Radiation dose reduction in diagnostic imaging is an appropriate precaution as long as the resulting image presents sufficient quality to be diagnostically acceptable; this is the concept from which the principle of optimisation in radiology is based upon.5,26 In this respect, the present study proposed as a strategy for radiation optimisation for VRF evaluation, the reduction of mAs and kV. The results indicate that a substantial decrease of the dose-area-product in CBCT (8 fold less) is possible while maintaining the diagnostic accuracy in the presence of metal artefacts from the exomass and/or endomass.
The optimised scanning protocol used in this study was based on the study of Oenning et al. (2018)26 that evaluated 6 different scanning protocols at a fixed FOV (8 x 8 cm) but varying kVp, mAs, number of basis images, and voxel size to the visualisation of anatomical features of peadiatric skulls. They selected this protocol, as the optimal one, based in the observers scores and exposure factors. To propose a higher reduction of radiation dose and increase the exomass, this study used a smaller FOV size (5 x 5 cm). It is important to highlight that the present study was based on the suggested optimal protocol only as we used the same CBCT unit. The use of literature-based optimised protocols should consider that the effective dose and the image quality can change between CBCT units.6
Some exposure settings, such as the mAs and kV, are normally pre-adjusted by the manufacturer that is supposed to have considered the diagnostic task, patient size and age when aiming for better image quality.9 The mAs has a directly proportional linear relationship with the number of X-ray photons since it affects the number of electrons available in the cathode of the tube when X-rays are produced. Additionally, the kV is responsible for the voltage at which the electrons are subjected and, consequently, for the energy of the resulting X-ray photons, which affects the balance between photoelectric and Compton effects when interacting with the matter. Although higher mAs and kV values are positive for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, the radiation dose is inevitably increased as well.3,11,28 Pauwels et al.28 studied the isolated and combined effect of mAs and kV on the radiation dose and contrast-to-noise ratio, and suggested that optimisation in CBCT should be based only on mAs reduction because the highest kV value used demonstrated less image degradation even at lower dose levels. Conversely, other studies on dose optimisation showed that both the mAs (from 105 to 52.5 and 157.5 to 87.5) and kV (from 90 to 80) can be reduced without significant impact in the accuracy of diagnostic tasks such as assessment of impacted maxillary canine and periodontal structures.2,29
In the present study, the radiation dose of the protocols was assessed by the dose-area-product, in Gy.cm2, which is the absorbed dose multiplied by the irradiated area provided in the CBCT unit once the exposure settings are selected. It stablishes achievable X-ray dose and relates reasonably well with effective dose.30,31 Previous studies also reduced the dose-area-product without a negative influence on the diagnostic accuracy of impacted maxillary canine (52%)2, periodontal structures (55%),29 and peri-implant bone lesions (93%).32
Optimised CBCT protocols should consider several key-points such as patient age, size and gender, exam indication and, mostly, the balance between risks and benefits of the exam.26 The European Society of Endodontology19 and the American Association of Endodontists guidelines17,18 advise the use of limited FOV CBCT for endodontic purposes; furthermore, the scientific literature has shown positive results of optimised CBCT protocols by using half-scan to detect root fracture22,23 and lower mAs and half-scan to detect external root resorption.21,24 Importantly, unlike from the present study, none of these studies considered the presence of metallic materials in the scanned area, which can cause artefacts on CBCT images and negatively influence the diagnostic accuracy.33 Bechara et al.22 made use of endodontically treated teeth with gutta-percha and showed a significant increase of false-positive diagnosis of root fracture when the number of basis images was halved, due to an increase of beam hardening artefact in the image by gutta-percha. However, the accuracy and sensitivity did not vary significantly.
Because high-density materials are frequently used in oral rehabilitation, the indication of small FOV CBCT for endodontic purposes increases the possibility of having them in the exomass. It is therefore important to consider this condition for the study of optimised protocols as high-density materials in the exomass have shown to negatively impact the CBCT image quality,13,14 however, on the other hand, have shown to not affect the diagnostic accuracy of vertical root fracture.15 In the present study, the presence of titanium implants or cobalt-chromium intracanal posts in the exomass and/or endomass did not influence the diagnosis of VRF at both standard and optimised protocols.
In order to only analyse the effect of artefacts arising from metallic materials around the tooth of interest, in the exomass and/or endomass, the present methodological design made use of fiberglass endodontic posts in the teeth of interest; they are currently used to reduce the tension of the root in an aesthetic restoration of endodontically treated teeth.34 Previous studies have shown higher diagnostic accuracy of root fracture and less occurrence of CBCT artefacts in the presence of fiberglass post, when compared with gutta-percha and metallic alloys posts.25,35 This can be possibly attributed to the different composition of these materials, considering that higher atomic number can produce more CBCT artefacts. Thus, hypodense streaks of the artefacts can mimic fracture lines and increase false-positive diagnosis.36,37
Overall, the reduction of mAs and kV on an optimised CBCT protocol was applicable without significant impact in the diagnosis of VRF. Despite the wide number of CBCT units available in the market presenting different configurations for scanning,38 it is important to highlight that the outcomes of the present study encourage the search for dose optimisation. Further assessment of other CBCT units is needed to establish machine-specific dose-optimised protocols with solid indications and limitations in the diagnosis of VRF.