Phenotypic variation of resistance to Aspergillus flavus infection
The PSII of the RIL population were identified with seeds harvested from four consecutive years (2017-2020). PSII of the female parent Zhonghua 16 were significantly higher than the male parent J11. The PSII of Zhonghua 16 ranged from 87.04 to 93.00%, whereas J11 ranged from 51.04 to 55.97% in the four environments. PSII varied among RILs from 46.92 to 98.25%, 40.74 to 100%, 26.98 to 100%, 24.73 to 100% in the four environments (Table 1). Continuous distributions with transgressive segregation were observed, which indicated that both parents contain resistant genes against A. flavus infection (Fig. 1). The results of ANOVA for PSII showed significant difference among genotypes, environments, and genotypes×environments interactions at P < 0.001 (Table 2). The broad-sense heritability of PSII was estimated to be 0.76, indicating PSII was mainly controlled by genetic factors.
Sequencing and construction of genetic map
About 5 billion reads was generated from the 200 RILs and their parents. The female parent Zhonghua 16 was sequenced at 8.95× coverage and the male parent J11 at 8.35× coverage, while the RIL population individuals were sequenced at ~2.96× coverage approximately (Table S1). On average, 84.22% reads were uniquely aligned to the reference genome (Table S2). A total of 233,365 SNPs/InDels were used to construct a high-density genetic map. These markers were divided into 2,802 recombination bins, which generated the final genetic map covering 1573.85 cM with an average inter-bin interval of 0.58 cM (Table 3; Fig. 2). There were 1,257 bins for A sub-genome with a map length of 760.69 cM, and 1,545 bins for B sub-genome with a map length of 813.16 cM. The length of LGs varied from 57.28 cM (A06) to 96.64 cM (A09) and the number of bins in LGs ranged from 102 (A06) to 210 (B05).
Evaluation of the genetic map
To evaluate the quality of the high-density genetic map, the sources of bins in each RIL were analyzed and the results showed that the bins from each parent form continues fragments as expected (Fig. S1). The collinearity analysis, which compared the genetic position of all bins to their physical position on the reference genome, indicated that high collinearity between LGs and corresponding chromosomes (Fig. S2).
Detection of additive QTLs for resistance to Aspergillus flavus infection
Genome-wide QTL analysis was performed using the high-density genetic map and the phenotypic data of PSII from the 200 RILs in four consecutive years. A total of six additive QTLs were identified with 5.03-10.87% PVE (Table 4; Fig. 3). Their LOD value ranged from 2.63 to 5.97. Two QTLs were detected on B03, and the other four QTLs were on A05, A08, B01 and B10 respectively. QTL qPSIIB10 was consistently detected in four years showing 6.91-10.58% PVE. QTL qPSIIB03.a and QTL qPSIIB03.b were repeatedly detected in two years with 9.16-9.23% PVE and 5.03-5.75% PVE respectively. The major QTL qPSIIA08 was only detected in one year with 10.87% PVE. In addition, the minor QTLs qPSIIA05 and qPSIIB01 were only detected in one year.
Pyramiding of resistant alleles
The positive additive effects of qPSIIA05, qPSIIA08, qPSIIB01, qPSIIB03.a and qPSIIB03.b indicated that the alleles from J11 were resistant to infection. On the contrary, the negative additive effect of qPSIIB10 showed that the alleles from Zhonghua 16 were responsible for improving the resistance to infection. The recombination of qPSIIA05, qPSIIA08, qPSIIB01, qPSIIB03.a, qPSIIB03.b and qPSIIB10 were screened in the RIL population. As shown in Table 5 and Table S3, the genotypes of these QTLs derived from Zhonghua 16 and J11 were designated as “A” and “B”, respectively. RILs with genotype BBBBBA possessed all resistant alleles of the six QTLs from both parents, while those with genotype AAAAAB possessed all susceptible alleles of the six QTLs. RILs with genotype BBBBBB and AAAAAA possessed resistant alleles from J11 and Zhonghua 16, respectively. Notably, RILs with genotype BBBBBA showed significantly lower PSII than RILs with other genotypes (BBBBBB, AAAAAA and AAAAAB) in 2017-2020 year, indicating that the pyramiding of resistant alleles could enhance the resistance.