Pretreatment impact on SCOD and nutrients release from sludge
SCOD was found to be a reliable character to represent the soluble organics in the liquid phase. The increase of SCOD indicated the release of organic matters from solid into liquid (Zhang et al., 2009).
Sludge samples collected before and after pretreatment was centrifuged and the SCOD in the supernatant was measured. It can be seen that the SCOD in the supernatant before pretreatment was 32.64 ± 5.19 (Fig. 1). In this study, raw sludge was collected from secondary sedimentation, thus, the SCOD in the supernatant of the raw sludge should be the same as the effluent of secondary sedimentation. It was reported that SCOD in the effluent of secondary sedimentation was generally below 40 mg/L (Ekblad et al., 2019; Shin et al., 2019). Hence, the result is consistent with the reality.
In this study, it was observed that the SCOD had significantly increased after different pretreatment.The SCOD in the supernatant was increased from 32.64 ± 5.19 to 180 ± 13 mg/L, 924 ± 17 mg/L, 1030 ± 6 mg/L and 3708 ± 22 mg/L after acidic, alkaline, microwave irradiation and ultrasonication pretreatment, respectively (Fig. 1), which was 6.5 times, 23.3 times, 23.5 times and 167.5 times higher than that in the original sludge, respectively. It suggests that the pretreatments effectively assistant the release of organic matters from solid.
Among all, ultrasonication pretreatment provides the highest SCOD increase which was 3.6, 4 and 21 times higher than the microwave, alkaline and acidic pretreatment, respectively (Fig. 1). Therefore, ultrasonication was considered to be the most efficient way for soluable substances release from sludge. During ultrasonication, microbubbles and free radicals are generated which could efficiently destroy microbial cells, breakdown complex organic compounds and release nutrients to the supernatant (Pilli et al., 2011). It was reported that the release of organic matters and the increase of SCOD with the ultrasonic density and ultrasonic intensity followed the first-order reaction (Grönroos et al., 2005; Li et al., 2016; Mehrdadi and Kootenaei, 2018; Wang et al., 2005). It has been reported that a neglectable amount of organic matters was oxidized during the ultrasonication pretreatment, and soluable materials were mainly transferred from the solid phase to the liquid phase (Kidak et al., 2009). In this study, the MLSS of the sludge solution before and after ultrasonication was 7.14 g/L and 6.72 g/L, respectively. It indicates that the MLSS reduction of sludge due to ultrasonication was 5.88% (=(6.72–7.14)/7.14 × 100%).
It was noticed that the TN in the supernatant of raw sludge was very high (around 40.50 mg/L) which was expected to be below 15 mg/L according to the Criteria of Grade I of the "Standard for Discharge of Pollutants From Urban Sewage Treatment Facilities" (GB18918-2002). It indicates that the nitrogen concentration in the effluent of secondary sedimentation was high and an excessive amount of nitrogen would be discharged to the natural waters if addition treatment has not been applied after secondary treatment. In the last decades, excessive nitrogen discharging from the wastewater treatment plant has caused severe eutrophication and destructed the aquatic ecosystems (Yu et al., 2019). Different from other pretreatments, TN concentration in the supernatant was nearly not changed (from 40.5 mg/L to 45 mg/L) after acidic pretreatment (Fig. 1). Similar results have been reported by others as well (Wang, 2016; Wang et al., 2019). Acidic pretreatment could effectively cause the cell death due to dehydration; however, it is not efficient for breaking cell membrane. It suggests that no significant realse of intracellular protein occurs in acidic pretreatment.
TN in the supernatant was increased from 40.5 mg/L to 112 mg/L, 144 mg/L and 249 mg/L after alkaline, microwave irradiation and ultrasonication pretreatment, respectively (Fig. 1). Compared to acidic pretreatment, alkaline treatment has better performance on TN release. Alkali could react with phospholipid (the mian composition of cell membrane) to occur saponification, and thus disrupt the cell and release the intracellular products (such as protein). It hence increases the TN in the supernatant. It can be seen that microwave and ultrasonication pretreatment achieved efficient TN release and ultrasonication provides better performance (Fig. 1). As been discussed above, free radicals was generated during ultrasonication that could break and deconstruct the cells, and thus lead to release of protein and polysaccharide into the supernatant (Grönroos et al., 2005; Pilli et al., 2011).
It was observed that TP concentration in the supernatant was significantly increased after acidic pretreatment (from 7.02 mg/L to 57.15 mg/L) (Fig. 1). Sludge contains some amount of phosphours precipitates which would dissociate at low pH condition. Hence, the TP increase was observed in the liquid phase after acidic pretreatment. As mentioned, cell lysis occurs after alkaline treatment. However, at high pH, PO43− could form precipitate and stay in solid phase. Thus, it leads to the lower TP concentration in the supernantant of alkaline treated sludge compared to that of acidic treatment. Among all, ultrasonication was still the best one for releasing TP (from 7.02 mg/L to 84 mg/L) (Fig. 1).
Overall, ultrasonication was the most efficient method on the release of SCOD, TN and TP. Similar results were reported that SCOD, TP, TN in the supernatant of sludge were significantly increased after ultrasonication pretreatment (Kim et al., 2013; Pei et al., 2015). Other pretreatment methods also had some merits on releasing certain nutrients, for instance, acidic pretreatment on the release of TP, alkaline pretreatment on the release of TN. Further studies could be carried out on the combination of ultrasonication and acidic pretreatment or ultrasonication and alkaline pretreatment in order to enhance the release of targeted nutrients.
Sludge pretreatments on lipid production and nutrient utilization
Due to pretreatment, some suspended solids are dissolved into soluable form, hence, decrease of MLSS was observed after treatments. The obtained MLSS after sludge pretreatment was the initial MLSS of the fermentation. The results are shown in Fig. 2.
It was observed that the MLSS concentration first increased and then decreased in all the cases (Fig. 2). The increase started after 12 h fermentation in the case of control, acid and alkaline treatmented sludge. For microwave and ultrasonication pretreatment cases, the MLSS increase lasted till 24 h and 60 h, respectively. After increasing stage, MLSS gradually decreased in the systems. The increase on MLSS was mainly due to: the inoculation of pre-culture; the biomass growth by consuming the left substrate from pre-cultrue medium; the biomass growth by consuming the SCOD in the medium.
In the fermentation with original sludge, acid or alkaline treated sludge, the available SCOD is very limited (Fig. 1). It is not able to contribute to the biomass growth, hence MLSS increase would be mainly due to the addition of preculture. After the left substrate from preculture medium is finished, microorganisms start to degrade the organic matters in the sludge. The microorganism biomass increases but sludge amount (organic matter decomposition) is decreasing, and the increase is smaller than the decrease as part of the organic matters are emitted in the form of carbon dioxide. Thus, the observed MLSS is in decrease trend. It is similar as aerobic digestion in which significant sludge reduction occurs due to the microorganism growth (Liu et al., 2017; Shao et al., 2013).
In the fermentation with microwave and ultrasonication treated sludge, the intial SCOD concentration was high (Fig. 2). During fermention, the microorganisms consumed SCOD for self growth which led to the gradual SCOD decrease and MLSS increase. After SCOD was finished, the MLSS started to drop. At the end of the fermentation, the MLSS was in the order of ultrasonication (3.71 ± 0.24 g/L) < microwave (4.70 ± 0.08 g/L) < alkaline (4.81 ± 0.31 g/L) < acid (5.54 ± 0.22 g/L) < control (5.89 ± 0.47 g/L). It suggests that still great amount of available organic matters remains undegraded in the sludge medium prepared with original sludge, acid, alkaline, and microwave pretreated sludge.
It was observed that lipid content gradually increased until a maximum lipid content was obtained at 48 h (microwave and ultrasonication) or 60 h (control, acid and alkaline) of the fermentation (Fig. 2). Ultrasonication pretreated sludge medium contained the highest bioaviable materials (SCOD) among all (Fig. 2), and correspondingly the highest lipid content (36.67% g/g) was obtained in the fermentation with ultrasonication pretreatment sludge (Fig. 2). However, it is still largely lower than the strain lipid accumulation potential (up to 70% g/g). The common explanation was that oleaginous yeast achieved high lipid accumulation in carbon rich and nitrogen depletion conditions. The carbon source in the raw sludge was not sufficient to support oleaginous yeast to produce high lipid content even after the pretreatments (Zhang et al., 2014c). In order to achieve high lipid production, the promising solution was to fortify the sludge by mixing sludge with other carbon rich substrates (Zhang et al., 2018). Our previous studies proved that the lipid content increased from 35% g/g while using solo pretreated sludge medium to 50% g/g after addition of crude glycerol to the pretreated sludge (Zhang et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2014c). Due to the depletion of substrates, lipid content gradually decreased till the end of the fermentation (Fig. 2). It would be due to the microorganism self consumption in lipid for supplying energy to cell activities.
It was found that SCOD rapidly dropped during lipid accumulation period in the fermentation with ultrasonication pretreated sludge, which indicates the fast consumption of substrate by oleaginous yeast (Fig. 2e). Our previous study found that the consumption of substrates in the initial stage was due to the fast cell growth and thereafter was mainly due to the lipid production (Chen et al., 2017). After 60 h, the depletion of SCOD was observed which caused the fast decrease of lipid content (Fig. 2e) (Chen et al., 2017).
At the end of the fermentations, TN concentration reduced (Fig. 3). The reduction of nitrogen concentration in the supernatant was owing to the formation of the intracellular material of the strain such as protein. Compared to carbon, nitrogen needed for cell growth was much less (Gupta et al., 2019). Thus, the utilization amount of nitrogen concentration was less than SCOD amount. The highest TN consumption occurred in fermentation with ultrasonication pretreated sludge (Fig. 3), which is due to the better biomass growth in this case compared to others (Fig. 2e).
Sludge valorization and reduction
Lipid extracted from biomass obtained in the fermentation with ultrasonication pretreated sludge was transesterified to biodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters). The composition was shown in Fig. 4. It was found that the fractions of C16:0, C17:0, C18:0 and C18:2 continuously increased during the fermentation. Among all, C18:2 was the principal composition (46.17%). The esters with carbon chain of C14 to C20 were similar as plant seed oils which is currently using for commercial biodiesel production. Therefore, using ultrasonication pretreated sludge for biodiesel production was applicable.
Sludge reduction is an important target in sludge management. In this study, the sludge reduction due to the lipid production was calculated according to the difference of the initial MLSS of the fermentation and the final solid mass after extraction. The maximum sludge reduction occurred in the fermentation with ultrasonication pretreated sludge which was 63.10%, followed by microwave (43.03%), alkaline (36.44%) and acidic (32.59%).
Solo ultrasonication and its combination with other pretreatment have also been used for methane and hydrogen production. The sludge reduction in different process was compared (Table 1), and it was found that using ultrasonication pretreated sludge for lipid production achieved remarkable sludge reduction in short time. It was reported that ultrasonication combined with other pretreatment methods had certain advantages on nutrient release and enhancement on sludge reduction (Geng et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2012; Niu et al., 2019). Further study might be performed on the investigation of untrasonication combined with other pretreatment methods for improving lipid production and sludge reduction.
Table 1
Comparison of sludge reduction after ultrasonication pre-treatment using different method
Pretreatment | Sludge reduction method | Duration (days) | Sludge reduction (%) | Ref. |
Alkaline-ultrasonic pretreatment | Methane production | 25 | 28.68% | (Geng et al., 2016) |
Ultrasonic pretreatment | Anaerobic digestion | 30 | 23.7% | (Lizama et al., 2018) |
Ultrasonic and free nitrous acid pretreatment | Hydrogen production | 3 | 33.6% | (Niu et al., 2019) |
Alkaline-ultrasonic pretreatment | Lysis-cryptic growth | 12 | 56.5% | (Ma et al., 2012) |
Ultrasonication | Aerobic digestion | 3 | 40.2% | (Kavitha et al., 2016) |
Ultrasonication | Lipid production | 2 | 63.10% | This study |