Identification of CLCs in pomegranate
A HMM profile was used to identify the putative CLC genes in the pomegranate genome. All seven putative CLC genes contained a highly conserved Volgate_CLC domain and two CBS domains, and they were named PgCLC-B to PgCLC-G according to the homologous AtCLCs (Table 1). The analysis of protein sequences showed that the PgCLCs contained 698 ~ 797 amino acids and had molecular weights of 75.7 ~ 87.9 kDa. The predicted isoelectric points (pI) of all the PgCLC proteins ranged from 5.86 to 8.44. The grand average of the hydrophobicity (GRAVY) values were all positive values, indicating that the PgCLCs were hydrophobic proteins. There were a number of transmembrane helices (TMs) in the PgCLCs, ranging from 9 to 11, which were associated with their location in the organelles membrane: six of PgCLCs were located on the plasma membrane and PgCLC-E was located on the chloroplast thylakoid membrane.
Table 1. Characteristics of the CLC genes in pomegranate
Gene ID
Subcellular location
Plasma membrane
Plasma membrane
Plasma membrane
Plasma membrane
Chloroplast thylakoid membrane
Plasma membrane
Plasma membrane
Phylogenetic analysis of the CLC gene family in pomegranate
To elucidate the evolutionary traits of the CLC gene family in land plants, we investigated fifteen interesting species that had available reference genome sequences. Our results showed two obvious clades of the CLC gene tree, clade I was the major group bearing a moderate support (BS=61%, Fig. S1) and clade II contained two subgroups (Fig. 1). The divergence of clades I and II might have occurred before the origin of land plants due to each clade consisting of taxa from embrophytes (Fig. 1). Phylogenetic analyses indicated multiple rounds of ancient gene expansion (Fig. 1). The diversity of gene copy number from different lineages (Fig.1A). The gene tree-species tree reconcilably identified a gene duplication (the red star in Fig.1B) with a strongly supported (BS=100, Fig.S1) topology of (core eudicots, core eudicots). A gene duplication (the purple star in Fig.1B) resulting in a topology of ((core eudicots, monocots), (core eudicots, monocots)) was identified as one duplicate shared by angiosperms. Our phylogenetic analyses also found gene expansion in seed plants, with a gene birth from an ancient gene duplication (the green star in Fig.1B) and a subsequent gene death. The tree topology [(angiosperms, gymnosperms) angiosperms] of the CLC-A/B/C/G genes (Fig.1) exhibited a gene loss event in gymnosperms.
Here, our phylogenetic results showed that seven putative CLC genes in the pomegranate genome originated before the divergence of land plants and were retained after experiencing six times of duplications, including at least one ancient core eudicots-specific duplication and one angiosperm-specific expansion (Fig. 1, Fig. S1).
Conserved motifs and residues of the CLC gene family
To further investigate the structural diversity of all CLCs in land plants, the conserved motifs and regions were analyzed. Here, a total of 10 motifs were selected, referring as motif 1-10, and five representative species of each taxa were shown (Fig. 2B, Fig. S1B). Different motif patterns were clearly observed in the two clades, as mentioned above (Fig. 1B). For clade I, most of the CLCs possessed 10 motifs (Fig. 2B, C; Fig. S2). For clade II, most of the CLC-E and CLC-F proteins possessed four motifs: 6, 1, 8 and 2, which were shared by all of the CLCs of clade I. Three conserved regions GxGIPE (I), GKxGPxxH (II) and PxxGxLF (III) were included in motif 9, motif 6 and motif 1, respectively (Fig. 2B, C and D). Three highly conserved regions of the CLC gene family were shared by members of clade I, whereas they were not shared by members of clade II (Fig. 2B, C; Fig. S2).
Additionally, to meticulously analyze the conserved regions of CLC proteins, multiple sequence alignment was performed. Members of the CLC-A/B subfamily had a P [proline, Pro] residue in the conserved region GxGIPE (I), while other proteins of the CLC-C, CLC-G and CLC-D subfamilies in clade I had a S [serine, Ser] residue in the conserved region I (Fig. 3A). These critical residues were recognized to have a close relation with anion selectivity. The P [proline, Pro] preferentially transported NO3–, whereas the S [serine, Ser] preferentially transported Cl– (Fig. 3A). The presence of the conserved gating glutamate (E) in conserved region (II) and the proton glutamate (E) residues in the next fourth residue of the conserved region (III) were signatures for CLC antiporters. Otherwise, the conserved gating glutamate (E) of CLC-G subfamily and the proton glutamate (E) residue of CLC-E and CLC-F subfamilies were substituted by other amino acids (Fig. 3A), which suggested that the members of these three subfamilies might be CLC ion channels. Based on these results, we assumed that four CLC proteins (PgCLC-B, PgCLC-C1, PgCLC-C2 and PgCLC-D) were CLC antiporters, while the other three PgCLCs (PgCLC-E, PgCLC-F and PgCLC-G) were likely CLC channels (Fig. 3A, B).
Gene strectures of PgCLC genes
The gene structure results showed that PgCLC-C2, PgCLC-C1, PgCLC-G and PgCLC-B contained five introns and six exons. PgCLC-E and PgCLC-F contained five exons and nine exons, respectively. A similar exon/intron structure profile, concerning intron number, intron phase, and exon length, was observed in PgCLC-C2, PgCLC-C1 and PgCLC-G. In general, the PgCLC genes had a distinct intron-exon arrangement style (Fig. 4).
Growth characteristics and anion content in pomegranate tissues
With the increasing concentration of salinity, the dry weights of roots and stems showed no significant changes among each treatment (Table S4, p < 0.05). The leaf weight and total dry weight first increased and then decreased, reaching a peak at the 100 mM salinity level.
As shown in Figure 5A, the contents of Cl− in pomegranate roots, stems and leaves significantly increased with the increasing concentration of salinity (p < 0.05). Under 300 mM NaCl stress, the levels of Cl− in roots, stems and leaves increased 6.19, 5.29 and 7.42 times, compared with the control, respectively. The contents of Cl− in plant tissues was ranked as leaf > stem > root. The NO3− contents in roots first increased and then decreased, with the highest value at 100 mM salinity. However, the NO3− contents in stems and leaves had no obvious changes (except NO3− content in stem at 300 mM NaCl, p < 0.05) among the different treatments. The NO3− contents in plant tissues was ranked as root > stem > leaf (Fig. 5B). By contrast, the H2PO4− contents in roots increased along with the increaseing salinity, while no significant changes were observed in most leaf and stem samples (p < 0.05). Moreover, we found that H2PO4− was mainly accumulated in stems (Fig. 5C). First an increase and then a decrease of the SO42− contents in roots and leaves were observed with peaks at 100 mM salinity. The leaf content of SO42− fell sharply under higher salinity (> 200 mM NaCl). The results demonstrated that the accumulation of SO42− mainly occurred in roots (Fig. 5D).
Expression patterns of PgCLC genes under NaCl stress
To further investigate the expression patterns of PgCLCs, we performed the qRT-PCR analysis in pomegranate roots and leaves. The results showed that all the PgCLC genes had tissue-specific expression patterns, with high expression levels in leaves and low expression levels in roots (Fig. 6). Notably, when plants were subjected to salinity, the expression levels of all the tested PgCLCs were upregulated in pomegranate leaves, but were down-regulated or not obviously changed in roots (p< 0.01). For instance, the relative expression levels of PgCLC-B, PgCLC-C1, PgCLC-C1 and PgCLC-D in leaves increased with the increasing salinity; meanwhile, those of PgCLC-E, PgCLC-F and PgCLC-G in leaves significantly increased at high salinity (200 mM). Also, the expression levels of PgCLC-B, PgCLC-F and PgCLC-G in roots decreased and those of PgCLC-C1, PgCLC-C2, PgCLC-D and PgCLC-E in roots first decreased at 100 mM salinity level and then recovered slightly at 200 mM and/or 300 mM salinity levels (Fig. 6). Under 300mM NaCl stress, the expression levels of PgCLC-C1, PgCLC-C2 and PgCLC-F in leaves increased by more than 16-fold relative to those of the controls.
Correlation between the anion contents and the expression levels of PgCLC genes
Correlation analysis showed that the PgCLC genes were positively correlated with each other (Fig. 7, p < 0.05). The Cl− content had significantly positive correlations with PgCLC-B, PgCLC-C1, PgCLC-C2 and PgCLC-D, while the SO42− content had significantly negative correlations with these genes. Meanwhile, the contents of Cl− and SO42− were negatively correlated with each other (p < 0.05). A significantly negative correlation between the NO3− content and the expression level of PgCLC-B, and a significantly positive correlation between the SO42− were found. There was no significant relationship between the H2PO4− content and the other indexes (Fig. 7). These findings suggested that accumulation of Cl−, SO42− and NO3− in pomegranate tissues was associated with the expression levels of PgCLC genes under salt stress.