathways corresponds with decreased stability of P. vivax-infected reticulocytes.
New permeability pathways (NPPs) in related malaria parasites, P. falciparum and P. knowlesi, increase the permeability of the infected RBC to certain solutes 6,7. To determine whether P. vivax possesses NPPs that are contributing to the decreased stability of the host cell, we assessed the sensitivity of Percoll-enriched cryopreserved Brazilian clinical P. vivax samples to the NPP antagonists D-sorbitol and L-alanine. We found that uninfected RBCs were not sensitive to D-sorbitol or L-alanine (data not shown). For P. vivax-infected reticulocytes, we found that early stage parasites present in 8-hour cultures were resistant to D-sorbitol and L-alanine lysis, while the appearance of stage III late trophozoite parasites in 16-hour cultures corresponded with P. vivax-infected reticulocytes lysing in isotonic D-sorbitol (16-hour − 47.9% ±9.0, 24-hour − 45.2% ±9.2, and 44-hour − 57.5% ±7.7) and L-alanine solutions (16-hour − 60.7% ±10.5, 24-hour − 61.0% ±9.2, and 44-hour − 55.8% ±2.3). Finally, the NPP inhibitor, furosemide, protected P. vivax-infected reticulocytes from D-sorbitol and L-alanine lysis (Fig. 4A and 4B). The incomplete lysis of P. vivax-infected cells by D-sorbitol and L-alanine along with variation in the sensitivity of different P. vivax clinical isolates to D-sorbitol and L-alanine lysis are potentially driven by (i) the high frequency of more stable gametocytes (42.4% ±9.5 of P. vivax-infected reticulocytes in 44-hour cultures) 46,47 (Fig. 3C), (ii) variable NPP activity in different P. vivax isolates, or (iii) P. vivax being less sensitive to D-sorbitol lysis than P. falciparum48,49.